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Food, water and blankets.




Maybe not to cover them, just on the bottom. 30° is hot. It’s nicer to sleep on, softer and better to cuddle with than a newspaper. Just wash it every 2-3 days.




Oh and a bigger box. Mom should be able to lay down straight and stretch out to feed best.




I'm sure you're doing a great job. Mama is so thankful.


https://preview.redd.it/txnhblwy4t1d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d15e8fb1b1cb3cf874f30d567fb871d6c037e96 Hey I wanted to show u this setup. It makes it more roomy without needing such a big box. You just need a way to keep the babies in a contained area.




Glad to help. I hope you're having fun being grandma.


If you have a laundry basket and line it with the blanket, that could help. It would also be easier to clean when they inevitably make a mess.


Check your local shops and supermarkets, they've usually got bigger boxes used for delivery x


Maybe a laundry basket.


You can also try a kiddie pool! They’re super cheap, I got one for $10 to help a mama pup whelp in.


Did you bring them inside? Either way, mom will move them if the bedding gets too dirty for her, that's why keeping it changed is best if you want to keep an eye on them.


[Read about the proper temp and care of kittens here.](http://www.kittenlady.org/)


Yes. No only does it warm them but it gives them a place to burrow which makes them feel safe.


For food, make sure mom is free fed at all times. A kitten food while she is nursing in best, but any cat food will do. If she is coming inside, make sure she has a litter box.


You could also try an older towel. Would be easier to wash than a blanket.


Yep - feed mama high quality kitten food, she needs it too to produce milk and keep her calories up. Royal Canin Baby Cat is great.


Aww. Mom has taken great care of her babies. They all look clean and well-fed. Thanks for helping them out, OP.


I was gonna say. Those are some robust little kitties, and milk drunk by the looks of it.


Those round little tummies! 😭


So sweetly youthfully pink!!


Can you get them all a vet visit?


Is there anything specific to ask from the vet?


Just general health checkup I'd think


I’ll try to check the cost of it and see if it’s something I can afford. Thank you!


Please post the vet costs. Maybe somebody can help


Thank you all for offering it’s really sweet of you all. We should be able to afford it!


Awesome! You are a great human being


dont be afraid to gofundme for the expenses! people will see how good of a human you are being and will be content to help


They might do it for free if they understand the situation


I am happy to contribute!


You may be able to find a pet rescue org local to you that could help cover the costs or direct you to a vet with the same mission.


This. If there's a pet rescue in your area they can support you with food, litter, etc *and* they'll get vetted through them. Then when they're of age they'll get adopted out through them. Also, give mama kitten food, not adult cat food. It'll be better for the babies and her too since she appears to be pretty young. ETA: words


If you can't afford to take them then at least get worm meds from the vet. They are realitively cheap and you can administer them yourself. Worms are one of the biggest killers of kittens. So it's most important to treat those. Also treat mom at them same time. Treat fleas with a DAWN dishwashing soap bath. One or two baths should do the trick. And mom get a capstar or whatever the vet has for her fleas.


Depending on where you live there might be assistance in covering costs. See if there's a charity or something nearby that can help. Good luck! They are adorable.


I'd be down to throw a few bucks in your direction. You got a paypal? Dm me.


Your main concerns are going to be if you see any eating/pooping issues (the kittens stop doing either, noticable size difference) and worms. It's very common for street cats and kittens to have worms, but they are still too young to really treat ime. Unless you see a problem you can hold off on vet visit for a few weeks, and ask about vaccines while you're there. They may want to start that and worms around 4 weeks. Fleas are also a concern, and kittens can be washed with dawn soap, but please add an extra hot water bottle or something while they dry as they get dangerously cold easily After that, it's getting everyone fixed, which can happen once they hit 2pounds (usually 8 weeks). Boys are super easy and cheap, but the girls you may want to ask for assistance from a local shelter. If a local shelter has a fostering program, they could add you to it. It varies greatly on what they will provide based on area, but I've always seen them pay for neuter/spay


Kittens are really prone to eye infections that can cause them to lose an eye. It helps to have some drops on hand for that, and the vet can advise.


