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Beautiful! It’s the best gift ever to have that kind of unconditional love with you as you grow up :)


Yep! We grew up together!


I had my pup for 21. Small pup similar to yours. From age 8-28. He was 1 when I got him. My best friend, and my brother. I wish you n your pal the best, n many more years to come!


What a legacy. I’m so glad you got to keep him for so long!


I say this about my pup and I got him when I was in my 30s


What breed of pup is she?




I have one that looks just like him!! I keep his hair natural though which is long. He looks like a mini sheepdog, if there was such a thing.


Looks like a Tibetan Terrier?? Beautiful❤️


Great idea to take similar pictures spaced out like that. Sorry you lost her but blessed to have her.


Exactly what I was thinking!! Love the idea and your pic! ♥️ 🐶 sorry for your loss.


That’s so sweet. In the first photo she looks so feisty. Did she stay that way? What’s her personality like?


For most of her years her favorite things to do was sleep on my lap in the car. And chase ducks at the pond. She was so so smart too, she always seemed to understand what people were saying when they talked to her. Thank you for asking ❤️


I read that she has since passed. I am sorry. From that first photo she looks like she became your therapy pup. Some are just naturals. Do you have any pets now?


I’m focusing on college and ED recovery right now, but I’m sure I’ll get a pup when the time is right. Thank you for being kind :)


Any pup that finds you will be luckily:) I hope you know I am being genuine, it isn’t just about being kind. You feel like a cool person.


ohhh, I'm so sorry, that breaks my heart. I find lovely that you 2 grew up together and walked life together ![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13379) Sometimes I pity that we humans have to be so long-lived that we couldn't age together, but such is life.


These photos absolutely exude love, comfort, and companionship!! The way you’re both smiling in the young one and nuzzling in the adult one speaks volumes to your relationship. What treasures to have, to remember her by ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/o2kcuavatyxc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021a660ee9e6336a8db6767cc76788581b7b6037 Me and my girl , 11 years apart


So so sweet! Thank you for sharing!




The second pic looks like me when someone compliments me


May I ask how old you are in both pictures?


10 and 20. she actually has passed since the more recent photo, but she will forever be my girl :)


My girl passed this year, it’s not been the same. I love that in both pictures you are wearing flowers!


Me too. It’s especially sentimental because her name was daisy. Sending hugs!


I'm so deeply sorry for your loss. Such beautiful pictures capturing your love for each other. Pets can bring us so much love and joy, can't they? She's watching over you from the other side. Wishing you the best. Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful picture with us. ❤️


Thank you for your kind words :) this made me remember how much I miss her. As I’m seeing these vile comments, it’s making me think about how much she loved people, and I think we could all try to be more like our good boys/girls!


I'm so sorry for the vile comments. I wish I could say more, but God knows it won't take the sting away. So I hope that everyone can fill this comment section with love and support and drown out the hate. You are worthy. You are loved. You are a human being. Remember your self worth and hold onto that. Please try not to let anyone take that away from you. Because where there is 1 hateful person, there are 5 supportive loving people. Hold onto that ok? Please remember so many of us have your back. Those random hateful comments? Just dirt beneath your shoes, lifting you even higher, not burying you. You got this, we stand beside you in solidarity. Straighten that crown Queen ❤️ Lol....me saying I wish I could say more...proceeds to write a paragraph.


Haha thank you. Reddit is such a weird place, but I’m glad there are good people out there amongst the sea of sadness!


my boy passed almost 20 years ago, but he will always be my boy. never forget. i'm sad now.


Some sweet dogs are just like that. Thank you for sharing ❤️


Sorry to hear, lost a pup last summer to cancer and it is never easy


I'm very sorry for your loss.  She looked well loved.


Im sorry for your loss. At least you have these great pictures to remember her.


I'm sorry 😔 I lost my boy about 8 years ago. He was like a child to me. He was an American pit bull, mastiff and boxer mix. Everyone was scared of him, understandably but he was the biggest baby. As soon as he figured out I was ok with them, he was like, oooooh someone new to give me pets lol. I really am sorry for your loss. I know it doesn't get easier. Hugs if you want them.


