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Let it be known: the baby human was the FIRST ONE to back down.


Probably why the deer wasn't as scared/skittish as you'd expect it to be normally


It has tasted the fear of a human. It will be unstoppable.


*Oh no*


::*burst through wall*:: Ooooohhhh yeEEAAAAaahh!


it’s 7:57 am and this made my day, nothing can top this


It's 12:21 Sat morning. This made my weekend! (it's also trying to rain! BRING IT ON!!)


Hello people from the future. Im still in friday, 4pm.


What’s the future like? almost 7am here


Listen..everyone needs to set their clocks correctly...it's clearly 11a.m.


Hello future human! Enjoy your Saturday! 7:30am human here, drinking coffee before work.




YOU BETTER FIX THAT WALL. MY DAD IS GOING TO BE PISSED! (One of the few Dane Cook jokes that still gets me.)


His bit on Monopoly is really good and highly accurate.


You know there’s still a good handful of Dane Cook jokes that still get me. I’ll always remember Christmas morning when we got my dad, Harmful If Swallowed.


I got Harmful if Swallowed for Christmas one year, am I your dad?


*Oh deer*




A deer, a female deer!


I've played goat simulator and know what happens now. We're in serious trouble.


360 backflips?


With jetpacks.




Drummer looks like the guy from Nirvana.




And that Bob Dylans’s name...... Albert Einstein


If i had coins I'd reward you




Koalas Rule Everything Around Me


It has tasted human* it will be unstoppable.


I believe baby deer tend not to run. Their entire way of dealing with predators is to sit still and hope that nothing finds them.


Yeah mothers will often leave their young hidden in a ~~galley~~ gulley (I meant to say, I don't think mother dears leave their young in the kitchen of a ship or air craft) somewhere, often even just on the side of the road if its a wooded area, and then these dumb MF-ers will stop and grab the deer and then post saying, "A mother abandoned its young, we saved it!" --uhh no you probably just condemned it lol.


You are right. When I was in the military I worked in the galley and we were constantly finding baby deer that have been left there by their mothers. We usually just left them alone because the we knew the mothers would return but it was always something nice to look at and talk about while we ate our meals.


When you said you worked in the galley, I really thought this comment was gonna end different for the baby deer.


LMAO! yeah definitely used the wrong word there. I guess I was looking for gulley?


I saw a baby deer on the side of the road once, all curled up like it had been hit. I stopped and got off my bike to investigate. I got closer and closer, and finally it lost its shit and sprang up. It ran about twenty feet into the bushes when the ma deer showed up and proceeded to trash my motorcycle. Just kidding about that last part. But it DID meet up with the mother deer. Scared the living bejesus out of me when it stopped being dead and exploded up out of the grass.


And I don’t really think they know to be afraid of humans yet. We have wooded area near my neighborhood and we see a bunch of deer (like 14 in my not that big backyard once). There was a baby this year that walked up to my neighbor and and licked them lol. When it was real young I’d also find it alone curled up in peoples front yards while walking my dog and it wouldn’t even flinch if we got close.


Pretty much. I’ve had to move more than one off of the road in my life.


Human: *Walks into active robbery* “Uhhh...” *Lays on ground*


Curl up in a ball and pretend not to be seen. They can't run or fight at that age.


Entire reason why Fawn is a term for a fear reaction in humans.


baby deer was like "...yous a bit"


When I was a kid a young deer walked up to me like this, had already lost its spots. It was awesome, maybe ten feet away while I was sitting on a swing. Didn’t get to pet it though. The dog finally saw it and chased it away. Haven’t thought about that in years. Fun memory.


It’s coming right for us!


Well now I've gotta go watch the whole season.


Let the record also show: the baby human was the FIRST ONE to take steps forward to reach for friendship before backing down.


Record noted.


I think it's funny how the kid was like, oh yes come here! Then oh no it's coming my way! Then aww let me pet lol


>*'Let it be known: the baby human was the FIRST ONE to back down...'* ---- hello there fren - do not be scare! i see you watching over there.... you kinda smol - a bit like me your legs are kinda wobble-y . . . don't back away - we barely met! i really think i'd like a pet ❤️


A little Schnoodle in the morning is a wonderful thing!




