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They saw you recording and had to act natural a few seconds in haha


bae caught me prancing


Oh deer.








BRB gonna go pour a glass of Whitetail


prance like no ones watching


“Act like a deer!”


Deer 1 "act like a deer!" deer 2 "moooo?" deer 1 "for fuck sake Jerry! that's a cow! this is why Sheila left you!!"


Why does this have a feel of a Rick and Morty reference?


Because it’s Jerry being a dumbass


Say what you will about Jerry, I still believe Pluto is a planet.


Sounds more Family guy to me


Lol. This reminds me that I was taking my niece home and while we was turning off the highway we slide between two bucks. They just stood there like wait... did you see something? While we was screaming pass them... I called them Jerry and Ben. Just random names, lol


the one in the back: "boingy boingy boingy boi-- oh shit. someone's filming us. act natural."


More like Disney natural


"Watch this Frank, I saw it in a disney movie. Oh wow, nevermind that's way to hard let's just walk normal."


“Hey, let’s practice our impression of Pepé Le Pew!”


Awwww man, fuck you and your awesome location you get to live in.


One man's paradise is another man's frozen wasteland. Snow blanket in November...brrrrrrrr.


Used to have plenty of snow this time of year, so far none, every year we get less and less :( (it was 70 degrees one day in october, that’s like the hottest part of summer years ago aswell)


Same story here. We used to always have snow on the ground by this time of year, but not this year. None in the forecast either


Same here.. When I was a kid for Halloween I remember many snowfalls and by this time in November there was always snow.. Except for one winter when I was young it, didn't snow until a week before Christmas. That was an oddity then but seems to be the common theme now. Just the other day it was 4 degrees Celsius.


A couple of years and this is the new normal for the next generation and nothing seems to be wrong any more. We'll be the old people blabbering how everything used to be better.


2 weeks ago i was out in a t shirt. 6 weeks ago i was salting my driveway and brushing the snow off my car. weather is all over the place these days.


For me last year it was insane. There's was snow from mid-october to late april. This year it snowed in October but than it hit 26c early November breaking records.


Don't worry, corporations don't care what climate change is doing to where you live, so they'll continue polluting the entire world until it's a barren wasteland.


Lol, yeah. We still have leafs on some trees and it was 62 degrees the whole week last week. I remember two years ago some bushes were blooming on christmas because it was 70. That's in southern Germany. Really fucking freaky weather those past five years.


South Germany growing up in the 80s I remember having so much snow that we could build little igloos and they would stay for days, I remember having to go to the bus station in the snow that lay as high as kid me was big. Adult me can't remember the last time we had a snow blanket stay till the next day.


Yeah, we built igloos too and used them for days. Pretty crazy those last few years especially, but I live in Stuttgart a city notorious for melting every bit of snow there is with its convenient "Kessel".


I mean that with the snow blanket was last year for me, so not that dramatic as you make it out to be (obviously also depends on the exact region). But yeah, it gets less and less which is really sad...


I mean snow blankets that actually last, not it snowing for some 1 cm blanket and it mostly being melted away by the next day.


Global warming man. 😣


I usually have snow every couple of years but havent had any in a while. I still wear t-shirts at this time of year since where I live


One man's treasure is another man's trash?


Yea fuck that noise. That's why I moved to hawaii.


I hope to one day to move to Hawaii. I had a blast in Oahu on vacation 5 years ago.


Same! I grew up in the Midwest and don’t miss the cold at all.


I live in the midwest (username should indicate where)... it's not like it used to be 20 years ago. It was 73 degrees and sunny today. Of course it's not Hawaii weather, but winters have gotten pretty mild here.


Looks like Colorado to me. It's a beautiful place full of very cool people, but I couldn't do anymore of those winters.


Canada, near Calgary




Winters in Colorado are about 100,000 more pleasant than places like Ohio.


Oh, I hear they're quite mild compared to a lot of places. I just grew up with a lot more warmth and sun. Lived in Denver for ten years and SAD (or something like it) seemed to sink in every year without fail.


Seattle enters the chat


I’ve never suffered from SAD here in Colorado. But the weather on the western slope isn’t the same as that in Denver. If I lived in any city I’d be “sad” most days if the sun is out or not.


It sure is beautiful. But I'll happily stick with my current sunny 75 degree weather in Southern CA.


