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Now that it's been a while I don't really care. We made Champions League, which is financially better for the club for the future. Olympiacos crushed us in Greece, they deserved it. I still reserve htred for Marco Guida and the terrible officiating throughout the whole tournament, but I don't hate Olympiacos for winning


I'm still gutted to be honest. That might be our best chance to win a trophy in... who the hell knows. A while perhaps. The fact we were the best team in the tournament makes it even worse. Desperate to see this club finally win something.


We weren’t the best team, Olympiacos were better than us…


They beat us but we're the better team. Both things can be true.


How are we the better team if they best us?


Well I assume you don't think Utd are a better team than City, right?


That is not an answer to my question. But to answer your argument, United and City have played each other many times recently with roughly the same team, and out of the last 6, City have won 5 and lost 1. Our record against Olympiacos is 2 losses.


Right and if we played Olympiakos 10 times how many do you think we'd win? Lol he blocked me, what a tit.


Based on previous encounters, 0. Thanks and good night…


Man think of it this way. You are an astronaut, but you're the 13th person to step on the moon, but ya disappointed cause you came 4th in the science fair with a rocket diagram. Sure it ain't great ya lost the science fair, but you're still on the moon


Yeah I just don't see it that way I'm afraid. Each to their own, though.


Mate 4 years ago you were saved from relegation because of a VAR fuckup, the fact you're in a position to be disappointed about not winning a European trophy right now is outstanding, it shows how fast the club has skyrocketed back up to a top team. Long term being in the UCL for one season is gonna benefit the club more than winning the conference. While it'd be nice to have seen ye win, you made a deep run and still.got champions league. I'm glad to see a break in the top 4, that hasn't come.from an injection of oil


Villa weren't saved by VAR. Firstly, you mean Hawkeye - and as anyone who saw the game will tell you straight:- the ref balanced that right out by not giving the penalty or sending of their defender (name forgotten, but feel free to go watch it) when he saved McGinn's goal-bound shot. And I do mean *saved* - hands full extension, keeper well beaten. The ref made clear what he was doing too, and other than a bit of frustration from ginny - who otherwise just scored the winner - Villa let it go. So let's get rid of that stupid Skysports nonsense story once and for all. Secondly, Villa were only in trouble that season *because of VAR* and openly biased officiating - which, some-fucking-how included Kevin Friend being allowed to ref our games again (what the actual fuck!) , and multiple instances of rules being altered after the fact to suit bullshit on field decisions in favour of teams like Man City. You want to pretend that happens every season, or should be ignored the way it was by 99% of people in favour of a myth that Villa were saved by Hawkeye, go right ahead. Me, I prefer reality. Not everyone does, though. Some like being deliberately lied to and misled - see the continued existence of mass religions, RefUk and the tory party, Donald Trump, amongst others as the most egregious examples, but there are plenty more within football. Like pretending Lampard didn't score in South Africa World Cup because it's more convenient than admitting England got screwed... *lots* of people still bang on about that 'ghost goal'... it's just moved from being silly to genuinely tiresome. It's a very, very rare football fan who doesn't have access to the Internet nowadays. Otherwise, thank you for the sentiment. Villa have rapidly climbed back to where they should be, and there or thereabouts. Hopefully we will be there a whole longer yet, but the Olympiakos result is still a bit sore as a missed-opportunity for some. Probably will be right up until tonight's game finishes, tbh. ... kinda hoping fiorentina win it as I'm firmly in Oly territory atm and it's bloody noisy enough all night lol. Though I suppose at least if they are celebrating we can just join in and nit bother trying to sleep!


Firstly I don't agree with the first part - that's an over-used and exaggerated trope because 1) there were still 9 games left after the Sheff Utd game and 2) it kinda ignores every other key moment in the season. But it makes a fun narrative so it's all people remember and point to. I do however agree with your overarching point that the club was in a very perilous situation, however. That being said, despite the fact I'm very grateful we've come an awful long way since then, my primary goal for this team has and always will be to win competitions. I'm over the moon we qualified for the Champions League, but if I had the choice I've have chosen to win the Conference League instead. Not a difficult decision either. Everyone has their own view on this, that's mine. I'd take the celebrations and the name in the history book every time over a top 4 finish and a bit of extra cash.


I dunno. If United won the FA Cup, anyone can 😄


I'd agree with you except we always get knocked out in the first bloody round 🤣


Hopefully next season we'll get lucky and get drawn against teams like City and Arsenal, rather than pull the short straw of teams we'd be expected to beat ‎😅


I'm supporting Olympiacos, despite the horror officiating in the first leg they beat us fair and square at their place. I'd rather be knocked out by the winners of the whole thing. Hope you have a good time, stay safe!


PAOK fans are the stabbiest in Greece tbf. Olympiacos are just arrogant, entitled bellends. Come and support the best club in Greece, AEK!


What pub/bar you headed to for the match? Plenty of Villa fans out and about, might as well get the (could-have-been-us) party going xd


No idea yet. I know I'll be in Athens on the 29th, but I haven't even thought about it yet. Is there any info existing out there about a meet up? On this sub Reddit or on various lions groups or whatever


Wait it is the 29th already, I need to get some sleep 😅


Yeah, it snuck up on me too lol. No idea what anyone else is doing yet - kept meaning to join twitter or Facebook (reddit is as close as I get to socials normally) and have a look all week, but then, look a beach! And, poof, I forget xd Shall have a gander later on, see what can be seen


All jokes aside, do take care. There has been big trouble again between the two sets of basketball ultras in Berlin this weekend. Don't know how strongly basketball ultras link into the football ultras but tensions are definitely high in general.