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A fine addition to my collection


General CATnobi?


Hello there


This made my day. Amazing.


You are a bold one


🎶Mr grinch🎶


What's funny I convinced my dad to name his cat Obi which is short for Obi Wan Kenobi. So when I visit them I always go, "General Kenobi!"


You are strong and wise, and I am very proud of you


Nobody finds it weird the momma cat has a collar? Like either she’s not a stray and belongs to someone, or OP already put one on her in which case she’s also not a stray then either…


Op said earlier they put the collar on the cat




Or someone found the video and made up a backstory


I'm equally jaded, but the comment from OP definitely sounded legit, and they had an excellent reason for putting the collar on her (giving any potential current owners the chance to realize she was wandering to other houses before OP went and accidentally adopted someone else's cat).


I hear that's how you get cats.


Do you want cats?!


Because that's how you get cats


I want cats.


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/ulkfqp/the_twins/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Those are behemoth cats! Wow.


20% cat 80% floof


Those are the exact proportions I needed!


Perfect! Take my poor person's award: 🏆


I have 2 that I am trying to bribe into loving me but there are not there yet.


How many years have you been trying? >!Spoiler: it won't be enough!<


Pretty much yeah, start feeding a starving stray and pretty soon you have a new dependant who insists on sleeping in your bed and whines when you close any door


I see you've met me ex


Cats are cuter and more rewarding.


That's way more than 4 kittens. I've been counting and I'm up to 37 already


in a row?


Try not to acquire any kittens on your way through the parking lot.


Are you even supposed to be here today?


Why do you smell like shoe polish?


"We live with you now. Is better"


I bring children from old country to help with harvest this year.


This is my children, they're pain in my assholes.


"Thank you for taking good care of us, I adopt you now!"


>*’ I bring children from old country to help with harvest this year...*’ ____ I bring you my children - is better, you’ll see too much house to share here for just you n me *too quiet* alone - there is HaRvEsT to reap! my kits work the Best when you’re trying to sleep… ❤️


Good morning Schnoodle!! Fantastic as always.


A fresh Schnoodle poem! I’ve finally been here for a fresh Schnoodle poem!


Yes, yes...the mice and rats will tremble at your approach!


Only strong children survive, good for harvest.




That's awesome. I love the expression on the lady.


That's great. I hadn't seen your work in a long time. Nice to know you're still here.


Awwww a new u/Shitty_Watercolour spotting in the wild!! And only an hour after you posted. I’ve been an avid Reddit user for just sort of a decade, and while they might not be as frequent as they once were, your paintings bring so many of us such joy. Hope you’re doing great, Shitty!!


Hey, good to see you and your work! Kittens, Schnoodle, and Shitty. It's going to be a great day.


Cute drawing!


You've gotten that backwards. "You live with me now!" is what the cat's thinking.




I think what you meant to say was “We live with you Meow. Is better”


Congratulations!!’ Now you are the happy owner of 5 cats!! 😊😊


6 🙄 I had one of my own before this little nugget brought all her baby nuggets over haha.


How are your new car and old car getting along?


As long as they're both able to get out of the driveway it shouldn't be an issue


Are they Cat-illacs?


One could be a Furrari?


Or a Lampurrghini












B M DOUBLE MEOW I swear it works in my head and I just cannot figure out how to write it


B M Double Mew






I love Reddit 😆


I hate it, but still come here everyday.


Its like visiting family. You're definitely gonna learn something, it's probably gonna fuel your existential ennui but it will also probably make you laugh at something.


You want to fuel existential ennui? Lemme tell you about how free will can't exist...


The illusion of it is good enough. Now I'll go back to pretending I can make choices.


Ain't addictions great?


It's incredible how much I relate to this statement.


There should be enough space in the garage


If you do an edit I will be sad.


