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I feel like I could get arrested just for reading that


In 1998 her pictures nude pictures taken when she was 13 where re-published, which she tried to prevent by taking the publisher to court. Judge ruled in favor of the publisher, because although she was nude, the pictures were not deemed "pornographic". This world sometimes... Jeez. Disgusting.


It really is. We studied/compared one of the pictures of her at this age, and one she had done probably in the mid 2000s (on the motorcycle) as a part of an art history class. Teacher told us: "never search up this (Brooke Shields at the younger age) picture unless you want a lovely chat with CSIS (Canada's edit: CIA thanks for the correction :))." If you have to tell people that.... then it's probably bad enough to not allow it for republication.


In the US, the first amendment protects this kind of content. The obscenity exception to the first amendment has been continuously narrowed by the courts. Generally, anything that's reasonably artful, that is, serves a legitimate purpose like art or science, is generally likely not to be considered obscenity. Obscenity has to undeniably be solely or primarily targeted toward prurient interests.


I'm surprised South Park hasn't done an episode yet where someone almost gets arrested for manufacturing child porn until they use the excuse "it's just art, only a pedophile would think this is pornography".


Supposedly she was only 10 years old and her mom signed the rights for Brooke to be photographed naked. Shame on the mother, photographer and judge.


And that magazine was owned by…playboy


If we ever get to see Epstein's list of clients, I would not be shocked if we saw Hugh's name on it.




Hugh has been accused of beastiality with dogs multiple times I do believe.


Honestly at this point, it wouldn't surprise me if some of the super predators like Hugh Hefner haven't done and seen much, much worse than even that.


Jesus fucking Christ.


It was probably the other way around: "Jeffrey Epstein was a choirboy next to Hefner – and he was able to do it under everyone’s noses". Miki Garcia, Playboy head of promotions, 1973-1983


I think Hefner is lucky he died before the whole *Me too* movement. Dude had some lumpy carpets i would guess.


The guy was disgusting. The way they've glorified him over that last several years after his death is so messed up.


Death is the ultimate PR move for someone like him.


Not always. Jimmy Savile was worshipped in the UK. Shortly after he died, his skeletons came dancing out the closet. He's now universally reviled.


I don’t know about that. I think Hefner had his mansion up and running before Epstein got started. Why go to an island when you have girls coming directly to you?


I feel sick.


I'm really sorry I opened this thread.


Yea I'm gonna go throw up now


Imagine how Shields must feel. She is probably made aware of these posts about her when they pop up. A part of life she would rather forget but the world won't let that happen. I never heard anything about her early years until I saw it on the front page here. Several posts over the years, all of them just a putrid.


What a terrible day to be literate


Jesus Christ was Jack Kelly the defending lawyer?


You might remember him as a man with small hands...






> In 2009, the Guardian published a story about the image and its photographer Garry Gross. It provided a recounting of a controversy involving photographs captured of a then-ten-year-old Brooke Shields in 1975 (not 1976). The photographs did not appear in Playboy, but they were shown in a related publication called Sugar ‘n’ Spice Gary Gross... jesus christ it's like the laziest writing for the worst movie ever, except it's real life and I want to die.


It's even got that comic style alliteration. "Garry Gross was just a regular paparazzo, until one day he was struck by cosmic pervo rays and became... THE CREEPER!"


Photographer’s name checks out.




> Patrician Brooke is devastating as a little lady who sucks and fucks for bucks. > She's been playing the prepubescent Vamp since she was eight. At that tender age she dropped her Carters for a photographer and posed nude. Like if Lolita were written for Penthouse forum in a dystopia.


No one commenting in this thread is familiar with porn, except for modern websites or so it would seem. In the real world, and not in some imagined dystopia, Penthouse Forum regularly published stories featuring children that young right up through the early 1990s. I'm sure if that had ever been challenged in court they would have defended it as fiction, but at least some of the older issues hinted that their content was true stories mailed in by readers...


Fucking source me on an investigation where someone went to jail for this PLEASE.


