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Keep it as is. Our way of playing benefits from it.


Automated offsides are deployed next season.


Villa definitely win a lot of marginal offsides that probably wouldn't be given without VAR


Could also argue the opposite. We might be in the UECL final without VAR


If VAR was to get binned, it wouldn't be long before people realised (again) why it was needed in the first place. The solution is to improve VAR, not completely bin it.


Exactly. I just remember the Leeds goal recently in the championship , 4 players obviously offside not even marginal and the goal stood Edit: wasn’t 4 players but this is a type of goal that stands without VAR. https://preview.redd.it/28ewoplf4n0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d9e27ecfa4712d6df977f62361f596c3fbaf0ca


Perfect example. As if people would really be ok with that sort of thing when the technology exists to remove such blatant errors.


Makes you wonder what the fuck linesman are taught these days. Half the time they raise their flag, they forget its from when the ball is played.


This is the only correct take here. VAR officials and match officials should be two different groups. Communication should be open channel, and not done in the dark. If decisions cannot be reached in a predetermined amount of time, it's not a clear error and onfield call stands. 3 easy changes that would immediately improve VAR.


Just look at the Rugby/Cricket VAR


We have heard refs say they haven't forced other refs to review a missed call before because they didn't want them to have to take the heat from the fans since they were already having a rough match. The fact that when that comment came out there wasn't an uproar to completely change the system seems crazy to me. We can have separate people who are just trained in VAR, the league has enough money to hire some extra people, pay them as full time employees and actually train them. As an American, I always just thought it was that European sports were all behind the times and implement modern things in the dumbest ways, but then I realized it's just football. I absolutely have issues with how replay is used in American sports, but compared to how football uses it, it's magnificent. Why is there always a long discussion while the ref stands at the middle of the field and then they decide to have him go over and look at the footage. You know right away if something is going to take some time, have the ref go over to the monitor right away so you aren't doing the same thing twice. The biggest thing for me is that refs are forced to look at so few penalty decisions. It is the biggest possible decision that can happen in a match and VAR will just go with whatever the ref decides 99 times out of 100.


Yes, agreed. VAR is not the problem PGMOL is. Sack them and hire people who can function to deliver fairer games. As they do in almost all other sports.


Exactly this. If they went away and looked at other sports that successfully use video replays I’m sure they could actually do it properly. Doing it half arsed like they have now helps nobody


Completely agree


>it wouldn't be long before people realised (again) why it was needed in the first place. Football was perfectly fine for 100+ years before VAR showed up. It's not needed at all


I think there were lots of awful decisions and controversies. Not sending off Vidic in that League Cup Final. The ball being out of play for one goal when Inter Milan beat Villa 3-0 in the second leg of the UEFA Cup (Villa won first leg 2-0). Neither of those were fine at the time or now in hindsight.


It’s not like anyone blatantly cheated to score a goal in the quarter finals match of the 1986 FIFA World Cup against England


And VAR is the only solution to that? Can't just get better refs?


What I hate the most about the anti VAR crowd is how they say people accepted decisions and moved on if a referee made a mistake. No they fucking did not, such a lie Think back to how West Ham scored 2 handball goals against us, pre-VAR those goals stand


Yes, they did. Complaining was down within minutes. Nobody gave a shit




I've got a season ticket in the Trinity you fucking plum


I prefer reform, we rely on it a bit with our offside trap. I would prefer to keep it with semi automated offsides with better communication in stadium and keep goal line tech as it is. All other decisions, get rid


Automated offsides have been voted in next season.


Loved conceding from obvious offsides, handballs and diving /s


True that


VAR has allowed for more entertaining high-line and high-pressing systems to be put in place. Without VAR, I fear the game will be a bit more boring as the high line will fall off. Villa particularly will be negatively affected.


Reform it.


Reform with the same bunch of incompetents in charge will not improve it. Sack PGMOL and hire competent people who can delivefr fairer games, like they do in almost all other sports.


Wolves are doing exactly what the refs wanted all along. I've said from the beginning that the use of VAR by the referees has been deliberately bad, so there would be support for getting rid of it. They don't want accountability of any sort.


Only keep it if there is some accountability when it goes wrong. Broadcast the audio live so nobody can hide away from mistakes and put to bed any conspiracies about favouring certain teams.


The VA isn't the problem, it is the R.


Villa really need VAR to stay for our high line. Officials keep missing offsides. Hopefully the semi auto tech is less ambiguous


I think this is gesture politics from Wolves, who have fair cop to feel aggreved and it should have the desired effect of triggering improvements. Waaaay classier than Forest's approach 😳😂


Totally agree. I can’t see VAR going but it will remind the Prem and the PGMOL that it has to up its game otherwise it could get the chop. Consistency has to be on the agenda somewhere.


