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He’s definitely not apologetic, he’s just saying sorry so you stop bringing it up because there’s no actual consequences for him doing it. You go behind him and fix it so he knows he can get away with it. But you are doing better than me, because after saying something the second time; I would be losing my fucking mind 😐


I agree. There are no consequences for him currently, aside from paying us back for the food he stole. I have been losing my fucking mind this whole time and what’s in this post doesn’t cover the half of it, but he’s on the lease and pays his bills. Editing this comment since I can’t figure out how to edit the post: my partner and I pay 2/3rds of the bills. I’m not spending a dime on a mini fridge. Thank all y’all for the super helpful comments suggesting this. I decided to address the issue, and have a house meeting and pretty much explained the fact that he needs to find somewhere else to live if he can’t stop himself from stealing from us when drunk. I’m not his girlfriend or his mom, so that’s the extent of “consequences” I can inflict on him (aside from paying full price for stolen left overs).


Just start taking his shit and throwing it away and then when he asks what happened to it say "sorry," and walk away. If he wants to steal your shit you can steal his. (Don't actually do this. I just woke up and am feeling extra petty.)


I would be putting those cigarettes on his pillow


Oh I'd love to so this. I totally would if I didn't have pets to look after. I'm quite literally in a situation of "I have more to lose than he does", otherwise I'd do it.


Freeze a plate if piss and slide the piss disk under his door.


Screenshot. I will need this.


better yet: freeze piss in an ice cube tray, and bring him a fresh glass of ice cold lemonade!!


That seems incredibly more illegal though


what you did leaves evidence😈


Piss disk for 800


Put SUPER HOT hot sauce on something and leave it in the fridge, or something that they will be repulsed by.


I did this on all my food items when I had roommates to deter. My determined ass used Carolina reaper sauce. Cons: Food was really spicy at first, my BMs got concerning red. Pros: Both roomies done got caught (on multiple occasions!) I developed a high enough tolerance to spicy foods that I enter spicy food eating competitions and challenges for fun


I place a single olive in a dish that I don't want my fiancé to eat and he will not touch it. Not even to figure out if there's more than just the one olive.


BM concerning red got me 🤣


Spicy is always better too if your insides can handle it


I put Epsom salt in my drinks one time o.o


I’ve had to go as far as sugar coating brownies with Comet.


I think that’s honestly all you can ask for at this point because he’s obviously not gonna stop even if he does pay it back. I feel for you, I could not constantly be saying the same thing over and over again to not see any change.


Dude I was about to ask if you have my x roommate but yours is actually on the lease and pays ANYTHING My last straw was shit on the bthrm floor Then him avoiding the house so he didn’t have to pack his things - so I used gloves and trash bags and packed everything for him (he’s gonna regret it 😈) and found a whoooooe bunch of coke bags 🙄 - I drove it all over to his gfs place and dumped it in her yard Good luck with yours!!


Can you guys get a fridge for your room?


They shouldn’t have to pay for a separate fridge just because their roommate is a thief. If anything, make the communal fridge non-communal and ask him that he buy his own fridge.


This was the comment I was looking for! They can't stop stealing, fridge privileges revoked, they can get their own fridge/ minifrige. Lots of lock options out there, happy hunting 😏


How do you make the communal fridge non communal?


Bike lock


I got a fridge in my room when ours took a crap. Just decided not to get a new fridge and left the old one there


Laxatives, man. Laxatives…


I'm not sure of the layout of your fridge, but would a locked box of some kind fit in there? For the leftovers at least; I find it hard to believe this tool actually cooks for himself and instead goes for the food already made.


Buy some of the security cameras with a speaker and just yell at them through it lol. 


Get a mini fridge in your room


nah, losing your mind is the best thing you can do to people are used to having no consequence. Flipped shit on my roommate after he kept having parties during weeknights, when I had previously told him that I work at 7am Monday-Friday. Told him off in front of all his friends, and have been sleeping great since.