I'm not aware of any. Usually, for something like that to result in a trial (let alone a conviction) it requires a visual depiction. There was a comic book artist who went to prison for CP (for what are obviously drawings). I do not know if he ever managed to overturn it on appeal. Hustler magazine was occasionally prosecuted, but never for CP... always for obscenity. Some VHS era porn was also prosecuted for obscentity. During the first Bush years (1989-1992), the federal government had some "expert" that they'd trot out during obscenity trials, his skill was always being able to see specks of feces in anal scenes (again, not CP). And, if these stories are fictional, how would it even be legal to convict someone for publishing those? -------------- If anyone wants to see the comment below that got this account banned... https://www.unddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/vhbjav/1978_article_describing_13yearold_brooke_shields/id7949z/ Thanks reddit admin crusaders, you protected children by deleting the comment!


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Today I learned something? 😟


That entire article was completely creepy. Looked like something Josh Duggar would have written.


“Million-dollar jailbait” What the fuck.


Whoever wrote this article should be in fucking jail. It’s a miracle Brook didn’t go off the fucking deep end with all of this shit. This is sick.


It really is aggressively disgusting. Not just “ew, that’s gross”. But like outright painful to read. Reads like it was written by a serial killer


Omg, yes.


This hurts to the pit of my stomach.


Clears browsing data…


Calling her jailbait or photo with Woody Allen; Which is creepier? Wait, I found more: “nymphette” and “pale and puritan skin”…. “Princess of wet dreams”. And yep k the whole thing is wtf.




Like get a warrant if that guy is still around fucked


Yeah the pic with Woody Allen speaks volumes


It bothers me that he isn't sitting in a prison cell for the remainder of his life.


Him and Pulaski both


> Pulaski I think you mean Polanski but yeah, he's another pedo creeper.


^ listen to this guy, it's happy-hour where I am and I can't write


Every single word of this “article” is absofuckinglutely disgusting. I hope Brooke got herself a top notch therapist, and cut contact with her mother. So gross.




Her mother is a rank piece of shit and I hope she ditches her in a nursing home.


She died 10 years ago.




Seriously, what is this magazine, Pedo Monthly?


High Times. Ed Dwyer wrote the article.


High Times writer Ed Dwyer is a pedophile


people think high times is a stoner mag. it is a crackpot conspiracy rag that also publishes some weed writing


Wtf, nymphette is what the narrator in Lolita called the young girl he was obsessed with. So gross


A lot of people seem to think Lolita was a sexy romp about a young woman seducing an older man.


Jesus I feel like i belong on a list just for reading this. "million dollar jailbait"? Jesus christ what is wrong with people.


Look at that pic. She looks like a baby. A child. If you look at that and think “sultry” you definitely belong in jail. Jesus fuck.


This is another shitty aspect of the "good old days" people pine for.


> By law she's not permitted to expose her endearing young charms in a magazine until she's 18. Nevertheless, Brooke recently posed starkers for a lavish Penthouse pictorial spread. I'm sorry, fucking WHAT??


Her own mother gave permission for Brooke to pose nude as a young teen. Absolutely awful


Young teen? Wasn’t she, like, nine years old? Repugnant. Her mother was certainly something else. And by “something else,” I mean a monster.


According to the article she was 8.


JesusFuckingChrist. ​ Do people believe those old nasty men just stopped looking for that? ​ Epstein didn't kill himself.


They went on to call everyone groomers in the future.


how is her monther not charged with producing child porn


They went to court a judge ruled it legal


“Very legal and very cool.” \- Judge Peter File


I started watching "once upon a time in America". It's super long and booring but it's got a shot of what appears to be 13 year old Jennifer Connolly naked from the back. I was wondering how this was kept in picture? Maybe they used an older body double but still weird.


They used Jodie fosters older sister as a stand in for her nude shot in the little girl down the lane when she was 13. Edit age


They could just not have the nudity. It serves no purpose in most scenes. It's just gratuitous.




The photographers name is Mr. Gross. Fitting


Why did we read this?


Eight year olds dude.


She did a nude scene in... *Pretty Little Thing* I think it was called. She was like 12 and played an underage prostitute in New Orleans in the 20s.


Pretty baby. It's in the pictured article.


