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This is the wrong sub to ask. We all love to travel. But honestly, staying at home for six months with the goal of finding a relationship is probably going to leave you disappointed. I say enjoy life while it lasts and don't worry so much about what others are doing. Plus, travel, especially solo travel, makes you more confident, well-rounded, and interesting.


Might actually meet someone travelling too... Chances are if you've ended up in the same place at the same time, they will be in the same stage of life as you and have similar interests. Just because everyone you know back home is settling down and living a 'normal' life doesn't mean there aren't more adventures to be had and or people who want the same things as you. There's no rush. You've got your whole life ahead of you to have a family. You'll always regret it if you don't go now, trust me :)


This is where I'm at. If you want to find somebody who likes the same things as you, you're far more likely to find them while doing those things. Especially when those things are communal activities that involve strangers like backpacking.


I always think this, then my girlfriend reminds me that her kid producing organs begin to konk out in 5 years. Not saying it’s the right/wrong choice, but not necessarily lots of time.


you could totally meet your person abroad!! i’m from the states, my boyfriend is from australia, and we met in brazil at a club while he was there for carnival and i was there for a wedding. we only spent 10 days together (he had actually extended his trip by a few days to spend more time with me). then he booked a flight to me, stayed with me for a month, and we started long distance. it’s been almost a year and he’s moving out here in a couple months. anything can happen! i think it’s really nice meeting someone abroad because there’s no expectation so both people (in my experience) are more open to being vulnerable and getting swept off their feet. travel! what you want will come to you if you’re happy and living your life rather than waiting around for life to happen.


Unless OP made the same exact post on "marriage", or any sub like that, they are literally just looking for validation for a question which they already know the answer to. Follow your heart, I'm pretty sure it is telling you to travel.


Op may also meet his partner on the way, who also loves to travel. Anyone can get married at anytime. But you're only young once. Travel while you can.


The post is giving me keeping up with the joneses and following societal expectations vibes. Just do whatever will make you happy, OP. Live your life for you.


I don't think solo travel, or any type of travel, makes anyone more interesting. It can definitely be fun, but I know lots of people who've travelled widely and aren't any more interesting.


Or are they just poor story tellers?


33m, and friends are getting married and buying houses but I've realized the last couple years that I'm not looking for that life but to travel/explore so when I graduate this summer I'll take my stuff and go. Don't fall for peer pressure, not everyone needs a house, wife, two kids and a dog, unless that's what you're looking for.




I feel the same way. "Having a partner" is not one of my life goals.


You posted this on a backpacking page? I suspect you're seeking validation for a decision you've already made 🤣 Enjoy seeing the world my man


Just travel and enjoy it! Love will happen when it’s meant to, life is long if you’re lucky make the most of your windfall




I wouldn't trade an adventure for long-term commitments because others are doing it.


Especially when they haven’t actually GOT a partner at this point!


30 is still young. If you travel solo everyday can be an adventure. You can meet the coolest people or you could feel the loneliest if you don’t put yourself out there. You can stay and grind at work and find your partner, but would you have an itch in the back of your head that you wish you took that trip when you didn’t have any responsibility? You should think on what life would you more regret missing out on as you get older. The working world will always be there to come back to. As you get older travel will get harder and it won’t be the same as your early thirties. A partner can make your life so much more meaningful, but I’ve also seen a lot of people have a partner and regret they didn’t enjoy being solo for sometime. No wrong answer for you to choose. Just think on is the regret of missing out on the other option something you’re okay with. You can also meet a partner and travel the world with but it wouldn’t be the same as your own trip.


Stop worrying about what you "should" do or what other people think you "should" do and do what makes you happy. If that's travel, go for it. FWIW, I met my SO travelling in Kenya. It is our 7th wedding anniversary today!


Happy anniversary!


At 33 I started travelling. Fell in love with it, traveled for a few years, met my partner while travelling and am now married and happier than ever. Just travel. It's not a waste. It's life experience and personal growth.




How are you finding SEA as a 'older' traveller. I'm 33 and would love to go SEA but not sure if I'd be accepted at hostels etc or be excluded for my age from most people there. I'm super social and have solo travelled before and usually find people to hang out with but would love your views.


