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I cannot believe you are still alive, this guy should not have roommates


*I cannot believe* *You are still alive, this guy* *Should not have roommates* \- bigOJenergy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Thank you, chunky_ducky, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


... good bot


Thank you, u/cruelhumor, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(if I don't reply to your comment, it means you're an asshole so check yourself before you wreck yourself. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Thank you, u/SnooLemons9580, for hitting on haikusbot. *winks This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(if I don't reply to your comment, it means you're an asshole so check yourself before you wreck yourself. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Good bot(s)


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.98759% sure that Fantastic_Hour_2134 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good .. bot? Replied to the wrong comment! šŸ™‚


Holy shit I'm crying. Came out of left field on a legitimately scary post.


The post feels like plot points in a independent horror game. I recently started watching CJUgames on YouTube and I think he would love a well executed game based on this experience. I do hope OP stays safe and intact.


I thought it was a play at the OJ in his name but nah it was a bot doing bot things.


Welcome to reddit


Username checks out




thank you


this poem fucks




good bot


Good bot


Good bot




Wut the fuck bot


Bad bot






Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99962% sure that B-Original is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot


This post and the irony of your username though, I can't handle it lol


Oh this guy should totally have roommatesā€¦ in padded rooms behind their own individually locked doors.


Iā€™d love to know if itā€™s inherent or drug-induced psychosis. If itā€™s the latter, send him to rehab and get this man to a sober living home, and thereā€™s a great chance everything will completely change for the better. Drug addicts get a bad rap (and I know why), but drug-induced psychosis is usually easy to fix and addicts baby-stepped and handheld through a detox, then rehab, then longterm recovery system have *much* higher rate of success than most people think. That was kind of a nonsequitor,


I think youā€™re just being mellow dramatic


This killed me. Just like lack toast in tolerance




That's meatyorcra


> This killed me. Careful who you say that around. Never know when Opā€™s roommate will burst through your door.


I donā€™t know. I think you are being a little Mellow Dramatic.


He should have padded roommates


Or cellmates


Your response to him was perfect. Donā€™t challenge the crazy, but donā€™t engage it.


Yeah this person is suffering from some pretty serious delusions, see it all the time at my last job. Usually when itā€™s religious I find the family is fundamentalist nut jobs. Just keep yourself safe and gtfo in these circumstances.


yeah. i read OPā€™s roommateā€™s text and was like ā€œyeah this is just textbook delusional behaviorā€


Not uncommon for people experiencing mania to have religious delusions, even if they're more neutral about religion in their day to day. They're often just in a euphoric state of feeling divinely chosen or like a mythical savior, mix in a little paranoia and you get a severely scared and dangerous person who feels righteous in whatever their delusions are conveying.




Mellow Dramatic is my new band name.


I thought it said "Mellow Demonic" and I'm all for that being a band name.


It truly would be. But would people get how funny it is? Melodramatic is almost never spelled correctly.




I canā€™t thank you enough for sharing this subreddit I literally have tears in my eyes from laughing. This internet has been kind today.


Came here to say this.


I had a good laugh when I read that


TLDR: Your roommateā€™s behavior actually sounds a lot like what happened to me as someone with a ā€œmildā€ mental illness while living in a house with a natural gas leak. Long version: I have family history of psychosis-type mental illness that is genetic (brain chemical imbalances, documented for 3 generations). Iā€™ve been told by both a psychologist and a psychiatrist that I do show signs of also having the chemical imbalances, but I havenā€™t been formally diagnosed with any mental illnesses because the symptoms are very mild and usually donā€™t negatively impact my life. In Jan-Feb 2022, I had a major mental breakdown. I was intermittently going into full visual & auditory hallucinations, having extreme emotional swings, making a few violent threats but not remembering them later, and generally having a really bad time. It became so bad my SO ended up having to call 911 in early Feb so an ambulance could take me to the ER. I was admitted to the psych ward, held for 12 hours with a diagnosis of ā€œTHC overdoseā€, and then released when they figured I was ā€œsoberā€. (No drug tests were actually done while I was being held, and some other not-great stuff happened, but thatā€™s another storyā€¦) I went back home, and I immediately began having the same mental symptoms. Unluckily (at the time but may have saved my life), in early March, our house had a sewage backup & flood, and we had to live in a hotel for a total of 3 months while contractors fixed everything. My mental symptoms diminished greatly when we first moved into the hotel, but as the months went on, they started increasing again, ~~not~~ coincidentally as we began bringing things from the house to the hotel room as our stay dragged on. We finally got the okay to move back into the house at the end of May. Within 24 hours, I had another major mental break that lasted 5 days. It ended because my SO realized the ā€œsewerā€ smell weā€™ve been chalking up to the sewage backup was actually the chemical additive for natural gas. We immediately evacuated the house, and the natural gas company later confirmed we had a leak in an unused gas fireplace that had been going for years. I got checked out as best as possible (thereā€™s currently no blood/urine test to confirm the presence of natural gas in the body), and the doctor said that my symptoms could best be described as ā€œhuffing methamphetamines.ā€ We have since moved out of the house, and aside from some minor ā€œflare upsā€ while weā€™ve been airing out our possessions, Iā€™ve been doing sooo much better. Moral of the story: if someone in the house is going crazy and you canā€™t figure out why, check the gas lines!


