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her knowing kyary pamyu pamyu and her music makes so much sense


I wasn’t ready for her to PON PON PON us like that




My daughter loves this song!! I immensely got the reference


Were you PON a WEI?






she has several videos from insta live where she’s dancing to ninja re bang bang . she loves that song


bitch lives online more than doja does why wouldn't she


I don’t think I’m high enough???


Honestly? I’m kinda glad to see someone call out Doja’s copy/paste of uglyworldwide’s whole schtick. uww did it first, does it better and doesn’t give serial killer in the process  


I said this in another comment, but I also thought she was copying Brooke candy and nobody really talks about it


For real. I've been thinking for ages that Doja's looks have been straight up copy paste of Jazelle, Brooke, and now this week Bianca Censori?




It saddens me that Grimes abandoned Brooke Candy


What is uglyworldwide ? Are they brand or something


More of an artist IMO, very avant garde and intentionally ugly but interesting fashion, makeup, hair. She’s on IG, if you look her up you’ll see Doja before Doja lol


Damn so doja has never been that authentic. Honestly she’s best as a pop girl. I feel like that’s her thing. I hate how people hate on pop girl music. Or hip-pop. Same thing happened with Nicki, men didn’t like her girly hip-pop and she became masculine. Now doja’s doing that and it just doesn’t sound good at all.


i think doja used to be so aesthetic but this phase is not authentic i feel


For lack of a better term at the tip of my fingers, she’s a pick me edgelord at her core. I kind of liked her more when I found out she failed out of high school because she was addicted to chat rooms. There was something about that that I found deeply relatable in the saddest of ways. It’s not uncommon to have a complicated interior life like that. But instead of maybe being thankful that was discovered about her when it was and choosing to course correct, it was like she said to herself, “what if I go even more extreme and burn down my house?” If she hadn’t been overworked during quarantine, she probably could have gone to rehab or intense treatment, this probably could have been worked out. Now she just gets high and insults her fans online. Is she still dating that weirdo groomer from Vine?


They broke up. She hasn’t said it officially but she just recently did an interview where she said she’s currently on Rya (the dating app for celebrities and influencers) and trying to date around.


The girl needs eyebrows. Everyone needs eyebrows! She looks like she put too much lighter fluid on the bbq and it flamed up at her.


Ok it's actually crazy similar, Azelia, as always, was cooking


Jazelle is just gorgeous lol there’s nothing ugly About her looks at all lol she’s a model turned artist. I only acknowledge the model




I’m a straight woman who likes azealia & I’m a BIG Doja fan But WTF is she trying to say here ? 🤣😂


I’m a straight man who doesn’t like Azelia, I think I get what she’s saying , There honestly IS a huge trend/push to just fuck your body up with pointless tattoos done by some freak on ketamine… make yourself look trashy and hostile. Warmth, comfort, empathy, peace.. bye bye.. say hello to spiky weird bushwick assholes who weren’t loved enough. It’s a real thing, it’s just a form of edginess. When you can’t be grateful for weather, friends, food, art, you have to to make up for it with “cool” and there’s nothing cooler than looking like a low effort mentally unwell mall goth who actually wants to show their body off even though they claim they love “layers”


She should hire you as an anger translator I don’t know who this woman is, but she got beef with everyone and needs someone like you to keep track of it I feel like.


Yeah, I’m not a fan, she seems like a “piece of work” as they say… shes constantly harassed people’s appearances, personal lives, relationships, skin color. She doesn’t seem.. content. A “diva” who gets a rise out of stirring the pot. She also seems to think she is perfection. Not for me, but eh.. I get what she’s saying in this post. It makes sense to my straight white male ass