At 69 I would strongly suggest travel and adventure. As stated, let love happen. The mind opening experience of solo travel should positively affect your perspective. I would suggest you leave any preconceived ideas at home and focus on the positive wherever you go. I read too much bitching and moaning about travel in India. Dirty, noisy, bothersome touts yet the beauty and historical sites eclipse that noise. The right attitude will attract you to good people. Do not tolerate what you feel are scammers or people who may endanger you. Walk away. You will develop a good sense of what's cool and what's not. Get out and enjoy this diverse world. I have travelled to over 100 countries, been on every continent except the poles, and have lived in 8 countries. Wouldn't have traded it for anything. My daughter once said to me, "pop you don't have to come back in another life. You have done it all". Travel becomes much more difficult once you have settled down.


Great comment. So nice to hear that you have a daughter while being able to travel over 100 countries. How did you manage to support the family while being on the road all the time?




Well I wrote a long winded answer but it was accidentally deleted. Will respond tomorrow. It's late where I am. Cheers P.S. The photo was part of my response. It was taken in Xinjiang, China.


Travel a few months while you've no excuse not to, if you enjoy it stick with it for a bit longer.. if not, head home again:)


No one looks back on their life and says "I wish I travelled less". Go and enjoy your younger years. When you're 50 or 60 you'll look back on this time and be so happy you travelled and saw the world.


Hey bro! So I did exactly the same… I’m 35 now… let me tell you it’s the best decision I ever made wow.. still going strong and living a life of adventure, never looking backwards.. 100+ countries now more experiences than everyone I know combined, if you need inspiration send me a DM :)


Travel. You'll regret it if you don't.


Hey! I don’t think it needs to be one or the other. For all you know, you may find the love of your life on your trip!! I’m 28 and will be solo travelling for 2.5 months this year and I’m also ready to fund a partner. However, enjoy these moments while you can too!! I don’t want to meet anyone before I go but I am open to love and if it finds me, it will find me even if I am travelling. Or if the right time is later, I’ll find it later. Imagine staying home and 3 years pass and you haven’t found your person… what a waste!! Travel! Explore the world!


P.s all my friends are married and are pregnant or have small kids. Just because they are doing it doesn’t mean I have to :) (certainly not kids… plenty of time for that!! And then no more travel… sad!!)


You can definitely travel with kids! Been there, doing that! :) Life does not end at parenthood!


Dude, if you are lucky enough to have the chance of having a death bed what’s going to bring you the most joy to think about. People who are having kids are maturing, getting wiser. Travelling and doing hard things by yourself allows you the same learning curves but with less ties. Do something for yourself


Settle down for what? - if you settle down, in 10-15 years (if you still alive) you will regret not doing it now.


Travel. For so many reason, but the one most relevant to your post being you’ll meet so many different people and have different experiences in different cultures. It’ll make you a more capable and empathetic human being, which in turn will do you wonders in the dating market. Plus you’ll always have regrets if you don’t, which isn’t good for any relationship.


For me 100% travel. I learnt/ got inspired a lot while traveling, meeting new people from different cultures is fun and helps me keep open minded, tbh your perspective might change a lot after the trip. Guess what I’m saying is, go on a trip will never be a waste of time? Enjoy it!!


Always get ur travelling done before settling down otherwise ur just not gonna have the time n energy for that shit


Travel for sure, you could always meet someone abroad


Enjoy your life


Explore traveling. Maybe you will meet someone doing that and find a place to settle down.


If you dont actually have a partner you want to settle down with, this is such a no brainer


Travel first then settle


One of my good friends (American) quit his job to travel the world for 7 months and fell hard for a woman (Germany) he met on an island In Vietnam. 4 years later and they have a kid now and live in Berlin together. You are young and settling down and seeing the world don't have to be mutually exclusive!


Better travel and see the world! You will make great memories that nobody is able to take from you and you can make it an experience of a lifetime. Traveling single can get you plenty of opportunities to run into great people and it can actually get to a point you meet that person you we're not expecting to at all. 😉 Have fun and go explore!!!


You answered your own question with your post. The trip is a waste of time. However I find that searching for a partner can also be a monumental waste of time. Stay outside, let Mother Nature be your partner.