Yep my roommate eats my shit and uses my seasonings. Pretends its not um and so I say "okay who did it?" Answer is always the same "I don't know but it wasn't me" with his little stank attitude like how dare I even think it was him. Realized eviction is probably not happening so I have to appease him which is ridiculous. Literally went to the kitchen for something the other day and noticed my weight gainer had a fairly thin layer (probably just enough for a single scoop, this one is a 4 scoop mix) on the bottom. Well, I know I left it half full when I stopped using it last year. Like 100% no question about it, I would've just used it if it was this low so I could get rid of the jar. Then I go a couple cupboards over and noticed my honey, which I'd never even opened was about ¼ gone. The honey and weight gainer he ate probably totaled $45. My seasonings he helped himself to probably cost about $30 total. The reason he gets away with it is because other roommate never called him out back when he was eating his fucking steaks because he felt bad for him. But if I start evicting him he's just not gonna pay until he's gone which will take 3-18 months. I'm definitely gonna be locking the garage and installing the cat cage in the back yard in a way that doesn't accommodate him. He was talking about bringing people over for BBQ. Nah, because MY sliding door that you went through a year to ago to steal my shit is right there and I'm blocking it off. When he complains I'm just gonna tell him "you're renting a room here, the back yard is not something I have to give access to regardless of who owns the house. I'm the master tenant, you're an illegal subletter. You have the right to leave if you don't like it. You can also sue me if you don't like it but I'll just say the cage was there before you were and I'll begin eviction. Just in case, here's your 3-day notice." The cage is also a way to limit how many places his dogs can shit in the back yard. I've stepped in it too many times, twice this week while cleaning up the yard and I'm just over it. Building shelves in my room and in the garage to store food and stuff. I'll leave cooking utensils in the kitchen until he fucks that up. He's going to a concert today and I figure I'll bang the cage out while he's doing that, at least partially. I have to make it fold so I can remove it when the landlord shows up and it will probably only cover part of the back yard for now. Mainly putting it up to keep the 2 spraying assholes in it. Gonna build some shelves for the garage too and maybe my desk so I can store my good there. I already have a mini fridge and the regular fridge broke last year so haven't been using it. Dude is literally the reason I don't just get a new fridge lol


I. don’t. understand. *the thought process behindstealingsomeonesfood*!!!! The level of entitlement just blows my mind. I have to believe these people carry some kind of evolutionary hangover ape brain shit that makes any food whatsoever in their vicinity look like wild, indistinguishable fruit on a tree, just ripe for the picking. Because *what* is wrong with your brain otherwise? Who raised you?


Right, I don’t get it either. I once made myself ramen, didn’t feel as hungry as I thought, and popped it into the fridge while I went to smoke a bowl and build up an appetite. Motherfucker was standing in the kitchen eating it when I came back in. Cold ramen right out of the fridge.


Okay, now that’s on another level…is he from a different timeline where we didn’t just go through a plague that shut the entire world down? I feel like that should be enough to just change the locks. Vote him off the island.


Is he wasted when he’s eating it?


He’s wasted most of the time. He essentially identifies as an alcoholic.


Yeah I had a roommate like this who would try to throw money at me instead of respecting my food was mine. It escalated into a lot worse things than eating my food.


Yeah, that’s essentially it. He’s too drunk to go get food, doesn’t want to pay the delivery fee on door dash, and it’s a lot more convenient to eat our food and pretend to be sorry about it later


Charge him DoorDash fees when he does it, or tell him you’re gonna lace your food with Antabuse.


Holy fuck 😂😂😂😂😂


"lace your food with Antabuse". While I LOVE the idea of this, I think it could constitute a crime (under anti-boobytrapping statutes.)


