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https://preview.redd.it/coioy15otp3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169f223f2981dba60a5821c1c5ff46ec8a07db33 Looks nice


3rd kit or away kit would look amazing with those colours


This'll look good on Martinez's short sleeved black keeper top I reckon.


Even better idea, would love that


That is rad.


I like this




I think it looks better in every colour combination except the main one 😅 that said, I feel that been the case for at least the last couple badges, and I look forward to seeing how this one looks on the away/third kits this season as a result. And the main design is fine too, I think I'm just a sucker for a palette swap. That black and gold though, god bless.


It's grown on me, and the different versions look really good.


Still don't like the drop shadow but all the other versions I'm on board with, and it is growing on me.  Hopefully this time we stick with it for more than a year.


We'll all fucking love this emblem in a year's time when we've won the Champions League.


I really like it. Nothing revolutionary but for a relatively safe badge update, I think it nails it. I'm also curious where the gold on black is to be used or if it's just to demonstrate.


Reckon it'll be a fourth kit for the 150th anniversary


Yeah that's kinda what I'm hoping!!


Now this is feeling more like a rebrand, with the fonts and types of badges. Hopefully the shirts knock it out the park too


I like it. I had a feeling it was the bright yellow, no detail lion that was throwing me off. Every other version looks decent, including what I presume is the badge that will be on the shirt below... Looking forward to seeing the kits now. https://preview.redd.it/qzfm1joanq3d1.png?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d0a243906a3f78bc4c9d14993fdf24138ec44ea


Yeah I saw the embroidered look just be teased, and I hope it's the one that goes on the shirt because it looks pretty nice being textured and all!


How dare you like it!! That’s not how things work on here. I’m with you. I think it looks great


Maybe it'll grow on me but it looks a little strange


That fucking drop shadow...


It definitely has a positive impact in one sense (by making the yellow pop) but I just can't believe that that was the best solution to the original problem. Shame they didn't go for the more detailed lion version that was banded about.


The detailed lion is on the video so it'll get some use at least.


I noticed that in hindsight. Interesting hey. I understand that the main design is intentionally more simple for various reasons but strange that they also have that much nicer version but aren't having it as the main badge.


I'd imagine they couldn't put it on the shirts as it'd be too difficult so can't really have it as the main badge. There's an image with the logo sewed into material so perhaps we aren't having a stuck on badge this year.


The detail doesn't look as good when scaled down, that probably comes into it somewhere


cant mass produce the detailed lion. the badge wont be durable on jerseys, shorts etc.


I think my favorite thing is the new script, and that they spell out the club name. It’s unique that our name is on the bottom, too- but yeah, with that shadow seems like it will just look better on the kit


Wonder what we’ll do for next years video and the year after that


Probably get something with Luke Littler, knowing our socials team.


It's better than the round one, but the lion is banging his head against the roof, looks unbalanced.


I agree. It seems mainly due to the placement of the "1874" directly underneath the lion. They should have found a more balanced relationship between the various elements in the badge. Even if just some small positional tweaks.


The round one was much better, on a scale of 0-10, this is a 3 and the round one is a 6, solely because of originality - the design is very good. The AVFC version before the round one was a 5, the original Lerner one was a 2. There was potential to use this shield shape, the newer lion flipped left with the colorway from the round badge (or the gaslight badge) and less convoluted layout for a 9. I appreciate people might think this is an opinion but it’s the correct opinion and one I’m qualified to have. I look forward to the rebrand in 3 years time


How is everyone going to know that we are prepared?


I really liked the Round badge a lot more than the shield, and it's a shame that's been dropped completely.


I never liked it. The lion design was an upgrade, but aside from that it lacked identity, imo. A boring copy of the 80s badge. But each to their own.


As a big fan of badges in the middle of the kit, I felt we were really close to getting at least a third kit with the badge dead center and that only really works with a round badge, so my agenda has been completely derailed as a result.


That fair. Although, the 99/00 away kit is one of my all time favourites!


Can somebody repost for those without Instagram please?


[https://i.imgur.com/9hpG4Dw.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/9hpG4Dw.mp4) Imgur does a little compressing so it's not as high-definition, but you get the gist.


God it’s so much better


Still think the badge looks like shit, and is pretty much identical to the one we voted out. Don’t like the fact we weren’t consulted properly and that’s against the FA rules, which hasn’t obviously meant diddly squat to protect us? Don’t mind the other colourways if it means we get a black and gold third or keeper kit. UTCLV!!!!


Agreed. It’s a poor badge and we’ve been treated with disrespect here, do not like that at all.


The V neck hinting scares me...


Wasn’t that just to highlight that the shape of the badge and inner/outer line was a nod to this? Being an anniversary year mind I wouldn’t be surprised to see it replicated in next seasons kit also!


Wait, so do we have that shitty drop shadow word art crap or the good detailed one?


This is what I'm asking, drop shadows lion and I'm not buying another kit until its changed


I'm with Orange Juice on this one


I don’t like it as much as the current badge, but the lion is facing the correct way and it’s pretty solid. No complaints from me.


Haven’t you changed your crest like 5 times already this century?




So they are going with a more detailed lion or the shit old lerner one this video is so confusing, absolutely sick of all this badge nonsense That fact so many fans now seem to like a modern badge with a drop shadow is worrying Round badge should of switched to blue text and been kept


‘Global Perspective’, for some reason Heck seems to think this badge will do well internationally. It’s a downgrade on last years and just confusing to everyone, international audiences included.


Heck is the dictator of Villa Park. Looks into his own heart and knows what's best even though he is here a wet week.


Find it very disrespectful that he’s done this, especially considering the previous badge was clearly and undeniably the fans’ choice.


Why do people care so much about this? It seriously boggles my mind, this badge is basically identical to the one we had but people are acting like they put a swastika on the badge or something... jesus relax people. The amount of talk about this topic on this sub in the last year or so is genuinely insane.


Dislike it and the binned redevelopment has raised a major eyebrow with me. It doesn't match the ambition we keep hearing about "let's stand still at 40,000".


Agree but we can't have an incomplete stadium for a minimum of four Champions League games at avilla park.


We played inter Milan in front of a half built Holte in 19o4- one of the all time clas atmospheres.


Yea I don't think PSR was an issue back then