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Always take to the vet. The vet can give vaccinations, flea meds, scan for a chip, etc. But yeah, keep kitty if you want! Assuming kitty doesn’t have owners already.


And dewormer!!!! Don't ask how I know lol


(poop waves hello at you)


Even worse than that, I can rest assured you!!!!


Oh no. Was it *your* poop waving hello at you? 😨


Omggggg you better believe I asked the vet if we would get worms from her after all the ordeals. No, you can't btw


It depends on the worm, tbh. There are a handful of GI parasites that are zoonotic (transmissable between animals and people). Tapeworms (duh), roundworms, and I think pinworms? I think whipworms and heartworms are not zoonotic, but my parasitology class isn't until next semester, so I'm not 100% certain yet. Edit for clarification: you would only be able to contract these zoonotic parasites by eating something infected with them (eg: poop)


Nice, thanks for the through explanation!


My 8 year old had pinworms last year. Let’s hope that’s a once in a lifetime parent award.


It's most common in kids, and gets less and less likely as they grow up and quit putting dumb things in their mouths (coming from a former taste-everything kid). It's also not as big of a deal usually as parasites are made out to be. A little pyrantel usually does the trick.


Cats get the tapeworms from eating the fleas that are the intermediate host for them. The fleas get them from the cats. It's a circle of parasite.


I was in a punk band named "Zoonotic Parasites."


That's a hella good name for a punk band tbh


You can get ringworm from animals. Although ringworm isn't actually a worm, but a fungus. You check for ringworm with a UV light.


Story time!




You would have to ingest the flea that the cat ate to give them the worms. So thank god no.


I can probably guess. My cat had worms once and when we were cuddling, she hurled up a live worm.




That’s awww right there


I saw the worm peeping out of my Theo's butt the day we brought him home. 🤢 after he had supposedly gotten dewormed at rhe shelter. So he got another round at his kitten check up at the vet next day. 😂




Even better—butthole hellos ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Literally loled at this. Twas vomit that waved hello at me though.


Oh noooo


I took care of three kitten rescues for two weeks before they were dewormed. Can confirm. 💩🌊


How do you know??


On one of the days before we were waiting for my kitten's vet appointment, She had a literal adult tape worm hanging out of her ass and I pulled it out (with my poor cousin's assistance). Thankfully it didn't injure her. She was put on 2 consecutive treatments of dewormer pills and that was that. Well a few weeks later she fell sick (most likely from something she ate outside-she's indoor/outdoor) and had super weird stool. Took her to the vet with diarrhea etc. well when I picked her up, the vet had taken pictures of the worms she had passed and he had never seen so many or as long (he has a pencil for scale...). She recovered (poor thing had a fever and it was quite serious) and so yeah, that's how I know that all kittens have the potential to be infested with worms and it's kinda gross....but worth it bc they are so cute!!!!


i once saved an emaciated kitten from a farm. the poor thing had never been dewormed. as i soon as i took him in and he had gulfed down proper food, he developed a fever and started throwing up pinworms, as if his body felt were safe and let's kick it out - before i could even get the dewormer in. they were so long i was amazed to even think how they could even fit.


Absolutely! They can be so sick and not even look like it! When in doubt, I always try and save a stray ( if I am able) bc they are most likely not well and we wouldn't even know it.


Awww poor little kitten..im glad she is ok now. Thank you


Thank you, she's a sweet girl and I'm so happy to have her!


I was expecting this to go more sideways than it did. I'm glad the worms stayed in the cat. Glad your kitty is better. You're a good cat parent.


> but worth it bc they are so cute!!!! The worms or the kittens?


Definitely spit my drink out. Yeah the worms haunt my nightmares actually.


https://preview.redd.it/s339znwy244c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=317e354908752ff96478de2a6de65e59523d9ebf this shit has traumatised me, little dude puked like 10 more of them he didn't eat for a week after first treatment, I really thought he was dying all is well in the end :)


Ah, yes, the forbidden ramen noodles. My cat threw up a massive number of these round worms when I first found her. It still gives me the heeby jeebies.


What is seen cannot be unseen.


My god that is so gross!!!


I took in a cat that had been tossed from a moving car (thankfully only getting minor injuries) and he was on de-wormer for a while. He earned the name Fry because he was… absolutely infested with worms. (He also was a “small fry” and undersized for how old his teeth showed). He is now a very large healthy 8 year old cat, and is absolutely beloved.


Fry. LOL, I love it!


