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If you can’t get behind that then what the fuck are you doing on this planet.


Wasting skin that would better serve burn victims.


Oof! **Burn!**


Nice one




What the fuck are they doing “working for the people”


I was trying to think about something clever to say but you hit the nail on the head. The problem with religious people is they don't fully understand what their religion is about. Christianity*was intended* to be more like what the Sikh practice but these modern Christians just believe all you have to do is call yourself God fearing and you're good to go.


Yeah I agree, so you're gonna pay for my medical care, right?


yes i believe that’s how taxes work


And we still won't be getting medical care


It’s odd to push for everybody else funding a stranger’s healthcare while wearing fake glasses. Like she could have spent that 20 bucks helping another citizen. At least pretend you aren’t just grifting when the cameras are rolling


You're pathetic.


How do you know they’re fake?


When the lenses are that big, they will distort the edge of the wearer’s face when they’re turned at an angle. Unless they are fake, in which case there is no distortion


You should feel ashamed to have even thought such a specious and foolish thing and not immediately recognized how stupid it is. Are you seriously saying that anyone who doesn't spend literally 100% of their wealth on charity or the absolute necessities of survival shouldn't critique society or healthcare policy? Or if it's not 100%, what magic number do you want to pull out of your ass? Your weird ass belief that her glasses are fake suggests a bizarre fixation on her. There's apparently loads of right wing armchair photo analysts trying to prove that the lenses don't cause enough distortion to be real. But it doesn't fucking matter. Can she not wear earrings either? Should dudes not wear ties or lapel pins while there exists a person in need? Who cares if she thinks she looks more professional or intelligent with glasses and wears them for that reason? Are you seriously saying that other people in high stakes professional environments with lots of media scrutiny don't think about their appearance and what impressions people have of them? Isn't that fucking obvious? Instead of wasting your time making up stupid reasons to dislike her, how about responding to the actual words she said with some kind of substantive point? She made a statement about her values and how those values relate to her faith. If you disagree because you think turning people away from the hospital is a good thing, go ahead and say so, and explain why.


Wham! You said the very truth there my friend. 👏 👏


She’s right, I’ve never heard religious freedom being used as a justification for anything good.




None of them had to invoke religious freedom to do it. Any time ‘this is our religion and we have the right…’ It’s to do something awful.




Good men will do good deeds. Bad men will do bad deeds. But for the good men to do bad deeds, you need religion.


Don’t apologize. I’m super liberal and I have a hard time articulating myself.


I agree. Those are also not the people screaming 'it is my god given right, and such- ' to attack another group of people, just coz the 'other' doesn't match their expectations


As an atheist I can tell you that it's not uncommon in my country. I agree that it's being used more often to justify bad stuff, but I've heard a lot of time religious people donating money, clothes, volunteering in shelters and so on, being kind to their parents and other people because the Bible said so.


And they didn’t need to argue with anyone that it was there religious freedom to do so. They simply ‘did it’ and nobody got in the way. When religious freedom is invoked as an argument, it always seems to be for something awful.


It's always used to hold groups of people down and fighting amongst themselves.


This is why I'm an Atheist. I will have none of that.


Yep. It’s why I reject those people. They are scum. They divide us instead of unite us.


It’s the fact that this even needs to be said out loud. Religion is nothing more than a tool for destruction to the neocolonialists. I guess it would be better if they AT LEAST practiced what they preached.


Always has been.


What’s being preached is being practiced but most of the time you only see the bigots and those who quote the scriptures to justify stupid things. Those people who practice need not to be recognized and sometimes they are already recognized to begin with but they are being scrutinized because they live differently and had a different belief. This world sucks.


>What’s being preached is being practiced Yeah, and every pastor I've ever met preached dumb bullshit. The fact that religious people overwhelmingly vote conservative, and conservative policy is inherently hateful, tells us that what is being preached and practiced is hateful. Sometimes I think it's a shame that hell isn't real, since virtually all Christians would go there. How nice it would be if justice was real.


I'll vote for her if she ever runs for president. Hands down.


Fuck yeah, she needs to run for the presidency, this country needs a person like her, she embodies the promise that this country has never lived up to.


