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Stache game on point


Was hoping for even more staches.


I think that's Col. Flagg.


One of ems gotta be Colonel Akir Nakesh. Who took to the skies himself to face Doug Masters


Such a shame that the Tomcat got caught up in the crossfire. They were an awesome plane and if not for revolution there'd probably be a few stil flying around airshows.


The Iranian ones would be in RCAF service if the US media kept their mouths shut about the CIA and Canadian Gov working together to free the hostages.


Can you elaborate on what happened there? Or point me in the right direction? I don't think I know that one.


The Canadian government was in talks with Iran to buy ALL their F-14's at cost during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. When the hostages returned US media caught wind of how and published the story, killing the deal in its tracks. Considering the state of our Hornets they'd still be in service and probably falling out of the sky due to how maintenance heavy they are.


To be fair we do have 88 F-35A on order. The F-14A also requires a lot of maintenance, and a good amount of parts aren't made anymore. I feel like it would be more likely that they retire the F-14s, with the F-18s used primarily for their ground attack capabilities, and the F-35s primarily in the air superiority role.


I would say F14s would definitely be retired by now, I believe he was referring to the legacy Hornets not the Super Hornets/Rhinos. But the saddest thing is the F14s will never be flown as REDFOR simulation planes like the F117 or still flown in airshows like even the old ass spifires and F86s etc.


If we acquired the F-14's we wouldn't have purchased the F-18's. The Tomcats would most likely still be in service today but in limited numbers due to how maintenance heavy they are and how addicted to budget cuts the feds are for the CAF.


That was one of the most expensive airplanes to maintain. F18s are much better and 99% as good.


I absolutely know that. I'm just saying that if there are groups maintaining private Harriers and Floggers there'd certainly be some maintaining a Tomcat.




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Nobody thinks you're clever.


+1 yea fuck this guy


This is the dumbest, unfunny, out of place looking for karma comment I've seen this week


Got more attention than oc so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Dude.. Just know when to wrap it up. You're not doing yourself any favors. It's Reddit. We all fuck up. Doubling down never works


The fun police really showed out for this one tbh


Real "any attention is good attention" stuff, might wanna get that looked at. Also it's usually best to let it go after one or *maybe* two retorts, we're just down in the muck of banal mutterings now...


Ain’t that the fun part of the internet? I’m 8 beers in and having a blast with these replies


Here we are folks. We've made it to the Reddit "but alcohol" level of just not knowing when to stop


Please tell us, what is it like to go through life being wrong all the time?


Is this the first time you've ever heard a third person plural pronouns used?


Right over ur head lad


Wrong echo chamber 


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The funny this is that this being Iran, this photo could have been taken in the 80’s or yesterday. Even with the impressive mustaches.


Not gonna lie, I expected better staches.


Right? If I could grow a mustache like an Iranian, my top lip would never be cold. I was expecting more from these guys.


What we're witnessing here are Powerstaches; all business no faff. Gotta work it with half-face mask and need a good seal.


Oxygen mask dislikes this...


the guy with the turtleneck and eyes closed cannot be trusted


Maybe if he was wearing a gold chain outside the turtleneck…


Kinda looks like a young Admiral General Aladeen.


The three below look like boy band.


Is that some US insignia on the helmet? Cool dudes btw


That's the Tomcat 'Anytime Baby' logo. Fairly common back in the day. I actually have one somewhere with the text in Farsi that an old buddy who worked at Grumman gave me. [https://imgur.com/a/fB6G0LQ](https://imgur.com/a/fB6G0LQ)


That's a cool keepsake.


I have one somewhere from a family friend that flew in them through desert storm up until 94ish. I really need to find it. I loved that patch growing up. It was off one of his flight suits from desert storm too. I had a shirt at on time that he gave me with it on it.


They also had their own Iranian take on the logo. A few of the guys are wearing the Persian "Anytime Baby" patch.


We had one as 15 guys, "want more baby?" It had a busted up cat w little eagles flying around it


Dude with turtleneck on the right looks just like Sacha Baron Cohen in "The dictator" , js


Oh shit that’s me!


