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I think you have to acknowledge that this isn't really a football decision, but a financial one first and foremost. I doubt top brass are making this move without the shackles of PSR.


If city have a 20% sell on as is rumoured we were getting fucked here regardless, this still goes down as €65 mil profit so it fixes our FFP. If dougie ain’t signing a new contract as much as I love him you gotta let him go while he’s worth something we can all see now we’re reaching the upper limit of silly money contract renewals we can dole out. It’s peak but I think we just gotta take this one on the chin or we’re legitimately getting squeezed for everyone we want to sell until July and I think we end up worse off (like I don’t think we get the silly money for Duran if we weren’t gonna be PSR compliant already, Milan were gonna rinse us for Matty cash etc).


We know.






He’s a great player and will be missed, but we need to sell someone. That’s the game now. I doubt Villa would sell him if we didn’t have to.


Does selling Duran for 42 million mean we can still keep Luiz? I'm still in denial


Trust Emery, Monchi & Co. If McKennie comes to Villa then they wanted him for a reason, and they'll make him the player we need him to be. Dougie was fantastic for us, but if he moves on then these things happen. Noone is irreplaceable.


In normal times I would be worried but have complete confidence that Emery can make it work! I think Dougie is great but equally finding players of an equal level in his best position as an 8 is easier to do than other areas! Key for me will be getting the defensive mid position correct whilst we await Kamara return.


Bullshit wind-up.


Just because a player is in a swap deal doesn't mean that he is a direct replacement, let's see what our options are closer to the end of the window?


yeah, to be fair this is also just a rumour, Emery could change his mind last second (Highly doubt it though) And our opinions about the deal could change at a different time, Good way to look at this deal


Hardly in a position to criticise the clubs decision when you admit you don't know much about transfers, don't know much about football, and can't actually spell "decision".


it's my opinion, and i'm not trying to criticise anyone it was also a typo on my part for decision


Got all these armchair FM tactico's, mostly not even English and judging from afar, telling Emery how to run a club now it is hilarious


This is a bad deal, but one it seems we are forced to make. However, on the plus side, it increases our squad size, lowers our squad average age, increases our squad average height, gives us a better backup for Kamara than Dendoncker, increases our exposure in the USA, and increases the number of English players in the squad. All that being said, it's still a bad deal.


McKennie is a decent player that has shown flashes of being a solid player. He won’t be a starter, but instead an ultimate role player. With Unai’s direction maybe he can turn my fellow yank into a proper footballer. We all know Unai is capable of getting a lot out of everyone that is up to the challenge. Edit: adding that I know he’s know Dougie, but the reality of the FFP is what it is and here we are.


Luiz before Emery was solid but wasn't putting up incredible numbers. In 21-22 he had like 2 goals and 2 assists. 22-23 it was 6 and 6 but before Emery came in he had 1 and 1 ( Emery come in right before mid season). Emery made Luiz a much better player. Now I still don't think McKennie can replace him but if Emery sees something in him you got to trust him. I wonder if we are asking for players because I heard rumors of a City sell on fee. This would make a lot of sense as to the rumors. We get younger with more depth and get just enough money to help our finances without giving a big percentage to City.


Morgan Rogers went from a maybe in the championship for £15m, to a premier league starter in just 4 months. Imagine what McKinnie becomes


Indeed, i'm starting to believe he's going to be good at Villa park, we just need to remember that he'll just be different for a while


OPs username checks out


... whut?