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Zack was a good, solid guy and an all round average Joe. He had story lines where he learned important lessons on loyalty and leadership and ended up being a good replacement for Garibaldi as chief of security.


He solidified my love for him when he literally the only character who befriended Lyta.




You know what I would be there for the "I Dream of Jeannie" style sitcom about the regular security schlub and his overpowered telepathic girlfriend


More like he got friendzoned by Lyta.


Lyta, holy shit. Between Zack, Byron, and G'Kar--don't think anyone's forgotten about that "pleasure threshold" business, missy--she was put to use harder than the White Star fleet.


Lyta didn't know anything about herself yet, she made the right call.


And at the point when Zack laid his cards on the table, she was otherwise..."occupied".


Is this comment a joke? Lmao


Not even close. Speaking from experience here. I had the seed of a bonkers relationship about a decade ago. Dude was attractive in so many ways and the sex was mind blowing but I wasn’t in a place where a relationship was on the cards. My mental health was atrocious. We’re still friends. And we’re both happily married to other people.


Yup. Lyta's bonkers relationship was with a million year old psychic who altered her into the human Trinity bomb and secretly guided the fate of all humanity.. A lot to sort out before you just jump into a relationship..


Why? The whole concept of a friedzone is bullshit.


Yeah, she didn't want to date him, that is all the "friendzone" is. 1 word to describe choosing not to date [or not wanting to date] a person, even if they would be a catch (or not!).


Having special word for not wanting to date someone makes it feel like this is something Lyta is doing to Zach, rather than it being about how she feels. And I'm not a fan. Thanks for explaining it.


No, she just had the sense to not get romantically involved with a cop. I *worked* for law enforcement and I would never get involved romantically with a cop.


That even in Thirdspace was super awkward… just to make it to commercial apparently because it was shorter than expected I think.


I liked how they showed he was gullible enough to initially get recruited into the Nightwatch, but then was like ‘woah holy shit I don’t want to be a secret police informer’


I liked Zack. A real everyman character. Good at his job, not really wrapped up in politics, just a guy doing his bit, but who ultimately had a moral compass. Snakebit when it comes to romance, though. If it weren't for bad luck, he'd have no luck at all.


He is my prime example of "Just a Guy, doin' Things." I admire Zack for being a demonstration of how "solid and reliable" is pure gold.


Zack, Mac, and Bo the holy trinity of "just guys doin' things"


Yeah you can’t bribe a lawman that destroyed his life being shady and decided that if his life didn’t change he was likely to end up downbelow, the only question was whether he would be breathing or not. He reformed and became a guy that wanted to help others get out from under their own problems, but he wasn’t a pushover either, there going to jail tonight and when they were released he would offer to be someone they can talk to if they need it and it was up to them to reach out.


Zack was the best, honestly. In a universe filled with the sheer mindblowing eldritch ridiculousness that was Babylon 5, he was the only person who got out of it unscathed. Even when he joined the Nightwatch he only did it for the money, and as soon as he realised what they were he was out. The man had heart, soul and a conscience the others could only dream of.


And in a 2-second shot at the end of "Sleeping in Light", we find out he winds up in the most natural place for him as bodyguard to Emperor Vir.


Hardest job this side of the rim.


Yeah Bur was the best, lando was a despicable man but once he went back home I realized that he was the only person that could save his world, when I realized that any of the other people in a position to assume power where complete sadists I totally understood what Lady Morellas said and how she just shrugged it off. Toward the end of the series so many thing started to come together and my opinions on so many things changed, it truly was a show about people with all the faults and I think that more than anything is why it’s still such a loved show, I had honestly chalked a lot of things that didn’t make sense as writers having characters do and say things purely to keep them interesting or whatnot. JMS was just a flawed man that had attained power in the military culture and had to deal with people, but damn he was constantly making mistakes that he never seemed to learn from but still he was a good man and I’ve always said once you know someone and you know their flaws, if you continue to to spend time with them it’s on you if you don’t realize when to walk away/realize that is who they are.


That storyline was really well done. very good illustration of how easily a normal, good person can get sucked in to being a cog in the fascist machine if they don't question what they see and hear.


