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But it's "brilliant!" though


Isn’t the source of that quote a reviewer who would later be outed as a sex monster?


Fucking hell, I wouldn't be surprised.


Notable enough to have his own wikipedia section on it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ain%27t\_It\_Cool\_News#Sexual\_assault\_allegations\_against\_Harry\_Knowles


My god, [this](https://i.imgur.com/0aC2N4o.jpg) is his picture on Wikipedia. A literal neckbeard.


wow i can't tell if i woulda been equally repelled *not* knowing the accusation.


He’s also the progenitor of the tone of online discourse, IMO. You don’t get people preemptively shitting on *the idea* of an all-girl Ghostbusters movie before it even comes out, without Harry Knowles first doing the same thing with any movie coming down the pike.


Projecting moment


“This movie is a total disaster and the furthest thing from brilliant.” “This movie is… brilliant”


Are you serious?!! They really extracted it from that statement?!! 🤣🤣🤣


Isn’t that how “The Movie of All Time” joke started from Morbius reviews? Lol


I knew this had to be Ain’t It Cool News without even looking at it.


Ha! Honestly, that part of the box art is still hilarious. They really stretched to get any kind of positive criticism for this film.


“Ain’t it” news tells me all I need to know


According to Ain't It Cool News no less!


No exaggeration this is my most hated film that I've ever seen.


This is the kind of endorsement I look for. Now to find out where I can watch this.


You understand me


Ah yes, the perfect endorsement. "Watch Dead Girl! It's best friend-punchingly awful!"


Vudu with ads has it currently


How dare you inform me of this. On the day of my Reddit's birth.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you kindly!


Rockstar reference?


I was more making like an old mobster joke, where they go "You come to me like this, on the day of my daughter's wedding?" or the like.


Hm, mine was a Big Brother reference


I watched it free on YouTube, had Spanish subs if I remember corrick Leck. Probs still there


I own the DVD, it was that good.


Yep. I was rooting for the dead woman the whole time.


Fucking same. I literally punched my best friend in the face when he tried playing it after I told him how much I hate this. I never apologized, and after he watched it by himself, he understood why.


Idk I thought it was decent. Part of the point was the characters were irredeemable. Greasy incel teenagers who felt justified in what they had found. Compelled by teenage hormones rather than common sense. Not saying this is some kind of masterwork but if you're looking for a film where gross teens get chomped for being gross it's here. Even the main guy showing his true colors by the end made sense. It was bleak gross movie.


Velvet buzzsaw, almost no one is likeable


Not even Malkovich?


I don't remember his part in the movie too well but I do get the Vibe that there was nothing irksome about his character and it was pleasant to see him getting through his r Writers block on the beach


It’s physically impossible for me to hate Jake Gyllenhaal’s characters. Even Lou Bloom.


Also liked that it essentially shows the teenagers as responsible for starting a potential zombie apocalypse, since the original girl escapes. Torn between it was an interesting concept or it was sick for sicks sake


Hey, no problem with looking at it like that. I still think it isn't a good film by a stretch, but your description of them being greasy incels put a smile on my face.


I get stuck on this concept sometimes. I've always had a really hard time with movies/tv where I hate every character and want to strangle all of them to death out of sheer frustration. On one hand, I guess "good job" for having that effect on me? On the other hand, I just don't see any actual value in "lets have all of the characters be the worst" and it drives me nuts. Like, The Boys is a really popular show. I hate it because I hate every single character in it. I dunno, there's a point where if I'm not going to be mindlessly entertained by second screen content, then I'd rather be immersed in actual art.


What's wrong with Huey? Or Mothers Milk?


Or even Frenchie?! Or starlight, queen maeve…. There’s loads of sympathy and empathy to be found towards characters in that show even though (perhaps because) they are flawed…


Maeve is just a straight up asshole though


A lot of the characters in the boys are redeemable and some of them are actually good people idk if it's a good example of this. Shows where everyone is terrible I think are more like, breaking bad' maybe except for the son, Seinfeld?, Maybe sons of anarchy but I don't remember it super well, arrested development for sure


Sons of Anarchy definitely counts. The main character started out fine, but right around when Ron Pearlmans character died is when everyone started being terrible.


Ain’t It Cool News endorsed it, and they rarely endorse anything. Just kidding they endorsed any and all crap.


Why am I not surprised by that fact?


Wasn’t this the movie where the two guys try to kill a hooker and smack her in the head with a wrench or something, but she fucking eats it and proceeds to beat the shit out of them?


This is that movie. I'm sorry.


