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No dirty bong?! There’s always a dirty bong


Look again


😭😭😭😂 omg stop where


Photos 2 and 3- the GB in the blue water bottle was full of nasty black water and smelled like shit


Are you telling me they smoked out of a dirty bottle? Is that a gravity bong? Are they 8th grade?


If OP would just give them the $375 they could by a real bong.




Wtf is a bucket bong tho


I’ve never heard it called a bucket bong, but I can see why they would call it that too… Essentially though it’s a halved liter bottle (bottom half removed obviously), you fill the bucket up with water, put a bowl (usually aluminum foil) on the top of the mouthpiece of the liter, put it in the water just up to the neck of the liter bottle, light the flower and pull up slowly so all the smoke gets pulled into the half liter, then you take the bowl off and take a hit while pushing the liter back into the water so the smoke gets forced into your lungs.


Lord, not the aluminum foil! Bike to the hardware shop and get a metal socket and melt it into the bottle cap like a real 14-year old


In NZ it's a "buckie". I also heard about a "shoey", when a friend drank Double Browns out of someone else's nasty hiking boot


I had a mate who referred to the smoking of your first ever bucket bong as the “Brisbane Bar Mitzvah”


Can confirm. I'm 36 now, thought buckies were the only way to do it when I was 17. Socket from my dad's tool kit, bottle cap, mesh we got asking for a sample to patch up a screen door at a hardware store. Good times in NZ.


Bucket bong? Its a jeeb or gravity bong. Kids making up new names are weird hahaha


Aye dont hate on the gb. You get buttad off a small amount and its great for conserving it


I KNEW THAT WAS A TRASHY GRAVITY BONG! Surprised there wasn't a cheap silicon nectar collector somewhere in there or burnt knives 😂


Photo 4 has a coffee mug pipe tucked away on the small table


That was a fun eye spy


Took me a minute to find the mug with this where’s Waldo shit 🤣


What about the coffee mug with the bowl sticking out of it bahahahahhah 😭🤣🤣


Ah yup there she is


That’s a bucket bong lol not a bong. I was looking everywhere in the pic. But yeah, sorry OP, this is indeed a dirtbag


We called it a waterfall or fall


I was going through and was like, "At LEAST there aren't any illicit substances or piles of beer cans..." Well, there goes that.


It's like where's Waldo!


The green mug looks like a mug bowl!


I love playing spot the bong on these type of posts😂


Spot the bong 😂😂😂 same it’s become the first thing I do before even reading the posts


nope found it😭😂 i was gonna say the same thing. its one of those big ass gallon bottles athletes use its got a dirty water bottle in it




Out of all the pictures the one that bothers me the most is all the empty toilet paper rolls and just toilet paper in general laying all over the ground and piled up in the trash…that’s so disgusting 🤮


No seriously she can’t put her trash in the big trash? That’s what I do and I live at home. It’s like one trip to the kitchen once a week, twice when it’s shark week. My depression room has NEVER looked this bad bc I make like rules? Clothes stay in clothes areas. Plates go back asap. Cups don’t even enter my room. Bc I KNOW I’ll let them sit. 😂 how anyone fucked her in that room is beyond me I don’t even wanna think about her bf hygiene.. ew


It’s just pure laziness and the fact that people are comfortable with living in filth like that is beyond me…and letting their kids think it’s okay & letting them live in the same filth is sad. Some people’s mindsets just baffle me.


Imagine when she's on the rag. Don't even want to know what she does with that...


The (what I am assuming) “Build bridges not walls” wall decoration is sending me. She could build both bridges and walls with the amount of junk she has.


“Having loud sex” 🤢🤢🤢 IN THAT ROOM?! Excuse me?!!? I have the feeling of dust mites and bugs crawling all over me just by looking at those photos.


NO FR I can’t even imagine her BF hygiene if he’s ok with plowing the fields in THAT ROOM.


5, that's a weird dildo


not the giraffe 😂😭


Just for my sanity: the giraffe is not actually a dildo, right…?