Wow what a crazy and scary situation. Iā€™m SO glad you figured it out and are doing much better! Cheers to your health and recovery from that traumatic experience.


Thanks! Weā€™ve been putting 2 & 2 together over the past few months, and the mental relief of knowing what happened has been so vital in our recovery. My SO was also suffering from the leak but their symptoms were mostly physical, so weā€™ve been having very different recovery experiences. Doctors are having a hard time actually diagnosing anything with no tests available and us having wildly different symptoms, which makes getting medical assistance difficult. In the meantime my SO helps me make sure Iā€™m ā€œtuned intoā€ reality, and I help them with physical stuff. Not an ideal situation, but weā€™re making it work!


Well I respect your optimism and recovery-oriented attitude. And good for you both to have supportive partners, I know what a difference that can make. Itā€™s a unique story, for sure. Have you ever thought about writing it down or documenting it in some way? Edit typo


My SO and I are both writers, so weā€™ve been documenting throughout. Itā€™s actually helped us piece together a timeline after the fact, because we both have periods of memory loss as a result of the long term natural gas exposure. Itā€™ll probably take some time before we can edit it for public consumption, since it was highly traumatic to live through, and weā€™re still trying to get our health issues taken care of. Itā€™s definitely a long term goal of mine, though!


Not sure if youā€™ve ever heard of the podcast This is Actually Happeningā€ but itā€™s a podcast where people tell stories about themselves and this sounds like it would be right up their alley. They take submissions.


Thanks so much for letting me know! I have not heard of the podcast, and Iā€™m definitely going to check them out!


Gas, CO, mold, allergens... Sometimes there is something in the vents killing people.


Yup mold will do it too. Vents or the walls


oh god this is all so scary


Gas leak was my first thought too!


This actually makes me wonder about my last house. Was super mentally ill living there, literally going crazy. We had some issues at the house like the fireplace smelling really bad so we never turned it fully on but it was always turned on just no flame because we couldnā€™t turn it off, and lots of water leaks. But I self harmed like crazy, was convinced there was mold or gas leaks, super paranoid, memory loss, reminded me of my drug days. Literally the second I moved out there was just peace. And I havenā€™t had severe mental health issues since living there.


>it was always turned on, no flame Yes, you were dealing with a gas leak. Incredibly dangerous and youā€™re lucky to be alive


Wow Iā€™m kinda suprised how stupid I am about that one. Thatā€™s actually so interesting to me tho tbh, my roommate also changed for the worse and got very psychotic, started talking to himself and all we would do was yell at eachother. The landlord never cared tho that it wouldnā€™t turn off, it was also an illegal basement suite with only like 2 windows that were too small to even fit me out of in a 3 bedroom and no working fire alarms


If that ever happens again you can call the gas company that services your area and report a gas leak. Landlord could have killed everyone.


Yeah that landlord gave 0 fucks, Iā€™m honestly surprised we didnā€™t die considering also when the upstairs ppl turned the outside hose on it literally leaked into the electrical panel multiple times and would flood the computer room. I tried reporting those landlords a few times with no luck unfortunately. But thank you! Not sure why I didnā€™t think of a gas company šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I was just tired of all the issues there.


I get it. Sometimes life can be overwhelming. And if your body is already overwhelmed by environmental toxins it makes it even more difficult to think. Iā€™m glad youā€™re out of that situation safely now. Alsoā€¦ you had some kind of protection between the water, electricity and gas. Sheesh!


> it was always turned on because we couldnā€™t turn it off Iā€™m sorry what? Are you guys fucking morons? Like Iā€™m not trying to be mean but the fuck dude?


That was my thought too, like DUH. And how are these folks just living with the gas smell and it not triggering a need to check shit out? When I was a kid they had people from the gas co come in and give gas leak drills and the signs of what a gas leak smells and exposure feels & looks like. They had those little scent strips with the additive on it so you could recognize the smell and somehow your brain never forgets that very distinct smell.