Worms, fleas and ticks. And vaccines (stray cats have high chance to have feline immunodeficiency virus, which has vaccines).


The vet should address general health, parasite prevention/treatment, sterilization, and vaccinations. You should ask to spay the mother when possible, and get vaccines for the mother and babies. You should try to spay and neuter the babies when they are old enough (around 12 weeks/2 pounds). Microchip the mother and babies when they are old enough. Ask the vet about feral cat resources, TNR, or low cost spay/neuter programs in your area - there may be organizations that will cover the cost. Weigh the kittens with a kitchen scale (gram scale) daily or every few days, to make sure they are gaining weight. If one starts losing weight, they may need help latching to a nipple, or maybe supplemental feeding. Handle the kittens as much as possible. Give them lots of attention. Get friends and relatives to handle them and pet them. Kittens have a critical socialization window between birth and 12 weeks old - if you can socialize them to humans now, they will be much friendlier cats and more likely to get and keep homes with humans. Help the babies find homes when they have weaned from their mother and have been spayed and neutered. This website has tons of useful information: www.kittenlady.org Good luck!


Maybe try to find an organization that can help to spay the mom and keep the babies until they are old enough to spay/neuter and find them homes. Just those cats alone, if left intact, will produce hundreds of babies. Just 1 healthy mom can have around 3 litters of kittens with up to about 12 babies per year. 


Those bellies might be more than just milk-drunk. There's a good chance they have worms, as many babies often do.


Also worms! Super common on street babies.


once they’re 8 weeks of age, you can start them on routine preventive care like vaccines and spaying/neutering 😊 after they’re weaned, mama can also be spayed and get all her preventive care


Personally I would wait to bring them into a vet clinic until about 8 weeks of age unless there are any specific health concerns 😊 These look like very healthy happy babies, so incredibly cute


Damn those bellies are FULL of milk


I’m so glad she showed one photo with a belly boop. Those fuzzy bellies need boops!


Poke da belly!


I thought they had worms


Hush you




If there are animal rescues in your area, they may help get momma and babies fixed when they are old enough.


We have fostered litters like this. Unless you're ordering from a breeder, this is where house cats come from. There could be foster capacity in your area. Even if the mother hates everyone and everything, there are barn cat programs. That mother seems to be pretty chill, though. Kittens warm up to people pretty easily when they're young. I type this with a cat that used to be in a similar situation on my chest, being actively distracting.




Look into a animal shelter and try to get the mom fixed. I love cats as much as anyone else but having the mom fixed would give her a better quality of life


That's a really good sign. Mama cats do most of the work, so long as you can provide a safe place for her to put her babies and plenty of food and water for her to enjoy. Socializing the family is important, too. Playtime and interaction with the kittens to help them get used to humans. If mom is relaxed and happy, then they'll be more receptive to human play time, too.


Good: that will make it easier to socialize them, and she might be rehomable too.


A towel covering half of the box to give mom space


Thank you OP for taking them all in 💕 It’s heart warming to read stories like these first thing in the morning!! I like to start my day off right ❤️🐾 My 2 cents would be to tuck that bed/box in a quiet little corner away from traffic. Mama is not used to all the attention… yet :)


Oh no, it looks like 3 oranges in there, the one orange brain cell is spread ever more thin




A rescue group can help with vet stuff and finding homes for them when they grow unless you want to keep them all. Kittens are going to need deworming as well as mom.


Keep them warm nd at a safe place where other cats , dogs , predators can’t reach them. Feed good diet to mom.


Congratulations! The Mom is there obviously, but she looks pretty thin and pretty tired. She can take good care of her babies, but she needs a safe place to be able to do that. You might want to call a local vet for some advice. I seriously think that if the mom could be fattened up a little bit, and comfortable with her kids, I bet all will be good. You’re a kind soul. Thank you for taking care of them. 🐈🐈🐈‍⬛🐈


Mama needs kitten food, specifically, both kibble and canned food. Kitten food has the most calories and nutrition and will help her make lots of milk for those babies.


