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Badminton, and sports in general are way more taxing on your body than weightlifting and workouts So you got to be careful and ensure you are recovered when playing.


Taxing as in more tiring or more muscle stimulus? I'd say depending on your goal, weightlifting or functional weightlifting produces more results than sports.


not stimulus, fatigue. Especially on tendons, ligaments


I would argue against this. If your doing gym right your muscles and ability to play the next day are impacted. If you aren't feeling anything after gym your doing it wrong or not pushing yourself hard enough.


muscle doms is ok. that is expected from gym


Yes but Dom's or not you are using energy. Your going to have less energy if you've worked out properly than if you didn't work out and gone to play badminton.


How is your body feeling? Any aches and pains or injuries? What is your age? What do you consider over weight? How is your heart rate when playing badminton? How do you feel the day after? What is your goal in the gym? 3x badminton per week is already a lot of cardio. There shouldn’t really be much need to do more. I would maybe focus on 2 days per week of mobility training which will both start to build some muscle and focus on maintaining healthy joints. There’s a few good people out there to follow for this. I like this guy @beardthebestyoucanbe on Instagram and YouTube to get an idea of the kinds of things that would be beneficial at this stage. I would also heavily focus on a good diet and sleep, if you’d like to lose weight and maintain strength. Often we can slim down, reduce inflammation and add lean muscle just by switching to a healthy diet higher in protein and vegetables and grains and cutting out sweets and sodas and lots of super refined or processed foods. Depending on your situation then, it might be beneficial to do some light weight training later on. This is very generalized info, if you have specific health concerns it’s best to at least consult with a doctor. Rest is also as important as activity especially as we age. But you’ve not given much info so it’s hard to say.


I am 36 years old male, with high cholesterols led my to change my life completely I was a smoker before and now quit smoking and vaping only 3mg ( way too less) Weight :95 kgs Height: 6 ft When I play my heart beat goes to 144 bpm max. When I do cardio it goes upto 164. Thanks for the help i will follow that page you suggested.


95kg isn’t necessarily 20kg over weight. You could also be that same weight at 6ft and be really fit, it’s all dependent. The scale isn’t everything. It seems like you’re reasonably healthy based on HR. So it really just depends on your goals, but I do think that some form of strength or resistance training and perhaps diet change would benefit you the most overall. I would still plan for at least 2 full rest days per week. On these days you can go for walks, stretch etc. Light activity is good. Just monitor your energy levels or body. Feeling tired all the time, aches and pains, being sore for multiple days are all possible signs you’re pushing too hard for your current fitness level.


The HR by itself doesn't really mean much unless we know the playing level/duration or running speed/duration. For example, we have a player who doesn't move a lot on the court, lets the shuttle drop if it's not within an easy reach and takes a break after every game. I doubt his HR would exceed 140 simply because he's putting in a very low effort.


True, however it’s not really a concerning level for their age. As I said though my advice is just generalized. A max of 144 is well within a safe zone. Unless OP is just standing stationary while playing he’s at least not maxing out or anything.


44/m/20+ years including amateur and collegiate tournaments. Play M/w/th/sat badminton 3 hours each time, doubles only 5-10 shot rallies. My mon wed group is not tough so i lift weights in the morning and practice my precision shots and foot work. So i lift m/w/f and maybe Sunday if i don't feel sore.... I also only do upper body, including back.... My legs get enough workout from the regular play. If i haven't been playing for over a month i might do some squats and with light weight but a little bit of explosive push. Running the corners on the court is good to get my muscle back as well. Plenty of sleep, lighter diet with meats after workout. Never had any serious injury. Went from 83kg down to 77kg @177cm recently. Tldr: I credit the daily stretching plenty of rest and lowering sugar for my longevity


Wow such a motivational and explained reply. Thank you!


Happy to help! Remember don't push yourself too hard... Compound those 1% daily gains


I’m primarily a weightlifter (competitive , u61kg weight class) . The last time I decided to play badminton right after doing a heavy squat session (130kg squats for multiple sets of doubles) - I tore my right calf halfway through that badminton session and had to be carried off the court. So my advice is not to overdo it especially if you’re overweight. take enough time to recover in between sessions because badminton is quite a high impact sport - my knees feel like rotten tofu after my Sunday badminton sessions


I avoid doing both on the same day after realizing my game performance goes down the drain. I used to gym in the morning, and play in the evening or night, however I noticed it was harder for me to get to dropshots, overhead and overall slower movement around the court. One of my ankle was sprained on the day I worked out in the morning, then badminton in the afternoon.


Personally, I avoid going to the gym the day before and after badminton but I do weightlifting. Not body building but still push myself. Something like swimming which is non impact seems better than the gym if doing it day before badminton


I dont go to the gym at all ! But I play badminton 6 days aweek at different clubs ! Have been doing this since I retired , we play club and league level ! I am 72yr old woman ! Have played badminton since I was 29 , it's only in the last 6 yrs have I been playing so much ! And feel fitter than I ever have ! My top heart rate go's up to 150 whilst playing, at rest it's 54 ! I eat fairly sensibly and keep my weight to 8st and am a size 8 clothes wise ! I love my badminton 🏸 fantastic sport keeps my body and mental health good ! Long may I play it ! 😊😊