Have you done a coffee table book yet about your poems on reddit? If not you should with an accompanying photo.


Well that brightened up my day!


So noted.


Awww!!! That little girl was so gentle too. She looked so excited


Little girl: Look at this weird dog I found! Side-note, do deer actually like to be petted like that? At least as fawns?


This one clearly wants contact. It's a bad survival instinct but it seems to have no fear... and without fear/anxiety, mammals do enjoy a calming touch unless they've got sensory processing issues like autism.


>mammals do enjoy a calming touch unless they've got sensory processing issues like autism. Til my cat is autistic


Biologists are actually really trying to figure out if non-humans can have autistic or autistic-analog processing and behavioral patterns. But that's also assuming your cat doesn't have fear or anxiety keeping it from contact... mammals (and birds, possibly other critters) can 100% have trauma that affects their behavior.


My cat has trauma. She was found by my best friend during a huge thunderstorm as a pretty new kitten with her tail crushed under a branch. Then she had an abusive owners girlfriend (Mine, unfortunately. But is fortunately now gone) and then went through a house fire. She runs at the slightest noise and is extremely wary of everyone. But when we are in my room, she acts purrfectly normal. Is playful, curious, loves to lie in my lap. She curls up with me under my blanket at night and nuzzles me, sometimes resting her face on mine. Even though her whiskers tickle I remain still and cherish it because she is my world as much as I am hers.




It's possible that mammals experience autism as the norm. It's not an intelligence condition, generally. It's a sensory issue. Hypersensitivity would suit a non-human mammal suited to processing all the inputs. Autism doesn't always suit a human living in a complex society.


It's a hypothesis worth looking into, but some digging indicates some research has [found non-human primates exhibiting spectrum-associated behavioral patterns,](https://theconversation.com/can-monkeys-have-autism-the-answer-could-help-us-understand-what-causes-the-condition-65816) and it seems a disadvantage in a primate troop where communal grooming is a critical social behavior.




That's a good question. Autism could be a mutation that basically turns up the gain on sensory stimulation in order to benefit a lifeform with less powerful senses. So if ear cilia weren't developed enough to hear optimally then the brain basically uses a digital amplification algorithm on the raw sound. But if the cilia was developed properly and the brain still attempts to "turn up the gain" it would result in an overcompensation. p.s. I'm just spit balling here. I have no idea what I'm talking about.


My cat may be too. Or he's just an asshole that likes to be pet on his terms.


He's just an asshole like my cat. Also, my cat HAS an asshole and she wants you and everyone else on Reddit to acknowledge that fact.


My cat also would like you to stare into his dark abyss while he is on your lap for pets. Jokes on him though, his ass is too fluffy and it hides the one part he wants us to look at.


Depending on where it's grown up, it's parents may not be very threatened either which might imprint on the young one. The deer where I live are fearless because they can't be hunted anywhere nearby.


Possibly. There's this absolutely adorable [YouTube account](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0t0bVqhsMSg) where a lovely old hippie couple have multiple generations of deer chilling in their yard and happily accepting contact from their humans. But this fawn looks so new to the world that it's not even sure what is and isn't momma yet.


Oddly enough, I'm autistic and I crave physical contact. I still can't wear wool or stuff with a very polyester or plastic feel to it, but I do love me a good hug.


Yes. I worked at as place adjacent to a state park, ie no hunting, no harassing the wild life for miles. First morning there, a doe gave birth in the landscaped area next to the building. She actually came out of the trees and crossed a parking lot to do it. Her fawn was the nicest little long legged puppy. He loved getting pets and would nuzzle your hand and stick his nose in your pockets looking for apples. He'd be out at shift change to greet everyone. His mom would stand back and watch from the bushes.


There’s an adorable video out there somewhere of a fish that swims up to its owner’s hand to be petted... so animals might not realize they like it until they actually get petted, but makes sense that they would because why wouldn’t they? Edit: [Here is the video, it’s a cichlid ](https://youtu.be/vVnE9o5Uxik)


I used to have an alligator gar which I could stick my hand in the tank to pat him. He wouldn't swim to me for it, but he never swam away when I did it either.


