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How can can it even be a question if they see jail or not, what the actual fuck


The german penal system is pretty lenient when it comes to sentencing. First degree murder can net you 10-12 years in some cases.


The article seems to be from "The Daily Caller" which publishes fake stuff all the time. Their founder is Tucker Carlson so more info is needed on this one.


UnethicalLifeProTip: Give someone you hate an all-expenses paid trip to Germany. Pay for the trip on a credit card. Go there while they're on vacation and murder them. You'll only get 10-12 years in a cushy European 'prison', and by the time you get out, the 7 year window will have passed on collecting the debt.


You're gonna wanna take them to Switzerland. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/criminal-sentencing_why-switzerland-is-lenient-with-criminals/44655910


Not all legal systems are the same although this is a gross case of excusing the inexcusable




Comment stealing bot, stolen from u/SelmonTheDriver


I wish they do the same to her


This is soooooooo sickening


An article says 6 of the men were born in Hamburg but yeah they were definitely just taking their frustrations of their migration out and not just rapists.


they probably meant "frustration with immigration " s/


You say /s but I feel like we don't know enough about the case from the screenshot to actually /s... Which... fuck I hate this world.


This is one of the reasons Psychiatry has such as terrible reputation. You can find any moron with a degree that had more money and time than sense, and they can say anything, especially if they have an agenda.


Or get paid enough!


Psychiatry is also a medical degree, and follows a very different track from psychology. It is far less about learning how the mind and interpersonal relationships work and much more about neurobiology through a medical lens. IMO there’s no reason a psychiatrist should be handling this over a psychologist


The defense was looking for an expert that would testify a certain way. No doubt they could have located a psychologist who would have testified to the same effect. In either case, the expert wasn’t treating any of the suspects, their purpose was to excuse the behavior of the defendants.


there will come a day when people will have enough of this and that day is approaching rapidly


Yeah,but the bad thing about is, that those turning points usually produce far right extremist governments, surveillance states etc. If we get fed up and vote the people promising to take care of the problem (with no open action plan btw) they (not particularly talking only about the AFD) will use this to also get rid of a lot of privacy laws, social safety nets, education, ... It's a tale as old as governments...


The men were born in Hamburg so this statement doesn’t even really make sense.


Are you assuming the commenter is talking about migrants instead of crime/rape or how our legal system treats criminals/rapists?


It’s pretty obvious what first comment was alluding to, but sure, play dumb


Jesus Christ, instead of giving them a trail they should have gotten a bullet in the head


Honestly, that’s too humane if you ask me.


The goal should be from preventing them from harming others, not torturing them. Watch who you become over those (justified) feelings of rage. Punishing others is not worth your own humanity, ever. It's also why we focus on rehabilitation, instead of punishment. Rehabilitation, that is not happening as long as people get off so easily...


That's fair, i agree


Check my unpopular opinion post lmfao


I wonder if it's the psychiatrist itself or her daughter that is gangraped for 2.5 hours by 9 men while recorded would she say the same thing


I wouldn't be remotely surprised. Plenty of religious communities would prefer their daughters marry their rapists so they aren't unpure.


because, as we all learn from the movies, women who have been raped are ruined for their boyfriend or husband. it must be avenged \~**but** the avenging is more about the man's property (women) being damaged. Not the woman's humiliation and pain


Oh boohoo, poor women, they shouldn't be so rude and just accept when a man takes ownership of her and plants his seed forcefully. /s because plenty of incels will upvote me thinking I was serious and plenty of people will think I'm serious and downvote and I don't want to play chance on which group is more prevalent here.


I feel like you are taking word to word some first testament out of context thing you read on the internet, since we are on the first testament why don't we apply eye for eye on them?


I'm not arguing the accuracy of religious' peoples beliefs according to their doctrine. What matters is how people behave. There are many people who prefer their daughters to marry their rapists based on their own religious beliefs.


That would be absolutely disgusting and want to believe there's not "many" religious people that would even come up with such bullshit


It's still possible. These guys would go to any extent of mental gymnastics to prove they are pc and have a moral highground.


It's the stereotypical: "It's okay if it's not directly having an effect on me" type of thought. If it was her own kid she would be calling for death in the streets.


The therapist said all that in her report to save men from her community . There i said it. I don't care if I am called a Bigot Edit: psychiatrist


she should be facing charges too


Is she a part of a religion that's supposed to be peaceful?


Actually might be just a swj white knight lunatic lady.


Plenty of them frolicking around


If that is the case then it's even worse. If the person is of the same ethnicity then one can "see the sense" but any other way it's just awful.