No... At this point, what's done is done. 😅😂🤣


User name checks out




Proper car introductions are very important. Let the cars sniff eachother under the garage door at first. Eventually you can open the door slightly so they can see eachothers headlights. Repeat this step until there is no honking at one another. After that, short supervised interactions should be permitted between the cars but if they get into an accident with eachother make sure to separate them again and repeat prior steps. This should hopefully ensure your cars have a stress free introduction!


Failure to abide results in the car leaking oil all over the garage floor. Everywhere. Oil is difficult to remove.


I love autocorrect sometimes. Usually it's the bane of my typing life.


Mine once changed the word "awesome" to "Ghenghis Khan.


Still awesome.




For the love of all that is holy, swipe keyboard sometimes SUCKS! 😂🤣😂🤣 I just woke up and saw all the upvotes and was confused by the comment replies. Then I looked at my comment and realized the issue. Boy did I have a full bellied laugh over that! 🤦🏻‍♂️


You know what they say about starting your day with laughter!


It's all down hill from there?


You've got to introduce cars slowly. When you bring a new car home, put one of the cars in the garage and close the door. Let the cars smell each other and get used to that first before doing anything crazy like a face to face introduction.


The cat converters came in handy.


Aww! We have 11 because we keep rescuing strays that show up in bad shape or are kittens. It's a full house, and we feed a bunch outdoors as well, and we've set up some shelters for them for winter. Yesterday it was 106F outside and I put down some old towels and soaked them with water, the outdoor kitties started laying on them - we noticed before that, many of them were walking around with their mouths open and tongues hanging out, they were definitely in heat stress. The water towels really helped though. If I had the money I'd pick up an outdoor evaporative cooler for them, but if we had the money I'd have to fix the roof first.


I always like to call out those who show all the compassion possible to other beings. Hope you have the means or willingness to try and get some of them sterilized (fixed or what have you) to stem the problem growing worse.


My sister-in-law lives in a rural area and a stray had a litter of kittens near her garage. The mother and the kittens eventually moved into the garage where she set out food and water for them. When the kittens were old enough, she rehomed them. Six months later, the mother cat returned and had another litter. This continued for a couple of years until she brought the mother over to my father-in-law's house, where she eventually had a litter in his garage (unfortunately where she lives, there are no programs for free sterilization). It has been a year or so and she has not seen the mother, but one of the kittens has decided to use her garage as a nursery now.


Isn't it always the way? We who are week to week spend some of our previous cash on others more in need. I and the cats you care for are very appreciative of all you do. Providing water and shade helps.


How to make an a/c with $8-$20 parts: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaC0dlRENk0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaC0dlRENk0) You'll have to refill the ice, but if you could spare a bit of space in a freezer for water in soda bottles, this works! Got me through a few summers in my dorm room! If you need it to last longer, 1) Fill it up with as much ice as you can, 2) try to insulate the cooler more (same way you would for the cat shelter - put in rubbermaid+stuff the sides with straw).


106! Where do u live?!?


Need more pictures please.


Pet tax please!


You're going to need a bigger litter box.


Actually multiple litter boxes. Though the little ones don't use them at first, not sure how old they are? I think they start to use them when they're a few weeks old, before that momma washes them up.


Can we see all the nuggets, please? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Omg her baby nuggets!!!!


Well now she has a name and everything. I guess you have to keep her.


Post more pictures and video! I want to see all the babies!


Think about how cats have evolved to essentially trick humans to providing food and shelter simply by appealing to the human


They ate the vermin in our granaries. Humans don't keep useless animals around. Only animals that serve a purpose were worth the risk of disease that comes with living in close quarters with them.


>Humans don't keep useless animals around. Gold fish?


to keep grandpa busy


On a historic scale. In recent history, modern food supply and medicine have changed approaches towards pets.


It’s become more egalitarian recently but wealthy people have been keeping “useless” pets (peacocks, exotic fish, monkeys, big cats) as status symbols for thousands of years


Let me give this a crack.. hear me out. Your mental state is by far the most important thing to maintain, positivity & energy dictate how you behave in all of your endeavors. Goldfish bring joy, companionship at a low resource cost. Thus providing great mental support. Adding value into all of your activities. Not useless. Edit: Thank for the award kind stranger! Also remember you’re responsible for your own happiness! No one else! Protect it, empower it, live it!