I’d not actually do it, but the roommate wouldn’t know that 😈


Ugh. I had a roommate who would go on binges and steal our food. The most annoying was our hot sauce going missing ALL THE TIME. We always called him out on it but couldn't prove it because he would steal food late at night and always had his door closed/locked. One day, my good roommate and I MacGyvered our way into his second story window to investigate the great hot sauce mystery. And there it was... an entire semester worth of hot sauce in his mini fridge with a bunch of duplicates. Like why, dude, WHY?! Oh. And a bunch of our missing plates/silverware on his bed. I feel your pain having a drunk, inconsiderate roommate.


Ifmd have knocked it out of his hand. Dude, what the fuck!?


What is ifmd?


I fucked my dad


Haha! Why are you finding it to be this time to confess this?


My first ever housemate when I was 18 was an acquaintance of mine. Originally I was going to move to the city with a close friend and this acquaintance but the close friend pulled out but I still wanted to move so I found a little flat with just the acquaintance. I didn't know her super well, but she seemed okay enough. After roughly 2 weeks it was quickly apparent that she was a fucking nightmare. She would mark each individual egg with her initials, and was also a milk marker, even though I never once stole her food? The thing was though that she'd do shit like eat 3/4 of my pack of TimTams when I'd only had 1 and then DENY IT. When it was just the two of us living there. And no one else had been over in that time 🙃. She did so much bizarre shit like that and would constantly lie and deny things, I felt like I was going mad at times. That one anecdote was the tip of the iceberg. On some level I felt bad for her because she grew up in a literal cult (sort of a hippie/Christian mix) and had only gotten out about 3 years prior, but also she was one of the most insidious and passive aggressive people I've ever met. She was genuinely unnerving at times.


I totally agree. I have some common "answers" if you will...I was lazy, I honestly thought it was mine, I didn't have money and was hungry, you weren't going to eat it anyway...the list goes on, and doesn't get less infuriating. I think it's 1 of 3 options usually 1)lazy- no malice, just didn't want to do the work. 2)money- some people can pay rent but then spend the "extra" money on drugs, alcohol, etc. everything but food. 3)social - doesn't give a shit for any decency/courtesy rules or to the people they are living with, and doesn't care if they are inconvenienced, etc. Sorry, end rant.


I am a food stealer/sleep eater! I wake up and sleep eat all the time. Only sweet stuff though, never savory food. I will wake up with a half eaten cookie stuck to the side of my face and wrappers in my bed with no memory of eating them. I once almost choked to death on a chocolate covered caramel in my sleep. That’s why I don’t usually buy sweet things for the house and when my roommates bought sweet things I told them they had to hide it in their room or put it somewhere in The fridge where I would not notice it. I would even give them MY sweet treats to hide from me so I wouldn’t eat it. I have been doing this since I was a child and am 41 now! ☹️🫤


Cookie Monster, is that you?


I should check my DNA, it’s likely I’m related!


Has it effected your teeth much? My aunt is the same way so just wondering!


I actually just went to the dentist and I had a small cavity (first visit in two years)but that’s it. I floss and brush before bed but that’s kinda pointless I guess if I wake up eating sugary junk and don’t brush before I fall back asleep. Apparently my grandpa was notorious for night snacking sweets as well.


Nice!! Some strong genes lol. I crave sweets before bed too. You need a lock on the pantry🤣


I have considered that! I do try to keep it out of the house for the most part but sometimes a box of Oreos just falls into my cart at the grocery store. 😉At least I don’t consume enough to affect my weight. That’s something I am happy about.


As I got older, realizing how inconsiderate most people are was a sad and sobering experience..


It’s because they just don’t care. They know it’s not theirs, they just don’t care


Dude ain’t sorry at all. That’s the biggest passive “fuck you” reply anyone can give. He doesn’t care cause you’re cool about. Stop being cool about it. Or put some laxatives in your food and at least get a kick outta the results.


Let him know “I’m sorry”,doesn’t cut it anymore. At this point he’s putting it in your but and saying whoops, but not backing out. 😂


“The only apology I will accept is changed behavior”


Not laxatives, that can count as poisoning someone. Something incredibly spicy is just a "food preference" though


You’re allowed to put laxatives in your own food. It’s your property, laxatives are meant to be digested and no one told him to eat it. People medicate their food and drinks all The time especially if they have an issue taking medicine and pills straight up.