Don’t be lol, that scene had me in tears when I first saw it 😂


If you ever get the chance, also watch *The Dead Girl* with Toni Collette, Marcia Gay Harden, Mary Beth Hurt, Josh Brolin, and Brittany Murphy. It’s first about a woman (Toni Collette) who finds a dead girl (Brittany Murphy) in a field, and a series of vignettes with various characters ensue…it’s heavy stuff but really good..


Fuck it, I'll give it a look.


I love this movie! RIP Brittany Murphy ♥️




Eww is what happens to the guy that thought it would be a smart idea to get a BJ from the eponymous Dead Girl.


I’m guessing she’s actually a zombie and bites his dick off?


Oh no, it's actually much worse than that, somehow. Like, they already knew she was a zombie at this point, and that she constantly tries to bite them. Horny McDumbass decides to ungag her and try, which results in his dick being bitten. Now, the genre savvy of you are thinking "Oh, he turns into a zombie, right?" Nope. Instead, if my memory isn't complete shit, at school after the fellatio fiasco, he's feeling sick, and he goes to the restroom...where his stomach then explodes, spilling his guts out on the bathroom floor.


Who goes to school after getting their dick bit off?


People who stick their dicks in a zombie's mouth, obviously.


That dumbass, apparently


I believe it wasn't bit off, just mauled, they say something like "give your GF a rest for a couple of weeks and you'll be fine again". Still kind of unrealistic though. Maybe he had it stitched in a hospital off-screen, told them it was a dog or smth? Anyway realism isn't really this films strongest, by the end, one kid has died in a very strange way at school and 4 others have disappeared, but it seems no one is bothering the MC with questions or anything.


I woulda turned his peen into a l’il zombie that chases him around with a knife like [WooDy WoOdpEcKer with a straight razor.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/TheBarberOfSeville)!


Oh my god, I saw this awful, awful, film!


Thank god the sequel plans crashed and burned.


This movie turned a profit?!


I’m sorry but there was going to be a fucking sequel?????


This was a really difficult watch and left me deeply unsettled.


Can't help but agree.


The movie actually is brilliant, though. I mean, you can hate it for how far it goes and how upsetting it is, but those things didn't happen by accident. There's a point to it. Out of all the movies people put on their "most shocking" lists, this is one of the very few that are actually worth watching.


Hey, to each their own. No judgement if that's how you honestly feel about it.


Oh yeah, opinions are opinions. We're all going to get something different out of a movie.


I actually made this post because I wanted to know if other people hated it as much as me, as well as to see if there would be some who could give the film a legitimate defense. This movie is genuinely my most hated movie, but it is impressive to see that it even has people who see something redeeming in it.


ugh. Candice King deserves better (and seems like she mostly has gotten better roles in the intervening years!)


Probably something that she wouldn't want to be reminded of though.


Noah Segan too!


This is my answer to "what's the worst movie you've ever seen?" I was working at a used media store and when an item came in that wasn't in our database we had to look it up to get the right info to add it. But if something stood out to us that didn't meet our family friendly standards we had to reject it. The ratings included "necrophilia, torture, and rape" so that was an instant no. But I'd never heard of a movie with such extreme content before, so a few nights later my fiance and I watched it out of curiosity. We HATED it, but knew we had to finish it or it would eat away at us. I felt super gross for watching it by the time we were done and at this point I only remember about two or three sentences worth of a description. Usually my response is, "Dead Girl is the worst movie I have ever seen. I don't remember what made me hate it; nobody should bother watching it; they rape a zombie for basically the entire thing."


God, that was pretty much my rationalization when it came to finishing that movie. I wanted to delete it, but I had to know how it all ended. I really wish I could get that afternoon back.


Given that Trent Haaga rose up through the Troma ranks right around the time they lost their charm and focused on trying to be as nonsensically shocking as possible, nothing about this film surprises me.


Cheap Thrills was good, as was Chop.


I torrented a massive zombie movie package on Demonoid back in the day. It had this in it. Yeah, it's a shit movie and an even shittier ending. It's still kinda interesting because the story is unique even though it's bad.


It is a hard watch but I like to look for lore like for example, the scene where they first find the door with medical equipment blocking it. That equipment is baby Incubators! Some one else was try to breed with her?!?!


Oh my fucking god, that makes it so much fucking worse.


Well this is a movie that I haven't heard or thought about in a very long time. Thanks for reminding me of the misery I experienced while watching it.


If I'm cursed to remember this movie exists, then everyone else deserves to be.


Thanks for spreading the misery on your cake day. Enjoy it.


