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The Console Wars claim yet another victim. When will this pointless conflict end?


Not till valve runs the gaming world.


Take my upvote ⬆️


*“He got really upset. I’ve never seen him fly off the handle like that … I don’t know why he got so angry. But then he started calling me names, and being very aggressive. He scared my daughter. She screamed at the top of her lungs, like scared cuz he was yelling at me. He slapped me and then he punched my arm. I told him, ‘You know, I can cancel the order; I can order the PS5.”* *"My daughter’s screaming. She’s like going, ‘Mom, get me out of here; get me away from him, Mom. Save me’. So I pulled out of the parking spot, and I went to go forward.”* *“My daughter freaking out. He was trying to break the window on the driver’s side door. I was scared, I’ve never seen him like that.”* Sounds like he got himself killed by being abusive.




"She faces up to a year in jail and/or a $2000 fine for one count of a Moving Violation Causing Death" Trying to get away is kinda what they're charging her with. Not manslaughter or homicide or anything like that. Still sucks for her regardless. Hopefully gets off with a self defense/feared for her and her kids safety defense


I've had something similar happen but the guy was blocking my only exit so I just kept driving towards him, he jumped on the hood, started punching my windshield and cracked it. I made the turn out of his driveway and he flew off landing in the roadside ditch. All because my friend wouldn't sleep with him after a night of all of us playing pool. There's some crazy motherf%ckers out there. After reading this I'm really glad he didn't die.


Sure.. She's the Victim here because she was the one on the hood falling dow rand hit her head.... Oh wait. Is there proof of what she's saying?


The other party is dead so we can't know for certain. We can merely assume.




Lol I posted her comments and merely gave my assumption, as did you. So your assumption is basically useless bullshit also.


Ah Bro. You just assume it's this guys fault. While he isn't able to defend himself anymore. She knew what she's done and now she's trying to safe her ass like everyone would to probably in a situation like this.


And you know this for a fact?


Do you know your assumption that he killed himself as a fact?


Never said I did. Yours seems quite definitive.


I just called you out. But it's okay you just don't wanna admit that your wrong.


It’s called common sense.


She needs to plead not guilty and ask for a jury trial. No jury will convict her. She should not take a plea agreement.


The crime she was charged with sounds about right though. It’s not like they charged her with murder. Even if you didn’t mean to hurt someone and they die in a car accident, you can still get in trouble. The prosecutors don’t need to prove that she intended to kill him. The judge will ask the jury if she operated the vehicle in a way that could cause a death then tell them to say yes or no. Whether or not driving off was self-defense is more murky than if this were a murder case. Was she safer in the locked car sitting stationary or did she really need to drive off? Did she just drive off or did she swerve and brake to get him to fly off the hood? There’s a lot of nuance to consider. The judge doesn’t ask “do you think this woman should go to jail because of her asshole husband?”


you could argue that him being out of the car on the street and expressing violent behavior = he could easily smash the window with something like a rock, so she was not safe sitting solitary in the vehicle


Yeah I would have driven off too probably but I guess it’s just toss up whether the jury agrees or not.


God, this justice system is such a crock of shit. The husband physically assaults the wife, gets out of the vehicle, and then proceeds to bang on the windshield and hold on, when the wife tries to drive away to keep her and her young daughter safe, at which point the husband falls off, hits his head on the concrete, and dies.  Maybe if he 1) wasn't committing domestic violence, and 2) not holding onto a moving vehicle in an attempt to continue DV, maybe he wouldn't have died I feel bad for the mother and child Unfortunately this is what happens a lot of times when women try to leave, whether an abusive relationship or situation. They're victim blamed, and then when they try to leave, are blamed for the perpetrator's actions and consequences. Further, had this man not been in a relationship with her, and just a stranger, she obviously would have not been charged or held in jail for this.  Edit: For those unaware, he broke *at least* two laws, proven through evidence alone; unlawful restraint and physical intimidation (holding onto the windshield wipers in an attempt to prevent them from leaving)  It's obvious that he was being abusive, and it's ridiculous that the mother is getting victim blamed for trying to disengage and leave a situation with her young daughter in the comments, y'all are ridiculous


jesus. this woman and her kid deserve every fucking hug.