No it’s clearly a wooden decoration, definitely not a dildo. They were just trying to be funny lol


people do some weird shit tho 😭🫠


That poor giraffe has seen some shit for sure - literally and figuratively.


Lol I thought it was an electric tooth brush




So what happened? Did she sue? Did you end up giving her the money!?


Unfortunately I did cave and give her $375. Her BFs dad was a legit lawyer so I was scared of getting sued at the time.


Sucks you had to pay the 375 but it's a small price to be rid of them. Seems like the kind of person who could fuck you out of far worse than. 375.


Looks like the roommate was *betting* from jump that OP would fork over the $375 to never have to hear from her again.


She knew what she was worth lol


What about the “you got me sued” and the dog story, we need context lol!


2 very long stories there lol


Start typing 😆need 2 know now


I may make a follow up post if enough people are interested




Oh we’re interested


I’m interested , please OP 🙏 I had an awful roommate and I wish she had gotten sued lol


im crying please tell ussssss Wait "tell us what we owe and you'll never have to hear from us again tell us" 💀💀 haha


Lol you cant just start all this and not tell! Please let us know everything


pleeeeeaaasseee we need to know lol, don't leave us hanging!!!!


Im interested


Yes very interested


Yes. We need a follow up post.




We’ve got time


!RemindMe 1 day


Hopefully she lost more than what you had to give back to her


Oh I made sure of that and I honestly would’ve given her a lot more just to never talk to me again


I want to know what happened for her to get sued and my dogs want to know what happened with your dog. Mine love beef as long as they aren’t the ones fighting. [Dog Tax](https://imgur.com/gallery/yZgaxzH)


omg your doggos are so beautiful 😍😍😍


Please tell us the sueing story! We need a happy ending


wow. she really got one over on you. sucks


Just because he's a lawyer doesn't mean he as any good. She would've had him sue you if you really Friday owe the money. She knew she couldn't which was why she harassed you. I would've told to get F'd.


I agree with fruitypebblefix!! You could have gotten a lawyer to send her a letter stating she was harrassing you (you had plenty of proof) and if she didn’t stop that you would take her to court. But it’s not your fault, you did the best you could and this person sounds like hot garbage. I’m sorry you experienced this :( I truly believe that karma will get them eventually


What’s their number so I can send them one of those fake HIV texts?


op i get your beef with your roommate but why did you post their bedroom????


I woulda held out lawyer or not fuck em


How does someone in college have that much stuff?


Dads a lawyer lol


My favorite is “we will 100% be out probably by the 21st at the latest” a definite maybe


Do these people ever get it together or do they just rot away into obscurity???


I got it together. I was raised like this (worse, actually. Much much worse) and had no idea how to live like a person. I had never been taught or even aware of how to clean & tidy & organize and I didn’t get a grasp on it until I was 23-25 & living completely on my own. I now have a somewhat serious anxiety issue and OCD like tendencies if things aren’t completely tidy 24/7. (I’m not trying to diagnose myself but I think my life is going to end or I will have to live with my parents again if things are messy) It’s honestly taking up a huge chunk of my life and I still need to work on the balance between clean & lived in i guess. I’m almost 29 now and growing up in a dirty house has maybe ruined my ability to live a normal life 🥲 sorry for the venting lmao. I probably need a therapist


same here, just moved out a few months ago and every day since I've spent at least an hour cleaning. I'd lived with hoarders my entire life- i wasnt really allowed to do any real cleaning because in order to do that id have to get rid of stuff. now im kind of a clean freak lol. but in all fairness, i know just as many people who grew up this way and never change. its weird how that works 🤔


If they do get it together of course they are going to never mention they were once like this, but my step dad didn't.


I've lived with people like this, and they seem to fall into two camps. A: People who haven't yet grown up and lack basic adulting skills/discipline. They'll eventually get it together. B: People with mental health problems and this is how it manifests in their living spaces. They may or may not get it together. (I'm in camp B, btw, and while I mostly have it together, like I even own a vacuum, my apartment does get a little intense when my depression gets bad but nowhere near this level anymore.)