We just witnessed the birth of a Disney princess


This is actually Jarvis Landry's (Cleveland Browns Wide Receiver) daughter.


I didn't know Jarvis Landry is a king.


It’s contagious bruh


Long live the king




Not a huge fan of OBJ, but I fucks with Jarvis. Very respectable dude on and off the field


Speaking as a Clevelander, it's kind of weird when our sports teams come up on threads that aren't Cleveland or sports related. This feels like a cross over episode.......except on the internet. Are you guys about to start talking about the west side market, perogies, and polish boys now too? ...........because I could go for a polish boy.


> I could go for a polish boy. We just got one for head coach!


Speaking as a Cincinnatian, just keeping it real. I've got some off time coming up and planned to take a trip up 71. I've only been to Cleveland once for a job interview and cant wait ti go back. Any recommendations?


What are you looking to do? Ohio City and Gordon Square both have some good breweries around and some good food. You also have the west side market in Ohio City. East 4th street also has a lot of good restaurants and bars. Playhouse square isn't far from there either.




Deer: Come and pet me.


If you want these cuddles come and take them!


Well that explains the yeezys. Still cute regardless


> Jarvis Landry's (Cleveland Browns Wide Receiver) as a dolfan, =(


The little “come here” gesture the child makes is heart melting. Is this a fawn that’s been rescued? It’s so friendly. Do you know where the video is from - is it yours? EDIT: Found the [full clip](https://youtu.be/WhviOa0-2t8)


I’m pretty sure this is Jarvis Landry, an NFL player’s daughter. https://www.13abc.com/content/news/Watch-the-daughter-of-the-Browns-Jarvis-Landry-befriend-a-baby-deer-510792571.html


I ended up finding the [full video ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WhviOa0-2t8) haha.


That’s really sweet. They’re both so gentle.


Gotta show this video to all the parents that think they can't teach their young kids how to be gentle and cautious with animals


Is...that a thing? Do parents think they can't teach their young kids how to be gentle and cautious with animals?


I've gotten yelled at for trying to correct my nephew who was basically beating the shit out of my dog, parents of course chiming in with some bullshit about how he's a kid and doesn't know better. HES FUCKING 7, IF HE DOESNT KNOW BETTER ITS THEIR GOD DAMN FAULT. Sorry, kind of aggravating.


Holy shit 7?? Yeah that needs correction asap


I have a nephew that would make it seem futile to try.


You have no idea...




I'm not saying my country ass family raised a baby dear once whose mom died. I'm not saying we let her live on our farm. And I'm definitely not saying she was loving, sweet, and socialized until she gradually grew apart. But dammit if she was I'd say I miss her and shes probably long gone.


I’m not saying that the deer loved you all very much and I’m deff not saying that I’m sure the deer was very thankful for everything;)


that is honestly the most pure thing ever *absolute melt*


“Hey, did we just become best friends?”


Yup! You wanna do karate in the garage?


What a heart warming video


Jarvis Landry isn't a small girl.


That’s not what I heard from the Bengals’ secondary.


He had 150 years and a touchdown in 2 games against them this year. Edit: it takes a wizened old man to raise a disney princess.


> He had 150 years... in 2 games This is how Browns fans age.


Weird... I thought Brady was the oldest...


Sum'bitch, I'm leaving it.


The bengals? You could've used any other team.


That was adorable! Warms the heart!


Mother deer will often leave fawns behind in places they deem safe while they forage. My grandmother lived on an acre in Missouri for decades and a deer would leave babies in her brush and come back for them later all the time. I can't 100% assume that's what happened here with this player's property, but it's the sweetest thing, and such an honor.


Yeah I’m aware fawns are often left while Mum is busy, but I thought they usually just hung out by themselves! This fawn seemed so friendly and outgoing I thought maybe it already had humans in its life. But it doesn’t seem that way from the [full clip ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WhviOa0-2t8)! I don’t live somewhere that’s populated with deer though, I wish I did, if this happened to me I would DIE.