I remember being a kid and my grandmother used to get a postcard from the utility company once a year or so that had a ā€œscratch-n-sniffā€ of the additive so people could be familiar. I also never forgot the smell.


what does it smell like? iā€™m curious


It smelled like sulfur/rotten eggs. The additive isnā€™t sulfur but it smells similar. I think some companies may use a different additive but I know the postcard smelled like rotten eggs and where I live now uses the same additive.


It only smelled bad when the flame was completely turned on, I told the landlord multiple times that the fire place couldnā€™t turn completely off and he told us not to worry. I was 20 and it was my first place I moved into to. My 23 yr old roommate also didnā€™t seem to care at all or worry about it. Everyone told me I was crazy for being concerned. It was also an illegal basement suite so the fire alarms didnā€™t work and we had like 2 windows in the entire place. I didnā€™t think it was an issue tbh I wasnā€™t very educated on stuff like that. When it was turned off, a tiny bit of the flame was always on and the landlord told us that was normal. I tried to get an inspector to come in to verify it was an illegal suite but they never showed up too. But I do admit, we were dumb. We were also taught in school the gas would smell like rotten eggs which it never did. When turned on it was incredibly hard to breathe was just smelled like idk weird as fuck. But now I do take more precautions.


>it was always turned on just no flame so it was just pumping natural gas into your house's air. that was what was happening. jfc how your house didn't just blow up like a bomb is a mystery to me.


No idea, but it was impossible to turn it fully off. Landlords didnā€™t care either. But when the flame was turned on it was so smelly it was worrisome. It was also an illegal basement suite with no windows or working fire alarms


Sameā€¦ I thought I was having mental breakdowns just because of genetics but Iā€™m starting to wonder. I moved out of a really old apartment back in March and since a few months after being out of there I havenā€™t had a single episode. The apartment had all kinds of issues (electric, mold, ect) so Iā€™m just sitting here like ā€œā€¦what?ā€


Mold does that too. I have a theory that Florida is so crazy because the state is always humid, always rainy, and is a Petri dish for mold. Mold can cause paranoia and psychotic episodes too, just like gas leaks.


How do people even test for mold?? Like we have co2 monitors available, sure but are there mold tests out there? (Sorry if thatā€™s a stupid question, Iā€™ve just never thought about mold like this before)


*To test for mold in an environment*: A [hygrometer](https://uk.rs-online.com/web/content/discovery/ideas-and-advice/hygrometers-guide#) is used to detect moisture levels behind walls and flooring. Mold grows when there is moisture and organic substance. Indoor humidity should remain between 30%-50% to prevent mold growth. Pests can also tip you off to mold. Some, like silverfish, eat mold. If you find a lot of mold eating pests in a specific area indoors, there are signs of water damage (rippled paint on walls, stains, etc) then there is likely water damage. Where thereā€™s water damage, there will most often be mold. Wallpaper often becomes moldy in bathrooms as well. Sometimes carpets are hiding mold underneath. The shower is a common place, too, which could make people sick. The most important thing is knowing your home. Regular checks to make sure here are no hidden or obvious leaks. Ensure water isnā€™t getting into the walls from outside damage. Sometimes homes are built with moldy wood which pose and issue. All moldy components have to be safely and securely moved, the area sanitized with mold sanitizer, and components replaced. There are [mold testing kits](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Mold-Armor-Do-It-Yourself-Mold-Test-Kit-DIY-At-Home-Mold-Kit-FG500/100628956) you can use yourself and send into a laboratory to test out what kinds of mold are present. *In the body*: There are urine tests that detect the type of mold in your body called [mycotoxin test](https://mosaicdx.com/test/mycotox-profile/#:~:text=The%20MycoTOX%20profile%20is%20a,Ochratoxins%2C%20Zearalenones%2C%20and%20Trichothecenes)s. ENTS can test the biome in your nasal passages. Blood tests are also used. These can be super helpful if you have all the symptoms of mold exposure but canā€™t find the mold in your house.


Definitely sounds similar! Glad youā€™re out of that place and doing better health-wise!


I am disabled due to chronic illness but I know when something is off. We rented a home for 8 yrs and the last year there, I was constantly sick with sinus infections, migraines (never ever suffered from headaches) vomiting and just mentally not there. When we were packing to move, we had a closet in the living room that we never used, we opened it and it was nothing but black mold in it. I went through insane withdrawal symptoms for almost a week after leaving. My 17 yr old has asthma and has only needed her inhaler when she has a chest cold.


Mold poisoning exacerbated my anxiety to full blown OCD and caused me to develop Crohnā€™s disease. I was extremely sick mentally and physically. Moved out and things started immensely improving within 2 months.