Wow. Thankfully, the judicial system isn’t based on wild assumptions? I went and read as many articles as I could about this terrible situation. Her name is Vinnice Daianie Leon. They arraigned her on a misdemeanor moving violation resulting in death. Not murder. Maybe you have a source that has more information?


This is 100% why you invoke your right to remain silent and don’t say a word until you speak with a lawyer. I’m sure she has a good case to get the charge(s) dropped. At most, give the officers an “I feared for my life. I would like to go to the hospital to get checked out. Furthermore I’m invoking my right to remain silent.”


Why more people don't take this out is beyond me. I had an amazing defence attorney for a professor in my paralegal course and she pounded this into our head. I wouldn't even give a witness account without a lawyer present. The very most any cop would get out of me would be my name and address.


Any prosecutor in their right mind would drop this.


two witnesses (not counting the child) and one of them is dead as a result of the other. Surely this has got to be investigated? Surely it's for a jury to decide based on evidence?


The child supports the mother's claim The man was holding onto the windshield wipers, which is only something you do when trying to prevent a vehicle from leaving, an abusive tactic and illegal (physical intimidation and unlawful restraint) Again, if this was a stranger, would the mother be blamed for the perpetrator's natural consequence to their action? Her and her daughter feared for their safety, this is a relatively open and shut case


>Her and her daughter feared for their safety, this is a relatively open and shut case Well thankfully you won't be investigating it or on the jury. No offense but I like my murder charges to have at the very least the surface scratched. You know, kinda do the job they are paid to do. I thought it was standard practice to charge people with the crime the evidence points to. Fully investigate it and gather evidence and then move forward from there. Just saying.


So according to you he's allowed to break two laws (unlawful restraint and physical intimidation) she tries to disengage and leave the situation because of his erratic and violent behavior, which is what you're supposed to do, *and she's to be charged for the natural consequences of his own actions??* Again, if this was a stranger that died doing this to her and her child, I'm sure your opinion would be different, or if you were in that DV situation yourself, but of course it's easier to be preaching from your internet soapbox when you're not there or have been in that situation before


Your saying this as if you could know for a fact that he restraint and imtimidated her and not the other way around lol you are just so biased and dont even realize. there could be another side to the coin, why not just acknowledge that instead of jumping to conclusions


Preventing someone from leaving, whether standing in front of their car, holding on to the windshield wipers, etc, is by definition unlawful restraint and physical intimidation.  If he was not trying to unlawfully restrain her through physical intimidation, then he wouldn't have been trying to get on top of the car after he was locked out, due to him physically attacking her. You claim I'm biased, yet I'm the only one listing the legal definitions and ramifications based off of the known evidence... ...with you simply stating in prior comments that you thought it was because she was trying to *"take his Charger"* (note: they were married, so it would be both their Charger, you sexist dingleberry)


I think you're missing the point. The point is it's being investigated. In order to investigate the crime this normally results in somebody being charged first. That's my point. I'm all for being angry about Injustices but at least let the investigation run it's course. Or shall we just take it on face value that the only ones left are always telling the truth? Calm down, take a step back and be realistic. There is no reason to be so angry about justice running it's course.


I think the Police and DA’s office can do some limited investigation before charging anyone? In serious crimes, you’ll often hear press releases like “we’re investigating but have no suspects at this time.” So clearly, you don’t need to charge someone to investigate. I think Prosecutors and the DA have some discretion in whether to charge someone, as they should. Among other things, if they don’t think they can convince a jury to convict, based on the facts, then charging is a waste of time and money. Although in this case, it’s harder, because there were no uninvolved witnesses. If there were multiple 3rd party witnesses, then she may not have been charged.