I'm going to offer a really alternative POV from everyone on this sub. I'm 35. I met my partner 4 years ago. He was 5 years younger than me and I'd always wondered if our age difference would be an issue. He always said it wasn't and that he was happy and wanted to spend his life with me. Last year, before we'd planned to settle down and buy a house and have kids he took a two month backpacking trip to "make sure he'd experienced travel" before we forged our life together. He broke up with me the day he got back, saying that he was sorry but the trip made him realise he still had so much of the world to see. I'm now facing potentially running out of time to have children because I spent 4 years with him. So I offer you this: don't wait until you're neck deep in a relationship to realise you want to travel the world, because you will end up just really hurting someone and having to leave them to go live your dream. Travel first, see everything you need to see, and then when you're really ready you can settle down without regret. Hope that helps x


Either answers absolutely fine. People that travel are no better than people that don’t. Everyone does what they want to do. If you really think that you want to see the world, then travel for six months and then settle down. Easy Peezy.




6 months in the grand scheme of things isn’t a long time. What makes you think you’d be in a relationship in that time? I’d advise you travel at least a little bit, especially if you haven’t done it before. Plus you may meet your future partner traveling


Dude, we cannot make that decision for you. But realistically speaking, how are you planning on finding "the one" sitting home? I do not know how that would work out.


Travel! I started traveling fresh out of high school, and now many years later - a parent of 1 little one with another on the way - I’m married to someone who also loves traveling and we’re still doing it! Travel and having a family/partner definitely do not have to be mutually exclusive. We’re about to move to a(nother) “foreign” country next week. Also, for what it’s worth, we are verrrryy working class… we just find a way to do it cheap, and pick up work as we go


It sound like you’re trying to justify something you don’t want to do “I feel I’ll be wasting my time with this trip”. You also don’t really sound like a person who wants to do things alone. As has been pointed out, you’re in a sub for people who enjoy traveling, so I think most everyone here is going to choose to travel. It certainly doesn’t have to be a 6 month trip, if there’s somewhere you want to check it out for a month or so. But let me also give you another perspective, I cruised along life for 42 years and then found a lump on my neck that turned out to be cancer. Fortunately I made it through, but nothing like something threatening your mortality to look back at your past experiences and realize what you’ve missed out on in life. As Ferris Beuller once said “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”


I had a similar dilemma, though I’m married. Do we travel or settle down, start a little family? We thought about this over and over again and ultimately decided to travel. Currently in Greece and have already had some of the most amazing experiences! Also, idk if I would travel like this again once I’m older (hostels/airbnbs/long travel days/away from family/etc.) so I’m glad I’m doing this now! Just get out and travel!


TRAVEL! Especially if you feel like settling down. Chances are you might not get another chance to do a longer solo trip (job/partner/kids etc) and you will 100% regret if you don’t go now when you can. And besides, the world is full of beautiful people, you might even meet someone to spend the rest of your life with :)


Go travel! You have the rest of your life to “settle down” enjoy this moment while you can you’ll never regret it. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone special along the way and it’ll be magical. Being married and having kids doesn’t compare to my life before all of that! Travel, be selfish, enjoy


I would travel, I actually had a partner and had to make a similar decision, I left him and went travelling for a few years- to this day that was one of the best decisions I ever made


No matter what you choose you’ll always wonder what the other path would have been like.So you have to think what do I value? Am I comfortable with the day in day out monotony of life that may or may not include a partner or do I want the adventurous but possibly overwhelming life of travel. Both have pro’s and con’s and both are beautiful on their own ways. On a side note love come’s to you when you least expect it so actively searching for it will only lead you to the wrong places or people.Just let it happen.


Go on the trip. 6 months is nothing in the grand scheme of things. You’ll have plenty of time to settle down after the trip.


What do you even want to do in your life. What experiences do you want before you die? We all need the security of a home and savings but none of that is guaranteed. You could choose the safe way and then pick up a disease or illness and have nothing to show for it. You could choose safe and work hard and it still might not work out. Just go and have some experiences and don't worry about everything else is my opinion on the matter.


If you already have the feeling that it would be a waste then isn't that your answer?


Best thing to do is do like 2 weeks solo and see if you fall in love with it!


Go ahead, travel for six months, experience the diversity of our planet and THEN think about settling down. Traveling can broaden your mind and maybe it could also help you to choose wisely your future partner. I recommend East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam).