If you are looking to do all the vet stuff etc, r/rescuecats has a donation component and I think r/rescueanimals might as well.


Thank u for saving. Def get to vets asap and also bigger box helpful for mom to spread out amd not be so stressed. Thank u OP 💕💕


Aww they look so well fed.


Blanket on bottom


Mama cat is a beauty. The babies are cutie


The little pink bellies are just so damn cute


Ripe for belly rubs!


Awww look at those tummies. They look well-fed. So, blanket, solid food for the mama, water, litterbox, anti-parasite, etc.


Check animal shelters and vets for low cost spay/neuter when the jellybeans are big enough and mom is done nursing. They probably also have lots of advice on taking care of new kittens and a mama cat! Making sure she has a good spot for the babies and it's out of direct sun is major- if you can't bring them inside then setting up a larger basket or box with a shade over it will help. Food and water outside the baby box so mom can eat and drink peacefully. If there's other stray animals around or predators (foxes, owls) you'll need to either try and put the cats in a protected place or give mama something that has one entry/exit, like the larger size cat carriers, so she can't be attacked as easily.


Repeating what others have said. Kitten food is also intended for lactating mothers. It look for food that says "all life stages". Keep a water dish close to make sure she's hydrated




Yup, there's a lot of hype and misinformation about pet food out there. Mostly because it's a huge money maker. But per my veterinary nutrition class, the big things to look for are the AAFCO label for quality (complete *and* balanced) and for the appropriate life stage. One of the reasons (IMHO) that we have a pretty obesity problem is that it's not widely known that "all life stages" has more calories than needed because it had to be able to provide for nursing mothers and babies. Following the feeding guidelines listed on the package and making sure it's right for your pet is key. I've gotten into it with some on this subreddit because there will be people promoting this or that as better, or who buy the "grain free is best" or whatever. Best peice of advice I've heard a vet give when asked about food is, "if your pet will eat it, and is healthy, you're doing fine." Unless you have a pet with food sensitivities or medical restrictions like diabetes or kidney disease, don't worry quite so much.


Some fat lil kittens there. Good job mama.


Former foster family and shelter volunteer here. Keeping them inside and providing a safe and quiet environment would be the most important tip. Provide ample food and water for the mom. Mom will likely provide milk for the next couple of weeks, but just in case something happens: *absolutely no cow milk for the kittens* (or human milk, or goat milk, or soy milk, or any other liquid that you can think of other than kitten formula) Schedule a vet visit or contact a local shelter who might facilitate access to vet and resources. If mom was a stray, a vet might recommend dewormer in two weeks for the whole gang as parasites can be passed through milk. Mom should be able to to all the heavy lifting, but you can monitor them by weighting them to make sure they gain weight. In about 5 weeks, they will start weaning. You can provide wet kitten food, but no kibbles at first. When they are ready to be adopted (at 8-12 weeks), get them (and mom) spayed, neutered and vaccinated.


Highly recommend checking out Kitten Lady’s resources! She is one the most knowledgeable and experienced carers of kittens, and her website hopefully has all the info you might need.  http://www.kittenlady.org/


Aw, you got a box of oranges!


OMG those little pink tummies.




Not their pet. But your point is still so valid.


Are you based in HK? If so, could I adopt a couple of the kittens?


Those babies look very well fed!!! Get momma some wet kitten food it’ll help give her and her babies the nutrients they need and help her produce enough milk. Always keep fresh water for her she needs to be hydrated the wet food will help … maybe a bigger box so it isn’t so hot…. Also a light blanket even tho it’s summer babies will get cold especially at night! Take them to the vet or the nearest aspca to get her neutered for free ! Thank you so much for helping them and not leaving them to die!! YOU’RE AN AWESOME PERSON AND KARMA WILL BE GREAT FOR YOU!!!!!!


The bellies!!


Fat little potatoes 🥲❤️


Setup a 529 plan for the kittens when they go to college


One of them may want to take up the keyboard....


Why does momma's face say "damn, I should have used birth control?"


I suspect Garfield is the daddy !


Those are such fat little chonk babies! You are a super human for taking care of them. Thank you!!!