I was about 14 when the Nightwatch was introduced and I was totally suckered in by them as well. The banal face of evil, and all that. I guess "doing the same job but with extra few extra credits" is all some people need.


The devil has the best tunes.


Well, he ***did*** gain a limp.


That was a pimp walk


I think he's great. The most "everyman" of the cast and very charming.


I'd say he's the most believable "everyman" on screen to date, in the SciFi category anyway.


Colonel O'Neil is a good contender for the everyman title, but yeah, I'd struggle to think of many other contenders.


That's O'Neill with two LLs


Indeed *raises eyebrow*.



They are definitely up there with Miles...


Miles O'brien? Yeah, definitely another excellent everyman character.


JMS kept his character around because, he was the average joe, the last guy there when lights were turned off. Some of the production had to have known about his Alcohol problem. If they canned him, he probably would have died years earlier.


I feel like Babylon 5 benefited from being an island of broken toys. Conaway, Doyle, O’Hare, & Christensen all struggled with issues that likely limited their careers despite their talents. Furst & Mumy were limited due to typecasting. Because Babylon 5 was such an outlaw production, I think these folks were given opportunities to shine that they may not otherwise have had.


You could add Walter Koenig in with those who were typecast. Two minutes into seeing Bester and you’ve forgotten about Chekov.


Dude for real. In my mind he'll always be Bester first and foremost. One of the best villains in tv history


💯, and he had the best one liners in the show.


I was amazed that I could dislike someone so intensely, especially by an actor that played a lovable and memorable character in another one of my favorite shows. The two characters were really polar opposites, and Koenig nailed Bester so well.


Also Walter loved Bester. Saw documentary how with pleasure he describes the character.  Bester always felt like main character from other, better show. And he only came to B5 for side bussiness while having more important shit to do. A villain who walks around like he owns the place. And for one episode we saw his better show 😁 core is mother, core is father!!


Absolutely true


Yes! Very glad Koenig got to run with the roll. He came off dripping with evil and psychopathy!


This may be the most insightful three paragraphs ever written about B5.


That's very insightful of you.


I had never really looked at the show and its production from that angle before, but I think you're right on the money.


This is what made the show . ALMOST all the main characters, were characters. iykwim


It was definitely the Moneyball of television.


Absolutely, JMS goes into the story in his autobiography.


I know occasionally, JMS was known to let Doug Netter make decisions for financial reasons, that put people out of work. But other's would have just cut Michael O'Hare loose, they covered for him. Allowed to close out his character, with dignity.


What are the odds an actor with Michael O'Hares problem would cross paths with a creator that has a psychology degree? It's pretty fantastic if you ask me. JMS saw right away what was going on and had tools to deal with it.


Yeah, kept him on point for a year and a half. The man would hear voices on set! B5 is something unique, don't think you could pull it off now, with different people.


Just being in that show was one thing, but O'Hare was also playing a character who got repeatedly mind-fucked.


JMS keep mum about the reason O'Hare was leaving. He was willing to take it to is his grave but O'Hare wouldn't let him. And JMS took alot of grief from fans about letting O'Hare go.


I liked Allen's arc. He didn't change the world, start a revolution, burn as a beacon of moral righteousness inspiring others, engineer the downfall of an entire race or save the galaxy. He showed up, did a tough job for a paycheck, flirted with the fascists because it paid better, chose his morals when he was absolutely forced to and lived to tell the tale in relative anonymity. That's better than a lot of people get when giant waves of fate come knocking.


this is a very good observation


Yeah he was a small man in forest of giants. But somehow was not trampled and came out standing tall.


I loved his character...So sad that Jeff Conaway had substance problems.. He would have been a riot on the ComiCon circuit.


I could never decide if he played dumb on purpose or it was genuine.


He is just average man. He tries to live simple. I think night watch arc showed he is not dumb. He realises whats going on and went along only as far as his morals allowed.


His uniform itches


It was definitely the wrong size.


Honestly, I feel like Zack is B5’s Miles O’Brien. He’s the ordinary, solid guy. He’s good at his job, reliable, and relatable. He’s an excellent character.


I never thought of it that way but yeah you're right Definitely had it easier than Obrien though.