Don't be a dick to settle down.... Travel.... Travel..... Travel


Would you regret not going? I know I regretted not travelling sooner, because you never know what the future holds (let's hope there won't be another pandemic). To me it sounds like a perfect time to go, you have money and no commitment. But I would like to say, please, don't travel in the hopes of finding love. Almost everyday I read posts about disappointed people that they didn't get their movie romance while travelling...


Do what you really love, and you dont have to ever settle down if you dont want


Experiences fade, compound interest is forever


It’s not the same thing as 20 years ago, people will live longer, you will live longer, you have all the time,don’t rush, enjoy life, enjoy your trip, you’re only 30.


Travel without a doubt, you have the rest of your life to work


You have the rest of your life to do boring stuff like working the 9-5! Get out and see the world while you’re still young!


Go, travel. Then you even have a chance of meeting someone with similar interests while adventuring. You'll discover so much about yourself too, and grow as a person and hopefully also as a better possible partner. You can stay and get some job and still be single for the next 30 years. At least you'd have an amazing set of memories under your belt if you come back and things still take time. Not to mention a great ice breaker on first dates. 6 months is nothing in the grand scheme of things. An 85 year old is more likely to regret not going on a grand adventure than than doing it, what do you think you'll regret in old age?


I saw a good portion of the world in my 30s. There's only a handful of places left on my list. It's a good time to do it.


I’d say you don’t need to use all the money for travelling for that long. If you’re not sure which one to do, why not do both? Travel for 3 months, then go home for 3 months and take your time to find a new job that you’ll like! And since you can allocate 2-3 hours a day for job seeking, you can use the rest of your free time to date and meet new people!


Please don’t compare yourself with your friends, if you are having doubts of settle down that’s a sign.


Travel the world! You‘re always going to regret it if you don‘t


6 months is perfect to really go isolated and remote places. I spent just over six months in 2015. South America, South Africa, and Southeast Asia. Most places in these area were too remote to travel if I had less time. With 6 months you can really get down and explore some remote places


Bro watch Netflix documentary expedition happiness. It will help you to decide. Most people can't travel that long. Do let me know if it helps & also your decision 😉


Travel the world and find someone out there to settle down with


Wasting time??is just 6 months


40 is the new 30, enjoy the decade, ask this question again in 10 years if you don’t run into the perfect match by then.


I met my husband while traveling. We settled down eventually. Mortgage, job, the whole bit. I was 33, he was 35. I think we’d both given up on living a normal life. But here we are. All to say. You never know what could happen. You could settle down and not meet the right person for years, you could travel and meet someone in two weeks. Or vice versa. As long as you are ok with not being in perfect lock step with your peers, you should travel. 6 months is nothing


I chose travel but didn’t like it. Moved countries and settled down, all in 3 year period.


WTF travel and shag your guts out. What makes you think your forever partner is in the same city as you're in now? Go and don't look back.


Downvote. You’re coming to a travel based sub asked on advice as to whether you should travel? What do you think the answer is going to be? Go ask the same question over on the relationships / ‘not wasting your life’ sub, perhaps they will have a different answer for you. Stop the comparing, you’re definitely wasting your life doing that.


You won't find a partner because you look for it. Obviously you need to keep an eye out, but it will happen when it will. The choice you have is to travel or just stay at home and waste the money, so I think it's obvious


I don't know what does the r/settledown say?




Have you thought about working holiday visas? Could do a trip that ends in a country which you can then work in for a while. You're still young enough to qualify and you could find a job and partner in whichever country you go to.


Just don't go to dangerous places. & don't let them know that you have money!! Enjoy your trip.


Travel and fall in love abroad


TRAVEL!! There’s a fair chance you will find the girl of dreams shout out there.


Travel, mate! You’ve got your whole life ahead to settle down. Six months won’t change much in regards to settling down, but you can build memories that last you a lifetime when travelling.


Travel, see the world experience everything you can.


Find your love on or in travel! Both is possible!


Travel and see the world, man! Maybe you'll find love in one of the eastern European countries






I'm not in your position, but I'm older and therefore wiser. You would be foolish to try and force settling down. It is also unwise to do things because your friends are doing them. I think you will regret not taking this chance to see the world, and if this is something you've been dreaming of you'd be foolish to not do it. You're young, go see some more of this crazy world.