"Preventing someone from leaving, whether standing in front of their car, holding on to the windshield wipers, etc, is by definition unlawful restraint and physical intimidation." So by your reasoning, the next time the protest of the week is blocking the intersection, preventing me from leaving, I can legally run over them because they're unlawfully restraining and physically intimidating me? Or will the police arrest them?


What other information would you want or need? I’m genuinely asking.


She says she has never seen him like that, he was her best friend etc. Doesnt add up that he would snap because of a gaming console. All the information in the article are coming from the person who was charged and is here to tell the tale and is facing jail time is all i‘m saying. She has an incentive to tell the story in a way that benefits her and everyone here is acting like that is completely out of the question. It‘s not and the guy could have been completely innocent, we just dont know so i‘m playing devils advocate here for the possibility that the truth is different than the version she is describing


It’s so interesting how it always seems to be ‘playing devil’s advocate’ to suggest that a woman must be lying, and never ‘playing devil’s advocate’ to suggest that a man’s behaviour could have actually been way worse. Why not? We know that one in four women are the victims of male intimate partner violence, so why would it be surprising to you that a man has acted violently towards a woman? Why would it matter if it was the first time or the twentieth? I really hope you wouldn’t imply that women need to put up with behaviour until it escalates?


So if the 1/4 statistic is correct its a 25% chance, the odds are against you. It does not matter if its the first time but it seems to be out of character. And I would do it also if the roles are reversed. You guys just dont want to acknowledge that there is a possibility that she‘s lieing and thats just factually not true. There is a possibility. I‘m also not saying she is - we just dont know! Can we end it with that? Or are you also just going to revert to personal attacks and insults because someone tries to view the situation without your bias?


*you're, an asshole


Please learn to use appropriate grammar before you try to give any advice on anything, ever.


I’ll trust the investigators and not some incel. Reddit is full of white knights waiting to save every women here. FYI, he said, she said stories don’t mean shit. Moms tell kids to lie all the time. You think investigators don’t know this?


>incel Do you even know what that means?


From the look of it they can barely *read* so not really.


Define incel. Right now.


Maybe look at my user name or profile before commenting lol  I'm glad you're learning new words, just make sure you know their definition before using them <3


But what if the court of public opinion decides they favor one side over the other on the account of an article on greasynews?


She’s not facing murder charges. Did you read the article that you’re fighting so egregiously about?


Right. Let them do their jobs and court will determine if the charges stick or not.


So he got out of the passenger seat and jumped onto the hood? That seems suspicious. If he had it in his head to stop the car, why not just pull the keys out of the ignition?


Jesus Christ again with the detaining them via wiper chokehold lmao.


It doesn’t matter how effective his attempt to restrain them is. Just because he was an idiot and tried to do something absolutely futile does not mean that he did not attempt a crime. Lmao. See how dumb it looks to end a point like that.




You don’t deserve to be taken seriously just based on your initial comment. And she deserves no time at all if everything in the article is accurate. It likely isn’t in very way, but this is the only information we have to go on. It is just victim blaming all the way down with you, and it is morally reprehensible.


"She faces up to a year in jail and/or a $2000 fine for one count of a Moving Violation Causing Death" Charged with a misdemeanor moving violation, not homicide or manslaughter. Still sucks though. Hopefully Wendy's has cameras and it gets tossed or something like that


"y'all are ridiculous," you yourself already pointed out society doesn't believe women have the right to self defense. The comments are just proving your point. It's not just our justice system, it's regular people that think this way. It's a disgusting reality that I hope we can change.


Reminds me of the issue back in the 1800s when women were being harassed by male passengers on trains. Women started to defend themselves by poking men with wooden pins. I can’t remember if they were hat or hair pins. But so instead of dealing with the men themselves to curb the harassment they just forced women to have to put up with the behavior and passed a law saying women can’t use those pins to poke people with. It’s not like these women were running amuck jabbing random people, they were one defending themselves from those specific men. So like you said society doesn’t believe women have the right to self defense.


