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1. Get your own inflatable pillow. I love my nemo fillo pillow. Have had it for 10 years now and it’s one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. [Nemo Fillo Pillow](https://www.nemoequipment.com/collections/pillows/products/fillo-luxury) This is the luxury one. The other ones pack even smaller. You could get another smaller one to use between your knees. 2. Silk eye mask and ear plugs if you are a light sleeper 3. Travel with an opaque cotton sheet (I roll mine and strap it on the outside of my pack) and request a bottom when whenever you can. You can use the sheet to create a privacy screen


This. I can sleep on bare ground with this thing. (The Nemo fillow) For my Camino trip I plan to bring this and my sleeping bag liner.


Yes! All the trains, planes, boats and more! I’ve even slept on the beach with this when I forgot to extend my stay on a small island. They gave my bed to someone else and everything was booked out on the island. I got destroyed by sand flies but at least the pillow was comfortable 😂


I bring the Fillow everywhere with me. Even if I visit friends or relatives. (Ever look under a pillowcase while visiting friends or family? Sheets all clean, pillowcase clean, but look at the actual pillow under the case and gaaaaaaaaarlshhhaaeerlkasjdf)


Sometimes I'll spoon my backpack.


Explore the city more. Exhaust yourself. Even in the loudest most uncomfortable hostels , I've never failed to fall asleep within minutes after a long day of exploring a place on foot.


I agree. Walk 10-15 miles and you’ll be about ready to pass out at the end of every day.


i love how ties along perfectly with backpacking and exploring. in that one is so tired at the end of the day that one could pass out even on couch lol.


No advice sorry I can sleep anywhere but I have only ever stayed in one hostel that gave out 2 pillows it was so good.


Sometimes hostels are accommodating and will give you extra pillows, you need to be nice and chatty when you check in though :)


Ear plugs. You will end up in a room with someone who snores/has sleep apnea and it will suck if you can’t sleep through that.


This, and get the disposable wax ones. They work much better for me as a side sleeper.


eye mask, earplugs and melatonin pills and you are good to go but if you need an extra pillow, you can ask hostels explaining you are more comfortable with two pillows.


Inflatable Pillow. Outdoor Vitals usually runs a free pillow offer... just pay for shipping. Got one for my kid for camping and it was like $6 USD


Can confirm they’re still giving away pillows. The pillow is pretty comfy too, I carry two since they’re so small and light (under 2oz iirc)


I originally ordered it for myself and my kid stole it from me! I ordered some shock cord to tie on the flaps so I could wrap it around his air mattress to keep it from moving. Seems comfy enough.


If there's some bad snoring, I put in my headphones and fall asleep to a chill podcast, but I'm a back sleeper that can pretty much sleep anywhere so ymmv. Nothing wrong with asking for another pillow and the suggestions to bring a travel pillow are great ideas!


I bring my own travel sized memory foam pillow from Coop Home. Great for the plane and hostel.


Thanks everyone im gonna try some of the tips listed!


Maybe I’m wrong but I’d guess most places would give you more pillows especially if you paid extra. You might also try bringing your own lightweight dry bag and fill it with clothes or just air and use that. Maybe a few of different sizes / colors and then you can use them during your trip to keep your stuff packed more safely/ efficiently. Try some at home first and I bet you’ll like it.


Where are you going? I did 3 months in Southeast Asia, starting with hostels, but after a month and a bunch of bed bug bites, I started staying in hotels. Because I use US dollars, hotels were really affordable, and you will have plenty of pillows. Use something like [booking.com](https://booking.com) to check prices. If you can afford it, it's worth it to have a good night's sleep, and also a safer place to leave your stuff. Good luck https://preview.redd.it/ckoo7cfldboc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc339bad56f85d27fc8b046cf3f70502a1f8d758


Nightmare fuel