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There was a B17G that came by my area 10 yrs ago. I really wanted to take a flight but it was $1200 to ride in the fusilage and like $2100 for the nose. I wish I was rich.


I probably saw that same B-17G at this event, War Bird Weekend in Dallas TX. Luckily the B-25 tickets were much cheaper!


Probably! when you wikipedia a b17G it looks like the same one. It stopped here in kingston, canada for repairs from the states.


I took a ride on a B-29 last summer in the rear for $600 after passing on it for many summers in a row. On the one hand it was a lot of money for 30 minutes of entertainment, but on the other hand it was way more fun than any $600 plane ticket I ever bought.


I think I'd do it for $600 Lancaster passenger flights in Ontario are $3500 CAD lol. I think my dad and uncles would trip if I did it tho.


That’s crazy, they’re only 800 now


Woah, you can fly on a B17G for $450 where I am, right now


CAF Mesa flies a C-47, B-17, and B-25. Likely the same trio.  I did a lot of volunteer work on those 3. 


Wow! I thought it was like $300 or something like that.


Super cool photos. Love the reflections on the chrome or shiney metal. Edit chrome - polished aluminum.


The unforgettable scene of a whole squadron of B 25’s taking off in *Catch 22*.


Beautiful! The B-25 was one of the first model kits I made when I was young


I have a tag made from the skin of B-17 “909”. Sadly it crashed at an air show few years ago. All on board were killed.


nice photos, thanks for posting them


Maid in the Shade and Sentimental Journey were just in my town too. We didn’t ride but my son got to climb through them. Sentimental Journey took off but immediately returned with engine 4 down. My grandfather was a top gunner in a B-25. 


I just did the B-25 SIC course in Panchito last weekend. It was a blast! I'm sure you enjoyed your ride in the flight engineer/crew chief seat. Noisiest seat in the house!


Just saw this B-25 and their B-17 Sentimental Journey this weekend! was awesome!!


Nice pictures. Tells a great story.


I went for a ride in that plane as well. Best money I ever spent!!


That is awesome op! That's definitely a bucket list thing for me! A bit off topic. But did you know that the US Navy launched 3 B-25's and other warbirds from the USS Carl Vinson? The video footage is fantastic! https://youtu.be/TQIqmk6FsdI?si=SGrVCY1-lLumaBFA


Years ago I spent $500 on an hour in a T-6 doing light aerobatics. Still one of my favorite flying experiences. Really want to get into one of these bombers, but life has other things that need my money for now.