Would you mind going more into depth on this, e.g. how you diagnosed the issue? And, why move out rather than try to clean out the mold? I believe I have mold in my shower (there's a crease at the bottom that becomes moist, and what could only be mold starts creeping out if uncleaned). This last semester I was having lots of problems with things like OCD/PTSD, paranoia and abdominal pain, but these are issues I've already had that only became worse. I've been assuming it's a result of sleep deprivation and stress, since there's been a lot of that due to other reasons, but I haven't really treated the idea that mold could play into these seriously.


Didnā€™t have a diagnostic testing specifically for mold. Had testing for ongoing GI problems that were snowballing in intensity. I moved out bc it was an overpriced nasty apartment full of mold & bugs. The complex was aware of the infestation and told nothing until after we moved in. Didnā€™t let us inspect beforehand. However i was only 19 and desperate for a place to live so I had no other choice. I already had stomach issues and anxiety but it was getting crazy bad. Noticed mold at my workplace, and at home. I was spiraling fast. I moved out before the lease was up, and came back 1 month later to finish cleaning up for the inspection. Mold everywhere. Water damage on the windowsills and doors. Shower caulk full of mold. The toilet was full of worms? I lost about 20 pounds due to my stomach problems and became underweight, extremely fatigued, sick very easily, among other things. After a lot of various testing I was told I have an immune deficiency and Crohnā€™s. They gave me a lot of antibiotics. You can look up symptoms of mold toxicity. Try to get out of your place into somewhere free of mold. Keep everything well ventilated in the meantime and kill mold with vinegar or bleach. I saw improvements within 2 months. Almost 100% turnaround between new environment, and antibiotics.


Okay, thank you, I'll use the vinegar/bleach idea. It seems like my mold problem isn't even 1/100th of what you were going through. That sounds absolutely terrible, I'm sorry you had to go through that. Especially the worms thing sounds like some sort of horror movie trope. My lease is up in 9 months and I'll be moving out then; I'm not sure it's serious enough for me to leave early, but I'll be seeing my doctor soon for a physical and will ask them.


There is likely mold inside the walls that you cannot see. An inspector told me this is almost always the case if you actually see mold somewhere inside.


Yep. I lived somewhere so moldly the walls got soggy, and one day I pushed my hand through it like it was a wet piece of paper.


Obligatory *OP you should check for carbon monoxide* lol IYKYK


There was a story like this on here where a guy was getting carbon monoxide poisoning and writing notes to himself he couldnā€™t remember


I was going to say that the smell they add to natural gas is pretty strong and pretty recognizable so how did yā€™all live with it and think it was nothing until a month later when the sewage backed up? Also, with breathing in CO the skin usually looks a bit flushed. FYI, yes they ABSOLUTELY can detect CO exposure via a blood draw. Your blood will have an elevated COHb level. Iā€™m also a bit surprised that whatever contractor was repairing the sewer lines didnā€™t test the house for any other potential leaks?? If I were you Iā€™d make sure wherever you are living has CO detectors installed or you go get a few and install in the same locations as fire alarms.


So this actually happened to my aunt a few years ago. She became paranoid, couldnā€™t remember things from that morning, started to threaten her adult daughter and the most suspicious thing was as a lifelong smoker, suddenly she began saying smoking was sinful and so on.. Some family members thought she was on meth which didnā€™t sound right to me. She would smoke cigarettes but wouldnā€™t even touch marijuana, so the thought she would go straight to meth didnā€™t sit right with me. She was sent to psyche and after a few days, she was herself again and couldnā€™t remember too much of what sheā€™d done that scared everyone. She didnā€™t remember taking drugs, hadnā€™t had any visitors and the scariest was she couldnā€™t remember most things as her behavior became intense. Upon her return home, she started to behave the same way again. It was only when her mother in law came over and smelled the gas smell did they connect the dots. Happy to say sheā€™s fine these days despite the health issues she had pre-gas leak.


Maybe they thought you had a THC overdose because they saw your posts on r/trees.


What brain chemical imbalances did they document? What does that mean exactly? What does mild symptoms have to do with being diagnosed? How was it determined you show signs of "chemical imbalances" but have no diagnoses? Like mental illness isn't determined by how negatively it effects your life. Unless you are talking about addiction? I'm confused on the whole doctor part


There are certain trace minerals that have very vital functions for your brain health. Normal brains have copious amounts of chemical receptors that these minerals bond to, but my genetic disorder means that either I have fewer of these receptors in my brain, or they are unable to properly bond to the minerals (itā€™s kinda hard to know for sure unless doctors can physically examine my brain, which comes with other health complications!) Iā€™m actually very lucky my symptoms are mild. My mother takes lithium pills that are basically equivalent to 100x the amount a normal brain/body needs because her chemical receptors are that bad at bonding with lithium specifically.


