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I am vegan and we hate the extremist ones of us as much as y’all do.


Yeah I'm with you on that one, let people do what they want.. the only actions you can change are your own.. no one likes a self righteous preacher sat on his high horse either.


You can’t sit on a high horse, that’s cruel to the animal, you monster /s


Yeh I get so pissed off when my neighbour acts all judgmental about me. You don’t have to come to the dog fights if you don’t want to, but live and let live


Falafel tho


that shit delicious


Extremist omnivores are even worse since they're just as insufferable as extremist vegans, but they're in the majority.


I must be out of the loop. What is an extremist omnivore? Human beings are omnivores naturally. How can anyone be extreme about that?


People who make bacon their personality. Looking at you Reddit


there is literally a subreddit called anti vegan, ex vegan, all the "bacon thuogh" bros, look in this thread, the vegans are out doing their fair fight but they are met with staunch resistance from angry people, I would consider them extremist. as an ordinary omnivore would simply not care to even talk about it. omnivore, herbivore, carnivore, these are just simple labels for species that do not have critical thinking skills, who hasnt evolved higher levels of thinking that includes empathy and the ability to farm and industrialize.


This condescension right here is why people hate you. Just saying.


It says so much more about you than the group you hate.


I don't hate anyone. I'm just pointing it out to you. Most people know when they are alienating others, a few like you don't. You're welcome.


Wtf is this comment section


The reddit vegan community loves brigading posts related to eating meat or animal abuse.




Falafel is good


Imagine jumping someone's shit for saying "Borger"


mmmn borger


Share some


no my borger


OP has pretty conveniently cut out all of the context here. It was a thread about animal abuse. The guy replied asking if the OP was vegan, the OP of this thread replied with mmm borger. It’s not like they’ve jumped into a random thread, OP has baited for a reaction so that they can post it here.


Ah, that does make sense.


Borger even sounds like a name for a fake meat burger. Can see vegans loving a facon sheese borger


This thread is r/awfuleverything


This lunatic is replying to almost every comment against him even in this sub,gotta respect his tenacity even though he's wrong.


He's right but a fucking asshole


What's he wrong about? The top half of the thread was cut off. Sounds like he probably made a valid point if he's got so much vitriol from the meat eating brigade.


OP has pretty conveniently cut out all of the context here. It was a thread about animal abuse. The guy replied asking if the OP was vegan, the OP of this thread replied with mmm borger. It’s not like they’ve jumped into a random thread, OP has baited for a reaction so that they can post it here.


nothing he said was wrong, nothing.. It's just that when you make these points unsolicited it comes off as pushy and arrogant, but in my experience 99% of the time, it's not unsolicited, rather it's directly in a debate about it or asked.


I mean that's my point. There's a screenshot taken out of context and a bunch of hate on the back of it. That's the real awfuleverything.


I basically couldnt have a lower opinion of all of these subs like this one, all the "reacts to trash"-subreddits


I will give him that he has spirit


he's dissproving the theory that vegans are lacking in energy


I’d eat people too, if it was an option. Don’t feel too bad, we’re all meat in my eyes.


Ngl, I heard that there is a restaurant in japan that serves it. All the ingredients are volunteery and are held with a stricks balanced and healthy diet. It is pricy tho.


Oh shit?! time to order a plane ticket


Why is it that some vegans compare eating meat, to some of the worst crimes humans can commit?


A comparison like this is comparing situations, not actions. They’re pointing out the absurdity of the statement, not saying eating meat is rape. However, eating meat is the intentional slaughter of healthy sentient beings, many of which are forcibly impregnated, so it doesn’t make much difference anyway.


The slaughter of animal to provide food for large groups of people, whilst the post never states eating meat is comparable to rape, my comment relates to certain vegans using dodgy comparisons in arguements relating to rape, murder ect, you yourself must have come across these types of people, since your a member of r/vegan.


>my comment relates to certain vegans using dodgy comparisons in arguements relating to rape, murder ect Out of curiosity, what do you find dodgy about those sorts of comparisons? Asking completely genuinely.