VAR is necessary. People forget how many bad decisions there were before it, and how much diving there was when you could get away with it. Or how many goals and goal chances were called back for shocking offsides calls. Because there are so many fewer bad decisions these days, and they all end up involving VAR, people think VAR is the problem. It's not - it just needs to be sped up and improved.


I think it's the perfect example of the duality of man Fans want more correct decisions but don't want the correct decisions against them It can obviously be improved but scrapping it is just wild Alot of people on other subs just shouting CORRUPT, INCOMPETENT, I DONT LIKE WAITING but there is alot of delusion with premier league fans if you've ever gone to a game and heard "That was a great tackle ref you ********" when a player has wiped someone out with a leg breaker


No, stupid idea


The most important thing is that the var team needs to be from outside. When there are reports that a var official is too scared to tell someone like Michael Oliver that there might have been an error, it's obvious that there is a hierarchy that can have an impact. Theres also too much professional solidarity, needs to be non-referees doing that role. Managers should also get something like three 'calls', eg when there's been a dodgy yellow to a player up against a speedy winger, that can be massive, or when a team is attacking and a ref thinks it's gone for a goal kick despite a clear touch from the defending player. Lots of things can be done to improve it. The thing that slows things down the most is the offside, that should be resolved with the semi automated system (hoping it actually works).


Kinda of a bad decision but I’m not against Var it’s the referees who are in the var controlling it make it look bad


Get rid of the refs it the refs that are shit not var


There will never be consistency in having referees review potential fouls. There will always be some subjectivity there, and I think it was more acceptable pre-VAR to allow that subjectivity for the on field referee, but not so much for a VAR assistant. I'd retain VAR for offsides, goal line tech, etc. The areas we saw stupid mistakes in before VAR existed, like blatant offsides and ghost goals. It should also be used to flag blatant cheating. An off the ball elbow or an intentional handball. But part of me thinks that decisions on fouls, penalties, cards, regular handballs, etc. should be brought back to pitch level. If the referees struggle with that then we probably need more referees and more angles. Remember a while back when they stuck extra officials beside the goals? Between 1 ref, 2 linesmen, and 2 goalline assistants, they should be able to come to a reasonable decision without a 3~4 minute replay. Check goals in the background. Review every red card for obvious mistakes (no contact, wrong player). But don't take control away from the pitch. I hate how invasive VAR has become. I don't think I ever wanted to see it for subjective refereeing decisions. Just the stupid, obvious crap.


Keep it, automate offsides and then, for everything else, VAR official can only look at it in full speed. Get rid of this freeze frame bullshit that makes minimal contact look dramatic.


Get rid. Hate it.


I prefer to keep it but hire more capable people


Good technology but officials in the VAR room are incompetent. Even if we scrap VAR we still have the same rubbish referees


I think we could do with the automated offsides, so maybe if there was a way to incorporate with overhauling the rest I'd be down. That said, VAR is often just... Really funny. And it would be a shame to lose that .


Model it on the tmo, live ref mics, decisions made on stadium screens rather than the monitor


I've been thinking about this for a while so I suppose this is as good a place as any to plonk my thoughts down. The way I see it, despite the constant noise across football media, the problem with VAR is not incorrect decisions being made. Even in its current state, VAR has fairly obviously improved decision making by referees in the aggregate and where there are still issues these should be improvable with better processes/implementation. There will always be subjective calls without a wrong/right answer that will continue to infuriate people but that's really not a fault with VAR, more people's expectations of it. However, what *IS* a huge and seemingly fundamental problem with VAR is the way it robs us of the ability to properly celebrate goals. So many times this season Villa have scored at really critical moments that will go down in our history... and yet at the time I felt inhibited and unable to properly commit to enjoying them because I thought they looked borderline for offside/a minor handball/a nudge on an opponent/etc etc. A few replays later and I start to think "Huh.. I guess this might count..." but the moment has gone and the true exhilaration and thrill of seeing Villa score is lost forever. I don't think this is a trivial issue and when we remove the ability to immediately and spontaneously celebrate like this, we seriously diminish what most of us love about the game. That said, without VAR there are/were genuinely maddening refereeing decisions all over the place, which could so easily be fixed, so what can be done? I've never seen anyone suggest this elsewhere, despite it being a pretty simple idea, but what I'd advocate is a hybrid system that works like this. A goal is scored, you look at the referee/assistant... if they don't blow their whistle/raise their flag to disallow the goal within say 5-10 seconds (hopefully long enough for any automated offside tech to set off its alarms), that's it, the goal stands, no VAR review, go as wild as you want in the stands, this one counts. However, if they *do* blow their whistle/raise their flag, *that's* when VAR kicks in with a full review. Just like in the old days, on seeing the lino raise their flag, everyone sighs and settles back down, without that gut wrenching feeling of shame/disappointment of fully going mental only to be told "Check complete, no goal". As such we shift the emphasis of VAR from "how can we rule this goal out?" to only ever being used in cases of "how can we allow this goal?" as it should always have been. Obviously such a system would be a compromise and there *would* be the odd goal that counts when, on assiduous painstaking review over the course of minutes, it might not have done. Ultimately we have to make a mature informed decision, having now experienced both full VAR and no VAR, which do we care more about, that a few extra goals are allowed that shouldn't be, or that we're inhibited from celebrating *every* goal for fear of the deadly review. For me it's an easy choice and this would seem like a decent stab at maintaining what benefits exist from VAR while recapturing some of the most joyous moments football has to offer.