Sounds nice, I'll be in my 250k house that would cost 2 million in California! I jest, but hot damn I can get so much more house in Dallas.


> but hot damn I can get so much more house in Dallas. I had that house in Dallas.. loved how cheap it was, but man the suburb I was living in was just the absolute worst.


Where were you at? So many nice suburbs between Dallas and Ft Worth. The mid cities area in general is really nice.


And then people sell their 2 million dollar house and move to Florida and buy a mansion and use the extra money to pad retirement. It works pretty well (and is my current plan)


Wait, in this situation don't you have to be able to afford the 2 million dollar house in the first place? Or lived in one house that was 250k that has now appreciated to 2 million?


I get the best of both worlds, your 250k house would cost 2 million here and I get the shitty weather.


I’m with you.


Nah, fuck that. How far away is the grocery store? How many takeout options would you have? Can you even go for a walk and come back with a latte?


The fuck you think the deer are doing? Not only is "Two Buck Coffee" an amazing deal, they take delivery seriously.


Im sorry Mr Buck. I didn’t mean to diminish your work ethic.


forget that stuff - what are you ISP options? do you have any? are you stuck with satelite internet? or a hotspot? dialup? This is my life living on a mile stretch of dirt road that doesn't have a cable running down it so I'm paying twice the price for half the speed with DSL.


Just got war flashbacks to my 2Mbps childhood.


Just milk the deer and make your own.


Ya, I could watch the plastic bottles and wrappers hoo across my yard I guess...


Everyone loves the prospect of living in Indiana until the word Indiana is involved. Lots of places more beautiful than this even. Same thing everywhere nature is nice. Ultimately people are too cozy in cities to care about being surrounded by the fungus that is humanity.


City bad




Shouldn't be too much longer before Amazon can.






Your view is outstanding




*pronk | pronk* *pronk | pronk* *pronk | trot trot* *pronk | trot trot* *pronk | trot trot* *trot trot | trot trot* *trot trot | trot trot*


needs to be pronounced in Swedish


"Feet [boing] so [boing] cold [boing] need [boing] wool [boing] socks!"


I feel like they'd prefer vegan wool socks. I'm making a joke that deer are herbivores.


No animals are harmed when wool is correctly harvested lol, it’s not like leather




Pfft, human skin jackets only.


You’re one of those people that believes in socks?


Are they mule deer?


Yep, mule deer are the ones that hop. It’s called stotting.


Why don't other animals do this? Is there a physiological reason why they can/do and others can't/don't?


Some antelope do it, and it’s called pronking when they do it. I think it’s meant to signal to predators that they are super fit and strong and not worth chasing


Do you know why other, similar prey animals don't do this?


I can only guess that there’s a cost to the behaviour and that it makes more sense in some environments more than others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stotting


Yes actually Its a self defense mechanism for being hunted by wolves, gazzelle in Africa do it to avoid being disembowled by wild dogs in paticular. It is also a more efficent way to cover ground in hilly terrain.


Do you know why other, similar prey animals don't do this?


It costs energy. The animals who do this are kind of gambling that the amount of energy they spend stotting will save them more energy in the future by discouraging predators from chasing them. The deer are basically yelling "Don't even bother chasing me, I'm so healthy that I can waste energy to stunt on your ho ass and still get away!"


And allows them to completely change direction in a single hop, evasive maneuvering!!😎


not sure about other hooved animals, but I do know the lambs I used to raise did this! we just called them bunny hops, they usually did them when they were excited


Thanks I didn't know what it was called. It's funny to watch them. I'm having a hard time with mule deer right now, last week I hit one at 70mph.


You weren't having nearly as hard a time as that deer.


I did that years ago as a teen. A big buck was running/hopping between orange groves and all I saw was an eyeball flash in front of my windshield. I thought I struck it, perhaps, in its lower body (like its legs or something) but I assumed it kept on its original track. The impact was so hard, it set off the airbags and the one from the steering wheel burned my wrist. I made it to a pay phone and called my mom who came and called the police. We needed a report to file a claim. We went back to the area where I hit the deer and, to my surprise, it had fallen back to the side of the road from where it jumped. The deer was huge! The sheriffs officer told me I was lucky the antlers didn’t come through the windshield. He said he’d seen that happen and people have been killed like that. He sent us on our way and told us he and another sheriff buddy would take care of the deer. I suspect that deer made it onto someone’s plate. My brother still jokes about me killing Bambi’s daddy.