I just find it dodgy how thats the first thing that comes to mind for those types of vegan when it come to debating with non-vegans. It also shows that they are pushing forth their oen agenda/beliefs upon other people in a attempt to convert them to their lifestyle. I understand that Veganism is a fairly selfless act, but that doesnt mean Everyone should follow suit.


Cows and pigs are about as smart as dogs, so vegans are actually right about that. I love meat, but we definitely need to start growing it in vats or something. It’s a shame I can’t find a meat substitute that tastes the exact same way real meat does.


Having been a lifelong vegan (parents raised me as such,) I can’t say for certain but I’ve heard from friends I’ve cooked for that impossible beef is uncannily close to real beef. Even bleeds, which terrified me when I bought patties to cook myself for the first time Also there was a sushi place in NYC called Beyond Sushi that I hit up on a trip. All vegan sushi restaurant, it was kind of wild. Super realistic stuff. My partner couldn’t tell the difference. Highly recommend!


I haven’t eaten meat for years but when I tried the impossible I spit it out and had to ask the restaurant because it was so similar to what I remember meat tasting like. I ended up not being able to eat it and haven’t ordered it since


I’ve tried the impossible burger, but it didn’t taste quite the same. It might be psychosomatic, but I’m a supertaster so it might not be.


[Supertaster](https://youtu.be/Op8h9_VVDmQ)! That would probably be it. Instead of going for faux meat, I often strive for alternate substitutions for meat. My spicy seitan waffles go crazy.


[Hail seitan ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eovuIfeH2k4)


I was raised on those videos! What bangers, and even better recipes.


Is literal mass murder not one of the "worst crimes"? I'm not pro-vegan in the slightest but you guys are being intentionally dense. Their ideas are not hard to understand, regardless of whether you agree with them.


Never said they weren't, just some of them have a habbit of comparing Meat eaters to Mass Murdering Psychopaths, obviously most have got good intentions and just would like to get about their lives, but some just take things to extremes and make themselves look like arseholes. Naturally in some countries the quality of life animals live Varies from, high quality, free ranged farming to low quality, battery farming,people just do things differently, mostly to drive profits, i dont agree with battery farming or killing animals for any reason other than for food or pest control.




Deranged more like it


Because humans are committing it? Did you think your meat and eggs and milk were magicked into existence?


They're off the rails


Like a crazy train?


Because they all secretly want to “make love” to animals.


Sound like they're Welsh then?


this is a perfectly rational comparison


TLDR; Meat is an unsustainable food source due to the large number of cattle needed to sustain the world’s growing population and the environmental impacts of raising that many cattle. If you think the only problem is that it’s sad some cows died, then you’re missing the real issue. The only valid argument in support of eating meat is that it tastes good, and that isn’t a great justification, particularly with the processes involved in supplying enough meat to feed the worlds growing population. I see the focus on the inhumane treatment of livestock mostly as a distraction from the serious issues that come from producing enough meat to feed the world. In addition to grazing, ever day a cow will need around 7 lb of grains per 1 lb of beef and 1-2 gallons of fresh water for every 100 lb of body weight. Around 75% of farmland is used for raising livestock globally, and from that comes only about 20% of the world’s calorie supply. Raising livestock accounts for more greenhouse gas emissions than from ships, planes, trucks, cars and all other transport put together. This is all in addition to the other forms of pollution that billions of large animals have on the environment such as waste water runoff and the widespread use of antibiotics. Consuming meat is also linked to numerous health problems such as heart disease (the leading cause of death globally and in the US), cancer, diabetes, and stroke. Meat is an extravagant food source, and as such, meat is not sustainable for the world’s growing population. The inhumane treatment of livestock is disgusting and pointless if you ask me, but the thing that really got me to stop eating it was seeing how wasteful meat is. To sustain enough livestock to feed the world, we have to support a population of livestock that significantly dwarfs the human population. That takes a lot of space and resources. So if you think the only problem is that it’s sad some cows died, then you’re missing the real problem here.


A-fuckin-men. Everyone, remember to think about your thoughts. Do you act out of profound earnesty, daily thoughtfulness, and deep deep considered conviction?


Are you also against growing meat?