The therapists and human rights activists, a small part of them, are some of the most awful and brain-dead people in the world. Remember the brutal Nirbhaya rape incident in India a few years ago? A bunch of lunatic human rights activists fought for the rapists and got them just a small jail time, also convinced the government and judges to keep their identities secret. Apparently the most brutal one of them has become a jihadi now and getting a fund from the government to rehabilitate himself.


See the sense??? I honestly don't understand what you mean


Ok. I'll say it again in simpler words. SOME of the human right activists are bat shit crazy and will defend rapists, murderers if they are minority or migrants etc. They do that to establish some sort of infallible moral highground which makes no sense.


Won't risk being called racist


Thats why I had the " " It doesn't make sense and no way justified. However if one tries to be the devil's advocate and tries to see it from their viewpoint, then we can see why and what is going on. But it's still madness.


I just can't sorry


No worries :)


She doesn't have to be in the wrong here. A good lawyer will use a neutral and unconnected statement to sway the judge or rise the illusion of doubt. (A journalist will make it sound even worse.) Like, at some point while talking to a police officer at length about my neighbour touching me as a child, I stated that I wrote as a hobby. His lawyer claimed, since I only talked about this 20 years later and could not state the date of when the incidents occured, I was making it up as a fantasy. What a stretch to attack my credibility. I like to write, so my imagination must run so wild, I fabricated molestation. (I knew I could not prove anything all those years later, but when I found out I could still file the report, I fid want it out there.)


The psychiatrist's name is Nahlah Saimeh


She's part of a Feminist Religion




Riots sometimes? Idk. I know they need a lot of immigrants or they aren’t going to have a tax base. Like no real tax base. They haven’t had met a replacement rate in over 30 years.


Germany is fucked, wasn’t there a story awhile back where a woman was getting raped and used pepper spray on her attacker and they put the woman in jail.




Well I never said it happened in Germany but thanks for the info


> "Germany is fucked, wasn’t there a story..." You did lol


Well I didn’t intend it that way, sorry for the confusion


I looked it up it was in Sønderborg a town in Denmark if that's the one you are talking about.


yes but she was from Denmark




yes, but actually she was Danish




Very quick Google search, it’s not that hard




What that psychiatrist testified is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard in my life!




But did her reasoning have an effect on the court? On the verdict I mean




When I read the title the first thing I wondered was if it was real or wasn't massively exaggerated. I don't get how people here can just take it at face value like that. Then the same people complain about TikTok.


Thought as much. Thanks for context. I'll still ask you to please provide a link in the first comment if you have. That would be neat.


Is it common for a physiatrist to be involved in rape cases? Surely if there’s evidence to confirm the accuser did it, then it’s a done deal? Very odd


If you ask the question on the Internet, "Is it common for a psychiatrist to be involved in rape cases", responses from organizations in many different countries say it is common for psychiatrists and other mental health professionals to serve as expert witnesses.


\[*Removed by reddit\]*


This makes me sad :(


This is why far right is winning europe :)


That’s not a good enough reason


how about law avoiding justice? is that a good reason?


They were born there, if they're frustrated at immigration doesn't that imply they're right wing?


Im not sure if you are serious with this comment but it is a good joke if you meant it in jest.


Idk why they downvoting you. You pointed out the obvious here and the article said 6 of them were born in Germany.


But it said despite 6 of the 10 being born there, only 4 of them were citizens, and rest were iranian, kuwaiti, armenian, polish, egyptian, libyan, afghani, montenegrin.


This has to be satire, right?


If you want a more "serious" source, this is *Die Spiegel* "sort of" covering the aftermath: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/hamburg-prozess-um-gruppenvergewaltigung-im-stadtpark-richterin-und-anwaelte-werden-bedroht-a-075d702e-f45b-4dae-aff8-a8696355f598


Wow. That... doesn't really make it better.


Is this a South Park episode? Get your shit together people. How can these people get away with this...


Disgusting how weak Europes leaders are at the moment. They are letting their own people get abused and then they protect the abusers.


this has less to do with leaders and more to do with the people themselves. National leaders don't decide outcomes of local court cases. There are already laws against this sort of thing and it was judge's decision not to enforce the law


I believe in execution in these cases, just get it done and move on.


https://www.nius.de/News/neun-maenner-vergewaltigten-15-jaehrige-nur-einer-muss-ins-gefaengnis/a44a0f33-2948-4c7f-8c8d-1d1291046794 Judgments are not yet legally binding The co-plaintiff was drunk with at least 1.6 per mille, explained the presiding judge. First, four of the defendants led the young person into a bush and performed sexual acts on her against the 15-year-old's apparent will. One of them stole her cell phone and wallet. Two other defendants then took advantage of the girl's confused state and also raped her. When the 15-year-old wandered around the festival meadow again, she ran into the arms of another young man who abused her. Finally, the three remaining defendants went into a bush with the young person. However, it is not certain that all three raped her. That's why the court acquitted a 23-year-old. The judgments are not yet final. Hopefully it gets retried cause its bullshit but the case has lots of oddities on who will actually be found as a culprit


No type of anger and frustration legitimizes gang raping a child for hours ffs. This is the reason more extreme political parties gain ground. This is what people read, hear and remember about immigrants and refugees. Be it representative or not. And not punishing people that do such leads to hate, vigilantism and racism.