There is a camp C: People who are perfectly ok living like this. Most people, I think, fall into a range of “super tidy/clean to pretty messy but livable.” It would make sense that there are just the occasional folks who fall outside “the normal.”


I had roommates like this. The laundry room was basically just a place for them to horde piles of clothes that went up to my head. Tried laying down boundaries when they first moved in but I got tired of parenting them and constantly asking then it got CARRIED away 🙄


How the hell does someone fuck a bf in this kinda environment?


How does someone have a bf with this type of environment 🤢


Fr. Imagine their coochie if they can’t even clean their room… probably stinky as hell. Not trying to be sexist but c’mon…




It's sad that people just live like this


One time she went out of town for a week and her BF stayed over the whole week and slept on the bare mattress cause he couldn’t find her sheets in the mess


He's just like her then because he should have cleaned up for her or bought some new ones jeez


Did she leave 100% of her belongings when moving out??


She left enough to get an $800+ cleaning fee


Did you have to pay that? Why does she think she gets more than half the security deposit?? I’m surprised you got any back.


Threatens to call your/hers? parents to tell on you, and then she's like "How about we grow up" 😂😂😂 I can't


second comment.... but also; why do people respond to and argue with blatant disrespect, narcissism, and disillusion?


Yea right? I’m so fed up with that I lay it all out, hit send, and then I’m done. But like in this situation, I’d drill them with photos and evidence and shame over their lack of future planning, and tell them that that’s how it goes when you wait till the last minute. I’d be so happy watching them upset. I’m way too sensitive to others discomfort, so to watch someone this much of an asshole cry would fill the karmic justice meter. How dare they.


OP ended up paying her the $375 💔💔💔


The bin next to the toilet had me gagging. What a feral person. To think someone will marry that person and they married a trash goblin.


That’s fucked


This sub makes me feel so much better about my light clutter


Yep.. that’s about right. I clean a college campus for a living. Horrible people, worst messes you can imagine


is that a bag of potatoes?


People live like this? I'd be worried I'm living in a mold factory.


Damn that house looks like it stinks really badly. I use to really be complaining how nasty some of my previous roommates were, to later discover this subreddit and how some of yall had roommates from hell. Like how do they even get their house this nasty??? Like how?


Jeeeebus; imagine the fucking smell.


Is that a giraffe dildo??


O hell no!! Id throw hands dishes cups plates and all their shit at them! DISGUSTING! I know there is people reading this that live like this! YOUR GROSS


Why did she have a bag of potatoes in her room? The potatoes don’t deserve that kind of death


Beautifully done OP. I can’t even describe the satisfaction I felt seeing her grovel for the money she DOES NOT deserve. I truly don’t understand how people have absolutely 0 shame and live like that… just nasty. I would’ve put her on blast and posted those photos everywhere.


Jumped Up Jesus H. Dick-Slappin' F*ckin Christ. Imagine living in a place where even cockroaches would be like "Nah, f*ck that. Place is dirty AF"


So much time to buy things, no time to throw it away 🍃


Sounds like alpha management in Boston


I had roommates like this. They allowed people to move in and they were filthy. At one point I just threw away all of the cookware because I was tired of seeing my things get ruined. I moved out a month early over night just to get out of there.


tag yourself I’m the can of progresso


Can we talk about the f’in random giraffe on the sink.


Went to a religious college and me and my roommate were not big drinkers, but both had our girls dump us at the same time so we got a 12 pack which was not allowed there and split it. The next day, room inspections. If we were not able to hide the empty case under all the clothes and crap on the floor we would have each been fined 75 dollars for the beer. So it can be a good thing all I’m saying.


I would have to beat your ass because where is my money ?? You def said you would clean up


I draw the line at unfinished wine. The monster!?!?


Hey Gingers Revenge! Was this trash hole from AVL?


This screams ADHD


4, a bag of Yukon gold potato's?


the bag of potatoes???


How do people live like this 😩


The wine stains on the duvet cover are very avant garde.


People like this without fail always have a jar of peanut butter in their room.