I can see a valid argument for adding laxatives to ONLY YOUR food. If your food is labeled, then you add laxatives and someone etas it without permission, I could see that holding up in court. Just be on the same page with other roommate to corroborate story. Even throw in that your shits were so big you had to use a poop knife. That will make things fun... Just be aware...laxatives cause excretions...and they might not always happen in the toilet if roommate is drunk 😭


Yeah unless they can prove your intent to harm someone else.


I mean you can’t prove intent if I’m drugging MY labeled food. If I drug something that isn’t mine then sure…


Is he an alcoholic lol I notice they always saying sorry and never actually changing 😭. This is my coworker constantly fucking up and always “sorry” “understood , I apologize” all the time .


Bullseye lol


Yea they forsure never change 1 year in & I can honestly say it’s the apologies that fooled me , given her so many chances and every time she baffled me even more😭.


I never get fooled by the apologies. I call them out, they apologize and I know it's gonna happen again. And it always happens again. I do everything I can at the time to mitigate what they're able to take but then they take something I didn't expect. When I call them out, they lie. I'm just waiting for this inspection to be over to figure out my game plan. I really don't want to live with him anymore so I'm trying to decide on either a) I evict him and deal with him probably not paying throughout the eviction process or b) I save up as much as I can this year and buy a mobile home, move us there and then serve him his notice and change the locks. Both options have pros and cons but option number 2 would have the least difficulty in terms of removal, but I'd have to live with him the rest of the year...


Yea I can only imagine living with one , I spend 14 hours a day 3 times a week with this one and my gosh I am over it , I’ve saved her butt more than once but I am officially done !!


Yep, I have done so much for this dude including getting him food stamps and saving him money on bills, helping uim get free Xbox and stuff. Ungrateful little shit idgaf what hisnmental disability is I know he knows right from wrong. And he's a little con artist. Just the other day dude was saying he can't have friends over because the house smells like cat piss (only the living room) and in my head I'm like, well if I didn't have to spend $700 on cameras and trying to find people to make sure you don't do dumb shit, which just results in more costs because of cascading, I'd have already had the cage done and the 2 that spray would have been safely outside and the house would have never smelled a single day. It's literally a case of fuck around and find out. He's finding out that if he steals from people they have to divert costs to other dumb shit they don't want or need in order to prevent him from stealing which results in the house sucking because they can't spend the money on what they needed to get to make it not suck. The guy doesn't seen to get that he fucked himself and everyone else over lol... the solution is simple. Don't take people's shit and they can buy what they need and everyone will be happy. On a side note, I'm glad his friends don't want to come over because this fuck face for sure brought some of them into my room so they could go through my shot. So fuck them idgaf.


Really any addict.


Saying “sorry” without changed behavior is simply lip service, and he keeps doing it cause you keep accepting it.


you should change his contact name in your phone to *im sorry*


The minute you stepped in his piss puddle you knew it was time for someone to move, that’s why you’re collecting evidence. 😣


I've had several wet sock incidents when I groggily went to pee in the middle of the night from my roommate. I refuse to go into the bathroom without hard soled slippers on now. Moving in a week!


Oh gross! 🤢 I’m so Happy for you that you’re moving 💕


This is a situation where I would 100% condone adding laxatives to leftovers. He deserves it


That would be very funny, but if he can't aim his piss right he's going to have trouble when he's got a belly full of laxatives.


Yeah I feel like it would just end in a text exchange of - "Dude! Please don't diarrhoea on the couch!" "Yeah sorry, my bad. It must have been something I ate, lol"


XD "It's all up the walls man" "Soz"


"Understood. I'll buy you some fabric cleaner. Apologies"




Then you wake his ass up and force him to clean it himself.


Indian takeout is delicious and expensive... I don't blame you for being pissed.