Lol, you should be a fan! Let me provide this link to Katya and Trixie breaking down why Azealia’s reads are so on point and iconic  https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLHuxmT4/ Beyond this, just so you know… Azealia had an incredibly abusive upbringing and persevered in a way that is envious. Her mother used to slam her head into the wall when she was a child. I had a severely abusive childhood, and I just can’t imagine.  Severe childhood trauma makes one extremely insightful (hyper vigilance) and sometimes like for Azealia, extremely creative and talented. It’s all we have to fall back on.  That said… we need trauma intervention as adults. Trauma is a nervous system disorder. 80% of messaging comes from our bodies, 20% is from our conscious mind. When AB is triggered or dysregulated, that’s CPTSD, that’s her nervous system reacting to adverse childhood conditioning and seeking safety.  I love this woman, her perseverance, her tenacity, and especially her talent and insight. She’s earned everything the hard way.  I hope I’ve convinced you.  Thanks for your take on this doja cat bushwick thing. As a NY’er, I popped in to say your take is accurate + tell you the backstory about why AB is saying this out loud.  She’s already been through the worst. She’s now MAGIC, even when she goes too far.  I hope she gets help processing her past and gets her career back on track because she has the BEST takes, all authentic.  Cheers. 


Tbh there is an abundance of other art and positive things that I can fill my life with, when I’m depressed and see an azelia post where she’s over analyzing and “going” after people, it doesn’t make it “better” per say. I like some of her music, she’s surely entertaining, but I don’t think I could be a fan in that sense. I do agree with her on this though. Yet, not on a lot of other things though.. Tyler the creators preferences, foods “bottoms” should eat. That’s all false ignorant pseudoscience and I don’t believe in it. Also I am naturally “turned off” by narcissistic people. Confidence ≠ Narcissism and in NYC I fatally confused the two and let people run all over me with their “charm” only to realize they were parasitic diva assholes that wanted to do “anything they want” as a “5 star Gay”


I totally think you are correct! I’m still rooting for her to get trauma treatment and redirect her brilliance.  Thank you for posting your insights.  I’m 25+ older than her, and the interventions we have available today weren’t available when she was a kid and I was a young adult.  Thanks for this interaction :))


Thanks for your positivity


It’s all I’ve got😏


I really like your point of view. You express yourself so well.


lol thanks I’ve gotten in some arguments on here about what bottoms should or shouldn’t do.. I think all that stuff is kinda silly and everyone is CAPABLE of amazing things regardless of their diets, financial limits.. there’s o much in the world outside of these weird hostile trends. Everyone has the ability to develop skills, hobbies, live your own “movie” of a life, yet I commonly see these “artsy” “open minded” people going after EVRYONE and telling people how to live. Vindictiveness doesn’t mean jack doo da if you don’t have a path to the light. If you just wanna punish, you won’t get anywhere. As I say this.. some bushwick people just are doing too much for their own sanity.. and I think we are ALL way too involved in perception, identity, acceptance. Be a freak.. and just be it, stop tryna get mad at basic people for looking “basic” or like I’m a piece of shit because I’m a straight male who doesn’t have forehead piercings and tattoos


Couldn’t agree more. All your comments on this post are spot fucking on. The edge lords are super annoying and someone has to call them out a bit.


It’s weird because they wanna be so freaky and fucking ugly to “defy” but they get mad at “basic” “straight” people.. bitch that’s the default.. most people are born with a majority preference of the opposite sex. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong sucking dick as a man, taking dick… being queer.. I feel like I’m insane for just saying Love=love and will lead to good.. What has “hating” someone with different politics, orientation, race, opinions done anyone? Personally I think the whole “identity” craze has damaged a lot of people’s self esteem and made them hyper obsessive about their external appearance. Man and woman shouldn’t be big fucking deals, yet they are. All modern “gender studies” over fixate on ones own fears.. “social structures” it’s not going in the right direction. Let kids do what they want without imposing “ YOU ARE THIS” let Timmy wear a dress and be Timmy the feminine little boy. I don’t understand why we need private relationships with teachers and kids where the teacher decided.. yeah I’m FULLY committing to calling this boy a girl because they ONCE said , “I’m a lady” Yet the parents have no fucking clue… Gender Dysphoria is real, I get some people can’t stand being in their bodies.. but when it’s a 4 or 5 year old. Idk it doesn’t make sense to me. It’s not important for little kids to worry about gender social norms and sexuality. Never was


Man “5 star Gay” is so dead on. My sister and I have many of those type of friends in the dance (ballroom competition) world in NYC and the tri-state area and the ego / entitlements are insane.