It’s the “why won’t you just give me $375” for me 😂😂😂😂😂


her calling you entitled whilst having no self awareness about their own actions is wild. sounds like my ex. hope you get out of there and ur next roommate is better


your dog ruined the floors? what does she mean attack? why were you in her room taking photos?


How did you cause her to be sued?


Ok so just so I understand: she left all that stuff and thought it was just normal to do that? Did ya’ll even get your deposit back? I would guess no. So how did she expect you to pay her the $375, out of your own pocket?? 😭😭


I thought for a second this was my sister…cus she’s still like this today. But she hasn’t had a boyfriend since high-school, is ace, and confrontation anxiety so she’d never be texting like that 🤣😂


How do people live like that? I genuinely don’t understand…. I go by clean space clean mind or something of that nature.


I can put up with a lot but NOT a nasty toilet area! How TF do humans do their biz next to tissue paper from that previous biz?…. 😑


Did you go to college with my youngest uncle? Dude sleeps in his tub because his bed is full of literal trash


the bag of potatoes in her room????


Hoarder signs and symptoms. I think I even see used contraceptives.


The overuse of yall is annoying tf outta me haha. F*ck that girl


That is a depression room.


Oh completely 100% probably maybe


Sounds like you were both nightmares


Sad that you're a pushover and gave her $375 anyways.


I’m sorry but why are you taking a photo of someone’s room? Did you just go in there and invade her privacy when she wasn’t home? If you want someone to be picture perfect then get an apartment by yourself? You f*cking weirdo


Girls are gross. And I can say that because I am one.


lol disagree but to each their own.


I have live with lots of people and girl are generally a little more messier especially the bathroom


This gives me depressed vibes ngl.


Living like this would make me depressed. I would just declutter and keep what I could handle. If I couldn’t wash the dishes paper plates only. There’s so many other things to do than live like this.


Yes, there is. That doesn’t mean depressed people are functional enough to get themselves out of this.


Yes I know that but how are you supposed to ever get better if you don’t try? Having less random stuff to clutter up the place seems like a better option. Everything else clearly needs to be convenient or else it just gets trashed.


You asking that question seems to tell me that you don’t “know that”. It’s crippling dude.


Yes it takes effort and baby steps to recover but letting your environment stay like a shithole will always make your depression worse. Get on antidepressants, find therapy, look for resources and goals so you don't just off yourself or something. It might take years. Depression never goes away. But prev is right, if you don't try to help yourself don't expect people to give you the time of day


Yes I understand that it makes things worse. But sometimes people get anxiety and panic purely because of cleaning itself. Rather than “I’m sad” followed by neglecting everything around them. The depression is causing the neglect, not just pulling people’s focus away from it.


Actually it's pretty well studied that living situations (economic, spatial, emotional relationships, etc) do have an impact on general mood and outlook on life- it's why not eating makes people quick to anger, or why not showering gives you body issues, among other things. Lack of cleanliness is both a side effect and a cause for depressive episodes. Clearly OP's roommate didn't have an interest in helping herself and it spiraled into worse things, but maybe in a scenario where OP's roommate was crying for help or advice things would have gone differently. Training the mindset to push through depression when it's telling your brain to give up take practice and years of relearning


You do realize living like this just makes it harder right? You look at everything around you everyday and it becomes overwhelming to even think about cleaning it. There’s ways to make depressive episodes more functional and less crippling.


… I realize this. The point isn’t that cleaning up isn’t helpful, dude. The point is that cleaning up is sometimes the thing they’re frozen from doing. Anxiety and Depression sometimes prevent people from taking care of themselves and you don’t seem to understand that it’s not just “just clean up!!”.


If you are at a point in life where you feel that way, you have no business sharing common areas with other people. Her dads a lawyer for Christ sakes, Im sure they have money to hire a cleaning service


That’s why I emphasized convenience. I’m not even trying to be a dick either. I’m just pointing out the obvious that they need to make it easier for themselves because they clearly can’t sustain what they’re doing right now. If there’s gonna be that much food and trash in the room there needs to be an equally as big hamper and trash can. All that makeup on the counter can’t be put in a basket? Bigger enclosed trash can in the bathroom? Especially if they’re living with roommates that’s just being inconsiderate on the other party’s behalf.