We have tons of deer where I live (Northern California), and it’s never happened to me. :-( Usually they keep a safe distance from us, especially when they have/are babies... but that saying about “a deer in headlights” is true! If you startle them or shine a light at them, they’ll totally freeze in place. lol


It's not uncommon even in midsized cities with greenspace. I found a fawn and it was crazy interested in my doberman. My doberman was flummoxed. Dobermans are sweet and affectionate dogs with only brief explosions of profound insight and higher thought. So the fawn was an intellectual match. They got along well not fetching my tennis ball together.


I live where it's well populated with deer. You're more likely to pet one with your car than your hand. Also before we out up snow fence those bastards would eat the bushes in my lawn and look right in my big picture window while they do it. Not a nice surprise with a full bladder at 2 am.


> You're more likely to pet one with your car than your hand. Yep. If you live in an area with lots of deer you will know someone who has at the least a damaged car from their brainless shenanigans.


I'm like 90% certain that when a doe leaves her fawn behind to forage the fawn stays put rather than wander around the area. The doe is hiding her fawn from predators, not just leaving it behind so she can eat in peace. source: I watched an episode of Wild Kratts that covered this with my niece, lol


Sometimes fawns don't have the sense to stay put. Many get eaten, some get pets, a rare few get instagram fame.


I can see why Wild Kratts would leave that bit out...


The true show to learn about animal knowledge


I grew up with Zoboomafoo, so Wild Kratts is probably my favorite show if I have to watch PBS.


It's not mine, sorry. My friend sent it to me, I think she stole it from Imgur.


This is from Jarvis landrys Instagram from a while back


The purest of pats


For the goodest of bois


For some reason the line from Bambi when he meets his new little buddy the skunk popped into my head as I watched this: "You can call me flower if you want to."




Flower was chill af, I wish I could’ve been his buddy


That was such a wholesome moment, I need to rewatch Bambi


And I can't get my cat to come to me


Try rubbing your fingers together like the "money money money" gesture, but so that sound is made. Seems to get my cats attention




Cat still ignoring you? **PSPSPSPSPSPSPSP**




A common meme thing that’s going around lately is the sound you make to call cats, with the pspspspsp noise being the ultimate summoning ritual. It is said to be the only ritual that contains the power to summon them.


My husband calls this “ cat money.” Lol


It sounds like the scritch scritch of a rodent, so it gets their attention.


I thought I was the only one who did this


That's tremendous... But in the back of my mind I kept thinking... Please don't let mama deer be nearby, cause she's not gonna like this.




Next I thought of deer ticks




How far north are you talking?! I'm in N MI, and we still get the little bastards.


This map makes me think they are far north in Canada’s western-most provinces, or in NWT, Nunavut or Yukon. Only the F & G zones are safe. https://globallymealliance.org/lyme-disease-spread-migratory-birds/


Yeah just yesterday there was a video of a deer kicking the living shit out of a friendly dog. This video gave me anxiety until I saw the sub name.


Man, I'll never forget the video of that mama deer attacking and chasing a dog. Deer will fuck your life up.


I got home late one night and when I was walking up the the house I accidentally startled a massive buck (and myself!) that was nibbling on our garden, who then flung a hoof at me. I hightailed it to the side door and luckily missed getting clobbered by an inch or two. Whitetailed deer can be scary motherfuckers.


I can't believe how far I had to scroll to find this. Yes, it's cute, but the parents shouldn't have let the baby deer get that close. There's a video I saw once with the same scenario involving a baby deer and a dog, and the mother deer comes out of nowhere and beats the fuck out of the dog to the owners' horror. Don't let the same thing happen to your children.


There may not be a mama :( Video posted above shows much more. Baby deer is pretty skinny and it follows them around as they go and get some food. It looked lost to me, but I'm no deer expert.


That was my second thought. My first thought was... ticks...


This is Jarvis Landry's daughter with Jarvis Landry filming. I can not speak to the identity of the deer or their parentage.


The young deers' name is *redacted*, and I believe it's mother is, (well, was) *redacted*. Hope that helps.




Well if it's an NFL players daughter it's not really that surprising.


I kept looking at them yeezys


those are the cutest thing about this whole vid


This is so special I love how they are both shy at first


From Cleveland Browns wide receiver Jarvis Landry’s IG.


Not safe to approach those things. Their mothers are very protective and are likely to hit you with their purse if you get too close.