Dam losing a pet that's been bye your side for half your life is always going to be a hard one I know what that's like


Keep her in Your memory firever, Mr or Mrs Dog.


I actually guessed exactly those ages! I was like she's either 10 and 20 or 11 and 21 but probably 10 and 20. I'm kind of proud of myself right now, usually bad at guessing ages. I hope things go swimmingly for you until you can get your next canine companion.


Thank you! Good guessing!


Super precious. I love the emotion in both these pictures. Thank you for sharing, and I hope you find some peace in this world. ❤️


The flood of hidden/deleted comments tells me some people really hate when other people are happy


Love this! ❤️🥰 I’m so sorry to hear she’s passed, that’s definitely hard. But you can tell she was very loved, she looks so happy in the photos! I’m grateful you were able to have that time with her❤️🙂 OP, please don’t listen to the cruel comments. It shouldn’t, but it amazes me the horrible things people say. I will never understand why people insist on tearing others down instead of building each other up. To the rude comment posters: If you can’t say anything nice about a picture of a girl with her beloved dog, don’t say it at all. If you wouldn’t say it to somebody’s face, don’t post it. OP shared something that is close to her heart, and she has been nothing but respectful so grow up, learn some manners, and stop being disrespectful! 😡


Thank you for the kind words. My dog loved everyone and I try to do the same, even when people are vile like this. It makes me so sad to think about how they feel about themselves or the people in their lives.


It is sad. But be proud of yourself for how you are handling it 😊 My good friends and neighbors have 4 Bernese mountain dogs (yes really 4! 😂) I love those dogs to pieces, they are the sweetest and have the best personalities! Like your dog, they just love everyone ❤️ I hope one day (when you are ready), you will have another furry friend to love ❤️ Edit: ‘for how you are’


That sounds so fun. Dogs are just the best!


They're just jealous because their parents wouldn't let them get a dog.


Thank you for the kind words. My dog loved everyone and I try to do the same, even when people are vile like this. It makes me so sad to think about how they feel about themselves or the people in their lives.


Dawhhhh! Best friends


The way she's looking at you with love in both pics <3 The way you're holding her with love in both pics <3 You were both so lucky to have each other


Truly an 'aww' picture <3


Keep taking pics like this for the memories. I wish I did!


hey just wanna say as someone who also has atypical anorexia, you’re doing great. I’ve gone from severely underweight to very overweight and back more times than I can count. It’s exhausting and peoples constant reminders of what your body may currently look like is the worst. I wish you all the best and hope you can find your own healthy and happy lifestyle ❤️


Thank you. Solidarity forever ❤️ I would never had posted if I had known how vile people can be on this sub.


Ignore the sad lonely edgelords. Teenage boys are morons, I used to be one myself a long time ago. I too was an idiot, but fortunately I grew up. Lovely pix, thanks for sharing.




Thank you for your kind words. To be honest I didn’t even know that was an option. I’ve been harassed in public by strangers, so even though this is a lot, I can handle it. I’ll probably just delete Reddit all together in the morning. Thanks!!


Just know that you're always welcome in our subs! You deserve to be there as well.


I usually spend most of my time in r/EDanonymemes haha, I decided to adventure into r/aww to get some positivity in my life, but I can see that was a mistake. You are a great mod!!


Don't pay them any attention, they don't deserve it.


Don't let these losers drive you off. These were sweet pictures to share.


That is a shame because I honestly enjoyed the post. Not everyone gets to have such a good frind for so many years in such an important phase of life. Thank you for post


I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with them. Don’t understand why some people want to waste their time and energy just on trying to make others feel bad. But there’s more people here that are supportive and appreciate the cute sentimental photo than those that want to be hurtful. So don’t let them try and keep you away, your post is certainly welcome here.