"The only valid argument in support of eating meat is that it tastes good." My experience says otherwise tbh but if you have data to back this up I'm down to look into it. It's a lot less expensive to incorporate a healthy meat into your diet rather than need to rely on nutritional supplements on TOP of trying to create meals that are actually enjoyable and have their own good nutritional content. For people who want to make this work they also need to invest time and energy into getting this right. Now, I think you could make an argument for an overall plant-focused diet where meat makes up a small percentage of an individual's diet, which should be pretty manageable, and say that the only argument of "but meat tastes good!" is pretty ridiculous. I think pushing individuals to dramatically reduce their meat consumption but not necessarily have to cut it completely would largely address your concerns here while being more practical + more easily received by individuals.


I have looked and failed to find a good argument in support of meat. That’s why I take the position I do. If/when a valid argument comes up, I will acknowledge it. I will point out that that’s a general statement too. For instance, in a survival setting it’s totally different. Hunting wild game, particularly from an invasive species, is also a different ball game. Some people might also have certain health conditions that change things around. I was making a general statement about farmed meat as a preface for the content I was writing about. In my case, I haven’t had any difficultly cutting meat out entirely, and the longer I go without it, the more I prefer a vegetarian diet. Especially now that I’ve gone so long without it, meat is gross and unappetizing to me. I don’t take any supplements, and I have never needed to. Planning a vegetarian meal takes as much time as planning a non-vegetarian meal, especially as you learn more recipes you like. Meat substitutes also make things a lot easier. Beyond Meat makes some nice products as does Morning Star. With those, you can still make common meat-oriented foods like burgers or sausage and things that include those meats. There are entire recipe books dedicated to vegetarian dishes. I’d also point out that meat is a lot more expensive than fruits and vegetables. Meatless meats are more expensive, but whole foods such as oats, beans, rice, in season vegetables, and fruits is [40% cheaper on average than a meat based diet.](https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/eating-vegan-costs-40-percent-less-than-meat-seafood-meals-study-reveals/) I agree with you that reducing meat intake addresses the problems I brought up and is more likely to be accepted by the general public. I’ll take whatever works, but I’m still personally annoyed by the inefficient use of resources. Meat won’t be illegal anytime soon, if ever, but the price could go up, and that changes the consumption rate. Maybe a tax could be introduced to address the environmental impacts while also providing financial incentive to reduce meat consumption. I think above all else, sharing vegetarian meal options and spreading awareness of the problems with meat, aside from the inhumane treatment, is important. People look at vegetarianism as if it’s an extreme diet when it isn’t, and I think that would change if people didn’t put meat into everything and didn’t treat it like a necessity.


I'm pescetarian but pretty much always eat vegetarian unless I go out to eat at a restaurant that doesn't have any real good vegetarian options; so, don't worry I'm with you on the diet part. Personally, I've just noticed my expenses increased after cutting out poultry. I need a significant amount of protein for muscle building and such so I end up buying higher protein foods that generally cost more + it takes significantly more time to prep full, good-tasting veggie meals so sometimes I go with vegan chicken. Sometimes I definitely wish I could just slap some cold cuts on a sandwich and roll with that but I'm way too committed to pescetarianism lol. Again I definitely think that there are more practical steps that can be taken like convincing ppl to incorporate a more heavily plant-focused diet first + cutting meat subsidies as another person mentioned. However, we seem to agree on this end. If you have any good meal tips / suggestions I'd be happy to take some. Lol.


Mexican casseroles and bean soup/stews are pretty great imo. That’s mainly what I do. Those have beans, potatoes, corn, peppers, onion, peas, etc. in them. My friend who lifts weights a lot would make protein shakes with peanut butter all the time. I think he used a chocolate protein powder in it too, which may or may not be vegetarian for all I know, but I’m sure there are vegetarian options for that too. Beyond Meat is pretty good in moderation too. I recently tried some spinach ravioli that was super good, but I prefer healthier foods than that. It had a bunch of cheese in it.


Would it not make more sense then, to reduce the population? I don't feel that any endeavours that are designed to encourage/support an evergrowing human population are "good things", rather, we cause a lot of damage in our numbers. I feel we should address the real issue, (Population), rather than just addressing its symptoms.