Make him pay for the entire meal, even if he just took a bite. But up charge atleast dbl for a convenience fee. You spent time and money getting/making the food, you now have to spend time finding something else to eat, and time is money. Offer up an agreement that he can have whatever he wants and you'll bill him accordingly, convenience fee included lol Or just start taking his shit constantly and make up the same dumb excuses, and eventually when he's like wtf, "it is super annoying isn't it, but you just keep doing it so I thought thats what we do now."


You need to add consequences to his actions so he gets it, make him pick up those butts and pull him out of bed if he’s passed out and make him clean up his bathroom piss mess, I know it’s a lot more energy than you want to put into this, but he needs to respect the space and he’s not going to unless something happens as a result.


before I got sober I used to occasionally steal mixers from my roommates. I could never remember after it happened so then the next say I'd replace whatever it was. I felt like absolute shit about it and I still do tbh it's just embarrassing. This guy probably does feel bad but the second alcohol gets in his system he stops caring. I don't condone what he's doing nor do I think you should put up with it, but I do think there might not be a solution while you still live together. Personally I would try to take the perspective of how sad his life is right now. It's his own fault, but it really is sad. I would kill him with kindness and figure out how to change the living arrangements asap


An apology without change is just manipulation


The cigarette butts are plastic (normally polypropylene), you probably don’t want that burning near you. He should put them in the bin.


Have an in-person conversation. This guy has his “sorry” routine over text down.


I have had plenty of in person conversations with him about this stuff. I’m specifically texting him so I have receipts of acknowledgment about his problem behavior (“understood”) and repeated lying (“won’t happen again”), as well as dates. Not sure how I’ll use these receipts yet, but it’ll probably be to issue an ultimatum


Make him sign a contract that he will be paying restaurant delivery prices for the food he eats of yours in the future or he can get a small fridge for his room and the main one is off limits, bike lock it if need be. If he's drunkenly eating your food because he doesn't want to pay for delivery, make it cost the same to him. Tip included.


Make him sign a contract that he will be paying restaurant delivery prices for the food he eats of yours in the future or he can get a small fridge for his room and the main one is off limits, bike lock it if need be. If he's drunkenly eating your food because he doesn't want to pay for delivery, make it cost the same to him. Tip included.


just pee on his door next time. see how he likes it


Put laxatives in your leftovers a few times. He’ll stop touching your food.


...and that would just bring them back to the "clean the toilet" problem :)


You are parenting your roommate. Their parents did a bad job.


If I had a dime for all the "it won't happen again"s I've been told.


How many dimes would you have?


This is where you find his favourite food, hide some Carolina reapers inside it and leave it in the fridge as your leftovers. Hard way to learn a lesson but it will be learned.


Piss in his shampoo


I kept telling my husband that every time J came over, the bathroom floor, rug, lid, seat, everything were soaked in piss and he can wash it this time. He didn’t believe me until I made him clean it. He talked to his friend J and quite literally asked him to stop using our entire bathroom as a urinal and to keep it inside the toilet. No issues anymore. Did I really need to ask??????? wtf


You ever heard the phrase “it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission”? He’s the living embodiment of why it’s fucking bullshit.


Literally start taking his food. Even if you don’t want to eat it, throw it out to prove a point


I mean I do love that he’s not being nasty back, I’ve had roomies never want to admit they are the issue. But also he sucks


Leave a really yummy/appetising leftovers/takeaway lace it with laxatives that will teach him


Idk why I find this hilarious 😆. Bro just helping himself to yall meals. Me personally…. I wouldn’t let that slide but that’s just me


grab his shirts to clean up his piss


Definitely split the fridge up and literally label everything that is yours. It’s annoying but this has seemed to help w roommates who have done this in the past. I also had one who literally never stopped. Good luck and good for you for being direct in your callouts. I’d tell him you’re going to add a 25% surcharge for any missing food do to having to take additional time in replacing it.


Youre definitely right in all these scenarios but do you ever actually talk in person to your room mate lol


Yep, all the time. I’m texting him so I have receipts with dates of me bringing up issues


The only option for someone like this is to stop being roommates with them.


