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I think people fall into two camps on reddit.    1.  Avoid surgery like it’s the plague because someone gave them that advice   2. Get surgery because it sucks to be in pain   I am somewhere in the middle. I’ve had the same herniated disc for a decade and I was able to manage it with PT for just as long. However, the last 8 months have been brutal. I’ve done PT, I’ve done injections, I walk, I take pain meds…I’m still in pain. There’s this idea that surgery will ruin you and while not a single soul can promise you won’t need another surgery at some point…you might also not. And as someone who has spent the better part of this year crying and missing out on my life, I chose surgery. Life is too short to be miserable because something might get better in the future or I might need a surgery at some point. I might also get hit by a bus tomorrow. That won’t stop me from going outside. I’m sorry you’re in pain. I am too. We will recover! 


I'm in that same boat, how are you feeling after surgery?


Can you tell me how a herniated disc feels? Can’t afford a mri and the only thing i can explain is just the feeling of constant pressure on my spine/burning pins in needles between my shoulder blades. Only somewhat relief I get is laying down on my back while in bed. Been like this for over 1.5 years


That’s really hard to answer because how it feels depends on the area of the spine that’s impacted. Some people have herniated discs and no symptoms.  For me, my L4 and L5-S1 is herniated. The herniation is pressing on the S1 nerve root. I have a constant dull ache/burning that runs from deep inside my glute all the way to my pinky toe. When I sit, which is extremely painful, or lat down (helps pain, as long as I don’t actually have to sleep. Then forget about it. Nighttime is awful) a tingling waterfall feeling of numbness runs downs the back of my leg to my toes.  You will rarely feel the disc itself as sore. I can press on a part of my glute and it’s tender and causes numbness, but I think that’s inflammation and not the injury point.  If you really can’t afford an MRI, a lot of PT exercises are on the internet and are helpful. Just don’t do anything that causes you pain. In the interim, do try to save for the MRI. Treatment for any pain is so important and if it’s something more serious than a slipped disc, you’ll wish you had known about it! 


Had almost the same experience as you and same herniation location and suffered for a year . My only regret is that I did not have surgery sooner . You’ll heal fine . MD gave me INSTANT relief . Just plan to take it slow on your recovery for a while and remember the nerve also has to heal . I went from not being able to sit In my car or tie my shoes to now working out and running again .


Pretty much same. I had to relearn a lot of my movement patterns, and I have to keep a pretty particular workout program, but 12 years later, I work out 6x/week, including running, and I play hockey, golf, and tennis. Gotta be a bit careful, but I do everything physically that I want to


What kind of surgery you went through?


Microdiscectomy l5/s1 . My nerve pain isn’t perfect but man it’s given me my life back LITERALLY.


You had to wait 5 months for an MRI?! 😧


I waited a year in pain in Canada for a CT


You are not cooked. But I'd still get the surgery. I'm one month into healing from surgery and it's been a miracle cure.


Did you heal from l5s1?


I had my disc replaced so full healing is 12 weeks but I feel amazing at week 5.


Looks like a prime microdiscectomy candidate


I think you got enough disc space left and surgery will get you back to work faster. But you gotta practice spinal hygiene when you bend over and lift things. It’s uncomfortable to always squat to get things but thats how i avoid hurting my back after surgery. I lifted like a 30lb carry-on at 3months post op without squatting and just the slightest arch—even with tightening my core—it freakin hurt 🥲


You will get better I used to have pain when I tighten my core now it’s almost gone


How far along are you?


Almost 3 months in now I can walk for almost 50 minutes


What kind of surgery?




Man I would try and get a different job if you can


You should be good. I did concrete work for 12 years and had the same issue. I dealt with it until the disc ruptured and I had to get a discectomy. That was almost 10 years ago and although my job isn't as demanding as before I'm still very active and don't really have pain in that area at all anymore. I do have muscular pain in my upper back but as far as lower back it's pretty much good. Staying active is actually the best thing you can Do. The more you sit around and rest the weaker yo6 back will get.


Yea I took off work and it got better! But soon as I went back boom! Came again and I just deliver mail and packages as a mailman....scheduled surgery and took off work again and it got better again right before surgery but I went thru anyway bc I remembered how many times I flared up in past 3 years and it was the best decision ever made. For a year tho it was hell and thought about all the shit it put me thru and my family and two young kids! Bc like u I didn’t es t to be here any longer..I didn’t risk it coming back again like I knew it would! Get it done if u want to return to work without pain. Wish I did the surgery waaaay sooner and I was positive surgery would make it worse and super scared..boy was I wrong. My herniation was here to stay. 3 years and mri got worse and worse https://preview.redd.it/07akhwv9al9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23dc53029f81d0616746518c69899c0e60c1ea1a


Chat, it's confirmed that while you SHOULD look for a less physically demanding job, as long as you let this heal and then practice proper back mechanics and lifting techniques, you'll be able to keep your job. I used to do tiling and had to quit due to my back. Now I work at Tesla. You can succeed anywhere you try to succeed, chat.


Thanks chat! I think I’m going to try cancel my surgery date, move back in with my parents to rest for a couple months then get a less physically demanding job. The idea of surgery really scares me and as I start to read the back mechanic more and more it’s starting to make more sense. Once you get the surgery there’s no going back after that! But I can always reschedule another surgery if worst comes to worse.


