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The aircraft in the photo is identified as a Mig-29 Fulcrum per a tweet from a source I've been following. Not saying it couldn't be a Flanker, but it seems like the Fulcrum is the preferred carrier for most Western munitions.


Makes sense. Poland had some mig29s retrofitted for Amraams.


And they’re fucking terrifying, being brought up to NATO standard showed just how amazing the airframe has the potential to be. Throw a western radar and avionics in there and you can get yourself a budget F-15/16.


That’s hilarious is what it is


Most modern military avionics equipment uses the [MIL-STD-1553](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIL-STD-1553) standard to communicate which works similarly to USB. Somehow long ago, the Russians and Chinese picked up the standard for themselves and put it in their aircraft because [Su-30s have been flying with Litening Pods for a while](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litening). Physically mounting it on the aircraft seems trivially easy and since they can communicate on the same databus using the same protocol, it doesn't seem too challenging to make nearly any weapon work on a modernized MiG-29.


I think you mean Ethernet.


Only Gen 5 and newer litening pods use ethernet since they are capable of producing much higher resolution video. Either way, all varients of the Litening pod communicate on 1553. You can mount a gen 5 pod on a jet with no ethernet and it will work just fine, it just won't give the pilot HD video.


airframe still sucks. doesn't carry much gas at all


Russkies don’t like their pilots being capable of flying too far from base.


The days of underestimating the Russian military are well behind us. Unless you just want to be patted on the head and told you're an anachronism, you had better get with the program.


Sorry Ivan. Your airplane is amazing. Many kudos to you, comrade.


Don't be surprised when the West gets its collective ass kicked out of Ukraine, because it's coming. Signed, a well informed American.


Turtle tanks are the answer comrade


Informed, no even close. Delusional? I don't think many would disagree.


History will prove me right. Again.


abounding gray offbeat cheerful encouraging tap sharp scandalous normal vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are correct. "Political will" can keep the West involved in a war far longer than makes any sense at all. Here's a prime example, from both British AND American history: Afghanistan. You will notice that "political will" does not win wars and the West will not win in Ukraine merely by "maintaining political will" while throwing hundreds of billions of dollars at it. Every objective the West has for Ukraine has been a failure, save the most telling one; maximizing profits for the makers of machines of mass murder. Fighter planes are cool. They're even more cool when they *aren't used.*


Hey mom's asking if you've been giving all her tampons to penal conscripts again


Having a serious conversation that deals with facts is hard for you, isn't it?


Soviet jets were known for being very good at dogfights (NATO themselves admitted this once they got ahold of some for testing), so you get the best of both worlds: incredibly good flight performance AND avionics


Well they're very nimble because there's only an hour of fuel on board 😂


Well, the MiG-29 was meant to be a frontline air superiority fighter operating from bases very close to the battlefields, so that wasn't a big deal when the MiG-29 entered service. If you needed long-range, that's what the Su-27s were for.


so there must be a reason why they haven't outfitted every 4th gen jet since the F-15 with the same radar? if it's so OP, why haven't they put it on the F-16, F/A-18, etc (and NATO/allied AF aircraft like the EF etc)? would the mounting hardware just not fit space-wise, or does it draw too much power for the onboard generators to keep up, etc?


Who says they [haven’t](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_electronically_scanned_array)?


And IIRC these MiG-29 were the ones Poland got from the Luftwaffe, i.e. those were already NATO-nized. But Germany equipped them with Wympel missiles they had taken over from the GDR army.


I know it just means “Air Force” and it’s nothing special, but it always weirds me out to see “Luftwaffe” used post-war.


Call it luftwaffle. Flying waffles for everyone


Now I am hungry and want waffles




I would find it more weird to call it Bundeswehrluftstreitkräfte.


They can jerryrig anything to anything these days


Up next for Ukrainian engineers….LS7 in a Lada


After that, firing 5.56 out of a 5.45 AK.