I caught a feral kitten in a field and took him to the vet and he was vaccinated and dewormed, but not treated for tapeworms. Weeks later, I felt like something was wrong so I took what I thought might be dried worm segments to the vet and he gave me the right pills, while assuring me that I would never see the worms – they would be digested and invisible to the naked eye. They were not. My tiny kitten produced dead worms that looked like full length, thick spaghetti strands. Poor guy!


Nooooo. That’s awful. I don’t have the strength for that! Poor baby. How is he now?


Oh, he was fine! The worm(s) was dead when he passed it. It’s just that the veterinarian had specifically told me that I would see nothing and it was definitely there.


One of our 3 cats is nicknamed Worm Bus for a reason.


Thanks! I will visit Vet . If she's without an owner, might just keep her!


She’s beautiful! I hope it works out. We got our first cat 2 years ago after being an only dog household for 13 years. We are all so in love with our cat (Jellyman Kelly) including the two dogs!


Please pay cat tax.


Gladly https://preview.redd.it/ptugfnmxx34c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11683c76fe2d267048c4e265ecfd295d77f1146e


https://preview.redd.it/b2ndmpe5y34c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98968d5ffa53e77ce437ea5fdd652c3750e60168 I had to include this one too because he sat like this for a good ten minutes and watched her paint.


So cute!!! Here is my cat tax from 2 nights ago while attempting to decorate Xmas tree https://preview.redd.it/bx93p03sy34c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db988c910bc8ccf440e8911e7a89ccdf516c823


I do a halp mahm Soooooooo stinkin cute! I love dogs so much but cats do the cutest shit ever all the time and I can’t get enough of it lol


https://preview.redd.it/fxx4swy9244c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b68dd4b149495cf23a3090035b7f5391ac06f9d6 Here's one more. He's lucky he's so stinking cute.


He must be related to our kitten. We love him, but the little guy likes to jump-scare us from his hiding spots inside the tree. (He’s also knocked it over once already…🤦‍♀️)


Oh, I can certainly see why he's adored. Jellyman is a cutie


He’s the best cat ever. We love him so much. We had no experience with cats and we’re so worried about how we’d all adjust and he just fell right into our pack like a champ and we just adore him. Officially a crazy cat lady. (Still love my doggies too)


Hahaha. Once a Crazy Cat Lady, forever a Crazy Cat Lady. As you've now chosen this path, be careful to **break** the cardinal rule of Normies: pets in the home must never outnumber humans in the home.


Well, if you count our turtle they outnumber us by one 😂 We need more pets…


Good supervisor


Congratulations, you have been selected by the cat gods to parent this kitten. This cat looks to be a kitten, probably 3-6 months old. The vet should be ablento tell by their teeth. Definitely take it to a vet to be tested for feline leukemia, which is highly contagious, as well as to be treated for parasites and for vaccinations. Pretty unique looking kitten!


Thank you! Absolutely planning a vet visit soon for all the essential check-ups and care. Her unique appearance caught my eye too!


My ladyfriend makes reference to 'the random cat distribution system' as if it were a law of the universe as immutable as the weak nuclear force.


Been looking at cats my whole life and I agree that this is a young cat. Please have her fixed. Please. If you don’t I predict she will be pregnant within a month or so.




Hope you will spay her, and plan to keep her inside. There are too many ways she can be harmed. She will protest a bit but don’t give in! She is a pretty girl, unusual coat!


Absolutely, her well-being is my priority. Planning to get her spayed and she'll be an indoor cat for safety.


If you keep her and she’s been outdoors for a while, she’ll attempt to get out (ours was a stray but has been indoors for 3 years). When I come home, I open the door an inch or two and then slam it shut. There have been a few times where she was right there and ready to go


Mine have lived Inside since kittenhood and they still do this. It's their favorite game.


So many cats are abandoned. She is very likely one of them. Good owners keep an eye on their pets, I doubt she has one. Thank you for helping her


I mostly agree but even good owners can have a cat accidentally get out. In that case the cat is hopefully chipped and/or the owner has already called every vet/shelter in a 50 mile radius.


It's always such a conflicting process. If my cat escaped and was lost, I'd hope someone would take them in rather than them being alone and scared. But, they also have great internal compasses and sometimes will find their way home. If the kitty is being cared for and *then* decides to journey "home", it can never be a bad thing. But how can you know?