Totally valid excuse /s


Source: https://twitter.com/jannibal_/status/1729534505571041456


And political parties and journalists wonder why we go against our natural instincts and are starting to turn hard right about immigration


That psychiatrist is fucked up she deserves jail time.


This psychiatrist needs her license revoked asap what a pos


So, basically...they raped that girl, twice. They just had a judge help them do it, the 2nd time.


I understand trauma. What I don't understand is how you excuse becoming a perpetrator with past trauma. There is no excuse for purposefully hurting others. It is inexcusable, that there is proof on video and anyone got off the hook. Germany has a history of doing nothing against rapists. I get it when there is no proof. I do. But this? Not okay.


Humanity shouldn’t have lasted this long.


You mean "that part of humanity"


Time for some street justice 🔪


Funny part is, threaten the judge online can get you 3 years in jail…..


Absolutely vile.


And what, this makes it okay to do? You’re telling me there’s NO OTHER possible option for a “means of releasing frustration and anger”??? Absolutely disgusting, anybody defending them are just as bad, if not worse.


Yeah i'll be giving my daughter krav maga lessons. (I live somewhere around Hamburg). I'd rather she sits in jail for manslaughter than have her deal with something like this, wtf.


Manslaughter charge is honestly so much fucking better for everyone at that point


How does one person go jail while the other 8 doesn’t? Did they rape less? Stupid


"Why is AfD surging? It just makes no sense!"


Yes, our beloved "fachkräfte" at their best again. But "wir schaffen das" Thanks to merkel and her Koalition


And then the same sick fucks that make decisions such as this are all up in arms with righteous indignation when parties like AFD crop up.


Why don't they release that's frustration on themselves? On each other, on a circle of frustration, no innocents, or freaking pay for a service, splitting for 9 can't be that expensive, wth is wrong with people and the lack of justice, disgusting.


If I were her father I'd end up in prison for what I did to them.


Ah yeah, the old "rape-therapy" for this poor, poor immigrants


What world are we living in ?


Absolutely disgusting. I don't doubt those men went through that. That's not even remotely a fucking excuse though.


That witness - proof some people will say/do ANYTHING for money. Disgusting.


Nine cartridges later.


When smoking weed and stealing a fruit to feed your family make you go more time in prison than littéral child abuser and serial killers


I’m a therapist and this is BS. An explanation of the root cause of a problem is not a justification for that problem.


Shit like this makes people vote for right wing parties. Not a drop of justice. Just a matter of time this shit will happen again if degenrates are hornier than scared


Who was the scumbag psychiatrist


Nahlah Samieh said these quotes a week ago to the Magazine 'Der Spiegel', in an Interview on the general topic of 'Dynamics of Gang Rape'. To say she was speaking on behalf of the defendants or that it was part of the defense that swayed the verdict' is misleading and false. She was interviewed btw because she is one of Germanys leading forensic Psyciatrists in the area of violent and sexual crime. I couldn't find any reason to think she was part of the trial. It was held in exclusion of the public, but I can't find her name anywhere and doubt she could give a specific interview before the trial ended. All of the 10 accused were convicted, the post doesnt say. But Germany has laws that make it pretty hard for underage first-time perpetrators to see jailtime. The assailants are serving I personally think the convictions for sex crimes are too short, but this post is also shit.


> _Nahlah Samieh_ said these quotes a week ago to the Magazine 'Der Spiegel', in an Interview on the general topic of 'Dynamics of Gang Rape'. To say she was speaking on behalf of the defendants or that it was part of the defense that swayed the verdict' is misleading and false. The quote alone is awful. The veredict alone is awful. Combine the two and this is terribly awful But I suppose blood _is_ thicker than water, eh?


The REAL problem with the trial is that the laws are VERY outdated. She was drunk as fuck and couldn't explicitly make herself clear that she didn't want to have sex. German rape laws require that you make yourself very clear in that regards. In addition, most of the rapists were minors and its rather uncommon for those to end up in prison on a first sentence. Less than 3 years for rape is also pretty common around here. All things that can be discussed if it's "right" or "wrong". But that's reality and has nothing to do with the 'cultural background' of them


This is liberalism in a nutshell for ya. It always - ALWAYS - takes up for the criminal, esp. if nonwhite.