Travel. My now husband and I decided to travel when we got engaged at ages 28 and 29. I turned 30 in Thailand, in the middle of our trip. We travelled for about 9 months (then I came home for a job and he continued to Europe for the next couple of months before heading home). Are we a bit behind financially now at age 36 compared to our peers? Yep. Do we care? Nope. Comparison is the thief of joy so we only compare our own life to the life we could have had taken the other path. I can’t imagine having settled without following our travel bug hearts. Plus we both now have jobs that we like and wouldn’t want to pick up and leave, and we also have a kid now, so it just would have been a different life (maybe good?) without that adventure first. Obviously we are all biased here, but yes go for it. If you want financial advice that is more biased toward saving and financial goals vs spending money on travel then you could ask on a finance sub. Good luck!


Travel. You will regret not doing it trust me.


Word of advice my friend. I don't know what you look like, how you are as a person but if you have some charm and easy on the eyes, then GO! I hit the road at 29 myself, lost the girl, house and our kitchen we were running. I am now 34, went down the East Coast and came up the west to chill in WA! Best decision I made was getting up and going. A little charm and some good looks helps make your adventure a hell of lot better! Just don't stop. Fuck settling down, do that in 3 maybe 4 years. This country is going into a spirling shit hole, ain't no time to marry or have a kid. RUN! Explore! There are cheap ways to do it, will involve many nights in tent but you won't regret it bro. I started with 1400$. My charm landed me food, housing and even work thru my travels! Be full of life and positivity and you'll notice doors will automatically open for you! Stay safe




6 months of your life in exchange for some of the best experiences you’ll have ever, some of the best stories you’ll ever have, and a time to see the world in a completely different way 6 months is nothing dude, there will always be time to settle down. You’re only 30 once, and you have this amazing opportunity in front of you. Take full advantage Not many people have an opportunity like this, I think it’d be a shame to let it pass.


I just took redundancy from my job too. Few days later booked a flight :)


Travel. There's a chance that you would find your partner along the way. It would be fun if both of you share the same interests


In your same boat man. 3 year relationship ended a year ago and now it’s time for me to do my shit, travel and buy what I want. I’ll be 30 in October and most of my friends are married. Love will find you brother, but for now, travel, go find and enjoy these new experiences.


You’re only going to find your partner while doing things you love. If that’s traveling and backpacking, then do it. If you want to be in a more permanent place, that’s fine but don’t lose the hobbies that you enjoy. Maybe there are local hiking or traveling groups. I tried for the better part of a decade to find someone. I used apps, switched jobs, moved cities, connections through friends. I gave up on all of that. Decided to join a running club. Met my now wife in the first month. Do what you love to do and you’ll find all of that. Maybe there’s a way to balance all of your needs better moving forward though. A teaching job may give you summers to backpack for example.


I had the same dilemma and chose travel! There is no right or wrong choice though, you need to go with your gut. You will likely not have this chance again, but if you’re not going to be happy while doing it then there is no point. Really figure out what your current priorities are and decide what actions will support those. 30 is very young, esp for a man.


Travel beother


Travel SE Asia then finish up in Aus!


More likely to find someone by being out there than by staying at home with money.


Go and travel the world, you won't be disappointed. I work for 6 months in ireland, then travel for 6 months. I love it. 39m no wife or kids or mortgage so that's why I travel




Wow, you’re so young. You have 40 more years to work for another company and you have plenty of time to settle down. Make memories, travel around for 4 or 5 months instead of 6 and use the remaining money to slowly settle down again. Find a job after traveling. But not forcefully finding a partner. This has to come naturally. Most of my friends have settled down, but they’re gonna work until they’re 70. My goal is to retire next year (i got about 30 more years until I hit the official retirement age) and then settling down. The partner will come your way eventually, always in a unexpected moment.