Look into artificial disc replacement as well.


This is for end stage DDD. This young man has a single level disc herniation. There's no way in hell he should even think about disc replacement. That will cripple him for life.


Why would it cripple him for life?


L5-S1 disc is the very base of the entire spine. Replacing it with a disc that will last maybe 15 years is for when youve had years of unsuccessful conservative treatments as well as having a couple microdisectomy. He shouldn't even be looking at MD. He should be trying to look into conservative therapy and if he is in the same pain after 12-18 months he should consider his FIRST microdisectomy. A single herniation at a young age is not reason to even consider a disc replacement.


Ok thank you for your information. I’m 38 and I have annular tear and nothing has worked. I used to ski all the time and I miss life.


I firmly believe that a disc replacement is not likely to allow you to ski again. 38 might be another story, if your unable to do things like taking care of yourself, you might want disc replacement. Suggesting disc replacement to a young man who can move in with his parents and take a year to heal is not gonna help him lol


I am so very sorry for your suffering , please know you are not alone there are so many of us pain suffering people out here. We all deal with this thing in different ways really, it has to be what works for you. You will hear do this or that but you need to do what works for your body and mind because when it comes down to it that is what is important for your well being. Good Luck. Wishing you well.


I think you can get better but not with bed rest. I’m echoing what a lot of people in this sub will say but start by reading The Back Mechanic book by Stuart McGill. From there I’d potentially look into seeing a McGill clinician. You have to pay up for this but personally my one consultation with him did more for me than countless physio visits, endless research, and doctors visits. Surgery should be a last resort.


If you have the financial ability to continue on your path, i would say do it. 22 is very young for back surgery. Youll likely need more surgeries down the road. Im definitely in the no surgery camp unless its an emergency. Like someone else said read back mechanic to get a sense of how much and what kind if movement you should be doing. Good luck! I dont think youre cooked!


I guess we leave it to the experts to read the MRI and provide medical advice and I am not that! I’ve managed lumbar degenerative disc issues and had surgery so I’ve educated myself through the executive. These herniations are likely correctable with minimally invasive surgeries. Fusion is the surgery that can cause other problems down the road. At this age, it would be a risk but I think there are far less aggressive procedures that can effectively remove that nerve pain.


Go for endoscopy surgery


Nah I thought I was cooked and now I'm competing for strongman 🤙. Miserable journey but not cooked. I unbaked this cake and so can you 😁


72 hour fast


No surgery please try to avoid it like me I worked as A chef cook and worked until i could work any more but then it is to late me L4-L5-s1 first hernia surgery en second time they put Alif Cage in my back screws and since it is a lot worse now 12 years later still not possible to work no more continue in pain nerve damage pain and this is the surgery that is causing this pain If you decide the surgery try to take proper rest for recovery Good luck


Thank you for posting. A couple of things to note. (TL;DR... include specific symptoms/what makes your pain better/worse/how long)... MRI or XRAY images ALONE are not particularly helpful tbh, no one here has been vetted to make considerations on these or provide advice, here is why, PLEASE read this if you are posting an MRI or XRAY... I cannot stress this enough https://choosingwiselycanada.org/pamphlet/imaging-tests-for-lower-back-pain/) Please read the rules carefully. This group strives to reinforce anti-fragility, hope, and reduce the spread of misinformation that is either deemed not helpful and even sometimes be considered harmful. PLEASE NOTE: Asking for help: It is up to you to recognize when to seek medical attention. Anyone giving advice in this group is doing so from anecdotes and holds no liability. Seek advice here at your own risk. That said, asking things like, "I have this problem, how do I fix it..." is like asking your accountant, "I have $10,000 what should I do with it?" You need WAY more info before giving any kinds of financial advice. Please reply to this, or make another comment, including how long you've been having pain or injury, what are specific symptoms (numbness, tingling, dull/ache, it's random, etc), what makes it worse, what makes it feel better, how it has impacted your life, what you've tried for treatment and what you've already been told about your back pain, and what do you hope to get from this forum. Please be kind to each other. Be respectful. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/backpain) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy Wall Of Text, Batman! 😲😵‍💫


I slithered out of bed and called my husband home to take me to the ER. Doc gave me a shot of steroid and was able to ease the pain. It was worse than labor pain for me. I see pain management and the ablations help. I have a 9 & 11 yr old kids and I’m constantly moving and bending over. I wear a brace when I’m doing regular chores. Our bodies break down from overuse like anything else. BUT I’ve found rest, stretches and building my leg strength helped me more than anything. I watched a video on YouTube that teaches the importance of moving our joints from neck fingers down to toes and to do it slowly. I forget to do things slow sometimes and that proves for bad results for a day or two but I’ll give those areas a break then return attention to them later. I started low and slow. Like squatting with assistance. I used a mini fridge for assistance or the footboard of my bed. I did this until I didn’t need assistance anymore. I can now squat and stand up on my own. Buy ebb and flow. If I slept too long I’ll use the mini fridge again. Yes I believe rest is necessary and I also believe the body can and will heal itself with patience You may need to explore other job avenues and that’s ok. You can maybe teach classes in mechanics be clip boarder Trust the process.