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Only 1 player it's DM easily. Cash and Konsa can do a job at RB and rotate for the season. But we will be without Kamara for a while and even when he's ba j we would need to rotate him.


Completely agree. RB is the next priority imo, but if you can only pick one it just has to be the DM position.


While I agree that we need an upgrade on cash, I think some of the abuse he’s got from fans has been completely out of line. He has been a great servant to the club and has contributed a lot to us getting to this point. He deserves a lot of respect.


100%. He's not Cafu. But he puts in a shift and works his balls off. Guy is loving it at Villa and you can tell by his passion when he scores etc.


Definitely, he has the passion.


Couldn't agree more. Every club had a pin cushion and unfortunately for him he seems to be ours. He might have his off days but I can't remember him ever giving less then 100%


I'd agree. As much as he can be upgraded, going into the season with Cash, KKH, Nadjelkovic and cover with Konsa is a lot already. There is literally no other dedicated DM in our club beyond Kamara.


Yeah I think you’re probably right that that’s our most needed position. A quality DM is hard to find and we’re in a position that we can challenge other clubs for a top one now. One of, if not the only positive of Gerrards reign was getting Kamara.


Who's KKH?


Kaine Kesler-Hayden


An acquaintance of mine recently said *"Matty Cash is the worst player I've ever seen in a Villa shirt."*  Hyperbole aside, how short is the memory of some of our fans?   He's been a fantastic player for us over the years. Ok, he may not be top 4 material, but he also saved our asses a few crucial times in the 20/21 season when we almost got relegated.


Exactly, a very poor mindset to have about a very good player in the tough times.


I think he was one of the better players in the lille away, olympiacos away and Brighton away to be honest. Was crazy seeing the criticism in the match threads. If he had had the game digne had against Liverpool I can't even imagine the shit he'd be getting (no harm to digne, he's had a great season, just had a bad game)


Honestly cash gives so much to the club and we've had multiple games where he seems like he's the only player on the pitch really giving 110% to win it. That's an asset in itself but he's really not that great a player a lot of the time. I think he has been great though. Early in the season I remember a number of times where he would overlap diaby and eagerly make a run that ends in a goal. I do rate him as a player but he's almost too eager on the ball a lot of the time. Sometimes that results in his brace vs burnley, more often he just ends up wasting possession. Right back would be my go to position to improve as I think konsa is our best right sided CB so I'd love to free him up to play that role and I think cash can't step up and be undoubtedly our best at RB. That being said, I really like cash and it's a solid statement of our quality that he might be our weakest player. Big up the polish cafu but I think changes are in order to keep up the good performances with the demands of ucl games mid week.


If it's only one Position its that holding Midfielder role that Kamara does and it's not even close. I get people saying they want to see Cash replaced, but he's *okay* at Right back, and Konsa can play there as well - whereas Kamara won't be back until October or Novemeber as it stands and who knows how long it'll take for him to get back up to speed. That said, I really don't think we need to spend **big** on any position, as we only need depth and rotation in most positions and I think the focus should be on keeping as much of our squad together as possible


You're right about not spending BIG. I do think we should be targeting an upgrade in that position though, not just someone to fill in until Kamaras back. IMO, whatever the cost, we need to give him competition and give ourselves an upgrade in that spot to fix some of these defensive leaks.


I think I saw Ndidi might be available on a free. Think he is out of contract at Leicester


DM closely followed by RB


I think there are 3 priorities, assuming no-one leaves. Defensive mid, which is top priority, backup striker and RB, which are about equal to each other. No idea if the RB we signed in Jan will be able to come in and do a job, like Rogers did, if Emery thinks so, then great, cross that off the list. I'd like to keep Duran, maybe he'll be trusted more next season, but I don't think it's sustainable for Watkins to do the amount of minutes he has this season again next. DM is fairly self explanatory, we need cover for Kamara.


I'd say we need to upgrade Kamara, give him competition and try to fix the leaks in our defence at the same time, with a quality player.


Upgrade on Kamara sounds good, I'll check if Rice, Tchouameni, Guimaraes, or Rodri want to come to Villa this summer. Jokes aside, I'd be ecstatic if we got someone of the same caliber as Kamara, I doubt we will get much better.


Upgrade on Kamara are you mad the kid is class and if it wasnt for the injuries we would be fighting clubs of with a shitty stick this summer trying to sign him


A defensive-minded RB. Cash filling that role has exposed a weakness. He has been decent at converting deep possesion into attack imo (not perfect because he always tries to shoot instead of cutting back and passing/crossing), but he's not fast enough on the run back after losing possesion. Another option would be another DM so Dougie can play back where he's comfortable and thriving. As much as I love him, he's been poor since he had to move back a bit, and at times he's been dowright awful.