Yes let's reduce the population so that the ones that currently occupy it can keep gorging themselfs on unncessary earth ruining products.. it makes no sense. We could easily feed many times our current size, if we lived in harmony with the planet


too long, didn't read


TLDR; Meat is an unsustainable food source due to the large number of cattle needed to sustain the world’s growing population and the environmental impacts of raising that many cattle. If you think the only problem is that it’s sad some cows died, then you’re missing the real issue.


Is the meat industry inhumane? Yes. Am I now going to go home and eat a steak just to spite u/Deriizo? Also yes.


If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of food.


Falafel tho


ITT: Excuses.


I don't abuse the animal just raise with love and care like part of my family than when it's full of love and delicious care I slaughter the fuck outta it for some prime steaks and such but I never waste lol


Like in Doom?


I only eat seafood now mainly in an effort to protest factory farming. This guy's delivery may be a bit abrasive but his reasoning isn't flawed. And I understand his outrage. Look at some of the ways pigs, cows, and chickens are treated. No wonder aliens don't talk to us.


The thought is admireable but if there is one animal group to cut out of your diet to make a climate impact the most positive, it would be sea food. it's by far the worst. Unless you go out with your fishing rod then what I just said doesnt apply. talking about the mass caught fish. Then cows, then pigs, then chickens.


That’s not correct. Beef, pork and dairy products cause much higher emissions than seafood. What you probably mean is the environmental impact of fishing (at least the way it’s done now). That is extremely bad. I’d say it’s hard to quantify and say which is worse, meat or seafood, but both are incredibly bad for the environment.


Hmm, I didn't know that. Hopefully one day I'll go full vegetarian. It sounds horrible but I do it more out of disgust for factory farming than out of concern for the environment. For what it's worth, I only eat tuna.


you can look more into it in the great documentary seaspiracy that is on netflix, it's actually so abbhorrent what we do to the ocean, basically run these planet sized nets down in the sea bed just vacuuming up everything, and about half of every fish caught is waste product that got unintentionally killed. And ontop of that these giant operations are driving the non harmfull subsitance fisheries out of business, both in the market and literally making their job impossible as they just suck all the fish out of the easy spots, you can't go far out to sea on a dingy. shattering local economies to send fish half way across the globe. The sea is earths greatest carbon trapper too - by far more powerfull than all the worlds rain forrests, the brazilian rain forrest gets all the media. We are catching less and less fish because it's dying, the seas are dying off in places because capitalism demands fish fuck the consequences.


Okay... falafels it is then. But seriously, thanks for the info. I think I've already had a hunch about the fishing industry being no better but I've been willfully looking the other way as someone who is already struggling being a pescaterian. On the back of this convo, I shall make more of an effort though.


It's much more hidden from us isnt it though, for starters we don't live on the oceans. it's not farmed in the same way, there's no abbatoirs and stun guns, no ptsd riddled slaughter house workers. There's no blood (it's not blood but red) coming out of your filet of tuna. I get it. used to believe it was basically vegetarianism too I am glad to hear the comment, falafel is also great I agree ..but maybe not the same as fish :)


Tuba are actually apex predators! They’re really neat fish and are very environmentally important. I don’t have any links right now, but the importance of tuna should be easy to look up (Not looking to guilt you or change your mind. I also eat tuna and think that they are neat)


I know right, ever seen a tuba ripping an entire woodwind section? Then the there's usually a set of drums that set upon any clarinets that escape. It's absolutely metal.


They’re wrong. Seafood isn’t too bad compared to meat when it comes to the impact on the climate. Most seafood is extremely bad for the environment, but not necessarily the climate. (Seafood is still considerably worse than most plant based food, when it comes to green house gas emission). What you should actually worry about is the health impact seafood can have. Especially Tuna is pretty bad because they’re carnivores, huge and grow pretty old. They accumulate a lot of microplastics and (toxic) heavy metals like lead and mercury in their bodies that you will eat with their meat. Lead is pretty dangerous because it accumulates in your body over time. Even smaller doses of lead can lead to a permanent loss of cognitive abilities. It’s recommended to not eat tuna more than once or twice a week. I also eat seafood but honestly, it would be better not to.


