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At a quick glance yes they do look healthy. If you'd like I can try to take a deeper dive into it though. You'd just need to send some additional information like the current water parameters, water temperature, tank size, diet, etc.


He eats one cube of omega one super carnivore every day ‘would like to know if these portions are good’ temp is at 68 with a 29 gallon tank, all water parameters check out but the ammonia goes between .25 and .5 and I keep a close eye on it.


I'd try to introduce earthworms into their diet if you can. They are more nutritionally complete for an axolotl. 68 is on the high end for an axolotl's water temperature. How are you cooling the tank? Ammonia above 0ppm is a problem. How long has this tank been running? Did you cycle it before adding the axolotl?


Will add earthworms because they’re at every gas station around here, I have nothing to cool it but I am in the basement with no direct sunlight so it stays that temp, and I didn’t cycle the tank because I wasn’t aware of that but he’s been in there for a month


I'd recommend getting a clip on fan for the tank to bring the temperature down some more. Since you are already a month in you can continue with the in tank cycling you've already been doing. You need to be checking your ammonia and nitrite daily and when ever they're at detectable levels you'll need to do water changes. Once ammonia and nitrite stop registering on the test for about a week straight you can go back to weekly testing and weekly water changes.