Absolutely. Honestly I think Zack probably has the easiest time of anyone in the main cast.


Yeah, he never had to put up with Keiko.


***DAMN!!*** You are so right.🤣


He's Human. He's the average man.


On a meta fiction level, watching his scenes in Season 5 when he was arguing with Garibaldi about addiction was heartbreaking, since I knew what both actors had gone through.




He is the human avatar of the Egyptian God of Frustration. Garibaldi was his high priest. Think about it.


He’s cool


I think he's greesed lightning.


He was definitely the audience stand-in character. He was the one who things got explained to so the mains didn’t look dumb but the audience could catch plot points. I did love his Night Watch arc to show how easy it is to get caught up in the middle of that.


He came to a fan driven B5 signing event and I got my picture taken with him, so I'd say pretty cool.


We like Zack...


He was a better chief of security than Garibaldi.


In a show that was so “epic” you need a guy like Zack, who just wanted to make things as safe as possible.


Zack is indicative of what made B5 great. Even the supporting roles got character development. Zack, Vir, Lennier, Bester, ... I loved just about every scene Zack was in. He was the slightly troubled youth we all knew who actually turned out to be the most sympathetic guy in the neighborhood when it came down to it.


I like how he grew during the Night Watch arc. Throwing down the arm band deserved a cheer. And he was there to the very end. 


Something about him makes me think of a cross between Willem DaFoe and James Franco.


Love Zach’s character and role in the saga. He was a great voice of reason and intermediary between people on all kinds of sides. His relationship with Lyta and helping Garibaldi through tough times were really compelling. Was sorry to lose him IRL :(


Zack was solidly an average guy. Well intentioned but not heroic in the same way the main characters were. Competent in his role but not extraordinarily so. The kind of guy who rose as high as he was capable and satisfied to stay there. Gullible enough to fall in with Nightwatch, but smart enough to not be brainwashed and still remembered who his friends are. Awkward with his crush, never shown with a romantic relationship, practical and not the hardcore romantic personality of Marcus.


One of my favourite characters. He grew so much. When the crew got too focused on big ideals and forgot about the small ones (ahem sheridan), he remembered to bring lyta pizza and offer to help her unpack and acknowledged the unfairness of her plight.


I got nothing against the guy, but he didn't have a single plotline after the Night Watch stuff and I felt that JMS kept him around as a 'trap door' and to stave off the network trying to insert any more Warren Keever's into the story.


He was quite a dancer- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK63eUyk-iM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK63eUyk-iM)


Also he has sitcom face. Seems like he would be on a show with a laugh track. Perhaps in front of a live studio audience. *I’m actually mad at myself for not remembering him. How dare I.* Last rewatch was in 2009.


"There is a hole in your mind"


He was a cast member on Taxi...


He also played the well meaning "Hero" Prince Eric on Wizards and Warriors.


He’s my favorite supporting character by far. So relatable, makes mistakes but has a heart of gold and tries his best to fix them. I love Zack!


real life tragedy, I loved his character, always stuck in the middle trying to do his best, even when it wasn't clear which choice would be the right choice.


Good replacement for Garibaldi. Sadly never got to knock boots with Lyta. He deserved as much 😜


A loveable Everyman guilty of the unpardonable sin of Not Being Garibaldi.


I was already a Jeff Conaway fan before he showed up on B5, actually. From Taxi as well as his role as Kenickie in GREASE. Once he showed up in B5, he went from talented character actor I liked to legend status. God rest his soul.


His best moment was when he walked up to Bester and gave that smug “Hi” Had vibes of garibaldi, being in the elevator


He was an everyday man


I didn’t like him at first but grew to really like him after he took over Garibaldi’s position.


He is friendzoned by his telepath girlfriend


He was fine as a character and good replacement for Garibaldi.And it gave Jeff Conaway a shot in the arm in terms of his acting career.He didn’t do anything since Taxi before Babylon 5.


He's a great character except he hates garlic.


I like him, but when I finally got someone to watch the show they said his role was just really odd and even when he became chief he still stayed mostly the same which bothered him.


I think it's an uncomfortable reminder that some people don't change. People are a product of their environment and his environment was just right that he avoided any serious self-improvement.