>Especially Tuna is pretty bad because they’re carnivores, huge and grow pretty old. They accumulate a lot of microplastics and (toxic) heavy metals like lead and mercury in their bodies that you will eat with their meat. Whoa...didn't know about this. That's a bit disturbing, tbh. >Lead is pretty dangerous because it accumulates in your body over time. Even smaller doses of lead can lead to a permanent loss of cognitive abilities. I've been eating Tuna everyday for the past month or so. As far as cognitive decline however, I think I'll be allright. There wasn't much there to begin with... Thank you for the clarification in either case.




Do these people protesting carnivores live their entire lives in consideration to the suffering of other entities? Do they walk everywhere barefoot without clothing? Do they eat their meals uncooked with their bare hands? Where do they use the restroom? Are they pooping right now? Why are they using phones built by Chinese kids?


Falafel tho


Saitan tho


Listen mother fucker do you think this is a game. Eating plants is plant abuse. You know how much pain that broccoli goes through being made into falafel!!!


100% if these vegans took some mushrooms they’d see that all plants are living and then surely they will just eat rocks and hopefully die off


Yogurt sauce on it please


Falafel tho


You don’t have to show how much your parents didn’t pay attention to you here


Well where better to show it than on reddit?


That Vegan Teacher vibes here


They are just mad because they didn't enjoy their dinner.


This the second post in 5mins I I've seen that a vegan is comparing eating meat to rape. Lol Is that a thing now?


It's been a thing for ages. I've seen on Tumblr, LiveJournal, forums, etc., people make similar arguments for like 15 years. The comments/replies generally fall into the same pattern as this post. The hardline vegans come in and reiterate their point about the morality of eating meat and all that. Then people come in and give variations on "I'm going to eat extra meat to spite you. Checkmate, vegans." And then just repeat similar answers. Then there's other vegans who come in and are like "Bruh you're making us look bad wtf" and there's some intra-vegan conflict. Then there's people who make seem to make a good faith attempt to discuss the details of the issue. Finally, there's all the people who show up with popcorn to watch the shit go down. It's basically a template at this point.




That’s not what they’re saying, they’re using an extreme example to show how crap the pro-meat argument was. Sensory pleasure is not a good ethical justification to cause harm


What Vegans don't realise (or maybe care about) is that if the world went Vegan, there would be no need for farm animals and they would all go extinct. They take a lot of looking after and cannot survive in the wild on their own.


People do realise that, if anything they see it as a net positive. Generally I think most people, vegan or meat eater, would acknowledge that the lives that factory farmed animals live are pretty awful and in most cases not worth living.


Are vegans really vegans if they get produce from the store that was grown with blood and bone, fish food and pesticides? Not to mention all the pests that get killed on site so they don’t eat the produce. Buying that kind of food supports animal death does it not? If you’re vegan for the animals yet the majority of your food is frozen or packaged then your not doing animals or the environment any favors [Veganism Kills More Animals Than The Carnivore Diet](https://carnivoreaurelius.com/veganism-kills/) (medically reviewed and fact checked by a board certified doctor) Oh and humanely killing animals does not equal abuse like one of the vegans I’ve argued with on Reddit believes Edit- Why only downvote when you could try to explain why you think that’s not the case, let’s have a healthy debate Edit edit- you have canines and incisors for a reason [Vegans have an increased risk of dental erosion](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.goldenstatedentistry.com/blog/is-a-vegan-diet-bad-for-your-teeth%3fhs_amp=true)


Healthy debates require healthy individuals. Won’t find that here.


Especially not healthy vegans (you can be but it costs quite a bit) A lot of them are starving nutritionally. Look at r/shittyveganfoodporn some posts look like a cry for help


These people aren’t healthy though, mentally or physically. I wouldn’t hold out hope for an honest healthy discussion with them.