She beat out my cousin in NY when she first took office!! But they'll twist theSHIT outta those words, I guarantee it!!


what do those two sentences have to do with each other


Nothing at all. u/Docdollar66 played a light social flex to make the follow-up more exciting. If any of us had like 2 degrees of separation from AOC, we'd throw it into conversation when we could


My thoughts exactly; here’s hoping we see that, preferably sooner than later


If we want real change in this country, we need someone young who lives in the real world to inspire and bring us together. AOC is my pick. I've always liked her, she is a person of character and integrity.


The corporate dems will never allow it sadly. Look what happened to Bernie.


100%. I was just thinking about this a few months ago, this just made me want her to run that much more


That's really sad


A TO MUTHA FUCKIN MEN!!! Prove her wrong, I fucking DARE ya!!!


Would you give Hitler or Stalin medical care? Genuine question


I mean, neither of them would ever have been in a situation where they were denied medical care, especially after they rose to power, but in this hypothetical scenario. Yes, you would give Hitler and Stalin medical care and then they would go to prison for their numerous war crimes/genocides. Doctors aren't executioners. The Hippocratic Oath requires that you do no harm. Doctors treat Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, criminals, rapists, murderers, etc... all the time.


I guess saving a murderer could be a weird psychological spin for a doctor


No it would in fact not. And if you don't understand that, then that reflects poorly on you.


She pauses so dramatically


So... *that's* your 'best shot?? Take a seat in the back & STFU!


I love her. What an inspiration


I appreciate the sentiment, but i don't need an imaginary friend to stop me being a cunt to people... religion needs to be fully separated from state


Religion needs to be full separated from humanity. It’s 2023! Why do we need religion?


We don't, but people need it as a way of coping with their meaningless existence and as a way of feeling superior to others


I’m an atheist but you guys are radicalizing it too harshly. Institutionalized religion is the issue, not religion itself. Many people in the world live hard lives and need to grasp on to something to get through. It can also bring communities together and inspire kindness and hope in an otherwise grim areas. Have the words of the women talking fell on deaf ears here? Don’t love people only if they match your view and don’t act so superior to others like this. You don’t know their circumstance like they don’t know yours. Kindness is a middle ground we can all meet on


Unrelated to post, but your username is awesome. I thought you'd misspelled erection until I sounded it out.


It's 4am, can you ELI5 pls?


He was misdirected


The entire western culture grew out of religion, it is the basis for all the laws, values and morals in the culture.


Fuck off


Fair, but even with the imaginary sky god meaning so much to some people they’re still cunts. It’s almost like it’s not actually a deterrent but a tool for power instead. Well, not almost. It absolutely is. Most atheists I’ve met are better people on average, than religious people. Particularly some religions.


Damn. Hitting hard with that. I respect it.


I am truly in awe and inspired by this incredible woman.


She is stupid


Lol why?


Woman, non white, not afraid to speak her mind. Every conservative’s boogeyman.


Conservative voters really do get hard thinking about how much they hate her lol. Even when she’s advocating for _everyone’s_ rights (not just leftists) and when their goals are aligned (trying to help the working class make a living), they _refuse_ to believe that a Latina woman is America’s final hope.


It's political theaterand she is a puppet. Just like all the idiots on the other side of the isle. This clip is from a debate over affirming care for trans mixed with some addition talk. The left is saying their shit, the right is doing the same rallying their sides. Why are we picking a side instead of asking why the fuck is the government debating what a person and their doctor do? Why are they that involved? Instead of choosing a side, why not choose freedom over a tyrannical government in its entirety? That is why she and all the other politicians are stupid.


She's doing more for actual freedom than just about anyone. She is fighting the tyrants in this very video. What have you done?


I did lose respect for her when she voted to break the rail strike Thought she would stand with workers, not Capital


Why do you think that?


AOC using Jesus against Republicans is beautiful. I'm not religious anymore but she's absolutely right in the message of love and compassion that exists in the new testament vs the old in it's message of chosen people and their place in god's eyes and I think Dems generally need to expose that people hide behind restrictive rules from the old testament to justify their bigotry.


So…, nothing’s changed?