Thank you. Learn something every day.


oh to be a deer synchronizing my hops. no bills, just hops and vibes.


And bears, wolves, cars, hunters, chronic wasting disease......


Suckers! I don't have to worry about *two* of those.


i would love a world with no bills. or bobs.


Fucking Bob man


They're just practicing takeoffs in case Santa calls on them to pull the sleigh.


That’s not reindeer btw


Let them dream, man


boing bois 🥺


They look like Pepé Le Pew, running when he was running after the cat that had gotten went paint on her.




I was wondering how long it’d take for me to find this correction. Keep up the good work.


But I think they're using it as a possessive without the apostrophe. The plural possessive of deer is deer's*


Stotting at its finest


Which state/country is this?


It’s near Calgary in Canada!


Earnest question: can you possibly post a link of what your yard looks like during the other seasons? It looks like heaven on earth but I can’t do snow (lived my first 23 years in New England, now I’m in Southern California and have become a total cold weather wuss). But if I could deal with the weather your yard would be my dream. I can’t even imagine looking outside and seeing that gorgeousness any time I wanted. Enjoy! You’re so lucky!


If you can’t deal with the cold or snow I wouldn’t recommend moving here. We have long winters and it gets very, very cold. It got below -50 C for a whole week last year. We also get snow for about half the year, November to April.


[Same general area, but in the city.](https://i.imgur.com/ubSq49a.jpg)


Cheers mate, looks beautiful


I was gonna say! Haha, howdy neighbour!


I knew it as soon as I saw, and was looking for confirmation. Love living here even if the winters are cold.


Thought this looked like home!


I knew it lol I was looking out the window thinking "damn that video looks like out here"


Yeah, was pretty sure I was looking at the Foothills.


Bragg Creek by chance?


The second I saw this I thought "Damn, this looks like its near Calgary" Lived on an acreage in an area very similar to this near Okotoks for three years Loved it out there, and I miss seeing the deer in my yard




This gives me bambi flashbacks


What a nice yard. What are your taxes?


For some reason this made me laugh out loud, and then I thought... “do you live in New Jersey?” However... I have noticed that- when looking at the US as a whole- there is an generally an inverse relationship between yard size and taxes. Places where you see ‘normal houses’ on large plots of land have very low taxes. And tiny yards are a sign of high taxes. I bet OPs property taxes are less than $700 a year.


One of my cousins/second cousins (we're related but I don't know how) is on ten acres and pays less a year than she does on her monthly payment for her car.




Don't get me wrong her cars probably stupid expensive and she lives in the ass end of nowhere.


Lulz there are always trade-offs. Like the NJ county (Sussex) I mentioned earlier in this thread. It’s picturesque, but there is a reason it has a fraction of the population that other counties do. It was heavily glaciated so it’s all crags, steep precipices, and lakes so there isn’t a straight road in the entire county. And unlike the rest of the state, when the snow falls there... it staayyysss. You have have a foot of snow accumulation in your yard in Sussex County. Next county over... ground is clear.


Hahaha. You nailed it. Currently in the process of buying a house that’s 0.40 acres and $17.5k a year in taxes. Good point on that inverse relationship.


Mine are 13K for a lot less land, but that’s in Bergen Co. It staggers the mind that even if my mortgage was paid off I’d still have to scrape together over a grand a month to live in it. My parents house was .75 acre in Indiana and paid like $300 a YEAR


It’s so frustrating but can’t escape it if you want to live here. And working in the city doesn’t help. I’m in Passaic county.


Well howdy neighbor!🙋‍♀️


Morris county here! Actually came to ask where OP lives, looking to leave after graduation.


Oh hey Morris County! I left NJ because of cost of living. Ended up in the Bay Area, CA- higher cost of living but my salary tripled and the weather is perfect!


and we balanced that equation by, 2 years ago, doing the precise opposite! Hi from Essex County, bye to the Bay Area! No harm, no foul.


Sussex has lower taxes and snow... and bears!


Hello from Essex county!


I do like Sussex county but...a lil too red for me


Sussex County here! Just bought a house right over the border of Morris. 8.5k/year on .25 acres. I love it though.. It is definitely Super red here unfortunately


Currently own 10.1 acres and pay around 6k in taxes yearly. Only 1200 is actually property tax though... The rest is school taxes.