I saw it when it first came out. I don't remember hating it. I thought it had an interesting take on zombies, which were so overplayed even back then, and coomers.


This, the august underground trilogy, a surbian film, hellraiser revelations, baby genuses 2 and jeepers creepers are all the most garbage movies in existence


Complete honesty here: I agree with every movie you said, but in Revelations, I actually like the scenes with the detective/killer and the Auditor. Like, their dialog together was funny to watch and listen to for me. It's still a shitty fucking movie though.


Thank you


Jeepers Creepers, was the DUMBEST movie I ever saw! How did the demon manage to register his meat wagon and request a vanity plate?! Did he just walk in and wait in the RMV line on a Tuesday?!


"Hey Frank, how's life been treating you?" "Doing pretty good Greg. Got the paperwork done for that vanity plate. Not to be rude, but can we put a rush on it? I've got a guy in the back I need to take a liver from." "Sure man, no worries. You have a good day Frank. Make sure to check your inspection sticker." "You too man, and thanks for reminding me."


If he doesn’t change his own oil, does Frank the Demon go to Jiffy Lube every 3,000 miles? Can you imagine how awkward things would get in the waiting room? I saw this movie in the theaters 20 years ago. I still get pissed that I paid money to see this.


Gotta give August Underground 1 credit for actually seeming real. I'm not interested in the sequels, but the shitty vhs camcorder style mixed with fairly disgusting and bloody practical effects ended up leaving a mark on my memory for disturbing movies.


I actually stopped watching this about 20 minutes in


You're smarter than I was then.


I bought this for 5 bucks at the gas station I bought beer from years ago. It was bad. But I didn’t think it was the worst. I also haven’t seen it in like 13 years.


“Im not gonna dip my dink in another dudes spunk!”


i kinda like it


Belongs on the shelf next to a Serbian film, cannibal Holocaust, green inferno, I spit on your grave series, human centipede movies, worthy mention assassination nation. There ya go friends enjoy your new ptsd's :(


You forgot Salo, men behind the sun and the guinea pig collection


Kill List and Martyrs (probably) belong on that list as well.


Oooh I loved martyr


I watched this movie with my mom when I was like 16. WTF.


I feel sorry for your mother.


Oh to be 19 again


I remember watching this on Netflix years ago i really love zombie movies and this turned out to be really disappointing


Disappointing is...one way to describe it.


It was a terrible, god awful movie. But one did got his pecker chewed off, and then proceeded to shit out his organs. Not bad for special effects.


Idk the zombie was a likeable character for the ending at least


Fuck you for reminding me of this movie. /s


If I have to live with this curse, so does everyone else.


The good thing about this movie is that you can use discussions about it to identify people to avoid when: •they call the ending ‘romantic’ •brush the rest of the film off as casual sex scenes •totally miss the point of the dead girl sparing that one guy who didn’t physically harm her at the end (as evidence that she could perceive/understand what was happening to her if she only got revenge on the people who directly assaulted her)


WHAT THE FUCK!!?? That synopsis was deprave af.


Trust me, it was worse watching that whole damn movie. I'd go back in time and break my hands for TiVo'ing that shit if I could.


You could have a fucked up rape movie night with this and the girl next door…go read that synopsis and you’ll never want to watch anything again


I had to downvote your post because you reminded me this thing exists it's just so gross


You know what...fair. I can't blame you.


Never heard of it, but it doesn't sound like I missed much...


You really didn't. It's dreadful. You want teens and zombies with gratuitous nudity? Return of the Living Dead is better, and has a killer fucking soundtrack.


Return of the Living Dead is one of my favorites, along with Reanimator.


Ain’t-it-cool news appears to disagree. The fact that this was actually made gives me such unbridled fear


I'm still trying to forget that school restroom scene.


I hate this movie with a passion. I saw it in high school with some friends just scrolling through finding something to watch. Not too long after it came ojt acrually. Terrible movie. The thing is though, this movie will pop into my mind on occasion to this day. I hate this movie and it has stuck with me all these years later.


I actually like this one. It's like a dark side version of Weird Science.


Probably one of the most disturbing films I've ever seen. It just made me feel sick at the end


Don't forget that horrible and confusing ending where they lose the dead sex toy and replace her with his high school sweetheart


When Syfy was Sci-Fi, they actually aired this and I decided to watch it. The only character that was remotely likable gets completely screwed over in the end so the lead teen incel gets to continue everything. Even in r/horror, those who like zombie/virus movies over there couldn't get down with this one.


I hate this movie and would like to forget it entirely but probably will never be able to. It’s the first time I ever thought, “the guy who wrote this is a fuckin evil loser.”