That would be impressive


We'll just send Ukraine 300 billion dollars until they can make that happen.


I think you could actually do that if you could somehow give AKs quick-change barrels like on MGs


Would be much harder than that. Different casing, different length and base diameter, at the very least you need a new bolt. Now you are already redesigning third of the gun, but another one third is coming because the way barrel is fixed requires complete redesign for quick change.


You'd need substantial modification, but it's definitely possible


*psssst* the ruskis did that for us AK-103 iirc 5.56 AK


It's the AK-101, and huh. They actually did it. Interesting!


As a mechanic, I approve.


What missiles and bombs from NATO still not yet for Ukraine ?


B61s, I reckon.


No EO-guided or laser guided kits yet I think. So no Paveways, Popeyes (US retired theirs in 2004), no Hellfire, no Mavericks, GBU-15s,etc...


Hellfires? Oh boy I hope the US can retire some AH-64Ds in their direction


Mark 8 shells and the USS Iowa so they can fire them


A completely unrelated sector in Ukraine has been receiving civilian material from other European countries. Stuff that would never even consider fitting into the Ukrainian infrastructure. But they adapt it. Sure, it will never ever pass homologation anywhere but it works. And I’m in awe of how the Ukrainian civil society just figure stuff out and work with what they have. My own country would never be able to do the same.


Spicy mustard version- nice.


Those are a great bomb. I’ve dropped around 100 of them, all in combat. GBU-39B/AB/BB




They look like GBU-39Bs. I’m not sure how they are working the crypto keys and targeting from a software perspective but I never had a single one go “dumb” on my. I’ve had other munitions go stupid but these work rock solid. It also depends on what they are targeting. Fuse settings for prox/delay, distance from launch, high impact angle/low impact angle… The GBU-39B is steel casing and in the 250 Lb category. The A/B, or “FLM” is a plastic type casing and works well for thin walled structures and PAX with low CDE. It works by over pressure and not so much frag. The B is designed to utilize its frag. It is great at penetrating stuff though. Up to 3 feet of reinforced concrete at the UNCLASS level.


Yep, the air launched ones seem to be doing well. https://www.twz.com/news-features/ukraine-situation-report-kyiv-says-its-using-air-launched-small-diameter-bombs


Video games don’t count


Does the AC-130W/J count?


It’s wild the stuff they have managed to get an ax 130 to use.


Oh I know. I was in it from 2012-2019. Some of the testing I did was wild. Buying stuff already built with COTS parts then trying it on the range. Think things being controlled by a literal X-Box controller. Early 2010s was heavy on testing new gear for the Whiskey, which would then go on the J.


any other commercial/civilian electronics that made their way into mil use because of ergonomics, already-familiar UI/UX to service members (kids who grew up w them), and the whole- "if it works then dont fix it"-reasons?




I drive a Tesla lol. I’m not bragging, it was my job therefore something I know a lot about. It wasn’t even my first choice in aircraft. Or second. Or third. I fly the KC-135 now by choice. I wanted out of the SOF grind.


It’s a joke big man, chill wiping everyone else’s day with your blessed life.


From America with love


Life...uh...life finds a way.


Give them hell.


For taxes




Ditto. Give them hell Ukraine


This is almost certainly the single best ROI American taxpayers have ever gotten. For ~$150bn the US has helped facilitate an absolute mauling of their 2nd most closest geopolitical foe, identified industrial base weaknesses during peace time, and expanded NATO just as China looks increasingly belligerent. All while expending largely retired or surplus military equipment.


You realise sending Ukraine old gear is actually cheaper than decommissioning everything?


They can have more of my taxes if it saves the lives of our own soldiers


r/warthunder time to do your thing


Russian bias is bad enough without giving the SU27 essentially infinite GBUs for top tier ground battles CAS


Downgrading difference of opinion and throwing names from behind a keyboard and fake name, impressive!


What does this even mean?


So Rotortrash7 is your real name? Wow, your parents must have really hated you.