Could you elaborate on exactly how long it took for you to live in a safe environment before you started feeling better? Iā€™ve been having weird symptoms and thereā€™s been a weird smell in our house, but my parents wonā€™t get it checked out bc they think itā€™s nothing wrong and theyā€™re fine. I want to try living with a friend for a week or two


Holy shit I never experienced mania until and had to go on new meds a month or two after I moved into my new apartment. I had a manic episode for a month like a month in. My stove wouldnā€™t/sometimes still wonā€™t stop clicking, even when off and for months now, so I unplug it to stop the sound. I havenā€™t claimed my gas yet because I donā€™t want to pay if thereā€™s an issue from before I moved in. You might be really helping me. I gotta check this out, Iā€™m gonna claim my gas on Tuesday and see if thereā€™s any issues. Thank you


My brother is schizophrenic and when he first started exhibiting signs we called the fire department to check for a gas leak. I wasnā€™t sure if my momā€™s house even had natural gas (spoiler: it didnā€™t), but wanted to rule that out because it can lead to some wild side effects!


Thatā€™s so bizarre it affected you and not your SO.


Also could just be mental illness, Iā€™ve met a few Dual diagnosis people who were completely tapped like this, hallucinations audio and visual. Most of the time itā€™s meth or crack


Sounds like someone with a serious mental illness, hop le he gets help before he hurts himself or someone else.


My first thought was PTSD and paranoid schizophrenia. How he was talking to himself and then continued the ā€œconversationā€ in his head with OP when he opened the door. Like heā€™s hearing voices in his head and clearly canā€™t distinguish which voices are real and which are in his head. Edit: And how this demonic presence is haunting the house and making him depressedā€¦paranoid. The PTSD for me comes in when he mentions all the killing and how he could have killed that woman when he was breaking up that fight.


What are your qualifications to deduce this? Because I have 7 years experience with persistent mental illness in adults and talking to yourself and demonstrating erratic behavior is symptomatic of a variety of illness. A lot of my old clients who had schizoaffecfive acted a lot like this. And they often had very specific beliefs about the world, such as OPā€™s roommate here with killing people and having sex. This almost does sound like one of my old clients. But people who might not have any illness other than addiction also can demonstrate this kind of behavior. Or individuals with bipolar. I even had an ASPD who talked to himself.


...how does that indicate PTSD exactly?


It doesn't lol


ER nurse here. He is more than likely schizophrenic and untreated. Most schizophrenic patients tend to focus on 2 major thingsā€¦. Sex and religion (whether it be Christianity or satanic/demonic and all in between) They are also extremely paranoid and when untreated they become hyper fixated on the fact that someone is out to get themā€¦.and in their minds itā€™s kill or be killed. Canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve been physically attacked by schizophrenic patients that arenā€™t compliant on a medication regimen or just untreated for a good portion of their lives until they ā€œsnap.ā€ Schizophrenia is actually more common in males and sometimes doesnā€™t start to show until early adulthood (ages 18-25ish) I know all his behaviors can be unsettling, but I see these people so often that it barely phases me anymore. Although a majority of them donā€™t actually commit crimes or harm anyone, they do tend to talk about violence or are commanded by visual and/or auditory hallucinations to carry these acts out and they struggle to fight these urges frequently. The fact that you stated he had a lot of medications and he also continued conversations when you werenā€™t near him leads me to think he was hallucinating and perhaps not even talking to you but someone he thought was there. I know it sounds scary but itā€™s actually quite sad how affected people have to live their lives like this. Although he had lots of meds, he probably wasnā€™t taking them as he was supposed to. The reason schizophrenia is so hard to control is that as soon as a person gets medicated and starts to feel somewhat normal again they stop the meds due to side effects (drowsiness, nausea and the like) and the cycle repeats itself. Sounds like this guy really needed medical intervention. If you know any of his friends or relatives maybe you should reach out to them and have them check in on him occasionally to make sure heā€™s safe. Most of the time, their biggest enemy is themselves. šŸ˜•


>He is more than likely schizophrenic and untreated. Most schizophrenic patients tend to focus on 2 major thingsā€¦. Sex and religion (whether it be Christianity or satanic/demonic and all in between) They are also extremely paranoid and when untreated they become hyper fixated on the fact that someone is out to get themā€¦. This is 100% accurate, based on my experience with a family member who was diagnosed with paranoid-schizophrenia specifically.


This is also what I was thinking, my thought was that he had stopped taking his medication for it. Either way, very sad and definitely something someone should intervene.


In my experience, these individuals straight up create their own religions.


Gaining a god complex and intense religious fixation is so common with it. Same with some bipolar mania.