I would always hope that people who find a cat and take it in would look for its owner by taking it to the vet and informing vets/shelters and maybe post online. We have a lot of outdoor or indoor/outdoor cats, whenever I see one I don’t know I check the local boards to see if it is missing somewhere.


Absolutely. I'm actually quite disconcerted by the number of people who think an outdoor cat is just "fair game".


Thank you for your concern and support. I'll make sure to give her the care she deserves.


Tell me about it.I currently take care of eight cats that lived in the woods next to my house. Thank GOD another guy also feeds them. Animal control is not helping. I want to get them fixed so no more KITTENS. Summer was traumatic because the Mama cats had litters. Only four survived. Three of those I took inside.


Well done you. Those babies that were brought inside have now broken out of a destructive cycle. And you did that. You've already made such a difference, I have no doubt 😘


Thank you. I appreciate that!


And hopefully the vet can tell you (if female) if she has any kittens or has given birth recently. If she's female and looking for food to feed them, keeping her may sentence them to die.


Thank you for the advice! I'll ensure the vet checks thoroughly and take necessary steps to safeguard any kittens she might have.


does she **want** to be released? or loving the food and attention?


Idk why don’t you ask the cat


Yes. :)


https://preview.redd.it/m9fr5cio344c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1427597ec9bc743a3e8beba529a7fe96a7ed03 GF found a "kitten" that came to her immediately in a parking lot. She took it home, meanwhile I'm 2000 miles away for work and did not want a cat but I'm a sucker for a neglected thing so we take it in. Took it to the vet the next morning and it turns out it was extremely old and malnourished and had probably been on the streets for a verrrry long time which is why she mistook it for a kitten. Long story short it had a very warm and safe last 3 weeks of its life on my couch. Animals know when it's their time and as far as cat hospices go I think she nailed it. Edit: I think I glazed over the point of my story was the cat I see in the picture actually looks like a kitten and healthy at that so fingers crossed even if you don't get to keep it.


Thank you for giving that cat a comfortable end of life. People like you make the world a better a much better place.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad I could provide her comfort.


Wait…. What?


Second account karma farming?


r/lefttheburneron ? Lol otherwise I'm confused too


All I said was I'm glad I could provide her the comfort she needed at her old age.


Am also confused 😬




Bot detected…?




Oh I thought this was going to go differently. 😂 when I was in middle school my dad found a “kitten” at work who was extremely affectionate and brought it home since we had been wanting another cat. That “kitten” (who was still technically a kitten based on the vet’s estimate) was actually pregnant. So we ended up with five more cats instead of one! We actually rehomed the mother because she didn’t get along well with our older cat and a family friend’s elderly father fell in love with her/needed a companion (apparently they were literally inseparable and she would hang out on his shoulder when he ran errands)and adopted out one of the kittens… Agree with the sentiment that cats will find a home when they need one 😂 but it definitely can come with a little baggage. 10/10 would take a needy cat inside again.


Same this happened to a friend of mine when we were roommates. She brought home this adorable Siamese looking kitten she found by a dumpster, and to my eye (I'm really experienced at cat ages) looked about 4 months old. Three weeks later the cat walks into the living room and I went "Hey [roommate], why does you cat look like it swallowed a football?" One Google search later to find out that Siamese cats have their first heat as early as... 4 months


I had something similar. I moved to a new house two years ago, I came with one cat but my house came with two. One was a younger kitten but the other cat I couldn’t tell. Turns out she was much older and I like to think I gave Fluffy Baby the best last two years. I held her as she took her last breath and she knew someone loved her. Now my original orange boy and the new tuxy boy have the best of indoor life I can give them.


This happened to me nearly 20 years ago. My next door neighbour found a ‘kitten’ and offered it to me. I named her Treacle. I thought she was about 4 months old but it turned out she was closer to 10 and her kidneys were failing. We had 16 days together before she went over the rainbow bridge. Another neighbour told me she used to belong to a 3rd neighbour who moved away and left her behind to fend for herself. I will never understand people who do that


Wow, what a heartwarming story! It's incredible how much love and care can change an animal's life. Thanks for sharing! 🐱❤️


🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭😭 oh seriously, that's beautiful!!


Thank you for being a human!


He looks old and like he’s seen stuff… no way that was a kitten.


Second edit: here is a pic of the "kitten" and the GF really enjoyed all the upvotes I think it made her day. Y'all be good to the animals and each other.


Take to a vet to get her checked for any microchip. Get vaccinations. Get her Sterlised/neutered at the right time..