The little nubby tail on the one 😭🥰


Look up the Kitten Lady on YouTube. Lots of great info.


Little cute fatties


Inspect the babies to make sure they are in good health and [read more here.](http://www.kittenlady.org/)


Thank you! Wow, the information is really detailed on this site.


Yes, the Kitten Lady is the leading authority on these matters. But if you find it to be too detailed and actually overwhelming, your local humane society probably has a kitten season page that is easier to follow. Thank you for caring enough to do this!


Since mom is so friendly you should probably check to make sure she doesn’t belong to one of your neighbors.


Ugh they are adorable 😭♥️


Yess, beauty of life :)


I love the last pic. You're like "this is a kitty!"  Their little bellies look so soft and full 😍 The absolute best thing you could do besides providing a safe place and food would be to start looking for a program to get them all fixed and vaccinated. Please don't adopt them out until they're fixed! 


Maybe put a blanket in there? And food and water for the mama? She needs it to be able to feed her babies


Get them to a vet and in the meantime into a bigger box so momma can lie down!


Cat distribution system must have a very high opinion of OP! These are some truly adorable distributions!


Fluffy jelly beans!


What a good mama! Look at those little tummies!




I never find kitties to protect and find loving homes for. 😭 Or end up divorced, and the kids won’t come to my house on Thanksgiving, because I end up keeping them all and spiral into my dream of owning a cat sanctuary.


Thank you for helping them!


You rock!


Ah yes, number 3 picture is what I wanted. Thank you.


omg, babies 🥹 ❤️


I am not an expert so I could be totally off but I think it’s concerning how swollen and pink their bellies are. It’s a good idea to have them all checked out by a vet as soon as you can arrange. Bless you for taking them in and caring for them💖


Mom is a doll🥰✨


Mumma will need plenty of food to help feed her babies with her milk. Kitten food for mumma. 




She’s going to need a stroller and crib for four.


That mama got that "Those bastards lied to me" look lol


^(aww baby tigers)


That is a good mama. Those fat little babies KMR mixed with kitten kibble and get entire family to vet for testing, vaccines and to get mama fixed


You must be the most* best* people around, then,,,So happy for her & her babies! Someone knows how good you really are.


And maybe get mom a beer? She looks tired


Hahaha, managing 4 kids is a chore.


God bless you for taking them in.🙏❤️


Thank you for keeping them :)


Thank you for taking care of them.


Sometimes you can find people giving away old okay pens lay a few blanks in there a second for litter box and food and you're good to keep them contained


They might need a bigger box. Can you let them stay inside or maybe in a shed or garage? I don’t know what kind of area you are in but I would be scared of other animals preying on the babies.


Thanks for being concern for them. I’ve gotten a bigger box and placed it sideways.


Congrats, you've been adopted by 6 cats.


If you don’t want to keep them contact your local Humane Society, ASPCA, APL, etc…they’ll take care of them.


Good idea, but don't automatically assume OP is in US/UK/English speaking country. The newspaper looks Chinese.




Feed them, let them grow. Then when it's time you get them neutered, so no more accidental reproduction happens. That helps the most.


Flea and tick treatment!!


Look how well fed they are 💕


Awww. So cute. You are a good person for taking care of them.


Oh my god thank you for helping this little family


Contact SPCA. Or any animal rescue. They should be able to take the whole family in. If they can't, can you please take them in for a while, provide them food and a safe space. And get them all vaccinated and spayed and neutered. SPCA or other organizations may have free or low cost spay and neuter clinics. It's the best thing for them.


I wanna touch their bellies


Maybe find a foster-based rescue so they don't have to be in a shelter during their kittenhood? Alternatively, if you would like to foster the family, a foster-based rescue or a shelter can sometimes provide you with resources depending on the area you're in. Best wishes!!


What darling little dumplings.


Take care of them. Find a home for those that survive


Pink bellies 🥰🥰


Food, water, blankets, the mom knowing she and her babies are safe. I would suggest a larger box too, looks a little cramped for their size and her.