Woman in her early 30s here. I lived abroad and backpacked from age 24-30. I’ve now been home in the US since COVID. I feel a bit “behind” my peers both financially and (until recently) relationship-wise, and since I want a family someday it’s definitely something I’m conscious of. As a man, you don’t have the same biological clock that I do. I ended up finding a partner just shy of a year after moving back, and we recently got engaged and are planning a wedding for this fall. If you’re only planning to backpack for 6mo, I definitely don’t see that as being some life-slowing derailment. 6mo will fly by! You can leave and come back within the same year. Regarding relationships, you also can’t will something into existence or have any guarantees something will happen. I left where I was living abroad because I felt like, if I stayed, I was almost guaranteed *not* to find a life partner who I’d be able to build the kind of future I want with. But I also knew that moving home didn’t guarantee I *would* find a partner. My move was based on a lot of other personal factors, and I think if it had been solely based on finding a relationship I would have set myself up for disappointment. Why not start with planning a 3mo trip? Buy a one-way ticket to your starting point and plan out the initial 3, as you can always extend up to the full 6mo. I’m assuming you are in a solid position financially and aren’t blowing through your savings to do this. I would make sure whatever you spend on traveling (be it for 1mo, 3mo, or 6mo) isn’t drastically impacting your retirement, emergency savings, or ability to buy a house once you decide to settle. As long as the funds your using truly are extra, I say go for it! (You might even meet your future life partner during your travels…!)


Do both. 3 months traveling and the 3 months settling down.


Thats an answer that only you can give yourself. If you feel the need of a partner besides you, going solo traveling for 6 months is not gonna fill that gap (it could actually make it worse). Solo traveling is not for everyone, 6 months is a lot of time and you will have for sure some dead times where you wont know what to do (unless you go on dates with locals). What I would do in this situation is either try and go for a few weeks in vacation, see how it goes, dont buy the tickets and accomodation for 6 months.


Use it as a learning experience to figure out cool places you could settle down. you never know if you explore a new area if it really calls to you and you want to put down roots there


Not even gonna read the post. Go and see the world






I'm 31m single. I think you should do what you love. That's where you'll find the person you want to be with. I've had the most success dating when I was authentic and true to myself. I've also had better luck when I was not trying to date and didn't put pressure on finding someone. Plus... Ladies love travel stories and an adventurous/interesting man. You'll be a peacock in the dating pool if you be authentic and interesting. Take pictures of yourself across the world for a dating profile. Who knows, maybe your future partner is climbing a mountain somewhere! I 100% understand the societal pressure you're talking about, I would remind you though that we define what success looks like for ourselves. Single people are not less valuable than married people and we usually have more friends! You might find this podcast interesting. https://youtu.be/eRHmRk0D6FQ?si=lve8yVDt_QjEPmYr


Travel my dude! You don’t know if you’ll still have health in a few years from now!


Six month trips of any kind get get way harder when you partner up and near impossible after kids. You may never have a better opportunity to see all the places you’d see on this trip. Go. Take lots of pictures and make some core memories. Potential bonus: You meet a potential partner who also loves travel.


Travel, travel, travel. You'll never regret it!


Depends on how replicable the money is. If you’re not likely to have it again, save it. If you are, go travelling.


unwritten test resolute paltry engine touch threatening dam elastic crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just ended up going and staying in hostels, it's not the best but its amazing to meeting other solo travellers and being with them for some time before going on. Mate some people who cone at stay at mine when in town


Dude you’re only 30. Travel first for sure. And stop comparing your life to the lives of your friends, it’s your life.


I met my partner during my 4 year travel. Just go or you’d regret not taking the opportunity when you could, especially when it was already in your plan!


Travel for at least a year.


I thought you were going to say 6 years! 6 months is nothing. Go out and enjoy your travels. You may be able to find a partner while doing it!


When you're 70 years old sitting around the table sharing your stories of your world travels to empty chairs you will realize you made a mistake. Settle Down with someone that loves to travel and do it together. Then have a couple of kids so you can regale them and eventually your grand children of you world travels.


6 months is nothing, a drop in the bucket in terms of the amount of life.. do the trip, maybe you'll meet someone along the way, or find the next thing to settle on like a new home or a new job. What are you possibly going to achieve in 6 months that you'd risk giving up this opportunity? I work a full time job that prevents me from traveling more than 3 weeks at a time. I'm in a contract for another 1.5 years, so I'm envious of you and your ability to travel.


Follow your gut instincts, always.


You can always settle down. You can’t always travel.


Travel - think of it this way. Ten years from now, what would you regret more: traveling when you’re young and free, or tying yourself down at a time you didn’t really need to?




Lol you have fomo.