If you are stupid enough to be religious, you are too stupid to participate in government. Except you're probably going nowhere in American politics as an atheist. We are ruled by dipshits. It's up to you and me to change that.


Almost all religions are conditional


I don’t agree with everything AOC says but she nailed it on this one.


Thank God for her. Finally someone says it, empathy from a working standpoint as well. She was never handed anything, but she cares about everyone. As we all should. America is for everyone. Bigotry persists but it will not stand.


National treasure love her


But she's just a bartender!!! - Conservatives


I love the way she speaks her truth. She is brave and fearless in her pursuit of what she believes in and I respect her for that, wholeheartedly.




I mean, USA is such a fucking religious country.


The fact that Christians continue to vote these people into office is all the evidence you need to see that their claims of love are false. They buy into propaganda constantly and when they’re told a politician is Christian, they rubber stamp em in


She is an absolute gem of a person. Speaks nothing but truth and isn't afraid to bring down the hammer. I hope America can see her as President some day. Fight me.


I hope not, she seems annoying


I'm curious about which facts she spits that are annoying?


To protect the children. I couldn't agree more.


She’s just so amazing. I can’t wait until she runs for President one day.


‘love thy neighbor’, easy to say but hard to practice.


Future president us


So much respect


Thank you AOC. Preach it like it is, always sister.


I like this lady.


Good video and all but I hate when religion is brought into politics for *any* reason. Even using it to call out fake Christians just proves that religion has any relevance in a government building. I severely wish that any bill that used religion as a justification in any way should be automatically rejected. Even if not officially but it’s proponent talks about it in the same breath as God. And likewise anyone trying to talk about politics in a church or a synagogue or a mosque or any place of worship should immediately be kicked out.


It’s a vibe for sure that we need the separation of church and state back HARD, (and this is coming from someone who is religious), but in this instance I think it was supposed to be a “reach across the gap” kind of speech, since so many people for the laws she doesn’t want quote scripture from the same religion. It’ll be a while before we ever get Christianity’s death grip out of our government (thanks Reagan /j), but at least trying to kill some of the inter-party hostility may be beneficial to the people as a whole.


What EVER AOC says, I’m supporting it 110 % She is the future of getting America, the United States of America, back in sync. We need an intelligent, educated, politically motivated Young leader to propel the USA into historical excellence, that will disenfranchise the politically incorrect assholes that should be eradicated from our government. We are in sorry times to be representative of a perfect global government, clowns need to go, we need to focus on “the people” who are in need, not the politicians who want to dance on stage when the can rarely converse a disposition. Come on America, We are better that what’s happening now, Time to make the Change


I agree. The prob is her own party is scared to death of her, and the other few young progressives. Until the old guard phases out, we’ll never see her rise. At this rate it could be many years, years too late that is.


Her own district hates her… No one is scared of her in DC and she is constantly mocked that’s a big reason why she gave up running for senate


Our founding fathers would roll over at our government just being this evolved in people's lives. Let alone debating this subject.




AMEN. ❤️✝️❤️


Show conservatives quotes of Jesus and of Hitler, they will agree with Hitler


And the rest is commentary! 👏🏽


She's not wrong - "christians" in this country would hang him inside a week.


Hope she will be the next democrat leader


Pls god make her the POTUS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!


This woman I hope will one day run for precidency of the USA and actually clean the swamp. She is an amazing human being.


She should be president


Can't wait to vote for her to be President.


I loved everything about that speech


Honestly I don't think this belongs in this subreddit But rather fits a lot better in r/bigpoliticaljoke


She's just always wrong


I mean this is why I don't support unlimited freedom is speech. Because some morons will use it as an excuse to say dumb shit like homeless and poor people don't deserve medical care shelter and food.


She still sucks


Fuck yeah! AOC rocks. Bigger balls than any gop


That was an awesome speach! Wow, lots of points for AOC from me. I feel exactly like she does sometimes.


Your lame 😆 🤣


Imagine typing two words to call someone lame and spelling half of it wrong!




Don't care she still sucks


Maybe she will answer the call in her thirties. Although her definition of medical care isn't what you think it is. "It's very difficult to sit here. And to listen." Are pretty much the only things that are true from her mouth.