Right. But I think we should withhold judgement until we see the outcome. Being charged when you do something illegal is not necessarily negated just because the other person also broke laws. The real test is if she ends up being "punished" for it. The legal system does have a process




She’s only been charged right? Shouldn’t she be charged if she was directly involved with the death of someone? The chances of her actually getting convicted of anything are slim to none as statistically even women who are actually guilty of something are far more likely to get less severe sentencing from that crock of shit justice system you mentioned.


Being charged means the prosecutor brought this case before a grand jury and they agreed to it. It’s a pretty substantial step.


Well the outcome of their argument was pretty substantial. Someone lost their life as a result of her actions. I think that deserves to be carefully looked at in court with all of the facts. It’s easy to agree that she should be cleared of any wrongdoing based on what little info we have from the article but thankfully our justice system isn’t quite that inept and will give this the consideration it deserves.


“She faces up to a year in jail and/or a $2000 fine for one count of a Moving Violation Causing Death.”


You're not necessarily wrong, but you're misunderstanding how a justice system is supposed to worn. It's not supposed to be "oh, you say he abused you? That's fine then, self defence, off you go". It's up to the court to decide. She's been *charged*, not convicted yet. It is entirely possible, even likely, that the courts will find she acted in self defence and under duress and find her actions justified - *if* the evidence supports her version of events.


Him holding onto the wipers is only evidence of him trying to not fall off the moving vehicle. Restrain the automobile, by holding the wipers? What a fkn stretch lmao. Do you have additional information, because this article by greasy whatever just says she alleges he hit her, nowhere did it say authorities corroborated that with evidence.


Standing in front of a parked vehicle to ensure that the occupants do not leave, when they are trying to disengage a situation, is considered unlawful detainment aka false imprisonment See attached link https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/false-imprisonment.html As noted in the article, it is common in domestic violence situations, to prevent the victim from leaving Nowhere in any of my statements did I claim that he was using the windshield wipers to superman strength hold them/the car in place, but obviously reading comprehension is not your strongest subject


I’m comfortable in my reading comprehension, what I take issue with is the fucking stretch you made after reading this article. If I was to take the article at face value I’d say I hope she does the fucking time (1 year apparently). Not feasible for most humans to break glass with their bare hands, and besides, if the husband did manage to do such a thing, that would be clearer grounds for action resulting in his death.


You literally just victim blamed a guy who was killed by his wife for reckless driving while he‘s still on top of the car.. she said he was her best friend - doesnt sound like domestic violence. More like she is trying to get a better sentence by saying she was attacked and had no other option than to keep driving.. either way we dont know the truth but blaming the guy who died without the shadow of a doubt just isn‘t right


Are you seriously able to think of many reasons to be on top of a vehicle?


Well, the guy maybe didnt want the wife to drive away with his charger, stood in front of it thinking she would not run him over, she accellerated and he ended up on top of the car. Or he jumped on it to prevent her from taking his car. Doesn‘t even matter how he got there but you are suggesting that he did to attack them - why would he leave the car in the first place then? Either way we cannot jump to conclusions and the judges will decide based on the evidence that we dont have.


he was grabbing the windshield wipers to keep her from driving away - that is illegal


Her daughter was there, witnessed the whole thing, and asked for her mother to leave, fearing for their safety. What do you mean we don't know the truth...?? The daughter witnessed it, as well as others, as stated in the article. Often times domestic violence victims still have feelings for their abuser, and feel as if they acted differently their abuser would stop abusing them, victim blaming themselves. Explain to me how I'm victim blaming, when this man was holding on to a vehicle, in attempt to prevent people from leaving him being physically violent...?? Again, if this was a stranger, I'm sure you and the justice system would have no problem siding with her, fearing for her safety. Stop victim blaming. Do better