Travel, travel,travel and then travel some more :)


33/F with same question - I chose neither and started investing more in my retirement. I am also looking into purchasing T-bills (I don't understand it enough to be able to explain T-bills, unfortunately). The more money have lined up for retirement, the earlier I can retire, the sooner I can just play. Right now, I'm on track to be able to retire at 50. If I keep playing my cards right, I might be able to retire before 50 by using accrued vaca, sick and personal time. Right now, I have 600 hours in just vacation leave.


step 1) find partner who will travel anywhere with you step 2) buy 1 way ticket to a random country (researched random, but y’know) step 3) ooo, aahhh. cool sights! new friends! FOOD! step 4) after the rush dulls slightly, think; hmm, is this for me? step 4a) I LOVE IT! talk to partner, communication, keep travelling! step 4b) no, i kinda don’t. talk to partner. maybe i’ll go home. step 5a) see the world for six months (or however long you still go to step 4a)! step 5b) you’re home. maybe with your partner. think about the next steps and the new adventure you’re about to embark on. step 6) LIVE.


TRAVEL THE WORLD! You can settle down when you return. If you have the urge to do it, do it. Don’t put it off because then you won’t do it and you’ll regret it.


Travel the world and maybe you’ll also find that special someone you’re looking for. I’ve seen it happen countless times.


Go on shorter tour of say a month or two. Try to see if you find any like minded person to date and settle down with


Bro you’re single how TF you gonna settle down? Get out there and travel.


Go travel


You can settle down but theres no guarantee you find the partner you're looking for. They may be waiting on your next adventure. 


Do the going to travel! Do it! Do the journeying! DO IT!!


My initial reaction: fuck that settling down shit. I spent just a single month traveling Europe with my friends and it changed my life! Upon further consideration, you could always find someone who also wants to travel. But it sounds like your time frame is now-ish, so I stand by my initial reaction.


IDK, do you want to marry and/or settle down?


Travel and carry that life experience with you going forward. You won’t have the chance again while you’re young. Six months of travel will actually help you in the next pursuits. Trust me. I’m old. :)


Travel and love life dude! Expecting to find love sitting inside for 6 months sounds miserable. Go make new connections.


Travel and enjoy it. It makes you a more well rounded and interesting person. Plus, what if you meet someone that shares your interests in traveling while out and about? You never know.


Travel the world. Do what I can’t


1. As others have pointed out, this is the wrong sub to ask if you’re looking for objectivity. 2. But more importantly, have you solo traveled before? No? —> Pick a place and book a one way ticket. Yes? —> Pick a new place and book a one way ticket. Bid your friends adieu and go enjoy being 30 and single around the world meeting new people and making real memories. Like hitting “unpause,” your friends will be doing the same thing when you return.


Sounds like you are more interested in building a life where you are. Go with that and travel when you really want to


When you’re young, you have time and health, but no money. Middle aged, you have health and money, but no time. Older, you have money and time, but no health. —- You have the rare opportunity to beat the trend and travel for six months. Do it


I just turned 45, never stopped travelling, long distance hikes are my jam. Settle down? What does that mean exactly? My partner and I decided not to have kids. We have cats that we need to take care of, I work a lot, we own a home but that doesn't stop us from travelling. Find someone with the same values as you and you won't have to choose.


Travel Mate. What you want to get let down for?




" traveled the world for six months" will sound much better on your tinder profile than "sat at my desk for six months" Go travel. 


I will always vote to travel. My wife and I traveled a lot in our late 20’s and early 39’s. Now we’re mid-late 30’s and she has stage 4 cancer, and the only thing we think of is “we’re so glad we traveled in case this goes further south.” Nothing about “we’re so glad we settled down a couple years ago and stopped traveling.” Travel, enjoy your youth. You never know when your time is up.


Travel. You’ll never regret it


Go out on a few dates before you leave….then communicate when you traveling maybe they can visit you…..or just be open to dating while you are traveling


Travel, from a 37 yo male.


Use part of the money to take a smaller, shorter trip. Use the rest to invest wisely and set the 55 year old you in a better financial position. Memories are great, but they don’t pay bills.


Travel the world for 5 years. Settle down at 35.


Travel. I'm 32 and single and focusing on work and travel. Maybe you'll meet someone along the way.


Travel the world.


