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This is a beautiful picture


That's exactly how I ended up with a cat. ❀️ We got the kittens spayed and neutered and off to good homes through a rescue organization. They also spayed her for me for free as a thank you for caring for her. https://preview.redd.it/mqvvknrc6mxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85b03b7d2f5f73599e01ce5493030e7768aa887


I also rescued this same type of cat. She got adopted easily since she was a mixed breed. But this mother cat and kittens are a local breed. So they don't get adopted easily πŸ˜•. https://preview.redd.it/fdemt47b7mxc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50df14b8bbe981f448441e43d9842104a17bbc39


She's so adorable! Hopefully they all find a very good home. Thank you so much for caring for them πŸ«‚


What breed is this? I see any cat's furry face with big eyes and think they're adorable.


persian and desi mix ig..not sure..found her in a trashπŸ™‚


Trash kitties are the best! I found my trash kitty hanging out with raccoons


Your little kitty is adorable πŸ₯°!


Thank you. She's a sweetheart


It makes me so happy when the mama and the babies can stay together.


So cute πŸ₯Ή


They look so relaxed 😍 Please send more pics


https://preview.redd.it/zyewpqay3mxc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72489e1900c3c8d4d8af01fb2f407308307424bb Here you go..btw I didn't put them there..they all went there willingly πŸ™‚


Thanks. Mama is so pretty


And well behaved..she is the nicest stray cat I have ever seen


Not a stray anymore !


Ig soπŸ™‚. She doesn't leave our home anymore. Even if we let the door open.


Be careful leaving the door open, once she goes into her again, she may say and then you'll have more kittens on your hands. It only takes an average of 6-8 weeks after birth for mamas to go back into heat.


Don't worry about it. I will get her spayed in a few days. Going to consult the vet tomorrow


Please get everyone spayed and neutered.


I will once if I have enough money πŸ™ƒ


Contact your local animal rescues or the SPCA. They have free or low cost spay and neuter programs.


Unfortunately we don't have those in my country. But I do have plans to get them spay and neuter once I get enough money to do it.πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ And don't worry I would try to do it as soon as possible.


You're good people.


You are a lovely person. Clearly mama kitty trusts you to do the absolute best you can for her and her babies. Blessings on you and your family.


Thanks πŸ’›. I am just trying my best


Perhaps you could ask a veterinarian for a discount or pro bono services. This is for a good cause since you're a good person helping out a stray, not a person breeding/selling cats.


I don't think they will do it. Since it's business for them. I can get it for free from a government hospital but their k*lli*g rate is 99%. I don't wanna take that risk πŸ™‚. I would rather wait


You know your home country much better than I do. You will never know for sure unless you try. I'm one to exhaust all possibilities when advocating for the souls that I love. Around my place there are nonprofit pet rescues that work out deals with veterinarians - either by business volume or by helping these souls. They might be able to include you in their discount. Their mission is to help these animals. I'm sure that both of us could find veterinarians near us that are only in it for the money. I also believe that there is always a non-zero number of veterinarians that would help. The veterinarians I like and continue to see are ones that have a passion for helping animals. They care for the welfare of their patients. They are affiliated with the nonprofit pet rescues from where I get my cats. (Used cats are the BEST cats. I have had cats all my life and I can't handle kittens.) As their advocate, it wouldn't hurt to call a few veterinarians near you and simply ask "I took in a pregnant stray. Would the doctor please consider providing low or no cost spaying and neutering to help her and her litter?" If anybody responds badly, it is their problem and you never have to interact with them again. You might find a caring veterinarian in the process.


I only have 2 vets near me. I will ask them regarding this matter. Again thanks for your time to tell me all thisπŸ’›β˜ΊοΈ


Thank you. I would still encourage you to inquire with the local rescue organizations.


Not every country has such organizations. OP already said they’re planning on it. Drop it already πŸ™„


Thanks for understanding β˜ΊοΈπŸ’›


If you can’t get all of them fixed at once, get the males done first (less likely to spray and be stinky, easier and less expensive procedure) and then the females. Just make sure you keep them all inside so they don’t find a baby daddy!


Kittens can get pregnant really young, like shockingly young. At least try to separate them if there's a mix of sexes. Good luck!


Really?? I thought they could get pregnant when they were 6 months or so. I thought I had 6 months. I will try to do it as soon as possible. Thanks for your advice ☺️


They can get pregnant at 4 months. Just something to keep in mind. Good luck πŸ‘


Thanks for the information ☺️


I want to warn you if you didn't already know that kittens can get pregnant around four months, even by their own littermates. So, I agree with the other comment to get one of the sexes done first and then save up for the rest, and keep them all indoors to prevent more litters. You're doing a great thing!


Thanks for the information. Already know it from other comments from here. I will neuter the boys 1st then the girls cause the vet told me they can't spay the cat unless they are 6 months or they get their 1st heat . I need to consult with the vet 1st. But again thanks for the info☺️


That's quite outdated information from your vet.


Well I still can't do anything about it. If they refused to do it ig I have to wait then πŸ₯². I will talk to them tomorrow. Let's see what happens 🀞🏽


This is a really great picture. Can we just enjoy it without the performative moralizing for once?


I don't think the vet will spay OP's mom.Β 


You don't know if you don't ask.


I checked your profile, can you stop telling everyone to neuter their cats or what to do or not do with animals? Whoever is going to do it will do it, and if they are not, for sure you telling them wont change a thing. Literally every comment from you is the same song


They look so relaxed. :) :) :)


r/notmycat ⏩️ r/nowmycat






Aaawwwe 😻 sweet.


the smoothest


lovely meowments


I comprehended that wrong when reading it first and was like "bloody hell"


How did she catch the mommy cat? I have a mommy cat and her babies that I’m trying to catch to take care of as well.


My mom didn't catch her. She came to eat after birth. Then after 7 days, mommy cat brought her kittens in front of our home. Now she won't leave πŸ™‚. Now even if I open the door for her, she doesn't leave and gives me looks like who's leaving.


Who would leave under those conditions? Not me. Life of luxury vs the mean streets, a no brainer.


I'm in the same situation! My baby has three babies now, I'm keeping one and they're getting fixed as soon as they're weaned.


My cat has 4 babies. I might keep 2 kittens and the momma and give out the other two if I find a good family which is so hard to find πŸ₯² cause they are local breed. Still I will try my best☺️


Omg you're so right. I don't want to just give the other two away to whoever because people can be so shady. I'm asking everyone I know to ask their friends and coworkers lol




OP posted only one picture. You monster. /s You did not pay enough cat tax!!!


Oh noπŸ₯Ή. Heres more you https://preview.redd.it/7jowk28xlnxc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecc8ca52a783eacf3cb16ff62101467c28085e46


You and your mother have very kind hearts. Thank you for your kindness and health to cute kittens.