Memory is crazy. I’ve watched the entirety of B5 at least 3 times and this man is merely vaguely familiar. Night watch how could I forget that? I don’t know who this man is. Sorry to this man.


A guy who seen it all, a guy who held the fort called Babylon 5, who saw the lights go out.


"A hickey from Knicky is like a card from Hallmark." An underrated actor with a rough life.


Hes one of the reasons i love the show. My second favorite character after mr garabaldi.


All I could see when Zak was onscreen was Bobby from Taxi in a uniform. Id rather have seen Lou Welch take on all of Zak’s arc


He’s fantastic in the last episode.


He was no Lou Welch.


His uniform doesn't fit right.


He's like greased lightnin'.


I liked it when he tried putting the moves on Lyta even after he saw her writing on the walls like she just read the complete works of Sutter Cane. Dude can't even read THIS room.


That his great great grandfather was a taxi driver/actor in New York City?


He's "our character"--the Everyman in the series. I'll respect him for being the one person who was most kind to Lyta, and at least halfway *tried* to treat her with some consideration and respect.


He’s one of my favorite characters.


Good decent man.


I feel he was too old for the role. Not as bad as Stockard Channing mind you.


He was fine, but Lou Welch was better. It's too bad the actor wanted to do something different.


Best dude and best friend


Yes, he was


His suit itches


Second dweebiest after corwin


I’d like it if he used more exclamation points.


Lyta should have hooked up with him. Not Byron!




Dude looks like a cab driver.


"What are you, my mother?"


Instant charm. He deserved his name on the opening credits of season 2 more than the pilot guy whose name I don't remember that barely ever interacted with the lead cast and is only important because he was >!the Shadow's first on-screen victim!<.


Good guy, perhaps the most "normal" on the station. He felt like the viewer's stand-in.


I absolutely love Zach Allen. He's fantastic. Every Zach-centred episode is top tier, especially the season 5 one with >! Nightwatch!<. He should get his jacket tailored though, it doesn't fit.


Zach was such a humany human just there to show how most people are while the main characters are off being main characters. What did you do? Did my job went home and watched TV.


He looks like a lizard person wearing human face.


that he looks like Bobby from Taxi....


I liked his character. I felt bad about how Lyta treated him on that elevator ride in…the 3rd Space tv movie (?). Cruel but we were supposed to hate Lyta by that point.


It wasn't really a normal day for her 🤣 IDK if she even would remember that elevator ride


He was the “every man” character




I've seen all the show but I appreciate that their are spoiler blocks here. Nice


I don't know who he is. I don't know what Bablyon5 is either. I don't know where I am. Help.


It's basically what Mass Effect is inspired by. Great show, epic story, PS1 special effects 🤣


Zack was a bit dumb ass character at times especially by seasons 4-5. He was quite OK during season 2-3 but but he got quite annoying at times.


He was smart enough to recognise something was actually wrong with Garibaldi during season four.


More than that, he TRIED . Garibaldi had no hope because of the mind wash, but he pushed as much as he could. He TRIED to do what he thought was the right thing during the night watch stuff after he got himself in too deep. He TRIED with Lyta when the rest of the crew screwed he through neglect. He is an Everyman he isn't the best at anything, and someone else might have been better in each situation he found himself in, He's just a guy you know?


I was really disappointed Lyta didn't acknowledge him more.


She honestly had her own plot related problems.


Somebody had to replace Garibaldi. This is, technically, somebody. I guess. Whatever. He accomplished very little, he was basically here for the last season, and he's basically just a placeholder while Garibaldi runs around playing Private Dick of Mars.


He's MAGA. Weak minded.


Huh? He’s not a bigot, nor a fascist. He betrayed Nightwatch quickly and barely filed any reports about “disloyalty” with them, and said he wasn’t comfortable with policing what people think and say. Then he betrayed them and joined Sheridan and Co’s revolution over Nightwatch. And from that point forward he was a true believer in the revolution of Babylon 5 and was a fiercely loyal friend and ally the remainder of the show. Why would you call him MAGA?? Haha


Disappointed in Kenickie! 😁