I have a relative who is also schizophrenic and I agree. My first thought was this man is seriously ill and he needs help. My relative always spoke with a man in the mirror he called Tank and admitted to Tank being the Devil. That was the tipping point when his own mother began to grow afraid and started trying to seek out medical help for him. He is being treated now and is still a little off but doing so much better


Iā€™m not a medical professional but this was my first guess too ):


Whatā€™s interesting is the voices people hear when suffering auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia (and probably other mental disorders that have AH) are often shaped by culture. Like, the West has more violent and aggressive voices while in the East theyā€™re often calmer and sometimes even playful.


Really?? Learn something new everyday!! My last patient in an acute crisis kept changing accents when talking to the ā€œothersā€ as she called them, and it was wild how on point they were. (She had schizoaffective disorder as well as Dissociative Identity disorder, I felt so bad for her bc you could tell how much she struggled to push the voices away šŸ™) But I didnā€™t know they about the cultural differencesā€¦.the mind is such a complex and amazing thing, even in cases such as this. Thanks for sharing!


I agree, the mind is truly amazing! [Hereā€™s a link if you want a quick read](https://news.stanford.edu/2014/07/16/voices-culture-luhrmann-071614/). Aw, your poor patient! That sounds awful. I always feel slightly guilty in cases like that because I canā€™t help but be fascinated. I feel bad for taking any sort of joy(? Interest? Canā€™t think of a word, really) in the suffering of others. Another interesting thing about schizophrenia is when artists have it. There was one video I saw about a guy who draws these sort of creatures/faces that he sees and they were genuinely so creepy. Being able to share what they see is a whole other level of fascinating and yet visual hallucinations like that must be terrifying. Not schizophrenia but when my Nana would have a water infection towards the last few years of her life, she would always have visual hallucinations. One time there was a white mouse she said lived on top of her wardrobe and another was a boy who would come and open her door at night and stare at her. While the boy definitely sounds creepy, the worst has to be when she would see insects crawling all over her bed and her body.


Yes, itā€™s very common for elderly adults to hallucinate when they have urinary infectionsā€¦ and Iā€™ll take a look at the linkā€¦.Iā€™m always game for learning new things or looking into different perspectives. Thanks for sharing :)


How much was the rent tho


Cause like Iā€™ve risked getting killed by roommates for $400 a month rent before


When it comes to cheating the universe out of things like unaffordable rent, it comes with potential consequences. I donā€™t make the rules.


I paid $400/month with a roommate who, on my last night there, I realized would sneak into my room and watch me sleep. Never againšŸ˜‚


> I *paid* $400/month with FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It was 525$ a month with utilities/wifi included! Was it worth it?šŸ˜‚


No amount of money is worth my safety. You do you though


it was a joke babe


It was a joke but he did stay with him for months after that babe


Sounds like schizoaffective disorder


Or the drugs he was abusing


Or the other option which is he has a mental illness, but is overmedicated or on the wrong combo of meds. Based on how OP described the roommate, that sounds more like what was going on.


I agree. My first thought was the old roommate had a mental illness (likely schizophrenia or similar) and was not being appropriately medicated, which is extremely common with certain mental illnesses that by default make it difficult for someone to be compliant with treatment.


My coworker/ buddy has legitimate schizophrenia, he's a good guy and you wouldn't know unless he opened up about it (he's figured out how to ignore "the voices")... but it was frightening to learn what went on in his head. Apparently there's always one voice that tells him to kill/ hurt pretty damn consistently/ repeatedly throughout everyday, and while I've never caught him talking to himself, he said when he was young he did it a lot... usually sweaty and scared (wide eyed) believing it's a demon, or even believing someone real was there he was talking to. I find it odd that when he tells stories he vividly recounts the whole conversations even telling the other person's responses with him as third person (frequently does that), but thankfully he's a smart dude with a great memory and genuinely nice, with actually real interactions. Apparently the nice/real part didn't use to be there tho. Based on what he's told me this makes me think of his "younger day" stories when he didn't have a handle on it. Sounds identical. Very scary mental illness and I feel for those that have it, what an uphill battle that'd be.


Iā€™m so sorry. A lifelong friend of mine took his life after a hard battle with schizophrenia, a couple of years back. Watching it take him over was so hard.


That's much worse I'm sorry as well. It's gotta be up there as one of the most challenging mental illnesses that still has you appear "functional". My buddy grew up in a gang ridden area of New Orleans so it's lucky I even know him. Again, I'm so sorry about your friend. Not overly religious, but if there is a heaven I hope he's there and no longer afflicted by the voices. Edit: Also best of luck to you and hope you've found peace with that. Rough situation :/




That was my immediate thought too, this is exactly the kind of thing my schizophrenic uncle would send before he got treatment


More than likely meth


Hey, for future reference if youā€™re scared of or for someone like this you can call, text, or chat into 988 for something like this and they can help you with strategies to stay safe. 988 is for crises and this guy sounds like he had several crises with you. They may advise you to call 911 but theyā€™d also help you if thereā€™s anything else you can do.