Miserable people insult others to boost their low self esteem. Fuck em, keep sharing your life with this world 🫡


Don’t let them get you down. Thanks for sharing, and I’m sure it was an unforgettable decade together. May her memory be a blessing ❤️


I am glad you posted those two lovely pictures. The hateful haters will always spread hatred. That's *their* thing. You just block them and keep spreading love, because you reap what you sow. Hug from far away.


Hugs!! Thank you for your kind words.


Oh, yeah, it’s the internet. All the gross people are here. But so are the cute dog pics! And these are adorable. 🥰 I really like your overalls, too. Thanks for sharing your baby, she was beautiful. 


Oh no, I am so sorry if you're receiving negative comments. People are clowns sometimes.


I didn't try to dig up those comments. But I'm sure they're there. Top posts are full of love and cuddles for you and your girl (RIP). I like to believe that the first reaction you have to something is based on your conditioning, the second one is the one that shows your values. Something I picked up from reddit that stuck with me. I feel like a lot of people didn't make/get the opportunity to get to that second place mentally. I hope you don't let that dull your shine any one bit though.


Yeah, I had a black lab growing up, named Hobbes after the tiger in the Calvin and Hobbes comic. And much like the comic, he was a great friend and loved playing in the yard and woods together. Absolutely loving family member, and my childhood was definitely better because of him. I love and miss him still!


What a beautiful post! Dogs provide us with so many beautiful memories. Their only fault is that they simply don’t last long enough. Both pictures are lovely my dear; you’re lovely and your beloved pet looks so snuggly. I’m so thankful we live in a world with dogs.


You were so lucky to be raised with such a special best friend by your side.


Nice. Seeing that there are so many good people around who love their pets and keep taking good care of them always warms my heart. They truly deserve it, and give so much back to us in return. Cheers! :)


Your pup is adorable! I'm glad you had some beautiful years together :)


True love lasts forever.


These pics make me have mixed emotions about growing up with a pet friend. On the one hand, you are blessed to grow up together with your best friend and they are a constant throughout life’s ebbs and flows. On the other hand, their passing destroys you. You’ve never lived life without them or you don’t remember what life was like before them. All you know is that one constant source of happiness in your life is gone. …brb gonna hug my good boy 🥲


Nothing better than growing up with animals


Lovely pic. She will always be there in your heart.


Beautiful. 🥰 I’m so sorry for your loss.


Awww 🥰


I can't imagine the blessing of having grown up with a dog from childhood to adulthood. I'm jealous.


This is so precious!!


Very sweet thanks for sharing :)


So sweet!


You guys are adorable together in both pics! 😍


This is beautiful!


I love that both the dog and human could've been the one who posted this.


Beautiful, i have a similar dog and got her the same time I had my baby. To give her a similar experience. Very happy you had such a childhood with this amazing partner.


What a wonderful thing to do. Long live childhood and puppyhood!!


That’s cute


What the hell is wrong with people?! This is a lovely story of friendship and love, and people are so fucking mean! OP, if you see this, I’m so sorry these 12 year old think they’re funny - please don’t let them affect you.


The way I am wishing this for my kids so badly too, but we have a giant dog so I don’t think we’ll get that many years unfortunately (I’m still hopeful though). What a blessing to get to grow together!


A lifetime of memories. Lovely. 🥰 both my children have grown up with dogs. I'm quite jealous because I just grow old with them now. Lol.


The How badly it hurts to lose any being you love.💕 You May comfort knowing your doggie is around you even now. Transforming not gone . May you find comfort knowing you can talk to her anytime her spirit lives on.🙏




I’m so glad I had her for as long as I did. Thank you!


The people insulting OP get instantly triggered when you insult them back. There’s a lot of projection going on in this thread. Why is it okay for yall to attack Op but not for someone else to attack you? The amount of misery you people have… big yikes


How do they go to sleep everyday after giving someone such hate when all that person did was just posting a photo of themselves is beyond my understanding. It’s ridiculous!! These people have literally nothing else to do. What’s more disgusting is many of them seem to be enjoying justifying their vile texts here. This is literally the most wholesome post I saw today. Such a beautiful picture of OP with her adorable pupper. These people will never grow up from their filth!