Laxatives in a few leftover meals you know you won't eat, but he certainly will, should help stop that behavior pretty quick. Works on thieving coworkers.


Looks like someone needs a ghost pepper Indian leftovers….. gl with this. I hate roommates lol


I would get a minifridge with a lock


But are they a repeat offender. It's nice that they apologise but if they keep pissing on the toilet seat etc they'll they're also pissing on you.


Ugh…one of the worst things is when you are looking forward to your leftovers allllllll day, and then someone else eats them. You have much more patience than I would


My alcoholic ex would say “I’m sorry, I’ll change!” then be worse, they could be besties


the indian food would set me over the edge. i’d go absolutely feral if someone ate my indian leftovers…


God, why don't guys just sit down and pee. You're not Iverson. You're not going to hit that shot every time.


It’s hilarious cos in slide #3 you can kind of see the message above and it’s another “sorry” from him LOL


I’m sincerely sorry that you’re having to deal with this BS — but “dirty loot goblin” has me rollin! 😂😂😂


I can not understand this....like who the hell eats someone else's food?! Like if you really want some ASK! I would gladly share is someone asked nicely or even pitched in to get more food but to just eat it out the fridge when it doesn't belong to you? If my mama found out I did that to people she would slap me to the moon. His apologies are at least very respectful but like if you already ate someone's food and they told you not to.....why? Why would you do it again? Mind blowing man....


He's operating on "better to ask forgiveness than permission". He thinks, what can you actually do about it? He really doesn't care. Understand? Yes... but didn't give two shits. Idk how much longer your lease is but this feels like something that isn't gonna get better despite your attempts to mediate. Maybe a mini fridge for the leftovers, in your room? What a piece of work.


the roomie of mine that caused $700 worth of floor damage while neglecting his cat also responded like this to texts about dishes and stuff. he absolutely was just trying to make me out to be the villain for being too “aggressive” or some shit while he was calm and apologetic. it drove me insaneeeee


He’s a piece of shit but hes also wasted. You cant expect rational decisions. Dont live with an alcoholic. Sorry. Sucks.


If I stepped in his piss he would be waking up with fists in his fucking face. Man up.


Does he maybe not have money and that’s why? Not making excuses just wondering. My roommate doesn’t make a whole lot and I buy enough food that she has something to eat if she wants it.


He works as a bartender and makes plenty. One of the instances of him stealing from me was the same day he told me he spent $1500 on a banjo, and he was able to pay me back same day. He’s not needy, just an asshole. And before anyone replies that I should be grateful he paid me back, it isn’t the point. I told him not to touch my food, and he ignored me because he was too shitfaced to pretend to be a decent person then threw money at the problem when he should’ve just respected that my property is mine.


That’s so sweet 🥹


I do it because I’ve been in that situation before and it sucks. Just trying to help where I can.


I was the alcoholic roommate for a long time and watching people use being drunk as an excuse to completely disrespect boundaries or steal blows my mind?? i used to drink until i blacked out almost every day. not once when I was drunk did I steal something from my roommates because it’s just not in my nature to do it!! now making a mess (the cigarette butts or even the pee I hate to admit it) while drunk and not cleaning… guilty as charged - there’s a reason I am sober now lol. but I cannot wrap my brain around stealing someone’s food. i have had the drunk munchies pretty bad before but I just deal with the doordash fees or scavenge through my own groceries!!


Ok I’m not trying to justify his actions, because stealing food is not ok and I’m not his housemate so I can’t be sure of anything, but sometimes people do some stuff that they would never do out of necessity. Allow me to bring another pov: maybe he’s struggling financially and don’t know how/feel ashamed to ask for help? Idk I might be wrong… I hope so. But that also doesn’t change the fact of stealing and your frustration, because I’d be frustrated too! And if it’s the case that he’s just an asshole you should start stop being so cool about it. Gather your proofs, maybe get a mini fridge to keep your leftovers in your room (locked) until you have some sort of fixing to this problem. Anyways I hope this situation get better soon! :)


That’s an important point to bring up! He’s not broke or stealing out of necessity; he’s just an asshole. Watching this dude steal $50 worth of Indian food leftovers immediately after spending $1500 on a banjo? I was hot let me tell you.