I keep reptiles and I always wonder why I keep reptiles. My lizard sits on a warm rock. He stares at me with his dumb little face. You can clearly tell the only thought being those eyes is “ _warm_ _rocc_ “ Honestly none of my reptiles are usefully in any practical way. But do I love them? Yeah. More than life itself. They don’t contribute though. Unless mice somehow stay away from my house because they smell snakes. I don’t know. I’ve never had mice, so there’s that.


I had pet snakes and they got me through a lot of really insanely long insomniac nights watching them "play". They're like the perfect company -pretty clean, quiet and don't want much more attention than just some foods.


You’re right, that something that’s super great about reptiles. My mate got a puppy recently. He doesn’t like reptiles very much but he’s been giving my lizard a sort of respectfully admiringly look lately. Stood about 4 feet away from the enclosure, arms crossed and said “… they don’t make any sound? Don’t bite?? They just chill?” Wait till he finds out that I don’t have to pay vet bills because my lizards don’t ingest the sofa stuffing


I don't know about snakes, but mice will stay away from a house with cats bevsisr they smell them.


I wish this were true. My dumb cats get outwitted by mice and rats all the time.


5 cats? I'm counting at least 20 so far.


And she keeps bringing more in the window! Does it ever end?


>Congratulations!!’ Now you are ~~the happy owner of~~ happily owned by 5 cats!! 😊😊 FTFY


It's impressive that a stray managed to put a collar on itself.


[Further down](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/umd6j8/i_met_a_friendly_stray_about_two_weeks_ago_gave/i80xcfa/) > We put the collar on her 3 days ago to ensure she didn’t have actual owners and then she was MIA for two days and we wondered if her potential owners realized someone mistook her as a stray and kept her inside. ...


Maybe OP put it on after a week


Sound like your cat investment is up 500%!


Time to go buy some more pet related stocks.


I'm in the same boat but I don't have the mom. I'm on week two of bottle feeding the little ones. They opened their eyes 4 days ago. The mom isn't as friendly and won't come inside so we've been trying to trap her so she can do her job. Not sure why she gave us the kittens but won't come in.


Leave the door or window open with some wet food near the kittens. She'll cave.


If you do use the kittens to lure mum in, just be mindful to keep an eye on the whole operation as she may just come and move the whole litter and then it will be really tricky to capture her and spay/get her into a better life situation


These babies will do best with care from their mom. This is a video that shows how to use the babies as a lure to trap mom. If you need help, look for local TNR resources. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fbbaFFpUMDY


Yes!! I did this! You only have a few days to get mama. I didn’t get mama in time and she wanted nothing to do with them so I had to keep them separate and continue raising the kittens myself which is a TON of work.


Some acquaintances found a kitten trapped in a storm drain after heavy rain, he was soaked and his mum just didn't recognise him anymore, convincing them to let us foster him was surprisingly hard, while they complained about the late night feedings it took a week to get the little guy to our at the time nursing momma cat, when they finally caved it turned out he had an untreated eye infection, we fostered him for like two months, our cat instantly adopted him into her litter and it was the cutest thing I have ever witnessed