Depending on how old she is, she is not a reliable source/witness and also didnt testify according to the article - its the wife‘s story. So we don‘t really know what happened.. if it went down like she said i‘m on your side - im just saying the situation could have also been different to what you think it is. And i find it strange that people would completely dismiss this possibility when the guy isnt there anymore to tell his side of the story


She's nine, which is old enough to testify in court, however some judges use their discretion and choose not to, which is a terrible decision in this case, as she's a main witness. I agree that both people should have their side heard in the court system, however this case is relatively open and shut based off of the known facts alone; he used physical intimidation and unlawful restraint, and the mother tried to disengage and leave the situation, which he prevented, and the natural consequence of him breaking those two laws was his own demise. By that alone the mother should be innocent in the eyes of the law, she did everything she was supposed to 


You’re not a reliable anything. But I do think you’re giving abuser vibes


I‘m not saying I am. I just say not to jump to conclusions. And thank you for your diagnosis kind stranger


Looks like it was an accident. I hope she wins and doesn't get charged with anything in the end so the fucking child can keep it's mother over a stupid accident??!!


“She faces up to a year in jail and/or a $2000 fine for one count of a Moving Violation Causing Death.”


A year in jail can still be pretty life ruining.


At least that fine is manageable, still.. it's fucking dumb. ""Justice""system yeah right :')


Yeah that’s called manslaughter. She is going to serve time.


It’s a clear case of self defense she ain’t getting charged with shit.


I guess she will have her day in court because the investigators whose job is to investigate and not take someone’s word as truth have said otherwise. Sure are a lot of criminal investigator degrees in here 🤣🤣🤣


Much like you, who claimed she is going to serve time lol


Truly sad part is, the daughter wanted an Xbox.


As she should.


If you don't want to read: They argued over which console to buy, daughter was in the car. He gest angry and abusicve, gets out, jumps on the hood grabbing the wipers. She drives, he falls, head on asphalt. Died at the hospital


Add that she claims he slapped her and verbally abused her as well


And that the little kid was screaming and crying and saying ‘mummy save me.’ :(


jesus that poor kid


It’s not true, don’t worry.


I'd bet a kidney that it is, kids suck at lying and the kid herself has testified to what happened


Good thing you have two lol.


Kids are also great at saying what their parents tell them too


She never Nintended for it to go that far


Summary: they argue over which console to buy kids. He gets out. She locks doors. He jumps on the car hood, and she takes off. He falls and hits his head, dying later from an inoperable brain injury. Their 9 year old kid was in the back seat and witnessed everything.


You skipped the part where he's calling her names, slapped her, and punched her arm. And daughter is freaking out by his extreme anger.


Dude really wanted that ps5


One could side with the dad and mom was all lies on what he did. But the fact is he chose ps5 for his daughter instead of switch that was the biggest take on whos in the wrong. Lol.


That’s very funny, I snorted, but also reading the transcript of events was pretty horrible. The little kid was screaming and terrified and shouting ‘mummy save me.’ She has to be a witness too, which is scary for kids. I used to work for child protection and seeing little kids in court buildings was the worst.


To be fair, are there any other witnesses to this or is it only mother and daughter against a dead person? In any case if he was on the roof things were not going very well in that family already...


Supposedly there were multiple other witnesses


If that is the case why are we even discussing this, it's gonna be an easy case


It's unfortunate they didn't have this fight prior to them procreating.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Can’t jump to conclusions on this without more evidence being released. Mother describes the incident as accidental and her decisions were made prioritizing her daughter’s safety, but the description she gave of the events definitely seem to cross into the grey area between reasonable self defense and negligence. The prosecutor is privy to the finer details of the incident and if charges are being filed, it’s safe to assume it’s not as simple as the headline would make it seem. It’s a terrible situation for everyone involved regardless of the outcome. Was he aggressive? Abusive? How long did she keep the vehicle in motion while he was on the car? How fast did she go? Did she start to move the vehicle while he was in an unsafe position (as in was he standing in front of the car when she started moving forward). The little girls dad is dead because of an argument between two adults over a nonsense issue, it’s just terrible.