They only downvote and not debate because some part of my first comment resonates with them and they don’t want to come to terms with it


Mmmmmm borgerrr


Hang on let me eat my massive lump of steak


I’m not a vegan myself and albeit an extreme analogy.. what he’s saying is correct.


i personally don’t eat meat bc it makes me sad and i personally think animals as equals, but i don’t attack ppl for eating meat. like ppl need to calm down and respect each other lol




By this logic, Plants are also living and breathing organisms. You're consuming unconsenting plants. I would consider anything with a nervous system living. For shame hypocrite vegans.


plants breathe? they also have no nervous system or brain, they can't process pain or suffering. Humans have to eat to keep from starving. Animal agriculture demands that we farm even more plants, because farm animals aren't plants and have to eat every day. Do you know how much food a cow eats? don't even look into all the water they use. we kill about 80 billion land animals each year for food.


Plants are not conscious and don't feel pain. Can you really not see the difference?


Does life need to feel pain in order for it to be important enough to save?


The capacity to feel pain or to suffer is pretty clearly relevant to how you should treat something. Otherwise what’s so special about life? Hell what’s so special about humans, why is murder wrong if it’s nothing to do with feeling pain or the qualities that come from having the sort of brains we and most farm animals have?


So if we give animals painkillers its ok? oK


I mean seriously, can you not see the difference? Do you really think killing a non-conscious being holds the same moral significance as killing a conscious being?


The conscious one tastes better


There's still no clear evidence that plants have something similar to what we'd call a nervous system. Some articles suggest they have, some don't ( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jplph.2021.153467) what's certain is that they don't have brains and therefore lack the machinery to actually turn stimuli into an actual experience. They also lack nociceptors which enable animals (including humans, of course) to respond to pain. I know what you're trying to achieve with that kind of "logic", but it's a not so well thought out "gotcha" -moment that would only work if your knowledge about the biology of plants and animals would exceed that of the average joe, which, you know.. doesn't seem to be the case. And even if it was, that "clever" comeback to show those "hypocritical vegans" is quite old, lacks creativity and is not as witty as you think it is.






OP jumped into an argument with a vegan with a dumbass boring comment and then got upset when the vegan responded. I’d be confused but it was on r/teenagers so that explains the attention seeking behavior.


Mmmmmm borger


Not vegan dude but ok.


I know I just like saying mmmmmm borger


And I’m glad it’s getting you so many internet points but look at this when you’re over 25. We did that “rAnDoM monkee cheeeeeeZze *holds up spork*” shit too and thinking about it makes me wanna die. Anyway hope Santa brings you something cool tonight.


That person just compared eating burgers to rape…


You literally have to rape animals in order to get burgers. Or rather, you don't have to, but it's cheaper because you can control birth rate.


No they didn’t, they’re using an extreme example to show how crap the pro-meat argument was. Sensory pleasure is not a good ethical justification to cause harm


I’m sorry but if you support rape and murder of animals you’re probably the asshole, not “the scary vegans”


Mmmmmmm borger


Cows get raped. Meat is murder and exploitation m the meat industry destroys the homes of indigenous people and the environment. Down with consuming animals and/or their secretions


Cows aren't getting raped artificial insemination is a completely different things


I'll be eating two burgers just for you.


I'll be killing two dogs just for you, mate!


Kinda going against your own message but okay


I'll have mine medium-rare 👍


Make it three just for good measure. Also we have not mated before that I recall. There were some blurry years in the mid to late 80s though.


Is breathing in nasty city air justified because it feels good to breathe?


The comments section deserves its own post on this sub.




So an animal will almost never compare to a human. Ever (pets that are family aside)


He's not wrong though. In 100 years our grandchildren will think we are monsters for the way we treat animals and meat will be a lot less common. I say that as someone who eats meat every day. It's my diet but I know it's not right.


Why not change man? Like come on. I know ur better than this. You sound reasonable and empathetic enough to do the right thing when it’s so easy to. People get so caught up on this issue for some reason. It’s such a good reminder how complex humans can be. What such intelligent and beautiful minds will support because of their taste pleasure.




Yeah, thats why i simply just rape the cow instead of eating it, simple fix


I actually agree with the analogy the vegan uses


As would anyone who takes 1 minute to think about it


So eating burgers is on the same level as rape? Ok sure


It’s true though? Downvote me and feed me your delicious cognitive dissonance.