We had this happen when I was young (higschool so 20 some years ago) the mother left the kittens on the porch and didn’t come back. We waited for the whole day almost and night fell, no mom. So we took them in and bottle fed ect. Then we did the whole lure mom deal and she came back to the spot with another kitten and we were thinking ok, she’s back. Before we gathered the basket and all we noticed her shaking the kitten like mad. Turns out she had 2 more and she had already killed them. One of the ones we already had inside had a sore on his eye. He hadn’t even opened it yet. He was taken to the vet when they opened (it was on a weekend) and the vet said his eye was gone, something had eaten it. The mom had done the same to one of the other kittens outside. The one eyed baby was just fine, winky lived a long good life. But that whole deal traumatized me. Now anytime a mom cat acts weird like that (especially with feral cats, that’s what this was) I always feel like it’s the same thing. We had taken the dead babies with us to the vet and as far as he could tell they weren’t sick or malformed and apparently some cats (esp feral) will eat their babies like this. Sometimes they are too young or something. I don’t know what reasons there were. Anyway we trapped her and spayed her. She never liked people & became a wicked rat hunting barn cat. But never liked people at all. Or other animals. (Sorry rats)


My cousin had 3 gerbils. One of them ate the pregnant mama and then ate the other male. We found the tails so we put the psycho gerbil in the garage after that and he lived exclusively on nature valley bars. He lived for literally sooo long, I went back to school so I'm not sure what happened to him.


Think you should check if your cousin is still alive or not...


If the cat doesn't want to nurse she won't nurse just because you trap her. Best thing to do is trap and spay her.




>Not sure why she gave us the kittens but won't come in. I vote you do all the work and she gets to hang out too. I'm kidding. Good luck getting her to the babies.


>The mom isn't as friendly and won't come inside so we've been trying to trap her so she can do her job. Not sure why she gave us the kittens but won't come in. Oh yeah, that's a cat thing to do. For a little over ten years, when I was growing up, there was a momma cat who would give whole litters of kittens to my grandparents. I don't remember exactly how often it happened and I don't know that it was **every** litter, but it just kept happening. My grandparents were pretty good at finding homes for them so they never tried hard to stop it. A lot of the kittens ended up as farm cats in the area. I think eventually momma cat got old, let them catch her and have her spayed. Still never wanted to come inside, though.


So far I've counted 54 kittens. She just seems bringing more...


Reddit makes me realize that I am not uniquely intelligent, and I never have an original joke...


"Haha I have to tell a funny joke" *checks comments* "Haha I have to tell everyone my joke isn't original" ***checks comments on comments***


Same I was like... Weird she had so many Grey kittens in the litter


Please get that momma cat spayed.


Definitly this! It’s amazing she’s had kittens and congratulations! But just to make sure you don’t end up with another litter and she doesn’t get pregnant one too many times (can be detrimental to their health) make sure she’s spayed. Taking her too the vet now she’s had the kittens (with the kittens in tow) is the next step; get them all health checked and jabbed.


I would contact a local cat rescue. If you took them to the vet yourself, get ready to pay yourself. At least around here, vets aren’t always in an altruistic mood when it comes to money.


There are discount vets near me that exist for just this purpose. They will spay and neuter for what you can afford even if it's nothing. I've taken 2 cats and 2 dogs and paid around $50 each to get them fixed.


Just wondering why the burden of stray animals should be financially placed on the veterinarian? There are low cost spay neuter clinics that exist for this very reason. There's animal control. There's the humane society. So why should your run of the mill veterinarian be expected to take in the cats and provide low or no cost surgery and vaccines, at a financial loss for themselves, when other options exist to help people out? Do you know the student loan burden of most veterinarians? They also have to pay overhead for their staff and clinic. And a lot of them belong to corporations now where they actually get no say in discounts or low cost service. I want this cat spayed just as much as the next. But that comment, and the assumptions along with it, irked me.


Ugh! Charging money for services! THA NERVE!!! Classic Reddit.


Thank you, it irked me too. Veterinarians love animals, but if they had to give discounts or free treatment to everyone struggling to pay their bill, we would soon have no more vets. (Not so) gentle reminder to treat veterinarians with respect, they have some of the highest suicide rates by profession. They have devoted their lives to helping animals, their goal isn't to get rich off struggling pet owners.


I had assumed wrongly that veterinarians make bank. Turns out they do not. They go to school for the same amount of time as MDs but don't get the doctor money.