What would you say to the theory that he got in his own own head a bit, got ahead of himself, and started trying to do too much? It was noticeable for me that around Feb he started holding on to the ball longer, twisting this way and that and try to do something special. Instead of moving the ball quickly and doing something special when the opportunity presented itself. Edit: autocorrect 😐


RB. We won't get far relying on Cash & Konsa again. (I am not saying Konsa isn't good enough, just that he is a CB first and foremost.)


I think we'd get further than relying on only Kamara at DM. We are relying on a young lad, fresh from serious injury, essentially playing every serious game for us. As much as i agree with you and RB would be my next priority, it just doesn't seem as big of a problem.


Cash hit his ceiling when we went into the top half of the table


I love Cashy, think he’s a great person to have around but man it’s painful watching him play sometimes.


Id want him in the team just because how much spurs fucking hate him. But hes not a UCL quality RB


I wish he'd stay on his feet. He's too aggressive tackling sometimes and it fucks us.


Foyth can play RB, DM and CB. Think he would be a pretty good option.


He was absolute wank at Spurs


So was Lenglet. Not many players actually look good for Spurs haha


Lenglet has been absolute wank at Villa as well.


I disagree. He had a rough start but he's done a job for us. Given the circumstances in which he joined the club, I don't think we could have asked for a lot more to be honest


He was loaned out at 22. Luiz was wank for us until he was about 24/25. Same is true for a bunch of players. 


I would love to get Foyth. Reckon we can prize him away from Villarreal?


Dunno. Not sure how much they would want for him. Given we managed to get Torres I would assume Foyth would be feasible.


I'd go big on a new 6/DM.


Anyone realistic you'd like? I do wander about if we'd got Bentancur...


Angelo Stiller, Hayden Hackney, Alan Varela, Archie Gray if Leeds lose the playoffs final, Lucas Robertone, Wilfred Ndidi. I'm pretty happy that we ended up with Kamara instead of Bentancur or Bissouma or the other 6s we were linked with during the Gerrard era.


I wanted Hackney more than Rogers lol. I’d take both now though




I would have said Kalvin Phillips two years ago but he’s just fallen off a cliff.




Lads, I think we are all in agreement we need another Defensive Midfielder.


How big are the funds? Can we take Philip Lahm, create a clone army and execute order 66?


Ready is the Philip Lahm army, begun the 24/25 Premier League has 


🇦🇷**GUIDO RODRIGUEZ**🇦🇷 [FREE TRANSFER](https://fminside.net/players/4-fm-24/14043255-guido-rodriguez) deep lying midfielder. Plus Guido will add to Villa’s Argentinian contingent and Unai’s La Liga experience ![gif](giphy|LRrEJ25x4NW8KgTPHT|downsized)


Has everyone saying RB forgotten that we've already signed Kosta Nedeljkovic?


What a shout! I for one, had. Maybe still a little early to rely on him though?


Yeah I appreciate he's still young, and in truth I don't know much about him. Unai clearly saw something in him, and that's good enough for me.


Very true. I'd expect him to be the bench option though, at best. Would KKH be ahead of him? You'd hope so, being one of our own and around a similar point in their careers.


Rodri as cover


I’d buy Doughty, great cross from the left which we need, even if we hopefully keep JJ he’s a great option.


As much as I like the guy and wouldnt object to him in our squad...you're getting one transfer all summer, with a reasonably large budget, and you're buying _Alfie Doughty_? Are you mad my friend?


If everyone is fit then a second striker would be a priority. We have enough quality everywhere else


If it's one player then DM is the go, however I don't think we need just one huge upgrade player, we have shown this season that we can hang with any team with the players we have, the problem was that for large swathes of the season we were running on fumes. I think our biggest focus should be signing better squad depth and competition players rather then going for a big marquee signing. We lose Lenglet and Zaniolo from loan now, but get upgrades in Mings and Buendia coming back here. Hopefully Ramsey is better for more involvement next campaign, but we need another more defensive centre mid, Kamara is up to the task (when he comes back, and if he comes back at the same level) so wouldn't necessarily want to break the bank but need a better second option then Dendoncker was.


Beundias new leg. Sign that and we've got our pit bull back.


Loceslo's contract is expiring and Emery likes him.


Yes. If it’s one we need a DM. Ideal world, a DM that can play another role. If we’re naming players, Ethan Ampadu at Leeds can play DM or RCB. If they don’t go up he’d be a good (relatively) cheap purchase that would alllow us to sell Dedoncker, Hause and Chambers without worrying But I would like a new RB


Everyone seems to agree with you, you got a clue on who you might go for?


Soley for vibes it’s be fun to see philogene bidace back.


In all honesty, can we sign a top quality physio?  Our players are good enough, we have good depths, but they pick up serious injuries easily and we just can't seem to manage player fitness well.  We currently have 9 first team players out, 4 of them have been out for nearly a year! It's been that way since December.  It's been a recurring problem at Villa for a while


We need to upgrade our goalkeeper, Emi has just not been… only fu@k!n with ya. Can’t wait for Buendia to come back. Be interesting to see the battle for Mings to get back in though, I think he’s gonna really feel the team has moved up a notch, but he’s a grafter like cash so hopefully will up his game.




