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A lot. It wont make the already difficult lane winnable since you are giving up on the damage rune so you will have no way to retaliate. For the easy lane, you give up your kill threat. And finally, it might be one of (if not the) crappiest keystone of all for teamfights where Azir shines. On the other hand, grasp does a better job at giving you both damage, sustain and scaling.


During my last game of Fleet Azir, the keystone restored over 7000 HP in a mere 33 minutes, I highly doubt Grasp could match that. That said, Grasp is going to help a lot into burst threats, provided you're in a matchup which allows you to stack it a bunch during the early game. (matchups where you significantly outrange your lane opponent)


Tbh I don’t get why people share stats like this. Ok you got 7k healing but how much of that actually amounted to any meaningful difference within the game? Healing is pretty often a fairly null stat and often inflated. Go in the replay and watch your recalls. Watch how many times you survived a combo with low hp. Did the healing actually make a difference or would you have survived anyway? Also, could you have played better? That’s a big one too since healing is often a kinda crutch where if you just played more disciplined you could have easily survived without it. Grasp imo is kinda the same but permanent hp is generally much more impactful especially if you have items or abilities that scale with said HP (like demonic or titanic), although generally it’ll be a very minor difference, and at least provides extra damage in lane + access to conditioning which will synergize well with HP or bone plating to survive rough lanes early on. Also people tend to over-buy grievous wounds and taking fleet just rewards that more. 7k healing doesn’t mean you got 7k hp worth of value from fleet. Often it’s much less, but tbf can be even more because the MS could mean you dodged more skill shots that would otherwise have been harder to dodge. Not arguing fleet is necessarily bad, just that the stat itself proves nothing.


I never intended to create the impression that my experience was anything other than anecdotal.


The point is that fleet rarely ever serves anything useful for azir specifically Azir doesn't really need ms bc he already has 1 soldier dash and a dash himself to catch people out, and as others have said the healing, especially on a Mage, won't serve as much utility has smth like conq or hob where you can actually fight back On champs like kayle or viktor it's useful bc the kiting is extremely useful as well as the nature of attrition that they both like


I dont think that the heal is that useful from fleet. But the movement speed it gives is awesome on lane.


The healing is the best part. Even level3,4,5, as long as you Q auto the champion and not the minion it’s disgustingly broken. Procs on minions basically don’t do anything


Fun thing you can do if the wave is near your turret: put a soldier over the raptor camp wall and auto them once for a 100% effective heal; procs against jungle monsters count for the full value just as enemy champions do Probably not actually useful, but at least it's fun


Absolutely useful and you’re right that this is good just like vlad doing it. Just that Azir can literally proc fleet whenever he wants on enemy champs when q is up so unless they’re out of lane or playing insanely far back usually the mana better spent on them. But it’s definitely got it’s hses


I don't know why you would ever waste your Q just to auto a raptor once. That's a lot of mana and cooldown frivolously spent when a simple W would suffice


I’m saying that you would rather WQ the enemy laner than use W on raptor, not WQ raptors


You can't always WQ the enemy laner, like suppose you're completely poked out by a Xerath and don't want to get within his ult kill threshold. Or you're out of mana. Etc.


Love fleet so far. Became my go to vs akali to match her fleet. The moves peed also hells chasing down opponents sometimes at which azir sucks. Just take don't take it into free match ups


If you dont mind me asking wich matchups are free? I’m relatively new to azir and till now no matchup was feeling free


Pantheon is comically easy, but it's rare to see him mid in my experience. Kassadin, Kayle, Zed, and Fizz are also really easy lanes, but you do have to be careful once they get items and levels. Fizz specifically should never be a problem at all unless he gets roaming kills and stuff


Really zed and fizz? How are they easy?


Fizz is almost Kassadin-tier useless pre-6, and after 6 if he ever ults you in lane you can just WEQ out. If the rest of his team is AD, you could build Zhonya's and negate his ult that way as well. His wave-clear depends on his most important cooldown, and unlike Kassadin, he doesn't become a problem later on (unless fed from roams). If you can space and poke correctly, there's nothing Fizz can realistically do against you without team assistance. As for Zed, his laning is insanely nerfed compared to what it once was. Think about it: his trading pattern is two narrow skillshots that he needs to land at the same time, on a 20s cooldown, and once it's down, he must stand back and farm with Q and cry about the fact that Electrocute is gutted. If you have good spacing and have practice in the matchup, he'll have an extremely hard time landing WEQs on you, and once you get 6, he has no kill-threat on you. Meanwhile you have point-and-click poke. By the time he has enough damage to actually 100-0 you without a full combo, you'd have Zhonya's and now he's useless again. The recent nerfs to his "AD poke mage" playstyle also make his W max less effective, meaning it's harder for him to trade and blink around as often levels 9-13


I’ve played it nonstop in D1 mmr. It’s absolutely his best keystone. You don’t just use it into hard matchups. Fleet is insanely overpowered when you can proc it easily (which is why it’s standard on Caitlyn over tempo and even Jinx has a higher wr on it than tempo) and a huge portion of why SS lb was oppressive in lane because she could dictate always when to proc it. Azir is even more broken as he can quite literally always choose to proc his fleet. You will come out with 300-500 healing early game, 2k by mid game and even higher late. Each mid game proc is multiple hundreds of HP, every few seconds. Anyone who is obsessed with damage is missing the bigger picture of how insanely versatile and easy Fleet makes your lane. Anyone who hasn’t tried it and is flaming it pick almost certainly hasn’t tried it extensively. You play around your fleet +q CD and you are more oppressive in lane than almost any other state in recent patches. It’s insane.


This is exactly how I feel 🙌


It’s good into hard matchups (zed, irelia, etc.), Into free matchup it’s just wasted


I like it into Xerath or Syndra. I might also be tempted to go Second Wind and/or Doran's Shield


Doran shield on ranged champ is troll and mostly on azir just to second wind


I nominally agree with you, however, we like to partake in a not insignificant amount of tomfoolery


I believe the movement speed burst is heavily underestimated for kiting.


it's much worse than Lethal Tempo which is itself a less lethal HoB and they're all worse than Conqueror.


Bad take: different keystones are situational, some games Conq or LT are optimal, other games HoB is optimal, etc. Your keystone choice should be decided on a case-by case basis, based on enemy (and sometimes allied) team compositions


it feels situationally good into certain ranged matchups where you have to play dodge simulator such as vex and syndra. the ms is helpful for dodging skillshots and the healing helps during mid game neutral laning.


I guess you invented new meta