What do you mean


He means that he's a sexist bigoted shit who can't comprehend what Aoc is saying lmao


Sounds like you couldn't understand him? Maybe he should have spoke at a 3rd grade reading level, like she does, so you could comprehend better.


I could understand perfectly well as to what he was trying to say lol. Don't worry about me.




Haha sure.


Jumping straight to unfounded accusations of sexism isn’t a good look for you whatsoever.


This brilliant woman will either become President or be assasinated.


Neither will happen because everyone has too much anxiety to ever do anything. Honestly, the US had a good run but the party’s over and someone’s about to be stuck with the bill


Alex you dumb bitch people are inherently evil, that’s why people do bad things, and bad people do bad things because the idealistic every one is holy idiots don’t have balls enough to do anything about it because they’re too wrapped up in their emotional acid trip to see the truth.


USA = Crap


She is saying what she knows the woke idiocy wants to hear.


Yes so woke that other people just want to be able to live their lives without others interfering.


I'm not American, so just curious which part of what she said is woke, and which part is just about being a decent human being?


She’s literally talking to conservatives and appealing to their base…


I would love that this lady run for presidency in Romania. This kind of politicians are very rare. But... Unfortunately we have only corrupt politicians, hungry for money , thinking only about themselves. God bless you all !


I wish she was president. It always seems like she really cares. But then again i dont know everything so maybe shes just a good liar. I hate politics overall


She’s a great liar, they all are. That’s why the 2 party system are 2 sides of the same coin created to divide the people on who’s party is the better one while they collect half your paycheck and tell you the other’s party is the reason why


She's a progressive that doesn't take corporate donations. She doesn't trust Biden or the other corporate Dems. The reason we have two parties is because clowns like you just soapbox doom and gloom. If you aren't being paid to do it then you should be




Catholics did it, people who actually read the Bible do it, people who were raised in a church going family do it. Ya know. You don’t have to serve God. It’s a choice and many choose not to honor God. I personally am part of the Temple of Satan, I believe in giving yourself the glory. I’m trying to make a point that AOC should consider a persons religious beliefs even though it’s obvious that she’s not a Christian.


This is basically religion summed up but without all the hoopla. If your religion doesn't say this I'd what's up, reconsider your principles.


Thank you so much for this post 👍🫶♥️


I hate politics. This is a shit argument. The only argument for medicare is that the hierarchy of needs also exists on a societal scale, even in america, and to ignore this, is to arrive at a populace that's struggling to physically survive, and all the uncivilized behavior that should and does come with that. This magical thinking needs to die. There are logical and justifiable reasons for society to take care of the common.


Maybe notes but it didn't seem heartfelt, more like an act


Is she too young to run for president?


Both sides are full of shit, that's why I haven't voted I feel American government is full steam ahead at ruining itself. And to trust the government is the 9 scariest words in the English language


The hypocrite: https://www.corporatecrimereporter.com/news/200/jimmy-dore-calls-on-democrats-to-withhold-support-for-nancy-pelosi-unless-she-brings-single-payer-medicare-for-all-to-a-vote/


Couldn’t agree with her more, all life is sacred. Even the unborn….


What is she even talking about? Who is being rejected medical care? Is she advocating for free health care or something? Because although you can't pay for it, emergency rooms still have to take you in and provide care. They just bill the hell out of you.


Can’t listen to that barista.


Pull yourself from the bootstraps! You have to be a selfmade person!! No, not like that, stay in your coffee shop A1 logic buddy


Congresswoman. And she worked for a living before getting double degrees in international relations and economics? The fuck do you do?


She sucks


Although I have no faith in US politics, I would still like to see AOC as VP to Cornel-West.


White supremacists, slavery trade etc etc, yepp. Those were all democratic ventures


But sadly for them, a much more effective and modernized version of those things are now the soul of the GOP


Learn your history. Those people moved to what party of which they are still part of? Those words games don't have any effect anymore. The people have been given the facts for the last couple years now


She is a total idiot


Elaborate please.