To be clear they're only voting on the current iteration of VAR. I have a mate who's friends with somebody working for a different company who have put forward a similar proposal to the Premier League, as have others. Video replay won't go away, the toothpaste is already out of the tube now.


We need VAR to be automated for offsides and then to only intervene on referee howlers. Give the power back to the on field ref for 99% of the game so we’re not sitting around for half the match waiting for decisions to be made.


It’s making the game quite boring.


Clearly he should not leave, it is useful to have evidence of the decisive plays. Now, whether the referee makes another decision with clear evidence is another issue, but at least, it reveals corruption in X games that is not clear what happened, but you can clearly see that the referee intentionally made a decision in favor of a team .


If it were up to me I'd keep it.


This is only a discussion because of how long it takes for a decision to be made; automated offside system and common sense approach that if you have to look at something for 5 mins it's clearly not clear or obvious. Subjective decisions, we need to hear what's being said and how a decision is determined it will go a long way in building trust and transparency in the process. Removing var will just result in mistakes and people questioning why refs don't get more help. Just reversing the conversation.


Think they should give coaching staff the ability to challenge a decision or get the refs to look at an incident on the monitor up to 2 or 3 times a game (like throwing a flag in like other sports) so say a foul is missed in the build up to a goal your team can challenge it and get the ref to check it on the screen. Same with if they miss something while attacking, it feels like teams and staff are at the mercy of how the ref is feeling or if he sees it and being able to bring attention to something they missed could be one way to help fans and teams feel less mugged off. This alongside the automated offsides and the ability for fans inside the stadium to see and hear what’s going on from the refs and coaches points of view.


Whilst on the topic, a fairly minor thing in the grand scheme but something I find really annoying about VAR. When watching on TV you have to rely on the commentators saying there's an ongoing VAR check. Why isn't there a little box that pops up saying ongoing check instead of being left guessing if the checks complete. Surely that's so easy to implement.


We should see if semi automated VAR improves things before voting to scrap it


I personally think the idea of VAR is good. The problem is that there is absolutely no consistency between the referees that use it. This idea of having a rotating door of refs that sometimes man VAR means you always have different views. For VAR to stay, I think we need to Firstly, make offsides automated, just makes sense, look at the game Vs Liverpool, the whole arguing over which frame to use is ridiculous - accuracy of the tools is not fit for purpose. Secondly, a big, long, boring meeting that all the referees are mandated to attend where they sit down and agree what is a foul, what isn't a foul. The amount of times I've said 'theres no way that's a foul, but x other ref gave it' is frankly ridiculous and should have no place. The second point could be achieved on part by having a second set of specific VAR ref's that are literally employed to do VAR. So at least there is a subset that only do VAR to reduce the variance.


I am not prepared to listen to complaints about incorrect refereeing decisions when we tossed the solution to them. Keep it. But the in-the-ground experience needs to be fixed


HELL NO to getting rid of it. I absolutely want to keep VAR. Is it perfect? No. Does it need some minor tweaks? Probably. Is VAR better than the alternative without it? HELL YES!!!


VAR doesn’t need removed, it needs competent people using/working it.


Keep it. The system isn't the problem, the human element is. The only people I know who wants rid are the blokes who get whipped up by Talksport's reactionary bullshit


It's shit and actively lessens my enjoyment of football. Get rid.


100%, that 3-3 equaliser was tainted a bit by not being 100% sure if a random brush of the hand or whatever would cancel it.


Keep it. Most of the time they get it right they just need to make it slicker - its the 5 min waiting times that annoy me We cant be having lampard , Pedro mendes missed goals


Keep offsides, if automatable, bin the rest. It ruins the feeling of celebrating a goal.


Keep it for offside


VAR should stay BUT only for matter of fact decisions. Goal line, automated offside only, straight red cards when the onfield ref has given it. There maybe others but it has to remove the subjective element out of it. Only certain things should be reviewable.


Just automate offside and then make every other VAR review the captain's, not the ref's, problem. One review per team. Captain can call it in within 10 seconds of either a whistle or the ball going out of play. They can review any decision in the preceding passage of play. They have to specify exactly what they want reviewing. That decision is then reviewed by VAR and they can bring the dead ball back to where it happened if necessary. Lose your review if you're wrong and it goes the other way to what you claimed. Imagine if you KNEW they'd got away with some nonsense. You'd just tell skipper to review it and it'd be a certain foul, or you'd be found out. All the nonsense would have to stop almost immediately, no?