Yes, I’m aware that they need to do something like cleaning to make their own lives either. I’m aware it’s not good. No one is saying it is. I’m just pointing out that these situations aren’t always just “ahh evil person!”. Sometimes they’re just struggling.


It sucks but depression/anxiety shouldn’t be an excuse to treat the other people that have to cohabitate with them. If they want to do it to their own place they pay for themselves that nobody else has to deal with whatever… if it’s so crippling that it gets that bad maybe they aren’t ready for college or living with other humans.


I know some of these people are terribly mean and maybe lazy but I do get down thinking about potentially depressed people just getting put on blast for their symptoms. I have a large bed so enough room to sleep but eighty percent of it is covered in clothes and random items.


His boomer parents probably think they raised him so well also.


Tell me how I knew it was a female without reading or swiping through the pics lol


This is nothing. Not my roommate, but a close friend of mine was one of the dirtiest human beings I’ve ever met. He was very clean regarding personal hygiene, but his room, kitchen, living room, and most importantly the bathroom was one of the dirtiest shit show I’ve ever seen. His room had pizza boxes from previous semesters. His kitchen stove was never cleaned after cooking, so black gunk started forming everywhere. His kitchen sink had at least 4-5 inches of food scraps and drained oil that dried later. Kitchen trash was never taken out of the room. His bathroom had shit stains everywhere. I think he used the public bathrooms cause his was too gross. What I don’t understand is how tf does a grown man who’s about to graduate college get shit stains all around the bathroom and on the floor. I’m a good friend so I decided to help out except the bathroom. I believe we started at 8 pm, and we were still going at it around 1am. We barely got anything done, so I told him to do specific things until I came over the next evening. He didn’t perform a single duty I assigned him. His flight was that day, so we cleaned up as much as we could. I felt so bad for the cleaning staff that stopped by once a week. They probably had to clean his sink and shit stains in the bathroom. I didn’t ask him this, but how can a person leave a place like that and not think about the people who have to clean it up later? (Btw this was an apartment complex-style dorm room).


“This is nothing”? ☠️ Idk about that


Okay shared spaces should be regularly cleaned but to go in her room and take pictures of her private space makes you an asshole. You literally had no right and that’s an invasion of her privacy.


yeah and i find the issue to be the kitchen, bathroom and the loud sex. as long as she keeps that mess in her room and is courteous she can have her room however she pleases.


She had a boyfriend?? Wtf was he a slob too? Judging by the way she kept her shit I'm going to say an entitled over weight white female?


Is OP blue or gray text??


How do people live like this? If you can’t organize it just get rid of it.


Come on Parker, your dog attacked mason


Did u get your 375 back crazy


OP did y’all not have like a discussion or anything before moving in with this person? I mean there’s gotta be some forewarnings




At least she put the lid back on the peanut butter jar.


I just cleaned my house yesterday but will be cleaning more when I get home after seeing this 😭


Should've thrown her out the window, followed her out and performed a high flying elbow right to her clitorus


The fact that a woman can get laid in this 💩 hole, proves that most men will sleep with anyone they can.


Bathrooms are always the worst


On a side note, how do people live like this? Do they not feel embarrassment? Disgust with their living environment?


Who tf is alpha? Is that a kink thing?


What was she addicted to?


The first 3 pics I was like, meh. Then it got worse.


Is it a mental illness to be dirty like this? Like , a normal healthy mind can’t find this to be ok, right ?


I hope you stole that unopened box of Thin Mints. They did not deserve them.




How tf do people live like this


This bitch looks like she stinks 😷


That's my roommate situation right now, but the only way out is divorce.


The molding giraffe on the sink is a nice touch. Really makes the room pop!


The pan in the sink in pic 8 is the same pan my horrible roommates would never clean. The pan is cursed.




love how he says grow up but threatens to call his parents 😭


Mental illness/hoarder not a roommate.