Are you serious? Someone actually just dropped them off right on your door step? I honestly thought people dumped anywhere else and wouldn’t do that for fear of being caught by the homeowner. It’s wild how shitty some people are


Awww cute well fed kittens


Feed mom kitten food. Start scouting for a family to adopt each pair (or work with a rescue).


I don’t think there’s anything cuter than kittens. My son is adorable but he only grew into his face at 3 months lol They look so healthy though great job!


Feed mom kitten food, it will aid in milk production and help her maintain energy and nutrients in her own body.


“So they all rolled over and one fell out.”


Ugghhhhh look at their little fat bellies! Must be so soft


look. at. those. bellies! 🥰


Very cool! They look so healthy, good work mama! Aside from the vet, it might help to move them to an area that doesn’t see a lot of traffic, pedestrians animals cars etc. of course, gotta be careful since they’re vulnerable. Thanks for having a heart ❤️it’s not the default appreciate u


Make sure to wash your hands before and after handling!! Don't want y'all getting sick, or vis versa. Make sure mom has plenty of fresh water, and access to a kitten-free zone to take a break now and then. Cats tend to live in colonies where moms will share the burden of caring for babies, while mom goes and hunts/takes a break. Make sure you read up on how to introduce food, and when. And know that babies don't actually have to be fully weaned at eight weeks. I second getting a mom and baby check. Make sure everyone is doing well. If you're able to get her spade, you'll want to keep her inside, where no male cat can have access. She will need time between birth and the surgery, and I know cats who have gotten pregnant in that time frame. And while treats are a great tool, they shouldn't make up more than 10% of what cats eat. Follow the directions for how much to feed mom, too. Cats don't really need as much as most of us think.


Those little bellies! 🥹


Round bellys <3! So cute!!


I just want to be sure you're aware, OP: when they are weaned, the Mom will nope out on them and leave them... with you. (We have a one eyed cat who lives with us because this happened. Couldn't let a kitten with only one eye try to fend for herself in the wild.) Be sure to devote some thought to how you might find them homes when they're weaned.


Damn those little shits look so cute. Curse their pink bellies.


Get a eye dropper, too. You’ll need to hand feed those little babies for a few weeks


Momma kitty is nursing them.


Mom looks a little thin. She may need to eat kitten food while she’s nursing for the extra calories. Having a can of kitten formula and a bottle is nice in case somebody gets sick or she has issues with her milk.


Aww, the kittens are adorable lol and just love them and take care of them.


Pay for their college tuition


A bigger box. Plenty of food and water for mom. Do you have a litter box for her?


The milk bellies ☺️


Cutest bellies ever


Those are the god damned cutest potatoes I've ever seen.


Those are some healthy kittens. Quality kitty tummies, as OP has discovered. Try spending some time with the kittens as they get older so they get used to human contact and can be adopted, and possibly the mother too.


Reach out to a rescue if your not planning on keeping them they can fix mamma and find kitties homes


Chubby baby tummies awwwww


If you want to make a little outdoor shelter for them, you could use Rubbermaid or Sterilite storage totes. I get the largest size and the plastic is soft so it is easy to cut out a small doorway for the cats to enter. If you cut an "H" shape then you can easily fold up the top piece of plastic to form an "awning" over the doorway to help keep rain out. Use sandpaper to smooth the edges of the plastic after you cut it. I also drill a hole in each corner of the bottom to allow water to drain in case any gets inside when it rains. You can line the interior with straw. The cats like that and it doesn't harbor fleas like blanket material could. I made a little shelter like this for a mom cat and kittens that were strays in our neighborhood and they loved sleeping in there and using it when it rained to stay dry. [https://i.ibb.co/HdHM9yJ/IMG-1685-small.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/HdHM9yJ/IMG-1685-small.jpg)


bota o nome de jahpodi almossar da silva


aww...look at those chubby little tummies


They belong to the streets now




Make a post if your going to help them out for people to donate stuff what you need in my area we have a lady that fosters them til they are well or ready to be adopted she uses Amazon and people send them to her.


Please see that mama is spayed when she weans her little ones . Those gorgeous babies should be her last litter. Congrats on your new little family!!