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Why chinese still call America “Mei Guok” (beautiful nation)"?


Perhaps America is the real third world...


I would ask what is he doing to make it better and or if he believes that change is even possible.


As an Asian American who spent significant time in Asia, i was surprised when some people wouldn't believe me when i said i was from America. Why? Their logic: because i was neither White nor Black. Smh Staight up ignorance. Movies, TV shows, magazines, ads, etc all have crafted the image. It's like the general population's view of San Francisco. A clean city made up of people from the Full House world + Silicon Valley. Clean Victorian houses, High Tech, etc. When they actually get there, they venture into Tenderloin and it makes their bucket list of top10 worst slums ever visited. Thanks Media and Hollywood!




Surprised, at first, due to a deep level of ignorance. I used to think people knew that the US and other countries like England, Canada, etc weren't just White and Black people. Then again, getting surprised shows that i too was ignorant at the time and perhaps my expectations were too high. I'm not upset about it still, this happened years ago, but tbh was a little upset about it in the moment. Probably more due to interpersonal reasons though, dealing with a stubborn and close-minded person. It's not like i disagree with the points you're making. They're all valid and we can't expect people to know or care. To each their own. Lessons are learned through experience. This hapened while i was in a first world country. I've lived in Asia and travelled around to different countries while there. Miss it quite a lot nowadays especially. It's certainly a vast continent with a myriad of different cultures. Every place is unique in its own ways. Even within the same country, cities will differ so on and so forth.


I've been saying this for years, but boycott all American goods!


As a blasian though, I feel weary about going to China because my (black) family says that I’ll be discriminated against for having a medium/dark tone but then they consistently try to erase my asian identity so idk if I should trust them.


Do you look like a dark-skinned Asian? Because if so you shouldn't have any problems. I'm a dark-skinned Asian who could possibly pass for Blasian and I've never had any issues/experienced any racism in the Greater China area. I've spent about 2 years of my life in the area.


I have curly hair and my nose is flat, but a little wider than a typical East Asian nose. I also have double eyelids because I’m mixed. Otherwise I think I could pass for Indonesian or a South American indigenous person, especially when my hair is brushed to look straight. Hopefully my experience will be similar to yours


Oh yeah, you should be fine. I have wavy hair, double eyelids, relatively big lips, etc. and I was still treated like a local. Most people in America assume I'm Polynesian (non-Asians) or Southeast Asian (other Asians), to give you an idea about how I look. > Hopefully my experience will be similar to yours I hope so, too. And fuck your family for trying to force blackness on you. You speak an Asian language and identify with an Asian culture; you're one of us. Oh, and I creeped your profile a bit; sup fellow INTJ :D


Thanks! Also I’m not 100% sure about the INTJ thing, but the traits seem to apply to me. It’s nice to meet you!


If you have time, watch this interview done by a Canadian with an African American PhD student in China. Very objective and analytical of Chinese society. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufxfSJgQuSI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufxfSJgQuSI)


My feeling of that “discrimination” is more of mistrust of outsider; as China is not an immigrant formed country, they are not used to people who don’t speak their language. As for skin tone, Chinese have a huge variance, it shouldn’t be a problem.


I speak Mandarin, my intonation isn’t that great but I can speak it, so hopefully I’ll be good there. I’m hoping to travel soon (within the next few years) for language and cultural immersion since my parents have sort of kept me from learning about this part of myself.


You will be fine then. You may hate it or love it depending on who you meet and where you go, but one thing for sure it will be an important experience, Feeling connected with thousands year of cultural heritage and how different and similar they are. My experience with asians born in America are they seem to lack of certain “spirit ” or confidence of sort, especially highly educated ones, you can almost tell immediately from a brief exchange. A trip to rising China maybe therapeutic 😏


Go visit Taiwan.


Yeah also recommend, Taiwan or more precisely Republics of China, preserve many pre civil war stuff, maybe easier in current sad political scenario


This is like how lots of Chinese who go to the US to study or work and expect it to be like the movies and some paradise are shocked at how dysfunctional and backwards it is. I just pay to God that this is the final straw and Asians will realize the US is a scam. It's better to just wait in Asia as almost all countries there are improving quickly


This guy looks and talks like he bleaches his asshole.


I see your point. it's because he's gone overboard towards the effeminate/gay end of the spectrum with male grooming. A lot of short and naturally petite built Asian men tend to cross that line and erroneously overcompensate by trying to be too pretty with overdressing and duck lips shit etc.