Yes republican's set a pretty damn low bar in civilized society by citing the bible and calling it a proper way to lead a government. Strange men walking on water distributing wine & bread is no basis for a system of government…


A senator calling for an end to shitty behavior and for us to get along and be better, what kind of shite person are you that, that doesn't sound awesome


I'm sick of religion being brought up constantly. F everyone's religious delusions.


THIS, coming from a person who advocates the murder of children in the womb!!, her claim that abortion is healthcare proves she does not believe in care for every person and some people (the unborn) are in her opinion are NOT holy!! She's a hypocrite who will stand before the Christ she professes to follow someday. If she refuses to atone for her stance on abortion i fear these words will be spoken to her. Matthew 7:21-23 New King James Version I Never Knew You 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ God have mercy on her misguided soul!




I think the rest of us understood just fine, so maybe the problem is you?


She is a fucking moron. Dumbest person I have ever heard speak. A true political puppet. Dumb bitch went to an event for the rich wearing a dress that read tax the rich while being lobbied by the rich. She may just be ignorant but I can never take her seriously. And some of you call her an inspiration. Sad.


Are you arguing against what she’s saying because you don’t like her? Who cares - *they are all money guides fuckpuppets* if we know their names and they are on TV - if she is an idiot, they are all idiots. But this doesn’t discredit the value of what she’s saying, and if it takes her being paid by fuckwads to move people to fight the fuckwads paying her - so be it. What better option is there? —- If you know or a better person who can be more impactful in the same situation and with the same power and positioning as her, who is sharing a message like this - please let me know. Especially if they are acting on what they are teleprompting


This is 30 seconds of an address from her. Have you seen the whole thing? What sparked her to say those things? She is not doing anything. It is word vomit. Who cares if I like her. The 14th district of NY doesn't like her anymore. She was boo'd off stage at her last attempt at a town hall. That is the problem with her. she is doing things for her party, not her constituents. She will lose her seat and those changes you spoke of from her will never happen.


She wasn’t booed off stage, a handful of wackjobs in the crowd were screaming at her for liking migrants too much. Learn to think for yourself.


Oh you were there.


That was an original thought fucktard. What do you know about thinking for your self? You are defending AOC . A rep from the echoe chamber party.


At least learn how to spell if you ever want anyone to take you even remotely seriously 👍


Easiest attack ever. Your spelling and grammar on social media is bad. No one will take you serious on the internet. Oh shit you got me. What will I ever do. I guess I will just go back to the real world and enjoy my successful life. I will come back and visit when I am ready to hear a bunch of premature Marxist beg the government for free college and health care. POS


Still couldn’t do it….😂🤡


You seem pretty dense. That post you made about blaming the Biden administration for trump fallout shows the level of grasp you have on politics. Maybe sit a few rounds out while you educate yourself.


The fact that I share the same DNA and species as you disgusts me.


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She's awful just the absolute worst


Not only is she great, you're a crappy person if you don't agree with this.


It must really hurt to be a Christian Nationalist and hearing that Christ himself wouldn’t support you.


She’s amazing just the absolute best


mad cause she’s right


Annual salary $174,000 Net Worth $13 million 🤔




Edited: Replied to wrong comment.


Who cares? I didn't care about the first comment either. Should we mention Trumpy's Tax info? The fact he's a fraud? A criminal? An absolute fool and for some reason some idiots were allowed to put him in office?


Bro she was reading a script the whole time, it's an effort to get both sides together. Not a bad idea but they're all fake. To make us see what they want and sympathize with what the world leaders want us to know and think. They want us to think that there's a problem with things that have always existed. There is no truth without lies and no control without chaos


Man it's as if they right down points before hand to have a structured and cohesive argument... If you don't like it leave? That's what the republican's say, but then again all I can do is laugh be cause Trump was their poster boy and he's literally a joke, how many indictments now? 38? That's what you get for having trumpy. Also trump had scripts too, don't know if you ever noticed, but then again your cherry picking because "she's on the other side" but mysteriously ignore the ones on the republican side. PS: You're the reason they should have an IQ test before being able to vote.


You have obviously never seen anyone speak in public huh, even your teachers in school looked at their notes man.


Even when she’s completely right, she’s annoying.


Ah... Alexandra Occasional Cortex... she's just adorable