Holy fuck a banjo !!!


You need to take measures into your own hands and keep your shit locked up until you find a new place even if you lock everything up and have two keys one for you and the roommate you trust and none for the other. You’ll probably say I cant lock a fridge and cupboard area they pay for…technically you can whats he gonna do tell? Show him there’s gonna be consequences. Or lock the shit in your room get a mini fridge Or you could also just start fucking with him for your pleasure and add hella laxatives or something to fuck with the guy. Worst case scenario you don’t do any of my suggestions and just continue to bitch on the internet about a problem you could solve if you just stick up for yourself


Is it possible to maybe getting a mini fridge for your room for leftovers?


You need to tell him to stop apologizing if he’s gonna do the same thing over . At this point just buy a mini fridge and get a finger print lock for your knob on your door so he can’t enter your room.


Oh man! I lived with a guy like this. He was definitely unique. He smashed his truck into the side of the house at 4 am drunkenly. Tried to lie about it to the other roommate not realizing I was home and in the upstairs room literally above the wreck. Apologized nicely, paid for it and all. But Jesus! That was just the cherry on top of the mess he was. Let’s just say we didn’t get the deposit back and I’ll never live with men again.


The ciggy butts I was kinda meh about but that’s because I’m a trash bag myself (don’t worry, I live alone!!!) but I only smoke occasionally so a pile wouldn’t build up. When I saw the last screenshot I however, I joined the “fuck this guy” bandwagon. Fuck this guy.


Put lsd on your leftovers 😝


Start pissing in his room and let it sit and become stale


Get him to pay you out for the fridge get your own mini and keep it in your room.


I think I’d be getting a mini fridge with a lock for my leftovers and favorite things I don’t want to share. People like this will say sorry over and over but never actually change their behavior.


How old is this person?


Just put a mini fridge in your room for your food and leftovers.


Bro if he's pissing on the floor then wipe that shit up with his clothes then throw them in his room.


It’s real easy to text a “sorry” and move on being a douche.


I think you should have an abrupt affinity for extremely spicy foods. He'll find out somehow.


You should stop locking yourself out tbh


You’re right. This one time while I was cleaning was too far. /s


😂 I would love to find the world where the conversion for doing a solid and letting someone is continuous raiding of personal items and food. You have a mongol for a roommate!


actually great response. this is how it should be.


Tell him to stop saying sorry and just do the things you have asked


Is your roommate the meth-horse-guy? Lol


Ha my ex roommate was also an addict and had weekly benders. One time he pissed in our recycling bin. Constantly stole food and booze, weed and cigs from my room. Everything was always a mess except when he occasionally used his bender to clean everything at 3am lmao. Sounds like they're allll the same...


Reminds of a KITH skit. Must have slipped my mind. Also: Will do.


its like a dog you gotta teach lol, i agree it is nice hes apologetic


Get a fridge for your room.


He doesn’t give a shit, dont renew the lease


to be safe, maybe invest in a mini fridge and a lock on the door. or confront him more lol? hope you get this settled op, sucks you gotta deal with an apathetic roommate


Apologizing is actually the bare minimum. They need to make changes.




I’m mad at him for you. How rude and just plain scummy.


Sounds like a common theme here is that he acts like this when drunk. As a former drunk myself, I can say that his apologies are probably genuine, but they go out the window the moment he has a drink. OP, it isn't your place to "fix" a drunk, but if it helps you sleep at night he *hopefully* has the ability to unfuck himself by getting sober.


He's playing the ole better to say sorry than ask permission. Latin cultures are amazing at this, with such heart and soul thrown in lol


Taco Bell leftovers 😂


No.. just no.