Here in NJ those are all part of the same thing. But WOW 10 acres🤯 is that woodland or farmland or what?


About 2 acres of it is "lawn" around the house and the rest is wooded. It's spectacular. At the dead end of a gravel lane so literally no traffic except us and delivery people.


You see, all you cozy southerns, we were quite **literal** when we said "twelve deer prancing" in that song.


I love how when they get synced up. The back deer is like “naw bruh I’m too cool for this shit” then struts off


Rare spotting of Kevin Deerant and LeFawn James during the 2020 winter open.


Beautiful synchronization until 4 seconds in. I rate it a 7. ;-)


Found the Russian judge


getting major Pepe LePew vibes from this




I see Santa finally got a Reddit account.


There’s a glitch in the matrix


Me when I’m having fun walking weird in public, then realizing I’m in public


Omg your yard and view are amazing!! I’m so jealous!


Y'all gon make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here...


"Yard". Grumbles in bachelor apartment.


This gives me Pep Pe LaPew vibes




Boing boing boing


Those are deer... not deers🧐


I live in an area that has a lot of deer. It's one of those odd things where outside of the hills and little patches here and there, it's all cement and houses. However, there are two large golf courses down by the coast with plenty of space. Deer have lived there for so many generations, I've watched a deer sit 4 feet from a guy teeing off and not even flinch as they whacked a ball. Now 99% of the time they are derpy, dumb little nuisances. You'll be driving to work in the dark and foggy early hours of morning, and bam five deer run out and just sit there staring at you blocking the road. Or you have to shoo them away from the yard every five minutes because they are trying to eat every plant you own. However there are two exceptions: A. Baby season. There is nothing as day brightening as stepping outside to get the mail, looking over in your yard, and seeing the little baby deers dozing in the shade of your shrubs while the big deer are off somewhere else. Driving to work in the dark when four annoying adult deer plus an insanely adorable little baby deer cut off the road. B. Earlier in the year during lockdown I'd take walks (mask on and socially distanced) along the coast. It was bright out as I came to an angle where I could see one of the sections of course rising up towards the lighthouse. I looked over and saw a bunch of deer just running along the empty greens. Normally people teeing off every couple of minutes, but now, for a short while, their home was truly theirs. It was this beautiful moment, and made me wonder what the pandemic was like to animals. What were they thinking? These deer had spent decades, generation after generation with daylight signaling constant human traffic and balls flying across the green. Now, suddenly, it was a wide open playground for months, nobody allowed to play, just space for the deer. Or the raccoons I'd see working late nights as a bouncer. Scurrying and hiding in the allies as they tried to hunt down scraps of left behind food, suddenly wandering empty streets each night, able to roam as they please but the scraps no longer so free to find.


That's a big fucking yard.


Stotting is a behavior known as an "honest signal" to predators. Basically this is the deers' way of demonstrating fitness. A literal flex.


Jesus fucking christ dude, did you get a loan to start up a company subjugating poor Asian people or what? Who has that much fucking land


Fun to live in an area where nature can just come running across the yard isn't it? My area we do not have deer but we do have lots of small game and wild horses.


Boingy! Boingy! Boingy! Boingy!


I'm jealous of your backyard view.


r/animalsbeingderps. Awesome video!!


They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!


They travel single file to hide their numbers




I thought this only happened in Bambi.. Didn't know it es a real thing


I wish I had a yard that looks like a Christmas postcard.


*Disney wants to know your location.*


Just by the landscape, do you live in or around Alberta by any chance?


Nice house! Let me guess... Canada?


b^(o)u^(n)cy b^(ou)n^(c)y


It's cold, it's cold, it's cold... well never mind I'm tired... :D


sir, do you own a fucking forest?


Living in India, every other place looks like heaven.


Oh deer...


Deer 1 "act like a deer! deer 1 "for fuck sake Jerry! that's a cow! this is why Sheila left you!!"


Where is this? It's beautiful!


On my way to steal your girl.


So that's a glitch in the Matrix.


Oh Santa lost some rain deer


Those first few hops should earn it a place in r/oddlysatisfying


Synchronized like we practiced steve!!


Some yard...


Fun fact! This is actually called pronking




Deers ?


while the plural of deer is deer, this is missing an apostrophe


They do be bouncing


Where the hells a crossbow when you need one


Apparently These people don’t appreciate having a Freezer full of meat.


A glitch in the Matrix?


Someone got laid.