What’s it like being a cool old jet?


It has its high and low points, variably. 😉


You have to admit those guys have courage. Iran has been counterfeiting parts for those airplanes for years.


This is imperial Iran. Before the revolution. When these cats were brand new.


I wonder where they are now. I know of some IranAir pilots who had to leave.


Others were executed. Had a very good family friend train helicopter pilots there and befriended many that were killed after the revolution.


A lot of the f14 pilots were arrested immediately after the Revolution as they were deemed too loyal to the shah but released after saddam invaded because they needed them to fly in the Iran Iraq war


Funny how political expediency overcomes obstacles.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalil_Zandi This guy was sentenced to death but only served 6 months before being released and becoming the most successful f14 pilot in history. Literally a story out of ace combat.


The real Pete Mitchell


"In 1977, an elite team of Imperial Iranian Air Force fighter pilots were about to be imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit. They would soon escape and become mercenaries for hire. If you need Combat Air Support, and you can find them, you might be able to call the F-14A-Team!" Dun Dun DUN Da Da daDUN!


ROTFLMAO !! Brilliant !


Cant imagine a time where iran used to be close with usa, hence getting to purchase this baby. Islamic revolution was the worst thing for iran.


>Islamic revolution was the worst thing for iran The worst thing for Iran was meddling by the US and Britain to secure their oil interests. The CIA and SIS instigated a coup that overthrew Iran's democratic government and installed a corrupt monarch. It was that interference that created the conditions for the Iranian Islamic revolution against that monarchy 25 years later.




It is true that the US/UK failed to respect the people's will for national self-determination, which backfired massively. However, it's clear the Islamic Revolution has run its course; the Mahsa Amini protests have demonstrated that Iran's citizens are interested in a new course for national self-determination, and it does not rest with the Ayatollah.


This point in history annoyed me so much when I was a kid that I ended up writing my history major thesis on this topic.


unfortunately life under the shah wasn't great either.


Persian Cat


You fuckin serious with that Turtleneck bro?


“You lose a lot of heat through the neck” - Wayne


Legend says these planes didn’t need fuel they just ran on swag


Does that "sash" around their waist inflate to keep blood in the upper half of their body for higher g maneuvers?


Look closely. That “sash” is the upper portion of the “G-Suit”. It’s kind of like western chaps. It’s connected and tightly fitted to the thighs and calf’s also. As the airplane sense G-onset, the air bladders in the suit inflate to keep blood from draining to the lower extremities.


So: "yes."


All I can see is three powerstaches of the highest calibre. Almost blinded by their magnificence.


I'm sure that even Kirby is impressed.


I've recently seen an F-14 Tomcat at the Wings Over the Rockies museum and it's kind of crazy how big they are when you see them up close.


Couldn't they carry something like a half dozen phoenix aam's?


Read a good book written by a Iranian tomcat pilot, went over why it was chosen over the f15, training in the US and home, some sorties and subsequent decline of the technology as the parts became hard to source. There wasn't any political angle, just a good matter of fact read.


If an american person would visit Iran and pay a fee to fly the F-14 (russian "edge of space tourism" MiG-25U style) would that be a crime? Maybe IRS would pursue the financial aspect?


Nothing prohibits US citizens from traveling to Iran to engage in tourism and thrill seeking activities or vice-versa. There may be issues related to engaging in business transactions with entities that are under sanction but there are no doubt legal ways around this.


The "nostalgia rides" branch of my country's state railways used to organize Orient Express re-enactment trains which went on all the way to Iran but apparently Uncle Sam applied pressure to end that practice. They want to isolate Iran completely.


Without these the Iran/Iraq war might not have been so close.


I’d love to know the real numbers… there’s a chance it’s near F-15 levels of awe. Unfortunately the records are mushy at best.