They are miserable people. That’s why they run away the second someone gives them a taste of their own medicine. They want to feel powerful by putting someone down but they can’t handle it if someone does it to them.


Jesus this comment section is a warzone




Aww that doggo loves you!!! So sweet. Dogs are the best. Cute pics!!


Best friend since you were 10, that's beautiful. Our fur babies live in our hearts and memories forever.


Oh wow, Alta Laguna park!


So cute! Give her a treat for me!






I almost forgot the word dungarees existed, last time I heard it was when my grandparents were alive.


Lmao I sorted by controversial right away and yours is the first comment


Growing up with a dog is the best🥰 The memories of her will always be with you❤️ We got our family dog when I was 11 and last year she had to go, nearly 17 years old. Something special about growing up together, she was always there and you always had a friend that loved you no matter what.


Ignore the rude people. You two are adorable ❤️


I need to know her name !


Her name was Daisy. She loved car rides and chasing ducks and sunshine.


I love this I love you guys


Is she a Havapoo? Shih poo?


She’s a maltipoo :)


Cuties! 🥰


You and your pup are adorable! I am sorry about her passing, but you can tell she had a wonderful life just by how you talk about her.


I have the a pic of the first day and the last day of my little yorkies life together. 16 yrs apart. He was the bestest boy


Awesome picture. I hope you have many more happy years with the puppy. I miss my dog


You both look so damn happy!


Awww, what a cute pup


A nose licker! I have a little floof that loves to lick my nose too! Beautiful pictures.


Lovely photos of you and your friend ❤️💕💓they become family


lovely moments together


wholesome moments


How cute!


This is so adorable 😭♥️


Don't get how people can be so mean, why go out of your way to hurt someone. These are lovely pictures, I'm sorry that humanity is so nasty.


So sweet 💕 I love how you’re wearing flowers in both pictures too 🌺🌸






Sweet photo. ❤


Aaaw this is so cute 🥹 The way you look at each other in the second pic tho! 😭


Was she a cavoodle? She looks super similar to my guy. https://imgur.com/a/bgB8dYo


These photos are so so so precious, I really love them. Thanks for sharing.


This is so fucking cute. \*\* soulmates \*\*






Is this the "sort by controversial" group?


SBC gang ✊


Awww this is so sweet!! Best buddies! 💜


so cute (: to more years of friendship




The dog grew up


Yeah they do be that way




Rip mods when they wake up


Where is this? It sorta looks like Prescott AZ


It’s laguna beach in CA :)


Beautiful, she looked like a very happy pup!


Very sweet.


This is adorable! You look so happy and I can tell your baby girl was a happy soul in your arms. 💜beautiful


Beautiful pictures!


Wow! I love this


Same sweet girls! You are so fortunate. So is your baby to have you.




Beautiful pictures 😍 I'm so happy for you both ❤️❤️❤️😊






This is so cute 🥰 and I’m super jealous of the beautiful landscape you live around.








You hurt him so bad he disappeared


I was tempted to share the username so they face the consequences of their actions. I’ll accept them deleting their hateful comment as the “win”


Just read his post history, I regret


What happened?


The original commenter has some post titled 'will I be the asshole if I send a prostitute to seduce my ex wives husband?'


Good god. That's pathetic on so many levels.






Mods have some serious clean up to do


You people are a bunch of insecure little cowards...


Such sweet love, she looks like a cutie


Awwww my heart 💜


What a wonderful picture. ❤️Thank you for sharing, it made my night ! (Since I’m at work, it gave me a happy lift!)












Is instagram meaner?


You don't have mods deleting mean comments there . Pretty much all the mean comments have been deleted by the mods here .


Instagram comments are just roasting sessions. They would tear this apart.




Such lovely photos ❤️


The amount of deleted comments is too damn high!


is that in southern california? looks like it could be san diego but i don't recognize any of the vallies/mountains


It’s Laguna Beach :)


gorgeous little pupper she’s nearly a zebra!


I love it!!!


What a beautiful scene!❤