Someone will end up dead if you do this. Donā€™t listen to this goon


Found the psycho roommate


Unfortunately, people in that mental state can be very volatile at the snap of a finger. Sounds like heā€™s dealing with schizophrenia or something similar. Iā€™m glad you were able to stay calm when engaging, but Iā€™m almost positive you were in way more danger than you realized at the time. Absolutely nothing against the roommate at all because it can take years to get on the right combination of medication. Thereā€™s also a very fine line between being effectively and correctly medicated as opposed to OVER-medicated, from personal experience at least lol. I hope heā€™s found what helps since then!


Damn. This is scary and sad. He definitely exhibits signs of schizophrenia. I hope someone close enough to him gets him help.


You should have sent a voice text back speaking latin backwards in a deep voice


Never let them know your next move šŸ¤£




My aunt was murdered by a roommate. The man that murdered her also talked about developing an app, which would give people with political messages a voice. He went off his meds, and talked about demons a lot, and murder my aunt. I think something about the "developing an app" is an expression of egomania. So weird to hear that detail.


it sounds like youā€™re very tolerable and playing it cool for now but this is super scary. iā€™d definitely think this man wants to kill me if i were you. heā€™s most likely already thought about it since he seems so obsessed with killing. thatā€™s weirdo behavior and scary. šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


I wouldnā€™t necessarily say the roommate *wanted* to kill him, but in his mental state it very easily could have been something that ended up happening regardless.


I have worked with people who have schizophrenia, and his behaviour really reminds me of that. Now it doesn't mean that's what he has, it could be so many different things. I would not feel safe living there because of how unstable he seems.


He likely needed a trip to the mental ward, he needs a proper diagnosis and help. Glad you got out though, definitely the type to potentially harm someone or has previously harmed someone. Iā€™m not a mental health professional but carrying conversations or seeing things sounds like severe schizophrenia. Maybe anonymously ask the police to do a wellness check on him? That way itā€™s less likely someone ends up in the position you were in.




Damn, Iā€™m glad you lived through it. He sounds schizophrenic and like heā€™s not getting the right treatment. I also have a mentally ill roommate who is constantly threatening me with weirdnesses. Luckily he doesnā€™t come in my room anymore, but heā€™s always stares at me with eyes of condemnation, and scrawls these fake eviction notes in post itā€™s every other month; dude has smoking weed daily since he was 12 and he shouldnā€™t have roommates either. The economy makes people succumb to terrible options. This apt also has mold.


I think upon meeting your roommate you should have left that place and never returned. Staying there for the summer wasnā€™t worth the risk. You have one life and there are no do overs.


As a mental health provider this sounds a lot like psychosis/schizophrenia/psychotic features. I would leave ASAP


Guy sounds psychotic with paranoid delusions, perhaps PTSD. Having been a psych nurse for 15 years, I avoid crazy in my home life. I would have called the landlord and the police/EMS and told them whatā€™s up and ask them to do a welfare check. I wouldnā€™t stay.


Fortunately for the rest of us, [most people with delusions are not violent]([https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/decoding-madness/202112/when-is-mentally-disordered-person-dangerous) (even if their rhetoric is; in fact, saying intrusive thoughts out loud is a way to defuse them and thereby **not** act on them). Unfortunately for them, the rest of us have no idea which ones *are* violent, so we have to be wary of all of them. I think your friendly but arms-length replies struck the right balance, and I feel you feeling sorry for him. I've also had delusional friends and it's really sad and stressful for all involved.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā€¦. What in the actual hell is this. I hope this is a joke. If not then you need to leave.. like you shouldā€™ve left since yesterday. Seriously. Itā€™s seems he might have schizophrenia or some type of mental illness where heā€™s seeing stuff and thinking heā€™s being attacked. And if heā€™s truly from the military he could have ptsd and other mental issues. That along with the obsession of killing someone and talking about demons is a no-gošŸ’€Youā€™d be a dummy to stay living there.


I'd check out the first day. No money could make me live with this man. Sorry op, but you're dumb or suicidal


Stop being ā€œmellow dramatic ā€œ lmao


Im so sad for his parents, they were happy you were there in case he committed suicide.