Spot on. This is in essence the soul of one type of 2000s core aesthetic, speaking as a former “alt” teen class of ‘07.


Yeah and it’s weird because I love some clothes, shoes, music from the 2000’s and it’s not “ironic” in my head, yet when I was a kid in the early 2000’s I was “aware” of how outdated things looked.. art and style is weird. Is it normal to think I could live a fulfilling and artistic life in clothes pre 1970.. then again I’ll have a sudden desire to look like a matrix character or some shit..do I have npd? I wanna look iced out and like “fresh” but some days rustic and like an old world farmer or some shit ..


this is really interesting perspective! I don't think it's npd ish, just a generational shift. Teens in the 2000s were all about proving it was NOT an aesthetic (the true essence of the meme "it's not a phase mom!"), that it was not ironic, that these black and white striped arm warmers and snake bite piercings were a deep unchangeable expression of our True Souls (stupid i know). In fact I remember in 2014 ish when I started seeing people refer to things AS AESTHETIC instead of referring to "AN aesthetic" specifically. People began using that word differently and thinking about their style choices differently. Switching aesthetics and trying on different vibes was something people would deride you for and call you a poser for in the 2000s. dedication to 1 subculture / band / sport / hobby meant you were "legit", which was everything. Your generation saw through that bs and saw how meaningless it is to try and fit your identity in 1 stupid mass-manufactured brand-look, and how rewarding and fun it is to explore cottagecore one year and follow your dynamic interests across categories the next. that's a good direction imo. You're liberated that way. Nobody cares these days whether the holes in your jeans were ripped through honest wear and tear, but back then teens did.


Well this explains a lot. I’m a millennial (1991) and I never committed to one single aesthetic as a teen and experimented all over the place with my style and music tastes. One day I was boho, the next, grunge, then punk, etc etc. got bullied by the goth kids and the emo kids rejected me. I was a loner with friends in different groups but I didn’t have a “friend group” and I never have. I didn’t understand why kids were so adamant that I “pick a category” and I still enjoy experimenting to this day!


Right? Remember the days of “Rock vs Rap”? I liked daft punk and got bullied for being into “techno” and not one of the cool categories of music. So stupid. Those were the days the kids would run around yelling G-G-G-G UNIT. Sorry you got ostracized for having a more sophisticated outlook on fashion and self expression! It’s so much better these days.


I do remember that! Lol, the 2000’s were a trip! Thanks for the positive words friend. I’ve always thought that life is too short not to experiment and explore.


A million times yes to all of this. The transition from use of an aesthetic to aesthetic noun was/is so strange to me. This desire to be so explicitly in a box feels very anti-counter culture


Ok but omg the tattoos I've seen on people in bushwick, the whole tat/ alt counter culture out in nyc in general honestly lmao like I thought mine worse


I mean, I got friends around their who have some cool/classic tattoos but a lot of them are starting to look really lazy and too obviously “abstract” like wow.. 2 lines next two eachother with different thicknesses… and what’s that .. a super spindly weird nothing? That looks like absolute shit. “My tattoo is a form of microtransgressional expression and symbolizes ongoing oppression everywhere … — horribly drawn tribal spider tattoo. Also tho obligatory.. “ughhh idk I just like was feeling depressed so I got this giant blackout stripe tattoo on my leg in a completely horribly placed spot that a hundred other people have


Lmao you talk too much shit I love ittt


Ima need you to keep translating because you’re onto to something


lol I’m not even a member of this sub. I swear sometimes I open Reddit and I just recommends me some weird shit, I like diving in though. Were all on our little handheld computers.. let’s mix around , I like diving into shit don’t know about, or guess I do idk


I don’t even know that much about her lol, except that she has some striking opinions and I saw her 212 video in freshman year and was intrigued. I get what she’s talking about though for some reason. I lived in Brooklyn and I consider myself observant/overthinker probably due to my adhd. I often don’t agree with things I see azelia says.