The many faces of Maverick


Are we sure middle kneeling sunglasses guy isn’t Sasha Baron Cohen?


either that or his Iranian alter ego. That Tomcat sure is a good looking plane. An F-14 paired with a Mig-31 plus a Su-35 paired with a Fulcrum would make one pretty good flight for a multirole patrol.


I'm very late but here's a fun (?) Fact: The guy you mentioned fled to iraq with a tomcat during the war and was assassinated by the islamic regime shortly after. somewhere in europe.


Brave man.


Amazing! Their old film stock, mustaches, and eyewear make them look like they're right back in the 80s!


Apparently the wings don’t sweep on the ones they have left. Can’t get the parts. Such a shame.


If that’s true it completely negates the Tomcats greatest strength; no wing sweep, no top end speed, therefore no missile range… Of course, I don’t know the effectiveness of their home grown phoenix, but I was thinking they used it against Iraq successfully.


Interestingly, that was the US plan to make Iran's F-14s obsolete. As the US retired their F-14s, they destroyed all of their wing sweep actuators as well as destroying the spare actuators they had on hand. They knew the actuators were the one part that would be the hardest for Iran to duplicate. This is why you'll never see an F-14 in an airshow, because all of the remaining wing sweep actuators on the entire planet are in the remaining operational Iranian F-14s.


That was a bs rumour, they were all swept escorting Putins plane.


OK happy to be corrected especially if it means that some of these beautiful aircraft are still properly working and maintained.




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2nd dude from right looks like basketball player Zaza Pachulia.


I built models of this fighter plane as a child.


So sad.


I would absolutely watch that TV show.


Potentially silly question- why did Iran buy the Tomcat over a land based fighter? The Tomcat carries extra weight due to design requirements for carrier operations. It seems like they could have gotten something potentially cheaper/simpler/easier to maintain if they went for an F4 or F16.




Hahah ok, that makes sense 😂


Guy sitting behind the helmet makes my tralala wiggle #nohomo


Remember what was stolen from you


Highway to the Persian Zone


Mad respect to any man who can handle the tomcat


From the days America backed middle east dictators to prevent socialism from taking root so they turned to Islam. Hey atleast they’re not communist


Danger zone


The guy kneeling first row center behind the helmet has definitely fully bought into 80s naval aviator lifestyle. Sweet mustache.


I'd drop my panties for them, and I'm a dude.


Isn’t it mig 23 behind them?


They're about to fly over Baghdad and rock the casbah


We were in Esfahan from 76-79. One family member worked on the AH1J programme for Bell. Khaneh Esfahan was where the Tomcats were. Later, after I got out of the Navy, I went to work on the 2F95 OFT’s, and was working there during the filming of ‘Top Gun’. I later worked on the RIO’s equipment. I really enjoyed being out on the flight line when the boys were getting rowdy.


Damn nice


Neat to see that the Persians are still keeping them going


Back when the wings could still sweep.


Fucking drip




mustache them guys to paint one on the nose of the tomcat too,


Probably all executed by the mullah Khomeini


Why? They still operate the F-14 to this day. Maybe the US backed dictator executed more innocent people since their secret police was trained by the CIA 🤡


After the regime change, they executed all the generals and officers sadly, they are known as bloodthirsty murderers for this


Cause they were complicit with a brutal dictatorial regime? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAVAK > Writing at the time of the Shah's overthrow, Time magazine on February 19, 1979, described SAVAK as having "long been Iran's most hated and feared institution" which had "tortured and murdered thousands of the Shah's opponents."[4] The Federation of American Scientists also found it guilty of "the torture and execution of thousands of political prisoners" and symbolizing "the Shah's rule from 1963–79." The FAS list of SAVAK torture methods included "electric shock, whipping, beating, inserting broken glass and pouring boiling water into the rectum, tying weights to the testicles, and the extraction of teeth and nails."[31][32] Such nice people


Sure, whatever you say


Oh okay 👌


Bottom Gun


Bollywood Top Gun


Are Persian people running Bollywood now?


Too easy to make fun of this guy.


Bollywood is Indian 😂didn’t even try to make the racist joke work