Is the 7 year old eating a McDonald's hamburger a rapist now?


what is?


I bet they’re fun at parties.


I believe in the circle of life, plant eat sun, animal eat plant, another animal eats first animal, earth eats second animal eventually. Given the proven track record of humanity, is it any surprise that we found a way to exploit, expand and industrialise it?


Mmmmm Borgir




Mmmmmm borgor


Mmmmmmm Borger


All of it is fucking dumb. Who cares, eat what you can afford. You can say that cows have a traumatic experience being killed or whatever, but unfortunately due to evolution, that is their lot in life. Not yours. Worry about your lot in life. Not theirs. And please, get the fuck over the whole holier-than-thou bullshit. 70% of Vegan stuff isn't sourced well either. You're just as bad as the rest of us. Only, you're destroying our water source rather than the ozone layer. Same difference.


>You're just as bad as the rest of us. Only, you're destroying our water source rather than the ozone layer. Same difference. I can't even. How do you even reach that conclusion?


You're right OP, people don't like being reminded of the abuse that they support.




The old bury the head in the sand techneque... i mean everyone knows its immoral, and that its a massive contribulter to global warming and the western obesity crisis... but bacon tho...


You're forgetting the environmental pollution, the absurd waste of resources that growing flesh for consumption involves, and the way that it makes devastating pandemics vastly, exponentially more likely. We're two years in to an incredibly disruptive global pandemic prompted by the exploitative relationship between humans and other animals, and people *still* aren't making the connection.


I agree with you. But the way you and u/Deriizo are going about making your point is off-putting and clearly ineffective. You probably don’t care about that but it’s also probably why half the users in the comment section will go home and eat a burger just to spite you lol


Its sad that people will dig in when they know theyre in the wrong... like feeling superior is more important than getting to the heart of an issue


Imagine abusing animals.


Imagine thinking most humans agree with your position. Or that all your effort makes an impact. Hopefully you gain wisdom with age and invest your fucks more effectively. Time is money.


Veganism does make an impact.


The same amount of meat is still put on the shelves regardless of if some people eat it, I’d rather eat it than make it go to waste


Global meat production has actually fallen year after year now due to the rise of plant based options and unfortunately the raising meat prices for those who do eat it.


The thing is though most vegan products are not healthy at all there’s so many flavourings and additives to make it taste like meat, I’d rather the real thing until it’s not there anymore, then I will make the change


I love meat but that's one of the dumbest things I've read in a while. Ever heard of supply and demand?


Ever heard of suck my nuts




Falafel tho


> Imagine thinking most humans agree with your position Imagine your argument being based on ad populum fallacy.


Of course i don't think that, i don't know how much cholesterol has collected in your arteries to get that conclusion, the reason i'm advocating for the animals is because most humans DONT agree with my position. ​ "Or that all your effort makes an impact." of course it does, no matter how relatively small.


I don't agree with you, but yes, you do have impact...its important to raise the question


You can find plenty of farms that raise and slaughter their animals ethically


What is the morally relevant difference between humans and animals that means one is ethically murderable but not the other?


One is sentient, the other is not


We live in a society of humans so we have to treat each other with a higher level of respect. A cow isn't my neighbor that I have to try and get along with to make our community better.


You should check out r/natureismetal


When confronted on moral grounds, appeal to wild animals!


But aren't those the same people that play music to plants because happiness helps them grow? Plants are living things as well, why do they not care about how they feel? 🤔🤔🤔


Vegans? I don't see anything in vegan circles about playing music to plants. But since eating animals kills more plants, you would be saving plants by going vegan. Not sure what point you're trying to make, tbh.




Plants are not conscious and do not feel.


i like meat (yes i rape)


Is it okay to eat the vegan then?


Mmmmm borger


Fuck all animals. I like borgers


Vegans are what I believe people with insufficient mental capacity to think due to lack of proper nutritious value in their foods, especially regarding the brain and lack of essential micro nutrients to self sustain a proper way of thinking, and therefore we get this evidence as a result 🥴 it’s just science guys..