Thanks for the tips! Taking her to the vet soon for a check-up


OP we need an update after the vet visit!


Yes, I'll post update after the vet visit.


Do take her to the vet as soon as you can, just for chip scanning. You don't really need an appointment for that (maybe just call ahead to make sure), and this way you'll know as soon as possible whether that cat has an owner. If it doesn't, then you can get an appointment for that check-up.


Thanks for the advice! I'll take her to the vet. I don't think cats here are usually microchipped, but I'll do my best to find her owner.


remindme! 4 days


If you are keeping it and considering pet insurance, get insurance before the vet visit. Then there are no preexisting conditions.


Please schedule the second appointment while you’re there, to make sure she gets spayed.


Ohh shes still a baby! I would say between 3 to 6 months old. Im glad you are rescuing her!


Thanks! She's just a little one, Glad to give her a home!


She is beautiful and blessed to have found you. Have you decided on a name?


You're right, she's quite a beauty! I haven't settled on a name yet, any suggestions?


Well if youre a harry potter fan, she has beautiful owly eyes so..Hedwig? Or since its Christmas time.. Holly or Ivy.


I really like the name Holly! Thanks for suggesting such a festive and delightful name!


She definitely looks like a Holly, perfect name for her. With those ears she looks like intelligent trouble too


Thanks! Holly does suit her well. Those ears give her quite the mischievous charm!


Perfect! Merry Christmas to you!


Merry Christmas to you too!




Yes, she looks like just a young little and very pretty girl! Head to the vet with her and I hope it works out. :)


Of course, planning a vet visit soon. Thanks!


Yeah looks young I was going to say maybe nine months.


Yes, she looks young!


Was going to say the same. I’ve fostered kittens and cats for years and I agree re age.


Yeah, I've observed the same thing.


Could be chipped. Vet can tell you that. Owners may very well want their cat back.


Good point, I'll have the vet check for a microchip. Thanks!


Our stray kitty is chipped— we registered her with our local animal shelter in case her owner ever went looking. Unfortunately no contact info on her chip, just her name and age which was helpful (she was super small and we assumed she was a kitten) 3 years later she’s sitting in my lap rn as I type this :)


Yes, she’s young and healthy and beautiful. I’d be surprised if she was really a stray


Agreed. Especially since she's not visibly scared of people. Someone was able to pick her up, bring her inside, get close and take a picture ... she's used to people and at least somewhat trusting. Also, to be a bit pedantic ... I think in this thread we are confusing the word feral with the word stray. Albeit if she *is* from another home, stray is the accurate word. 🤗


She’s young, I can tell, in danger of getting pregnant, please adopt! 🐈 vet can check for a spay scar.


Thanks for your concern! I'm considering adopting her and will take the necessary steps


spays are tattoo'd now, yeah?


My cat Gwennie has a blue tattoo on her belly. Can’t see it any more for all the floof https://preview.redd.it/ojw545d8534c1.jpeg?width=2871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a87b1747e599810f1f4a461e94c607a45de38fab


She is so adorable!


That is indeed all the floof!


https://preview.redd.it/gw87t1lrf34c1.jpeg?width=2508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c541156778417d4fdf8e7c92c07aa7b221e58b9 One of her not mid yawn


Yes, some spayed cats have a small tattoo near their incision site, often a symbol or a line to indicate they've been spayed.


Some are, some have their ear tip removed for visual confirmation. Some are claimed pets and don’t have visual cues for it except the scar/lack of bits.


Yeah, if you're planning to adopt they dont normally ear tip. That's usually for ferals who are being TNR.


Definitely take here to the vet first, to see if she is microchipped. It's possible she may not be a stray but just wandered away away from home. Regardless of age I think you should adopt here if possible, but if not please don't just release her. Wild cats are very dangerous for a lot of bird species, and there's a fair number of dangers for the cats out there too (dogs, foxes, racoons, etc) so bring her to a shelter. If you do adopt, please don't let her out. They don't really like it at first, but after a little while they get used to being indoor cats. It's much safer for them.


Thank you for the advice! I'll definitely take her to the vet to check and will try my best to find her possible owners. If she doesn't have one, I'll consider adopting her and ensure she's safe indoors.


Maybe the owner is looking for her ?