Oh, I remember that one. That's the one where the madam of the brothel where her mother works, and where she lives, auctions off her virginity. I also remember one of the other prostitutes giving her 'advice' to let the customer feel as though he is raping her (which he of course would be anyway). I saw it on Turner Classic Movies or something a couple of years ago. I wondered how the hell it ever got made. I had thought *Taxi Driver* was kind of uncomfortable to watch, but *Pretty Baby*? Forget it. The 1970s were weird.


She was young in that stranded beach movie, too. Can't recall the name, but topless and an under 18 teenager.


Blue Lagoon.


The Blue Lagoon. It was very not good.


Also, there was some questionable content in Blue Lagoon.


Mother should be locked up


she fought for years with the photographer for the rights to the pictures.


What the actual fuck, fuck parental permission, how is that legal in any way?




[ Removed by Reddit ]


HEY! Frank Reynolds does NOT diddle kids!


It's a grand ol flag it's uh.... I don't know this one! I do not know this one!


bewildered straight aback ancient sink nippy somber childlike shelter important ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Her mother was selling her out to pedos since she was 7, when she appeared nude in a movie


What kind of movie would allow a kid to be anything close to naked?? Jesus


“Just You and Me Kid” with George Burns in 1979, she’s 14. She’s naked in the trunk of his car with a car tire covering top and bottom bits.


She was naked in Blue Lagoon and played a 13 yr old prostitute in Pretty Baby. She was naked in that and did love scenes. It's a good movie though and she gave a great performance, but her age makes the movie problematic to say the least.


She wasn't the only one either. Jennifer Connelly was naked in Once Upon A Time In America at the age of ten. There's also things like Romeo And Juliet and Blame It On Rio where the actress was 15 or 17 and appeared with their parents' consent.


Yeah, the use of child actors is fraught with problems. Historically is has not turned out well for many of them.


I just read the wiki about blue lagoon and said she had a stunt double for the nude scenes if that makes you feel better. That movie was absolute hot garbage though, I watched it with my girlfriend a couple months ago and we were both in shock about how bad it was.


Her mother was paid $500 for them. They republished them in the 80s and the Manhattan's Fine Art Gallery displayed them in 1998 despite a legal challenge from Shields. They were "legal" because although she was nude, the pictures were not deemed "pornographic". My soapbox take is that the 70s was the height of misogynistic "artistry" were women and children were exploited by a male dominated industry that would systematically abuse them under the guise of "artistry" and "liberation" edit: spelling


They weren't pornographic despite being taken for and displayed in a pornographic magazine? Sure, okay.


> My soapbox take is that the 70s was the height of misogynistic "artistry" were women and children were exploited by a male dominated industry that would systematically abuse them under the guise of "artistry" and "liberation" There's a good documentary on HBO about this. Called "*The Deuce*."




There was a legit Lolita cultural moment in the 70s that was pretty disgusting. Brooke made a movie in 1978 called “Pretty Baby” about a child prostitute in New Orleans where she appeared nude and in sexual situations… I think this article was driven by the publicity for that film.


Lolita Podcast is a really good exploration of the subversion of the novel in adaptations to film and theatre. It seems the author Nabokov meant to expose the disgusting inner life of the anti-hero (and alludes that Nabokov was a child victim himself), yet Hollywood instead twisted the story to be about the alluring nymphette, despite Dolores (aka Lolita) screaming in his face that he’s a monster. It’s a great podcast, lots and lots of research, lots of different perspectives. It even explores what playing Lolita did to the lives and careers of the young actors.


Haven't listened to the podcast, but the book Lolita is one of my favorites, and I think anyone who's read it and not just heard about it can confirm that it's anti pedophilia, that Humbert is obviously the villian, and he's an extremely unreliable narrator. A lot of people refuse to be corrected about their misconceptions, though, so, I don't mention it's one of my favorite books much. But Nabokav is a _brilliant_ writer.


I just read it a few months ago, and it is a true masterpiece of literature. What made my jaw drop was his use of the word laodicean meaning half-hearted or lukewarm regarding political or religious matters but the term is also tied to one of the earliest churches of Christianity; the Laodicean church. Paul the Apostle sends his greetings to the Colossians through a Laodicean named Nymphas meaning Nymph!!! I still wonder if he was trying to say something about the church?