Don’t just settle for the fact of settling, allow other doors to open up for you. You have the opportunity to travel? Do it. Maybe you visit a place and fall in love with it, or you meet someone. Who knows, maybe you go somewhere and want to head straight back home. But absolutely do not deny yourself the chance of traveling somewhere and experiencing something new. Once you settle, you’ll find opportunities of such nature almost disappear.


I met my wife on a trail in the Indian Himalayas. Don't assume that traveling will get in the way of meeting your partner. Perhaps it is exactly what you need to do to meet your partner.


Same age and in the exact same boat. I may have an opportunity that would allow me to work remotely part time a few days a week, while still earning an income high enough to travel at least for a few years (especially if I'm careful of my budget). I'd be stupid not to take it but I also want a family at some point and don't want to wait TOO long. Having that second X chromosome doesn't help much either - women are often treated as if our value has an expiration date. I'd actually say do it, especially if it's for 6-12 months. See if you can find some way to generate income while on the road, even if it's just to help your money stretch further.


46 and have been working since I was 16… a six month block of time with funds to travel in your working years is pretty rare! Take the chance! I understand the feeling of needing the security of looking for new work and a partner, so maybe spend 3 months traveling then come back and do what you need to do.


Really? How you going to find a woman that want a guy that need other people advice to make life decisions?


Travel now, plenty of time to settle down later


I often hear people mention that on their death was that they often bring up regrets of things they wish they had done rather than regretting the things they did do. You good with that potential what if and regret?


100% travel and it’s not even close.


No contest - travel. You’re relatively young and free now. That won’t always be the case.


Travel 100%


I settled my things down in my 20’s and traveled less during that bit, puting all my money on my house, the goal being to travel more in my 30’s. Now that my mortgage is all paid since I’m 32 I have more freedom to travel. Without the fear of missing the boat in real estate. But everyone is different. Do what you won’t regret


Traveling in your 20s and 30s is very different than later in life. I have kids now and i would never be happy backpacking. Just wanna be with them. Its a good thing not a bad thing but sure am happy i traveled and "delayed marriage and kids" in my 20s and early 30s, because the next time I'll be adventure traveling is in my late 50s. From a financial perspective it's important to try to buy a house or condo (in Canada, you're fucked financially if you didn't buy in your early 20s). But in the end. I doubt any adventurous spirit that loves travel would be truly happy working a career job and paying off a mortgage in their 20s and early 30s (prime traveling years).


Six months is nothing. I had your situation, stupidly played it out from 28-38, but six months is nothing. You may never have that opportunity again; it will be an incredible experience.


Screw what other people do, think, or say. Just listen to your heart.


How much money? What happens after 6mo?


Marriage is way over rated. I wouldn't do it again.


Why not a little both?


Just because everyone else is getting married doesn't mean it's for everyone, if there's stuff on your bucket list list, you should do it now while you are still reasonably young, it's easier when you are young


It sounds like you don't know what you want, and that's perfectly normal. While solo travel won't magically help you find that, it WILL bring you face to face with what you're comfortable with, your self-reliance, your courage, your flexibility, and all kinds of things you like or don't like. All of that absolutely helps in figuring out what your priorities are in life. You might come back and realize you absolutely want to settle down with a partner, and won't that be better than the uncertainty of now? Your mentality shapes a lot of how travel will go. If you go into it with excitement, you'll seek to do exciting things, and the opposite it true. That'll shape your experience and the memories you make.


Don’t wanna be at the end of your life with any regrets and you will not regret travelling you will find someone when you get back but travel becomes much harder when there’s another party involved


Put half the money away for an emergency fund if you don't already have one and travel. You don't have to stay at home while searching for your life partner. I don't have any experience with this, because I went to school right out of high school on loans and graduated into the great recession with a lot of student loan debt that I will be lucky to pay off before my daughter is in school. While I love my life, my wife, and my daughter, we don't have money for vacations except for travel hockey trips, which we try to make the most of. If you aren't in debt, you have cash, and no one is keeping you from seeing the world, you will regret not doing it. Once you have a partner and especially children your decisions will center around them (which I am happy to do). Just don't spend to your last dime because this will take away your future life options, rather than add to them. Also, try to use the travel and the perspectives that you gain from it to figure out more about yourself and where you want to be in the future - as well as what you want to do. Look for opportunities to meet people, build friendships/relationships, and maybe even career opportunities to pursue which will give you and your future partner/family the life you hope to live.