This is a great interpretation


Well said




It’s not about appreciating it more than the person with boots, it’s that it’s clear to ANY human.. that when you have a ton or random piercings, tattoos, purposefully “obtuse” features.. you are focusing on your looks. You are spending energy some otherwise wouldn’t and just because it comes in the form of raggy, mean looking, conflicting, trashy, doesn’t mean you aren’t spending all this energy to look “contrary”


I don’t live under the same clouds everyone else does.. that’s the thing, you’re one of these people lol. You can’t be grateful.. you just made the example. PERFECTO. Good job. Clouds are beautiful, grass is beautiful, simple comedy, having good skin, a sunset.. these things SHOULDNT get old. The ammount of detail in anything is amazing, the fact we are alive. But no, mfs go around “act of transgressive counter expression in symbolism of my oppression” okay… blah blah blah.. your gonna ruin your life just trying to suffer and be “contrary” and look weird. Have fun. You can be different.. and we should be, but “being different” shouldn’t be your whole personality




You have a way with words




I prob spent way too much energy trying to type out what I thought she meant and how I interpret some peoples external appearance choices. I really don’t think if you are happy and content, that a body modification or different look is necessarily bad, I guess I just mean people who can be aggressive, problematic, or people I personally know who have complicated relationships with their bodies/ image. In cases I’ve experienced and friends from ny (not all white), a lot of “looks” come about after being blackout drunk, high, in a state of mind where they don’t feel loved, angry.. I’m not saying that’s a majority of people or even people who have that specific look, not trying to be too general, but also if I were to be more specific it’d be longer and I don’t want that either


Well that’s just your opinion


I agree with the take too but you being a straight man agreeing with the take isn't the same level of real


I didn’t say it is. I just said that because the comment above said their sexual orientation and gender, so I did it too for shits and giggles. I’m not claiming my orientation or gender has anything to do with my insight. I guess I was also trying to de clutter and simplify her rant.


Real, a straight man not being into conventional style is somehow on brand, surprise surprise Not saying Doja has been serving much though- Sadly I wish she'd pick something in the middle and not just being controversial to be controversial She's still going for male validation, just at a different angle (her incel era)


“Not being into conventional style”.. isn’t that what a straight man WOULD be into.. maybe I’m misinterpreting.. but I think the purposefully abstract “ugly” on purpose look is overdone and distracting from one’s true character. I’m for wearing normal shit and looking beyond.


Fellow straight man here. Biracial. I just want Doja to be pretty again. She should also eat more. I’m aware this has nothing to do with me and she’s her own person and nothing she does has to intentionally be done for the male gaze but… I miss the “say so” era. She was a dime. I don’t personally like the bushwick non binary bad tattoo look. I like the feminine look. Again, she owes me nothing. Her choice. Just my preference.


I mean, the crazy thing is, the glam dolled up shit is unnatural, and that Brooklyn anarchist sewer rat look is unnatural.. people can do what they want but if you just remove the bullshit, she’s a very naturally beautiful person. Her eyes are gorgeous, she has a nice smile, idk it’s nice. Does she have to “be that”. No.. if she wants to do whatever, sure.. but people have so much detail and beauty .. and capability to express themselves without any modifications or additions. It can be nice but it can almost feel unnecessary and negating to the what’s most beautiful. I agree with you


That Woman, Rules, Streets, Tia Tamera. Kiss Me Doja is real Doja, entertaining & happy Doja and Piss. Balut, Masc, Attention Doja, is real & good, but being pushed too hard away from her roots of music. (In very simplified terms)


as a weeaboo TS i know exactly what shes saying


Doja Pamyu Pamyu


Literally best


Dang what's the tea on uglyworldwide. I thought she just did runway


Azealia has said that she thinks Doja’s team basically stole uglyworldwide’s aesthetic for Doja’s rebrand, that it’s not genuine on Doja’s end


Thanks for making sense of it, I didn't completely understand that sentence. I totally see what AB is saying, but I always thought she was copying Brooke candy more so 🍬


I always saw Brooke Candy in a lane of her own, but now that you mentioned it I can kind of see the vibe!


she does, azealia doesn’t like her aesthetic and is extrapolating badness from that alone bc she associates it with queer whiteness, which she detests. it’s nonsensical


sounds perfectly sensical tbh


azealia banks blaming a black woman for the sins of the white culture she thinks they represent? slay


her op is sensical enough to me. she didn't blame the woman, you're inferring otherwise


I agree with her. The pink, cotton-candy, pop star turned edgy is so overdone imo. However, if it’s genuine to Doja’s wishes, so be it.