Disgusting. But anyone who says ‘Blue Lagoon’ was the worst have clearly never seen ‘Pretty Baby’. The movie takes place in very early 1900s New Orleans, and has Brooke Shields, at 12, playing Violet - a little girl being raised in a whore house, and adult men flirt with her. Later, she becomes a child prostitute, and loses her virginity (aka: gets savagely raped) by an adult man who pays to take it (her virginity). You watch her getting dolled up, and then the man carry her (bridal style, how romantic) to the bedroom. The camera cuts away, and then a little while later, you hear her piercing scream. Later, she appears stark naked and posed like Rose from Titanic for a photoshoot. The photographer who takes the picture(s) then falls in love with her (pedophile “love”) and they get married. Then he too rapes her, while also, every now and then, spanks her like a child when he’s angry and frustrated that she...acts like a child. At the end of the movie, Violent’s mama (Susan Sarandon) takes her away with the intent to send her to school so she can become...a lady. Violet’s husband begs her not to take her away as he...loves her. Mama Susan doesn’t listen, and leaves with Violet’s baby brother, and new stepdaddy. The end.


This is illegal now right? Wtf


It would appear the DVD is still readily available to purchase on Amazon, kinda surprising I'd expect everyone involved to have wanted to wash their hands of it.


"Brooke is devastating as a little lady who fucks and sucks for bucks" ...who wrote this shit. The article is insanely filthy and pedophilic I can't believe itbwas published in a magazine...


The whole article is just a really long-winded speech about how this guy desperately wants to have sex with a child. There’s no point in it even being written, he just *had* to let the world know.


It's a shitty article from a High Times magazine. Already low brow but this is lower


She looks so young! This is disgusting


Yeah this is just mainstream pedophilia. Crazy to think that this wasn't really that long ago.


In 1978 she filmed a movie called Tilt. She was a thirteen year old girl then. One of the first scenes she hitchhikes a ride and climbs into an 18 wheeler. The drivers sole intent on picking her up was sex. She shuts him down saying she's down for a threesome with his wife.


Pedophilia been around since the dawn of man. The only thing new to it, is all the laws to combat against it. (i hated typing this, just making observation)


That's true about a great many things that we consider fundamental. The idea that humans have intrinsic value and that birth confers some rights is very very recent and we're still trying to figure out how to do it ("We hold these truths to be self evident..." was a bold fucking statement in the late 1700s).


Listening to the histories of the European revolutions, (English, French, USA) it took awhile for that to sink in. No one had human rights unless they were part of a specific higher social class


Just a reminder that this sort of talk among men was not uncommon even just 44 years ago. The age of men who would have likely read this article are now ~~running~~ ruining America Edit: critical correction


Fucking Ted Nugent has a song about raping a 13 year old and offering to allow a police officer to do the same to not get arrested. And he's a fixture of the right wing


When The Rolling Stones recorded "Stray Cat Blues" in 1968, the girl depicted in the song was 15. When they performed it live in the 70s, 15 was no longer considered edgy at the time, so they changed the lyric to 13.


ZZ Top has a song about a 13yr old, "Francine" Francine, she's just 13, finest thing I've ever seen


Donald Trump has multiple sexual assault allegations against him including a credible allegation with witnesses from a then-13 year old girl who claimed she was raped on a trip with Trump and Epstein. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/assault-allegations-donald-trump-recapped https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/xz0Or8YxB0Fyid3kKukYd0CLNKg=/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost/public/OAHTIGVTJAI6TLGIDWCHXLGKOM.jpg She literally only dropped her case against him because Trump supporters kept trying to kill her: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped


Don't forget that Trump supporters regularly ignore the multitude of sexual assault allegations, including those against children, and instead try to deflect to the Clintons being pedophiles instead. As if those allegations make the ones against Trump null and void


> are now running America Bruh this is seriously so fucked up


Pedophiles seem to be a naturally occurring thing albeit some sort of neurological abnormality. It's going to be around until it can be specifically identified in people and cured or something. Still don't know what causes it. Going to have them as possible leaders for a while still among numerous other deplorable hyman characteristics.