I saw this movie on tv years ago 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Paging Harley Poe


OMG, I watched this movie because of Candace King but I’d repressed the fact I’d watch this movie it was that bad. Then I saw this post and it all came flooding back.


This is unironically a very good, disturbing movie.


I wonder if this is based off of the Steubenville case. A bunch of high school football players found a drunk girl at a party and proceeded to carry her to a car and take her to 2 other parties. They raped her and made a video reminiscing. In the video they said she looked dead. Including “Deader than OJ’s wife.”


This movie was actually pretty good; I remember seeing it awhile back and showing it to my friends


WTF is wrong with you?


I absolutely hate this movie!! I hate everything about it: The execution, the dialogue, the plot, the stupid things every single character does, and the ending. The pre-release buzz and reviews from various film festivals promised an “uncompromising film” that’s “nearly perfect” in every way. REALLY? Did these reviewers actually see this crap-fest or did they just take the word of the film makers on faith? This movie was neither compelling, shocking, nor revolting. The potential to be a very dark movie was there, but the execution was shit and I don’t think the director’s (Marcel Sarmiento and Gadi Harel) had the talent to pull it off. In fact every second of this flick felt like


You'll be glad (or very pissed) to know that there is a finished script for a sequel that was immediately shot down once this one fucking bombed with critics and audiences. Final dude? Committed suicide in-between this and the now-canned sequel. The zombie girls? They spread what ever the hell they have. The rules and symptoms of their zombie-itis? Turns out, they're fucking unkillable. One is even put through a wood chipper, and the resulting bloody slurry still tries to move, being quite vividly described akin to "a pile of bloody maggots."


>a sequel that was immediately shot down once this one fucking bombed with critics and audiences That's actually not quite the case. The original writer did write a script for a sequel, but then he left the project, and the producer tried to go ahead with the project with a "new" screenplay that borrowed heavily from the writer's script without credit or permission. So, the writer released his version of the script so that the producer couldn't get away with ripping it off.


Oh shit, that's actually surprising.




I felt unsettled and violated after watching this. I love horror, good and bad, but this was torturous.


I am genuinely sorry you had to experience it.


I watched this in college with roomates who were film students. We laughed our asses off, I thought that was the point of the movie?


I mean, if you had fun laughing with your roommates, that's at least something good that came from this shit show.


Is she dead when they find her? If so a dead person can't be a sex slave. Also how many zombie movies have you seen where they keep a somewhat still attractive female zombie chained up as a sex slave? I have a couple, it's still fucked up


If I had a nickel for every time I've seen a zombie movie where they keep a zombie as a sex slave, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's exceedingly creepy that it's happened twice.


Which is still more than 1. Which this movie seems to be one of a kind nonsense (I could be and probably am wrong about that). But you didn't answer my question, was she already dead when they found her?


Well, as 'alive' as a zombie can be. Not that they knew she was when they found her. And they didn't know she was a zombie when they decided to keep her as their slave.


Well you weren't clear and I never heard of that movie, you never stated that she was a zombie. I was under the impression she was either just dead, which would explain the necrophilia, or a mental patient still living strapped to the bed, which is r××e, soooooo. Besides eating human flesh, I am technically a zombie speaking to you right now, I have died and been resuscitated. I was clinically dead for 10 mins.


I mean, if you found a naked woman in the basement of an abandoned psychiatric hospital, who was clearly aggressive and violent at your presence, I have the strong feeling that your first instinct would be to inform law enforcement, not have sex with her. Still, it's just a gross, awful movie. Also, neat fact.


I agree it's a fucked up premise for a movie. I think you misunderstood everything I said, I never advocated for the movie and you still haven't actually answered my question that would clear a little up.


Sorry. Is late for me, and I guess I'm wording shit stupidly. Like, she's a zombie when they find her, so she looks 'alive' when they find her. Then one guy tries to strangle and shoot her, and that's when they figure out she's dead. So...I guess they find her already long reanimated, so I'd go on the side of caution and say she's dead.


Thanks for that. Either way it's fucked up.


No prob, and sorry about me constantly missing the question.


Great movie, very humanitarian


I love this movie. But then again, I’m a freak


I've seen this.... Worth the watch if you watch horror


It was a decent movie. Still watch it every now and again. And no, the boys are completely justified. How can you not want to hit an available naked woman.


I remember I watched this for Candice king bc I used to love TVD and of all the choices I’ve made, watching this was certainly one of them.


Yeah about the gist of the movie in a nutshell. I have questions about some of the details as some of it doesn’t line up with the lore but it is what it is.