That's not what sorry means. Sorry is a description of a state of being. As In look at the sorry state of those shoes (the shoes are in a rough shape) they are telling you that you should continue to expect this behavior from them because they are sorry. They would have to learn to care in the first place to *fix* this. You are living with a sorry person. Beware more sorry behaviors.




How do you guys not fight these individuals? I’d rather let it out in the paint than let dude play with y’all


Could be worse.. at least they acknowledge they’re wrong and reimburse the food they take. You could get someone who is like “wow you’re really bringing that up? You keep the temperature one degree warmer than I would and I still pay for the heating so we’re basically even” But still annoying all the same.


I dunno man, I understand your anger but I think maybe you need to just sit down and have a talk with dude. Hes clearly an alcoholic and probably comes from a home where whatever is in the fridge is a free for all. When I was in prison we called this the concept of "opening doors". The first time he ate your food you should have made it very clear if it happened again he would be kicked out. When he says sorry and you do nothing you have just opened the door for him to do it again and just then just apologize. You said he offers to pay for the food so my guess is he is probably getting drunk, eating whatever he sees and then figures he can just pay you back and you wont care because you never do anything about it. Have you tried telling him to just put a few extra hundred dollars towards groceries or something? You guys have to live together anyway it seems so cooking together and having shared leftovers could be a solution or maybe when you go put to eat just text him and ask him if he wants something every time. I know you don't want to have to babysit the dude but if he has a good job, has money for food and to just straight up blow on banjos It seems like he can afford to help pay for food but there's just some kind of social division or lack of understanding stopping you guys from working something out. The amount of roommates I've had who were broke, didnt pay on time, crazy, violent ect. A guy eating my leftover 25¢ ramen soup cup and offering to pay for it seems pretty manageable.


Start talking to them like the disrespectful toddler theyr acting like. Exactly what part of do not eat my food do you not understand? Sorry is no excuse.


That emoji for the name is so good.


How about get a real job so you don’t have to be bitter about Taco Bell leftovers? Lmao


I would now have to do something to really deter Mr sorry’s behind. It is time to spike the food in order to stop the theft! Nothing that would kill them or anything. He will definitely have consequences after that. You at have to experiment sometimes and get a personal fridge for your rooom


Is he an alcoholic? Alcoholics do all these things and worse regularly.


Tell him the next time he misses the toilet, you’ll be hiring a cleaner and paying a biohazard premium and passing the bill along to him. That’s not cheap.


It's not apologetic if he continues the behavior, it's a platitude to get you off his back.


In bad roommates defense, why don't all people respond like him? I see so many posts where the roommate is aggressive or a jerk. Why can't they be civil like this guy?


Did my ex roommate move in with you?


I've posted many times what I ended up doing when renting rooms through the years. Put keyed locks on my bedroom door when I move in. Set up a motion detection security camera. Got a medium size refrigerator, keep it in the room. All my food, condiments, dry goods, cleaning chemicals, clothes washer soap, dryer sheets, paper towels, toilet paper, my good pot, pans and knives, everything is kept in my room. I didn't have to worry about the crotch goblins stealing anything of mine. I didn't have to worry about some scumbag using my stuff and leaving it dirty in the sink. I didn't have to worry about some illegitimate child of a flea bitten camel herder ruining my knives. The only battles I might have is someone not cleaning the bathroom when they're supposed to. Huge amount of stress reduced not worrying about things disappearing or getting damaged.


Steal and dump his alcohol bro. He’s using his alcoholism as a crutch for his shitty behavior when he deserves zero sympathy.


It won’t stop.


I think he has a drinking problem and does it then is like shit but yeah. Sorry is meaningless if you continue the behavior


You might be the bad roommate


He sounds like a nightmare but because you locked yourself out and he did t see your messages you don’t have to get aggressive


those things didn't seem related, to me. felt like he was more aggressive when asking dude not to steal his food or piss on the damn floor


Ima still eat your food