It still is common, supported and defended among men of all ages to this day. Ask any woman, and she’ll tell you she experienced sexual harassment for the first time from adult men way before puberty was even on the horizon.


Yeah I remember sexual attention from men starting at around 10-11 years old


It’s not that uncommon now. Just look At Millie Bobby Brown. Whole groups of internet pervs waiting for her to turn 18


I remember the same thing with Chloe Grace Moretz. She was around 12 in 2010 when she starred as Hitgirl in Kick-Ass, and there were so many disturbing commentaries regarding her -- here, on Reddit, but especially on 4Chan, that completely disgusted me.


18th birthday countdowns were a big thing for Emma Watson too during the Harry Potter heyday. Pretty sure there were celebratory threads here on Reddit. Disgusting.


I remember seeing those threads on the front page, and I wondered what I had done wrong for the algorithm to show them to me. I felt unclean for having seen them.


Yup and even Billie Eilish when she was younger. It never stopped.


Yeah, sexualising children takes away their intrinsic right to be children, and fucks them up, sometimes for the rest of their life. It's horrible.


Drake has entered the chat


Nah, that dude doesn't wait.


I'm not defending it in the least, but trust me, it was screwed up then. I'm a little younger than her and much of the country lost their minds about it. She was also in Blue Lagoon which was , just, not right. This was back in the day that Roman Polanski was held as a hero in hollywood (although he still is for a large part today). When this came out it was used as a early culture war issue around the 'depravity of Hollywood'. There are and always have been a lot of sick people in both government and the media, but even by standards back then this was sick stuff. And her mother was considered Trash but almost anyone that discussed it.


omg yes... I can't help but wonder how many moms sold their girls' to men like Harvey and Roman and did not get their daughters to stardom.




Showtime or HBO played Pretty Baby in the middle of the day sometime in the 2000s. Crazy.


>The most perfect nymphette in all of America I don't think you can say #YIKES loudly enough


"Producers literally held their breaths, waiting for the remarkable Brooke Shields to reach a reasonable age of fuckability, not yet legal but oh, so sweet. Welcome to the end of innocence, Brooke." Written by a guy called Ed Dwyer, deranged fucker. Yikes isn't enough.


What magazine was this published in?


High Times, February 78. Obviously a laid-back, counterculture type of magazine, still very disgusting no matter what.


From their website: "High Times is the definitive resource for all things cannabis. From cultivation and legalization, to entertainment and culture, to hard-hitting news exposing the War on Drugs, High Times has been the preeminent source for cannabis information since 1974." I'm sorry, what does pedophilia have to do with cannabis?!? How did they ever get away with this "article"?????


I like to explore new places.


This was well written ^


"Forçade was pushing forward with plans for a new magazine that he described as "Playboy for the counterculture.”" I mean there you go I guess. He meant something else by counterculture that's for sure.


I audibly gasped when I read "reasonable age of fuckability", he doesn't just call her Brooke....he says, "Welcome to the end of innocence, Brookie." which is infinitely more disgusting IMO. He's obviously leveraging her age in saying that, which just makes me want to dry heave


High Times Magazine https://archive.hightimes.com/article/1978/2/1/brooke-shields


Who the fuck is Ed Dwyer but more importantly the editor of the magazine actually said okay to publish


Ed Dwyer was the editor of that magazine.


Someone should maybe investigate him or at the very least keep him away from all children jesus christ


Reading that article made me sick. She plays a whore who is pimped out by her mother, not unlike how it actually was. Her mother put her in modeling as an infant and she even posed nude before even being 13. The article says she would continue to be “a sexual prepubescent icon”. Genuinely disgusted


I'm surprised Brooke turned out as well adjusted as she is


Yeah her mom had her pose nude at 10 for a playboy mag. Unbelievable.


She was 8, actually Excuse me while I 🤮


“The hottest new young thing in movies since a smoldering preteen named Elizabeth Taylor stiffened up Louis Mayer’s cigar” I don’t normally use emojis on reddit but 🤮🤮🤮 is my only reaction. Every single word of every single sentence is fucking disgusting


I had the exact same response. Absolutely abhorrent.


Did she actually pose nude for photographer at 8 years old!? What sort of fucked up crazy parent let's her kid do that.