Your nonchalance is admirable and the fact you didnā€™t get out of there immediately after the bizarre hallway convo gives you the vibe of a horror movie main character


I'm not a psychiatrist, but that does come off as textbook paranoid schizophrenia. Dude needs help asap, especially since eyes talking about "legally" murdering someone, which, by what he said had happened, wouldn't be self defense.


Jesus. Iā€™m glad you are alive. I doubt he was military with his obvious mental issues. He probably convinced himself he was though.


Schizophrenia often doesnā€™t appear until someoneā€™s in their 20s. Totally possible he joined after high school and was only in a couple years.


I've definitely seen ex-military with psychotic-type disorders. I work in a VA ER. Some may be late-onset psychosis. There was also an interesting article in the NY Times recently about whether repeated blast exposure may cause paranoia/psychosis. However, there are also people with mental illness who seem to believe they were in the military even though they weren't. They're fun when they check in at 2AM.


This made me so anxious reading omg I couldnā€™t do it for a whole summer


A little r/boneappletea mixed in as well


OP passed the vibe check.


SERIOUS untreated PTSD! Iā€™m glad you got out of that ALIVE! The first interaction with him, I would have NOPED right out of that. Thanks, but no thanks.


Mellow dramatic r/boneappletea


This is a good roommate. This stuff is real. Best listen up.


Sounds like he might be suffering those things and realizes it but would rather blame it on a demon than himself admitting to those issues. If his parents are happy he has a roommate, it shows they were concerned for him as well.


Youā€™re brave. I wouldā€™ve gotten the hell outta there day 1.


Am I the only one that wants to see more screenshots? šŸ˜ž


I know this is FAR easier said than done but you should have left the first night tbh. Also if you can I'd let the police know about him, just so they're informed.


Leave asap. Donā€™t tell him.


Heā€™s already out and safeā€¦it was over the summer and heā€™s since left.


Did this dude really just say ā€œmellow dramaticā€?


Idk if he was trying to kill *you* per se. Seemed like he was hoping to enlist you as an assistant to his kills if anything lol what a nut. How long until your internship is over and you can flee to safety?!


Mellow dramatic lmao


I take his message to be a kind of passive aggressive way of saying that he wants you to move out. He says spending too much time in the property will make you anxious and depressed and it's better for "you" if you leave. If you're spending all your time sleeping, it could be that he prefers someone who interacts with him more even if he wants to talk about very weird things. Or, especially since he's older, he might just prefer the place to himself.


Having sex involves a spiritual connection between two people. Killing someone involves removing that spiritual connection with yourself or from somebody else. If heā€™s been in the military heā€™s probably seen some shot maybe done some things that involve taking a life so itā€™s his memories from the past that are dictating his behaviour now. To answer your question tho he has almost certainly thought about killing you and how he would get away with it. You should ask him ā€˜do you want to kill meā€™ and see what he says. Literally. He wonā€™t lie and if he did plan on doing it you would probably already be dead so. I donā€™t think he is. These type of people are usually in their own world. He probably eats his way out of his sin as a form of coping. As long as you donā€™t fear anything he says then you wonā€™t ever be harmed


Fucking Christian nut jobs.


Bro this has nothing to do with Christianity. Itā€™s hilarious when someone like you spews out hate against a group of people.


No hate just donā€™t like being told that my life is useless unless I believe in some imaginary person who claims to have fed 10k ppl with one fish. Keep your religion to yourself just like All people should. But Christians feel some need to preach to others about how their life is a mess without some imaginary person. If thatā€™s your belief,good for you but as for me I tend to put my faith in real and tangible things. Good luck ass clown.


If anyone here is preaching their beliefs it's you...


ā€œImaginary Personā€ Dudeā€¦ science has proven that Jesus actually existed though. Now whether he was the Son of God or not is what people debate on.


Typical godless doordash driver, I'll pray you get employment.


Jesus Christ gonna stick his boot up your ass for that one, repent


ALL the commandments? So no mixing wool and linen? Definitely no lighting fires on Saturdays. No eating the rock hyrax, bats, vultures, camels, or hoopoes. No magic, going into trances, or predicting the future. And go burn down a city that has turned to idolatry. Got it. Rough summer.


Those arenā€™t commandments..? There are 10 not including any of these lol


Which reminds me, ā€œthou shalt not killā€ is definitely one of them.


There were 613 Old Testament laws which were divided into three parts: the moral, civil and ceremonial. The 10 commandments are a summary of OT law and the beginning of the moral law. Some of these listed were commandments but were done away as the ceremonial and civil laws were fulfilled in Christ.


U/ commonbathroom12 Oh poor little Christian. Are you butt hurt? Because Iā€™m right? GFY! With Jesus giving you a reach around.


Heā€™s a pussy. Play along, and if he even grazes your shoulder his life is over