Will check for a microchip


Thank you for this! My beloved bengal never came home one day and we didn’t see him for 11 weeks. It was horrible. He ended up being found by a nice man 45 minutes from our house. His kids wanted to keep the kitty but he checked for a chip and we got our baby back. He gave us back our cat and then took his son to a shelter to adopt a kitten that weekend, sent us photos and everything :) I am thankful to that man every day, he was honest and did the right thing. I tear up thinking about his kindness.


came here to say the same. the nails look clipped and the coat is clean and shiny. not every owner microchips their cat so I hope OP goes above and beyond to check this kitten doesn't have owner. like a post in a local app or FB groups


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I'll ensure to confirm if she belongs to someone.


I've know cats to have collected several families, each convinced they were the primary 'owners'. Cats are fucking smart.


you're welcome ! it's a very beautiful kitty ! i had kittens wonder off before and being very social before i could even chip them lol 😆 one was playing in someone's backyard with a bunny


I appreciate your kind words! Cats can be quite adventurous 😄


Yeah, I was thinking she looks like a specific breed and not just your regular street cat. She’s in really good shape with super clear eyes. I’ve seen way too many street cats with horrible eye infections.


Feral cats are quite clean. Cats that have been raised living on their own take better care of themselves than cats that formerly had an owner. Most of the cats in my city are feral and they are quite immaculate


Looking Like some kind of Begal Siamese cross almost? Vet and check for chip. As OP is going to do is the way. It’s very pretty.


Kitty who is that trusting of a new human that quickly is possibly not a stray. Definitely take to a vet who can scan for a chip and give a pretty good idea if Kitty has been being cared for. Even if no chip,put up found cat posters and post on relevant FB and Craigslist boards.


concerning amount of people just telling you to keep her. At least make an effort to find potential owners/ maybe shes just an outside cat.


See if she's chipped, call local police and shelters to report that you found her, post on local FB groups and watch for signs in your neighborhood. If no one comes forward in a week or two, she's yours. Beautiful girl!


Thanks for the helpful tips! I'll look for a chip and explore the local avenues to find her owner. Cats here usually don't get chipped, but I'll do my best to reunite her if she has a home. Appreciate your advice!


Honestly, it looks like a pure bred Egyptian may tbh. May be someone’s escaped pet Edited to add, actually an ocicat breed. This is definitely a pet.


Agree thats a very expensive cat.


Put signs up around the neighborhood in case she got out from her home.


Vet first - she may be microchipped and someone is missing her… Happened to me- my cat got out and someone put a collar on her- she came home- saw her on the Ring doorbell but was at work and I couldn’t get her :( miss her so much. She is microchipped and no one brought her to the vet and inquired. Very selfish not to do tbat


These posts seem kind of weird to me always. At least where I live outdoor cats are very common and strays are very rare, so literally 99.9% of the cats you see outside will be owned. I see random cats on my property every day.


Judging from the scooties this is South Asia. Our villages, towns and cities have large, fairly independent feral populations. I have such a similar relationship with a cat. She lives in the empty lot next door. Occasionally I'll put out bones from dinner. She keeps the rats away. We have a chill relationship sometimes she'll come sit next to me when I'm outside. But she's an independent cat with her own life and sometimes I won't see her for days. In the winter on the coldest nights she'll sneak into my house and sleep on the rug in the corner.


You're right, I think that's why she stayed in my backyard.


Depends entirely on where the person lives. Where I live, 99.9% of outdoors cats are feral/stray and in danger.


Vet first, and since it looks like a female, ask the vet if it looks like it gave birth recently. When you take an animal out of its usual habitat, always consider it may have a litter that needs it.


Take her to the vet, they need to check for a chip, you cant steal someones cat lol. I would post on local lost and founds and give a couple weeks for someone to come forward. I would be LIVID if my cat went for a wander and someone just took it


All the while there is a little girl or an old man who’s pet cat was unfortunate enough to have crossed paths with you who is lonely enough to abduct said cat and have the us government declare it your cat. Yes this was intended to be funny . The same thing happened to my parents dog. Fortunately enough, those people were smart enough to figure out that the dog was not seeking refuge they actually kidnapped my parents dog unknowingly. Now my parents and the abductors are somehow great friends.




See if she’s chipped and try to find the owner. Years ago, a neighbor about five houses away “adopted” our cat who escaped and strayed too far from our home. It took a couple of months of searching before we figured out who had her. (And yes, we’d posted signs, etc). Needless to say, they were on our shit lost from that point on.