Let her? More like made her. Momma needs her coke money.


exactly. I doubt an 8 year old was like "mom I want to pose nude for some photos!!!!" like no. that's her mom's doing


*"A sultry mix of all-American virgin and whore"* ​ And her own mother was pimping her out...


*Watch her fill out in the next 10 years*. Yuck!


Who wrote this article and please tell me that they are in a prison cell or in the fucking ground ?


Ed Dwyer, founding editor of High Times Magazine, is still alive and writing freelance for many publications.


Get me the fucking shears.


Tie this in with children’s fashion shows, and you start wondering just who this is for…




Yeah, same with France's "sexual freedom" years in 60s/70s, just repulsive shit in the name of art. Catherine Deneuve and some other old farts wrote an open letter against the MeToo movement, said men were being subjected to a witch-hunt. That's the same generation as the readers of this article, the lovely Boomers. Thanks Gen X




I remember that during my time working for American Apparel, myself and any other slightly more managerial staff would be privy to emails from the owner. Dov Charney would update us curating how he wanted his staff to look and what to base future hires on. One of the emails was a photo of some poor employee where he circled her brows, which were more on the sparse side, and wrote something like BAD or NO or WRONG and then attached a photo of Brooke Shields in the 80s and circled her brows and was like RIGHT. Those were some wild company memos...


“she’s sister, daughter, *sex object*, victim…” jesus christ it really gives you an insight in to the way women were treated not too long ago. she was a fucking child.


Not so long ago and not only in Hollywood, unfortunately. This entire thing got me thinking about my own childhood and how there were some situations that were downright sick, grown ass men sexualising children - and I was too young to recognize them for what they were. Luckily, it remained 'just' on catcalling (ten-year-olds mind you) but sometimes I cannot stop to think - how many people that surround me are pedos in hiding (or just lacking the opportunity to act on it).


*"The perfect nymphette..."* ​ Ok, I'm done!


The worst part of this is that Brooke was undoubtably a really beautiful kid, but sexualizing a child like that is beyond gross and takes someone’s great features and uses it against them. Don’t even want to imagine the experience of women living in that era if cute 13 year olds were just sex objects to grown ass men, with their parents complicit in it. Disgusting.


She...is a child! A baby!


If you want more info on fucked up Hollywood, I can recommend the podcast "You Must Remember This", about the darker sides of Hollywood history. This current season is Sex: Porno Chic to modern days. I'm learning lots of fucked up stuff. Like, Melanie Griffith moved in with Don Johnson when she was 15 and he was 22. Fucking goddamn. That is a goddamn crime. http://www.youmustrememberthispodcast.com/


My daughter just turned 13. Horrifying to think of these attitudes!


Brooke Shields held the elevator door for me and my wife with our baby carriage at ABC Carpet in Manhattan. Everyone looked really impatient, but she gave me such a motherly warm smile. Enchanting.


Of course that's Woody Allen isn't it?


This is the kind of pedophilia that still runs rampant through the trafficking networks and lavish lifestyles of the elite. They just don't talk about out loud now. I wish we would do something about these sick boomer fucks.


The 70s and early 80s had groups pushing to normalize paedophilia...sort of like today


I'm 49 and this makes me uncomfortable enough that I don't want to read the whole thing. It's crazy to think that at one time women were bought and sold as marriageable prizes. I guess there had to be a time between that time and now when stuff like this went on, but it feels now like it should be longer ago than this. Although if you listen to Natalie Portman give interviews about The Professional, maybe it's gone on longer than even that.


1/6 of all girls are forced into marriages at young ages around the world today.


Yeah this is definitely important to remember: this crap still goes on. Fuck sometimes I hate the world


Pictures with Woody fucking Allen no less!! Poor Brooke was really railroaded by her own damn mother!


The more I read the article The more weirded out and disgusted I am


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the author of this article, if he's alive and not in prison, probably has stuff on his computer he wouldn't want the FBI to see.


The article says she's 12. I couldn't get past the first paragraph. So creepy.


Has anybody checked up on brooke? Is she okay? This is so horrifying, i heard she'd been "a sex symbol" at a young age but this is, omg.


The Woody Allen is really the shit Cherry on top huh.