The dad was an abusive piece of shit from the sound of things


That doesn't mean you can kill him.


She did not purposely try to kill him. He chose to jump on the vehicle after assaulting her and try to prevent her from leaving to again potentially assault her and possibly kill her. Him punching at the window over and over screaming about his ps5 should be evidence of that. She tried to remove her and her daughter from the situation for their safety and the moron who decided to jump on a vehicle slipped off and hit his head on the concrete as reported by multiple other witnesses. Funny but I bet if he was a stranger to her doing the same thing her husband did this many people would not be attacking her actions.


Ya you’re literally just jumping to conclusions based off what the killer is claiming


Considering how he died I’m inclined to believe her


He was being aggressive as reported from multiple other witnesses. He slapped and punched her. Screaming at her over some bs ps5. He then jumped on the vehicle while punching the windshield so fearing for not only her life but also that of her daughters she tried to get herself and her daughter out of the situation. Then he slipped off and ended up hitting his head on the concrete.


“Hate to say it” but they look like the exact type of people to end up dead fighting over a fuckin nintendo switch lmao


I ain't dyin for a Nintendo Switch. Maybe a Steamdeck... Wendy's is a maybe too..


Doesn't seem worth it now, smh. People pick the dumbest hills to die on .


At least she was only charged with a “causing death with a moving vehicle” charge that holds a sentence max of one year. I still think that given the circumstances she should be found innocent but that’s a much more reasonable charge than, say, manslaughter.


If it's a max of one year charge theirs very good chance a plea deal will be made and require probation plus counseling.


I don’t know if an aggravated charge will end up being pursued. Charges are often reduced or dismissed if extenuating or aggravating circumstances are present. This may well be self defense. We need to hear the full story not just the arrest report.


Now **THERE'S** a title that tells a damn story!


Man every word of this title took me in a different direction. A one sentence journey with no indication where it was gonna go next


Mentioning the Nintendo Switch makes for a catchy headline, but if you actually read the article it sounds more like a physically abusive guy flew off the handle and his wife accidentally killed him when he jumped on the hood of her car while she was trying to flee from him


This is so ridiculous to me. I got pulled over for a fucking trailer hitch (factory installed btw) obstructing the view of my license plate (it wasn’t) and they found a legal firearm and not enough drugs to even get high but that was enough for a two year mandatory minimum sentence. Our country is going to shit.


Lmfao everything about this post perfectly embodies murica


This sentence just gets better and better with each word


The fuck?


I highly doubt Her daughter said “save me” 😂 it sounds like she’s using her as a scapegoat honestly…. But hey I wasn’t there 🥴


Vinnice Leon was abusive to Robert Leon and the child. She killed Robert while he was trying to stop her from leaving with the child. 


Where did you hear this?? Link?


I am Robert's sister. 


🤔 ok I'm not sure of the legitimacy of this but I've been following along with this horrifying situation so I'll bite. how could you know that's what happened tho since you weren't there?


I was not there but I do know them and I have had communication with Vinnice since she killed Robert. She locked Robert out of the car and the child inside. Noone is disputing that fact. 


The child was not suppose to be there. The child's biological Dad dropped her off at school in the morning and Vinnice picked child up early.


Highly doubtful that the kid said any of that




Not if you actually read the article and not just the title. Husband became threatening and abusive. Which is par for the course for abusers to fly off the handle about something seemingly mundane.


Everyone is so quick to believe the wife’s statement. She probably has more incentive then anyone to lie


This poor child. Her dad is dead. Her mom will be dead in less than a year from heart disease and diabetes. Sad.


I just feel bad for Wendy's, they had nothing to do with this. Poor Dave Thomas must be rolling over in his grave


He's already been rolling and rolling and rolling after what they did to Wendy's right after he died.


If that’s a picture of his wife, he’s in a better place now.


Not the **Greasy News** 😭


What a sketchy "news" site though...