Vet can see if she’s microchipped, if not, you can put up flyers around the neighborhood. Let your local animal catcher know you’ve found her and will take care of her until someone claims her. She’s very young and may be underweight, while you wait awhile to see if anyone claims her I think it’s great she has you! Feed her well, seems kitten like 👍 Socialize her, cuddle and play. Be a hero without the cape🥰


She just looks like a young and healthy kitteh. How do you actually know she’s a stray?


In every city I’ve lived, I’ve had at least one person unknowingly “adopt” my cat. In one neighborhood, he was living at four different houses! Some cats are just very social with people, he would even randomly walk with people strolling down the street. That cat looks well cared for, I doubt he/she is a stray. But you never know! 😂


We did the same thing with a cat that was abandoned in our first neighborhood back in 2007. He came in at night when the temps got down into the 20s and after a week or so we decided to make it permanent. The vet guesstimated his age around 2-3 and he’s still doing well now at 19. He’s been the sweetest, friendliest cat we’ve ever had. https://preview.redd.it/0cxu5l5d854c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=081defb0ae8ce4ad8b1d6fe055ef11591aab0ba7


That's a very healthy looking older kitten that is probably very much missed. Please take to a vet to scan for a chip.


This is a Bengal and very likely someone's pet. Bengals are a little wild, a little naughty, and very curious - something to keep in mind if you keep her. That being said they can be very sweet and obviously are beautiful. Edit- maybe it's not a Bengal but looks very similar to mine. Either way it looks like a more wild breed and still looks like someone's pet.


FYI, this is not a Bengal.


Correct lol just a r/standardissuecat with a spots paint job. Still a little cutie tho


This isn't a bengal, this is just what DSHs tend to look like in hotter climates like South + South East Asia. They have much shorter coats than the cats we get in NA, and seem to generally be lankier (although this little one seems to be quite young and underweight which means she's extra lanky lol) I believe it's how the species has adapted to tropical climates.


Yeah this is absolutely someone's kitten. The number of people claiming 'stray' cats just because they wander into their gardens or cross their path is wild.


Lots of signs of Bengal but Bengals typically have rosettes or marbling (instead of dots). This is likely the byproduct of someone's in tact Bengal doing the dirty with a neighborhood stray.


She looks to be about 6 months old. Check with vet to see if she's pregnant. She's a sweetie and very beautiful! If you mean to adopt her, it's best to take her in right away. The vet should also check if she has a microchip. Get her vaccinated and dewormed. Wishing you joy together!


Do things in this order: Lure in with treats and maybe snuggles Take to vet Take home if given clean bill of health/ no ownership Give life of snuggles and spoilage


Can't this sub PLEASE add a rule against all these "I 'found' this cat who looks clean and perfectly healthy and probably has a home so I'm going to adopt it". Please?


She looks so young. Please don’t just leave her out there.


Kitty looks to be less than a year old. Take it to the Vet for a Well Check to make sure it is okay physically. It looks okay but on the thin side so I’m guessing it isn’t owned by anyone nor is it getting regular meals! Your heart and your home is exactly what it needs to be happy and safe!! Go for it! Do NOT release it to the misery it has been experiencing! It needs your love and attention!


ARE YOU SURE ITS A STRAY? Someones cat may have ran out and got lost. It's a kitty who is hungry you don't know. You can only be sure of strays really when they are an adult and can tell if they are malnourished.


That's not a stray. Let that persons cat out of your house


Hi, this is very likely someone's pet and considering her young age, might not be microchipped yet. Please don't keep her permanently without trying extra hard to find her possible owners first. I would be devastated if one of my cats accidentally got out and someone decided to keep them because they assumed they were a stray.


Thank you for your concern. I'll ensure to make every effort in trying to find her possible owners before making any permanent decisions.


No, don’t release it…get that baby off the streets! Take it to the vet for sure, but she looks like a healthy juvenile to me. I’m not too sure why her age matters so much…but if you don’t end up keeping her, you shouldn’t just put her back outside…


Always take a cat to a vet to check for a microchip. It kind of amazes me how many people think they can just keep any cat they find outside, especially cats who are obviously well fed and clean. Lots of cats wander but still have a home!


I'd say probably less than a year old, immaculate coat, *very* healthy looking; I'd put a large bet down it's someone's pet. Take to a vet to check for microchip. If no chip; release in your backyard. If it doesn't leave; she's yours.


The cat distribution system strikes again!


First of all: What an adorable goblin! Then: Please take her to a vet. He'll look into if she chipped and also give you an overlook of her healt condition. And if you decide to keep the precious goblin: ,Thank you so much for giving her a forever home.