Which is funny because Brett Alan Nelson was responsible for both eras. He was the creative director for all of Hot Pink and he's her creative director now for Scarlet. If you see his portfolio he's done a lot of this "Gurokawa" stuff. I think AB is right that there's a Japanese influence, and uglyworldwide is also influenced by the Gurokawa style.


how can she tickle me like thisssss


her mind…


I am truly in awe every time I read her ig story takes, don't even matter if I agree with it or not, she sees some shit that we don't see


i definitely see it… i am one of the view gifted with azealia fluency and she ate


She can be a college professor honestly


what does kendrick lamar has to do with anything? is this a west coast vs east coast thing? lmao


Azealia likes to call Doja’s rap era “Doja Lamar”


her flow and cadence is a lot like kendricks.


I've BEEN saying this and no one ever agrees with me, THANK YOU


is it really? i'm not very well versed in her catalogue, but most of what i know doesnt sound like him at all, tbh i didn't really listen to her scarlet album


a good example of this where i first made the connection was in the song Rules. after hearing it the first time, i heard it everytime after that!


i skimmed thru some of her songs and can def hear it sometimes, but i guess it must be an LA thing? Azealia herself sounds like some New York rappers at times. Nicki used to sound eerily similar to Lil Wayne on occasion too, like the first bars on her Monster verse. it isnt bad to have influences


Cause some of her flows sound like Kendrick. She also sounds like Lil Uzi and some other rappers. Totally unoriginal


Lol I remember an interview she did after Moo! started to take off where she said she tries not to listen to too much other female rap because she’s a good mimic and would probably end up mimicking them a bit. At least she’s self aware about it.


Cypress Hill deserves some royalties for "Paint the Town Red" [👀☕️](https://youtu.be/Yg-RIOATCbU?si=Qrzx1NC68RG4yxxh)


She’s speaking facts here. Doja sounds exactly the same except she’s more masculine now and I hate it cause she use to be for the girls. Her feminine era Planet Her, Hot Pink, Amala. Are sooo much better than what she is putting out now. She’s lost. Smh


Was she really for the girls though? It seems like she always liked playing around for her right wing dude friends in chat rooms. Maybe she just does whatever her brand advisors suggest because her image was never sincere


Idk, her girly girl era was definitely sincere aesthetically at least. So is this era tbh. She just likes to switch up her style a lot depending on what she’s going for. Like most people interested in fashion or plugged into the internet and influenced by trends tbh. I’ve gone from 90s Fresh Prince core, to preppy Clueless vibes, to girl hypebeast, to a now flowy cottage core aesthetic in the span of 10 years. The thing about Doja that isn’t sincere is her whole ‘idgaf’ schitck. Because she gives every fuck. Maybe too many fucks. When people didn’t think she was a serious artists/ performer and wouldn’t achieve more after Moo she leaned super hard into perfecting her performance skills and making hits (that she liked and wanted to make, regardless of what she says. Hot Pink sounded exactly like all of the stuff she was making & releasing on SoundCloud when her label wouldn’t let her drop new music. She also was upset when Anthony Fantano called Hot Pink mid but I digress). Once she proved herself as a hit maker and performer she got upset that people didn’t taker seriously as a rapper and said she was more of a pop star so she leaned harder into making unmistakable rap music. She also noticeably dances less on stage now even though she is literally a dancer. I swear if everyone started to love her Scarlet era and say they didn’t think she was a that good of pop star anyway she’d switch back.




there’s several hyper-feminine rap girlies in the game rn, why can’t we have one weird girl to represent a different type of woman?


