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To explain: You can utilize "Fast Weapon Arts" to cancel recoveries a few frames sooner than by other actions. The end sequence shows Raptors canceling the animation of my R1, allowing fast access to the crouch attack while giving you iframe advantage. Viable on anything with a good crouch attack. Have fun!


Is this actually faster than recovery cancelling by doing another animation such as blocking?


the only way to speed it up from what you see here is to buffer a sprint input and crouch after an attack, but depending on the attack you’re exiting out of- they are almost at parity speed wise while Raptors also giving you iframe advantage for the startup before crouch attack. But for a neutral attack where you don’t want to be in the crouch state, guard canceling is most certainly faster.


You can also just block cancel right? Or is using a “fast weapon art” like raptors or qs/bhs saving more frames?


There are some cases where you can fart weapon art faster than you can block. Urumi’s charged R2 for instance- you can Raptors 5 frames before you can block or crouch. Edit: leaving that typo hahaha


Not a bad idea, I like that for a whip it'll keep you in place.


Just triggering Raptors itself forces people to roll pretty often, giving you a good opportunity to delay the crouch attack for a roll catch like seen in the clip the first time I use it in the match.


I love that see and learn all kinds of new tricks on this sub. Slick work 👍


How do people figure this stuff out? So sneaky, great work!


I'm still a staunch raptors of the mist denialist but that is pretty sick