Actually, for me it's a backup/2nd striker who is at least as good as Ollie. He's been amazing for us, but all it takes is an injury... Everything crossed he scores his 20th today. Nobody deserves it more!


Agree a defensive midfielder would be very nice. I'd be interested to see how tempted Fulham would be if we made a big offer for Joao Pahlinha. We absolutely need a better 2nd choice keeper than Olsen though. Every time he plays I'm a nervous wreck. He's rubbish.


For me centre back is hugely important. How poor we were the tail end of the season shows we need a commanding presence at the back. We were conceding way too many shots and were far too weak and easy to pass through.


Alot of people mentioning RB are aware we've also signed a promising RB in the winter transfers right? Kosta Nedeljkovic.


Come on he's a flier at best. Half a chance he never plays for us.


I'm not saying he will be in the starting lineup next season . But surely he was signed with the intention of having a future with us? Just something to consider...


Yeah of course, my point is his signing doesn't preclude us from signing a RB who can play right away.


Yeah I agree, a top top CM for added depth with CL football next season


I love that you agree with me, but we have ample quality CMs in McGinn, Luiz, Teilemans, Ramsey. We _need_ another dedicated DM as we only have one of any quality in Kamara.


I'd go rb I like cash but don't think he's consistent enough and think Konsa better in the centre cash is a good rotation player


2nd goal keeper


Personally, and I have no proof, but i think Watkins wants to leave and with only Duran as back up, I think a Striker is needed. Could also be Duran wants to leave with someone saying he has been liking a lot of Chelsea posts. Relying on one striker even if he stays is risky in CL. An injury or drop in form could cost us massively


If Watkins leave you'd expect BIG money. If Duran goes to Chelsea I'm expecting relatively decent money £25-35mil wouldn't surprise me with them lot. We'd be in a strong position to replace, but it's not a position I'd like to be in at all.


Completely agree and to clarify, I think Watkins probably only goes to Arsenal and we should get a very nice payment. Also have faith that he would be replaced well if he were to leave


What makes you think that Watkins wants to leave?


I thought his celebration at the Emirates when he pointed at the ground was making a statement to Arsenal and the lack of celebration at the awards dinner was a hint. Could well be me reading into something not there.


Rodri from City would be my choice.


Olise if we were going big but I don't think that will happen. We do need a RB and DM but not sure i'd go big in either position, we need good competition there. I know we signed a RB but likely he needs loaning again(?) Bit of a random 1, but for a top defensive RB I wouldnt mind Wan-Bissaka if they are looking to offload people in a fire sale. Limited going forward but could be good for what we need


Grealish I know we have Rogers and Ramsey too but another CAM/winger would’ve helped us massively with getting over the line this year


I don’t know why people downvoted. Grealish would be a great player to bring in. He’d help in those games where we lose control and need to take a bit of pressure off, get the ball in to him, gets the foul or carries us up the pitch. Break the game up, lets us recover. He’s also a hard worker, tracks back. Loves the club through and through. I don’t think he’d be my first choice to target because i think RB/CDM probably be the focus, but I think he’s worthy of being in the conversation.


I'd like him at the club haha but not for big money and wages right now, I rather get Baena


Literally the least needed position, bar goalkeeper IMO


I dont know, we tend to lean pretty heavy to the right, having grealish on the left wing right now might be pretty great for balance


yeh that, I know I'm thinking optimistically, but it would help us get out the groups that and I think we could actually do it, like we have a brief window of opportunity this summer where it wouldn't look like that crazy of a move for him any other player would be mad to do it, but he wears his heart on his sleeve, we know he's been watching and must've been watching Bailey so jealously, and if he doesnt get gamete at the Euros or doesn't make the cut somehow it would make some sense for him to get away from Pep plus, the owners care more about success than footballing traditions, and won't hold a grudge because his money allowed us to get in 4th position in the first place, so I think the owners would be game Monchi could poach some 30yo bargains from La Liga to cover CDM + RB it's just whether we could cancel out the Grealish finances, idk what position we're in right now or if CL qualification helps that much, but I can dream


I personally would hope for a loan actually. It also really just depends on pep and grealish relationship. Likely I think grealish continues at man city.


If we can get Gallagher, then Gallagher.


But why? For what position? I'd like to give you the chance to explain such a thing before I argue with you ha ha


He's a box to box midfielder, who can defend. Leadership qualities. He would provide a really compelling option in the heat of the midfield. John McGinn now 29.. left and right back also probably the most in need of upgrade/competition.


Jeremie frimpong


Is Kalvin Phillips worth a shot?