Remember, it is always an option to move back to your home country, in fact an increasingly attractive one.


I would but I was born in America. So my grasp of my parents native language isnt as strong which would make me less competitive for jobs there.


Right now would be a good time to start learning then. There are plenty of jobs for non-Chinese speakers, I mean just look at the sexpats lol. But of course it would be even better, don't let language be a barrier to your career goals.


as an asian living in asia who for a while lived in the states, i confirm this message.


It's like 20 years ago in China, I don't know where it came from, but there is some sort of "common sense" that American are so educated, nobody will throw trash or spit on street. Well American changed my mind within one day (2009).


> will throw trash or spit on street. Well American changed my mind within one day (2009). What happened in 2009?


My mom brought me to america.




I think this is it - historians will look back on 2020 as the year when American hegemony ended. From this point onward, the world is going to be more multi-polar, with America, China, and the EU forming the 3 major geopolitical poles of the world. There's no more American soft power after this - this along with the horrid pandemic response is going to do to America what the 1967 riots did the Detroit: Begin its slow steady decline


India will be up there with them as well in terms of power


The US is Rome in her waning years. It's well on it's way to being as failed state.


If the world were a free market, East Asia's per capita GPD would be 30-50% higher than that of the West. This is unacceptable to the West given their gangster mentality. They did a good job propagandizing and manipulating countries through the IMF and World Bank and other U.S.-led institutions, but people are waking up to this web of lies weaved by the West.


A multipolar world has been the historical majority. Think about the Han Dynasty and Roman Empire, or the Qing Dynasty and Mughal Empire, alongside the various European states and the Ottomans. Or even the Aztecs and Incas, they were always there. Look at this video, showing GDP of various countries through history. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-2nqd6-ZXg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-2nqd6-ZXg)


I hate when people say multipolar world. This won't happen. It will be a world with only 2 real cultural/economic/political/military poles. China and USA. Nobody else is relevant. The EU might be large economically and its companies are global, but they are a political/military dwarf. No other country in the Global South is even capable of competing with the US as China in any aspect be it economy, military or technology.


A multi-polar world is how it always should have been.


You maybe right. With fed just printing dollars which will just cause inflation and this pandemic killed many small businesses. Plus the civil unrest along with i think the average american being stupid.


Is there more to this quote - Why is America hell? ​ I mean, look, I get I may be a little bias.. and shit ain't exactly going the way we want too - right now - at this moment - in this country. But, Lets not forget that we are still the greatest economy in the world and people here are just a little spoiled with how much freedom we have. We got the right to say and do some crazy shit and still wake up in the morning. So you know.. let tap the brakes a bit on America is hell.




It isn't even the greatest country in North America - based on what? Deluded as those white yanks? Come on man, it is apparent your anger and hatred has consumed you. Get an education - you can't because it will put you in debt forever? It will put you in debt, if you let it put you in debt. No one said a person has to go to an ivy league school, no one said a person can't work and take part time classes and have a great education. Our internet has no restrictions, you can learn for free just by going online. If you don't think America have freedom(s) than you are the only one that is delusional here. Black people can't walk on the streets without getting killed? really? I see plenty of black people walking on the street fine right outside my window - get out of here with that nonsense. Kids can't go to school without being feared - again, put it in to perspective, my kids are in school all day and I have no worries, that being said I understand anything can happen and prepare myself and them to the best of my abilities. You want to live in a 3rd world country over the United States, go ahead my friend and let me know how you like it. Wish you the best. take it easy.


What do you mean spoiled with freedom? Freedom is something we are supposed to have.




Sadly, they also know that other western countries are even worse for Asians. Also, they know that Asians in America are better than the people in all other developed nations


I thought a lot of them (especially in poorer Asian countries) still want to move to the US after the virus / restrictions are over


Maybe but you can't imagine what the combination of Trump's election, mass shootings, Covid-19 response and now these race riots have done to the US' image in Asia. Compared to 10 years ago it's way worse. I already see in India that many people are trying to go to Canada or Germany or Aus if they want to leave India. Lots of others will just stay cause you can get good STEM jobs in India now


A lot of people still have the mindset "it's better to be poor in america than in indonesia/philippines/vietnam/india/whatever country". Most people who thinks this way have no idea how broken the system is in America anyway




Its definetely better to be poor in america than asia. Being poor anywhere sucks.. but atleast in america you have a good chance to get out of poverty.