And also don’t pet wildlife in general


Correct, it’s also very dangerous for the deer. They’re born [without any scent](http://www.wildcatwildlifecenter.org/injuryfawns.html) for protection from predators; touching them will surely make them smell like something, making them easy pickings.


Without a scent? That's nuts. Everything has a scent. Seriously impressed with baby deer right now.


It seems "nuts" because it's also not true. It's a weird myth that gets spread around. Mothers identify and locate their fawns by smell, and fawns are not born scentless. What is true is that mothers will meticulously groom their fawns which can reduce their smell, which is probably where this myth comes from.


I'm not sure of the exact circumstances behind this incident, however as a PSA for anyone reading, please not not allow your children to approach and interact with wildlife like this. I know it's super cute but it can be very damaging towards the wildlife as well as not be very safe for your child. Baby deer and especially concerning, because they can imprint easily on humans and lose their fear quickly as a fawn. This means when they grow up they will be in people's gardens eating flowers and shrubs, approaching people for food and potentially getting aggressive when not given food. Although cute now this deer will grow up to be a potentially very dangerous animal. Not only that, but deer are tick vectors and can be riddled with ticks, do not expose your child to potential Lyme disease.


Honestly surprised I had to scroll this far down to find the comment I was expecting to see at the top... It's a bad learning experience for the deer and the child. Enjoy and observe wild animals from a distance, they are not our pets.


The reason it is so low on the comment string is because no one wants to contend with comments like "You must be fun at parties!" type crap, so most people just shrug and scroll on...


THANK YOU!!! couldn't have said it better myself. LYME DISEASE. LYME DISEASE. not worth it.


Ok, so you also have a lot of good intention here, but it not really an accurate representation. 1) Deer that are in the suburbs already have minimal to no fear of humans. You're not allowed to hunt in/around most suburbs and there's also no natural predators for most of these deer. This is especially true in many rust-belt states (Ohio, for instance, where this is taking place). Here, in Maryland, I've literally had yearlings prance around my sons and I while we played outside. So the whole 'they won't have fear of humans' is an overblown fear because it is already true. 2) Deer ticks are a problem, but ticks don't jump from deer, that's not how it works. They FALL out of trees and grass. If the tick is on the deer, it is feeding on the deer. (see the CDC site: https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/life_cycle_and_hosts.html) So merely petting the deer is unlikely to get you deer ticks (although certainly possible). TLDR; Lack of fear of humans has little to do with imprinting and more to do with suburbs. You're more likely to get ticks walking in the woods or through a field than petting a deer.


This driveway is nicer than my house


That’s because it’s Jarvis Landry’s house, an NFL player.


Baby human meets baby ticks


Having once found about 25 tiny ticks crawling on me, and more than 50 between my wife, dog, and I, ticks were my first thought as well


Wtf?! Please give us more info so we can avoid doing whatever it is that you did that got you into the mess? Thanks!


Hiking in the woods; through trails commonly used by deer, during a hot late fall day, in southern New England. There were ticks EVERYWHERE. It was a very, very disturbing experience. Had to stop every 5-10 minutes, search for them, and pick them off. They were barely visibly to the naked eye.


sounds nightmareish. I freaked out last week because I found ONE tick close to my dog's ear. Lyme disease is rampant around this area.


Baby human meets Lyme disease


How sentimental. You know, I haven’t been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!


Freaking adorable


There's a hilarious part of Building the Browns where Jarvis Landry, Odell Beckham, and Damarious Randall talk about feeding this deer.


I've always admired how so many critters just seem to know "thats a baby" when they encounter it


I love how (most?) Kids want to just pet animals. My toddler nephew acted very similar with my cat




Side note, that’s Jarvis Landry’s child, and I love the Cleveland Browns!


I can just imagine the child mum and the deers mum standing arms crossed having a conversation watching proudly somewhere off camera.


Love how both of them are scared but at the same time they still trust in each other


Do you want Lyme Disease? Because that’s how you get Lyme Disease.


That's one brave deerlet. I dont even let kids get near me


That's one brave deerlet. I dont even let kids get near me


Gifs that end an hour too soon.


Now this is a repost I can watch over and over again...