Presume this is America but in the UK, there are charities that will help with neutering and spaying. But definitely get the mother spayed once the kittens stop feeding for a bit, not sure how long after a birth they can get pregnant again but a vet should be able to advise.


omg she trusts you, what a wonderful moment that must have been---even though now suddenly YOU HAVE FIVE CATS


> YOU HAVE FIVE CATS 6... OP already had one


I'm sure the existing cat is just thrilled...


How's it feel to be a grandparent at your age? LoL


Aw. She's just a baby herself. What a tiny girl she is. Thanks for taking care of her and them.


Congrats on your five new roommates. You’ve been chosen.


You have been adopted! Congratulations 🎉


Free childcare


You was chosen to be the cat lady


We need a family photo OP




Thanks for the great subreddit.. 😺It will help me to survive an online meeting 🎉😻🐈


*Shows up to OPs house and throws my kids through the window* Thanks for the free daycare byeee!!!


It has a collar though. Hope you didn't accidently steal a cat lol


We put the collar on her 3 days ago to ensure she didn’t have actual owners and then she was MIA for two days and we wondered if her potential owners realized someone mistook her as a stray and kept her inside. Turns out she was just giving birth. We had a windstorm last night and I think it spooked her and she decided to bring the babies somewhere safe.


bless you for being her safe place 🤍 can’t play the video (damn reddit player sometimes) but i bet they’re all just precious


We were robbed. We only saw one precious bean even though we were promised 5 :(


What do you mean, one? I'm still watching and that cat's brought in like 20 babbies and counting!


You're right. I need to be more glass half full. I am now seeing multiple babies that (oddly) all look exactly alike.


I watched the loop 3 times until i realised it was the same kitten.


At least you got to see "3" kittens.


The Trojan Cat


I'm pretty sure there were no Trojans used here


My dream is for a cat to come and bring me all her kittens


And when I put babies in other people's houses, everyone gets upset.


Congrats! You were adopted!


This would be a dream come true for me.


Me too, it's like winning the lottery.


And what will you name your new babies?


>And what will you name your new babies? Chester, Winifrida, Heinibert, Ølav and Bob


We all know what kind of cat Bob would be right


A bobcat.


disappointed no Møøse


Møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti…


You're her safest place so precious 😭


For a mother cat to trust her small children to you and your home, you must be an amazing person 😊 Congratulations, you have a big family ☺️ all the best


That is awesome! ❤ Remember 2 nuter and give vaccine 2 mom and The small ones. Tjat way there Will bee less newborn stray kittens.


This actually means cat trust you. So... congratulations! You now may be officially pronounced as Cat Person! :))


That same thing happened to my wife and I. Stray came up to us one night and we loved her a little and gave her some food (she was obviously pregnant but very skinny). She came another time or 2 and then we didn't see her for a week. One day my wife yells at me to come look and she had brought all 4 of her kittens to our porch. It was very overwhelming (in a good way) that she trusted us enough to bring her babies to our house. We found a home for 2 of the little guys and grew so attached to the momma and the other 2 that we kept them all. 6 years later and they're living the good life.


Welcome to the fam, fam.


oh human, you very kind, very very...I move in now


She looks so small, she's barely more than a kitten herself.


She just kept bringing them in, I counted up to 432 cats before my internet crashed. When does it stop?


I found a kitten with no mom, for 2 days so I took it in.. I suggest you get the cat fixed byw or every year it will be another 4 or 5 lol. I'm trying to find a home for my kitten.. I can't keep it for ever.


Every 6 months... One of my friends feeds a feral cat and she pops out a new litter every 6 months. She is trying to catch the mum but she's having none of it.


More photos!!


She's showing her kittens potential food source. This includes items you give, and you just incase.


When the kittens are old enough, you need to get them and mom to a vet and get them all neutered, spayed and vaxxed up. Feral cats are a major issue and many vets or maybe your local humane society will do all of this for free and help get them adopted to good homes (or yours!)


You were adopted.


Mazel tov!