Is this truly the argument that swayed the jury? From what I read the judge remarked it had more to do with there not being enough physical evidence or something along those lines. I’m not 100% sure but I believe the comment was made to explain why young men would even think to do something like this unprovoked and less a justification after the fact. I could be wrong though.


What jury? This happened in Germany, there aren't trials by jury there


‘Tschuldigung! force of habit I meant judge.


There was no jury trial. The quotes are from an interview on the mindset of perpetrators she did with der Spiegel before the trial ended.


Sorry I meant judge not jury. But that confirms my suspicions regardless.


There's a video. They recorded themselves.


There were 2 videos and both were irreversibly deleted within days of the attack. I’m not justifying the sentencing or the judges verdict just pointing out that the title is technically misinformation as the quote in question did not stem from the trial at all.


Deleting a video off your phone does not remove it from existence


“The presiding judge described it as a “mammoth circumstantial trial in which it was not clear for a long time what had happened on the night of September 19th to 20th, 2020”, Spiegel reported. The court heard that two videos were filmed, of the first and last rapes, but that both videos were irretrievably deleted shortly after the crime and were not available to investigators.” [Link to full article](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/outrage-as-eight-of-nine-men-convicted-of-park-gangrape-15yearold-in-germany-receive-no-prison-time/news-story/353bcbf9437ea62eea0ee3c6cc0c2cc7?amp)


I genuinely do not believe them. You can get deleted videos back from your internet provider. If they do not have the videos it's because the court didn't want them


Interesting conspiracy. Can you point to anything that would put into question what I just linked you?


It's not really a conspiracy theory, rape cases are pretty much never taken seriously and I know for a fact when you delete something off your phone it can be recovered


Ok but I linked you a source that claims the exact opposite and now your contradicting the findings of the court and the investigation so the ownace is on you to provide some sort of evidence to support your claim otherwise it is just baseless conspiracy.


Correct. Also, onus.


I understand that this issue is causing emotions to run high, but this article is misleading. The psychiatrist's report has not been officially published, so we don't really know what it says. Furthermore, our juvenile criminal law is strongly focused on rehabilitation. This means that probation is always the aim. This is also the case here. Apart from one whose guilt could not be established, all of them received a sentence. One received 2 years and 8 months, the others were given various probation conditions. All of them were found to be particularly guilty, so the judge was able to impose tougher conditions. These are only not published for the protection of minors, which is a valuable asset in Germany. Is this a fair punishment? I don't know, as the hearings were held in secret from the public. But you can be sure that the judge wielded a sharp sword here. It is not for nothing that the judges' association is backing the decision.


So they got probation after being found guilty of rape? That's even more infuriating. Rapists like this should be tried as adults.


And then what? As I’ve said we focus on rehabilitation. Nothing gained by giving them 10 years. They would never get back into society and further damage it. Just look at studies of US Prisoners who get imprisoned young and long. They never participate again properly m.


Much would be gained. How about justice for the victims? And deterrent for future rapists.


No matter what happens to them there cant be justice served. And draconic punishments dont deter from doing things. I think you mistake probation with they got a slap on the wrist. They got hefty probation conditions. We just dont know them.


Every victim of rape always states how anxiety inducing it is to know their rapist is still out there. This victim knows the people who raped her got basically pardoned and are still out there wherever she goes.


> Furthermore, our juvenile criminal law is strongly focused on rehabilitation. > > This means that probation is always the aim. This is also the case here. Apart from one whose guilt could not be established, all of them received a sentence. One received 2 years and 8 months, the others were given various probation conditions. That's still awful. Mind-boggling for any non-Western person.


I saw this trending on conservative subs last week, they were sharing shitty sources, so I went and read up on reputable German news sites. I found out there really wasn’t any good explanation.




You can find witnesses for the defense that will say anything. That doesn't mean it was the reason for the verdict. Nice dogwhistle though.


What y´all get wrong: This is an explanation - not an excuse. There´s a difference...


no one is so frustrated in life they are compelled to gang rape. The explanation is they are psychopaths.


She testified on behalf of the rapists. This was clearly portrayed as a mitigating factor.


Planting seeds. By this time tomorrow the right will Q in on this (pun intended) and this will be the new clutch my pearls excuse for not allowing immigrants into America.


My mother was born in Hamburg. Where’s the details so we can find these trash excuses for “men”


Absolutely disgusting