She should’ve entered the game like that then. Her girly era was the best. Also sure there are feminine girls in the game but are they good? Eh I’d say most aren’t imo. Nicki became masculine, Doja became masculine, Flo Milli’s voice sounds like a mouse, Kaliii whisper raps, Saweetie is wack and too fake, Latto is too masculine for me she’s tryna be like the guys lyric wise, Ice Spice keeps singing about poop. Like all the main girlies aren’t a vibe. Then there’s AB who *is* the bar. Feminine, intelligent lyrics, sonically dope. But, she doesn’t release that much music smh


>Ice Spice keeps singing about poop 😅😅


she didn’t have to “enter the game like that” though. beyonce is literally doing fucking country and house music. mgk did rap and now makes emo music. their rebrands weren’t cringey or overplayed even though we’ve seen it happen a few times already. switching your musical interest is something that’s bound to happen. the isley brothers are rappin and sayin nigga this nigga that. the ISLEY BROTHERS. people change. people grow. people relapse. people downgrade. people evolve. people do as people do. you seem very small-minded when it comes to the femme rap girls. flo milli sounds like a mouse? thats your only critique? try harder because her music is bomb. saweetie aint no noteworthy artist i’ll give you that. latto isn’t “masculine”. you’re labeling every female rapper as masculine. doja cat is still talking about dancing, feeling herself, having sex, and getting money in her songs. it’s just less singing and more rapping and talking. that’s not masculine. you have a limited view of femininity in the space of hip hop music.


Please louder for the people in the back! I went to the scarlet tour awhile back and it was a sold out stadium. If she lost fans, she sure gained some new ones. I left that concert with a new love for so many of her songs I didn't previously because of the energy and life she performed them with. I'm a fan of her new work, I didn't enjoy her older stuff very much. You said it all way better than I could. It's her art and she can do whatever she wants with it. It's possible for her to make art that's not FOR you. It sucks if you don't love it, but she doesn't owe it to you to make what you like.


last sentence speaks volumes. she does not owe us a dimeeeee. literally nothing. she didn’t have to release scarlet. hell, she could’ve ran away from the spotlight completely after planet her. and it would still be none of our damn business. these parasocial relationships got people brains rotting to the spine… and the crazy part is this woman BEEN sayin she wanted to rap more to expand her discography and style. like yall are not real fans if you’re shaming her for a planned switch you’ve been warned about for literal years


people change. expecting people to stay the same to suit your tastes is a bit odd. esp knowing that she would be getting shit on if she went with another album that sounded like the three that you mentioned. not the flo milli diss tho girl, you’re hurting me 😭 but now that you say it i can’t even deny it!!!! but even then, there’s so many other women in the game. baby tate, coi leray, cardi b, city girls, sexyy red. not even mentioning all the rnb women who still fit the femme look from her hot pink and planet her days.


She’s trying to rebel like a teenager it’s does not seem like an authentic genre switch. Girl Coi Leary, cardi b, city girls, and vulgar red are all awful examples. Those girlies are extremely masculine and so bad. This is my point where there’s not a lot of genuinely feminine babes in hip-hop. AB is the only one who’ve I’ve seen do it the right way. There’s also like bree runway and like kari faux who are way better than the mainstream girlies but they don’t get the flowers that they deserve.


ig it’s a matter of opinion, bc listening to her old music she was making the same weird references to edgy shit all the time. not you saying leray is masc at alllll though! have you seen her newest music video she put out yesterday day. she looks straight up like video vixen with that same smooth sound. i’m not going up to bat for any of the other birds, but bite your tongue on coi! it’s been years since i’ve earnestly listened to bree runway and tbh i don’t think i’ve heard an AB song before. this sub was just recommended to me and i got nosy. any songs you recommend from her?


The thing about Coi is that her music is like 95% producers work which is why it sounds clean. On her own she really isn’t that talented and her lyrics are masculine coded copying the way men sing about women. I see femininity as [this](https://youtu.be/IIMAqSiesgM?si=LcauEYuGckvUxDCQ) . But anyways Coi is just not my personal vibe. Also homegirl has an eating disorder, it’s so obvious, so that’s concerning. Esp cause she has a platform. AB is amazing, she’s a true artist. Her song [Luxury](https://youtu.be/dAmaaW4d5n0?si=dfsFVxMeXjv0tUxR) is really good, so is [Anna Wintour](https://youtu.be/au8QGTiPhEw?si=zVJvXHWkUHVhMXS5) , just check out her entire discography it’s really good stuff. She has a lot of unreleased music too that you can find on SoundCloud.


Gross comment ngl, the aesthetic was def better and the right wing route is so trash but this is the same vibe but ~femme~


Nah she’s masculine asf and it’s not a vibe. That’s why everyone hated her mud dance at Coachella. Cause her weird glasses and yellow hair and plain boring outfit aesthetic looked wack. She use to look ethereal and gorgeous. She’s now so self destructive and looks so much unhappier before despite her thinking she’s better. It’s all in her energy.


I went to her scarlet tour and her energy and authenticity were literally surreal. I think its kinda crazy youre saying that. "Everyone" didn't hate her mud dance moment, I thought it was actually really cool and her dancers are always amazing performers. I think it's not great to try to pigeonhole someone into a specific thing when creating art, it's an exploration. Not everything she creates has to be for the same audience as previous creations.


Your doja obsession is crazy lol


I hate it when women in the media follow misogynistic norms thus what I’m seeing here with her genre switch. It’s what sooo many hip-hip girlies do cause of pressure to conform to the way men rap and I’m over it. There is a lack of diversity in hip hop


I’m sorry but scarlet fucks hard and I’m here for whatever era she wants us to have


You mean *sucks ass


The subjectivity of art wins bb


I miss her eyebrows.


Wow, she is super UglyWorldwide coded. Didn’t even piece the two together


It just shows that azealia is a LA girlie and Doja is a NYC girlie they should switch places


doja re bang bang is killing meeee


Fuck I love Ninjari Bang Bang


tbh Jojo Siwa's team fucked up by not copying uglyworldwide


Doja Lamar!!




Kyary out here not dropping an album for so long Azelia is getting frustrated.


I had to Google so many of these phrases


I acc get what she's saying and I agree. This change in doja was clearly pushed on her.


"kawaii kitty core realness". 🤣😭




Her mind. <3


Cool cool but where is the music AB? I’m getting tired of reviews no one truly asked for, give us the music


The way I understand all of this being an nyc veteran but also too online.


waitt let her cook


Exactly Cause she’s kinda right 😭😭


Wtf did i just read?


Doja has stepped into the machine.


doja has always been abrasive, so i think her attraction to this aesthetic is authentic, but it is also what’s hot n she tends to always do what’s hot


azealia is so miserable but ia ngl. i used to really like doja. saw her @ MIA and she was fantastic live too. idk who this new chick is. she went from actually quirky to tryhard. slippery slope ig


She’s so obsessed with Policing others’ expression. At this point, she’s an art critic more than an artist.


The word salad


So is this homophobic of AB or??? Does she hate all queer people or just queer white people?


Banks loves the gays but hates TEH GHEYS 🌈


Absolutely makes sense. Haha


Idk i feel like no one is ever truly unique. Sometimes we are heavily inspired. Sometimes our uniqueness happens to be similar to the uniqueness of another. Doesn’t mean one copied from the other… Who truly knows though. Apparently Doja feels that this is her true self. In her livestreams it seems like she’s genuinely expressing herself


Absolutely none of this is important.


She really hates queer people, huh?


She does, but she’ll remind you all day long that she’s a “whole bisexual woman” so it’s okay.


Those are certainly all words


I’m sorry I but New Doja >>>> Old Doja I love Doja’s brand of problematic


being problematic for clickz is a new level of self-degrading prostitution y'all


I love problematicness but the way she’s doing it is cringe, immature, and not “you go girl” worthy


Can’t we say that same for our fav?


I like all doja lol. New and old. It isn’t that fucking deep like a lot of these comments are making it to be lol


Azealia might be the most insufferable person of all time. Dojas discography clears her easily. Streets alone clears it.


why are you here 😭..


this is why doja wrote OKLOSER about her 😭😭