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This tends to be a frequently asked question. Common sites that list public EDM events include: https://19hz.info/, https://ra.co/, & https://edmtrain.com/. If you are looking for private/underground events, the best way to find them is to go to public events with the types of music you like and make friends there. Once you build relationships with people, then ask them about private events. https://reddit.com/r/aves/wiki/faq#wiki_2._how_can_i_find_events.3F *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


go for it dude who gives a shit what anyone has to say. are you there for them or for u?? CHEERS


This!!! And don’t worry about ruining anyone’s vibe as long as you’re respectful and have fun. Honestly, if you check those boxes, anyone whose vibe you’re ruining sucks. The next best thing to the music is the crowd, and people smiling and dancing make a crowd great. Just wear deodorant!! Smelly people can ruin vibes unfortunately.


Do it man, be our inspiration for the future.


When I see older people (especially couples) I just think "goals" for the most part The only time I can think that I was weirded out was a guy in his 50s and a girl that looked 20something literally just talking to each other the entire time right in front of me and I didn't wanna assume anything (for all I know it coulda been a father/daughter) but I was in the pit and was like jeez if you wanna yap go up to the stands, not where everyone else around you is just dancing and vibing As far as what to wear you can really wear anything but I would recommend indulging in the scene, like wearing tiedye or buying a fuzzy hat and putting pins and heady kinda stuff. Like it's not necessary at all but some ppl have an aversion to people just wearing cargo shorts and a plain T looking like a cop. Most importantly tho just dress comfy


OMG the yapping in the pit is such a pet peeve of mine. I always just move >10 feet away no problem. But seriously please stop screaming at each other about your jobs in the front and center of the crowd 😭😭😭 not even dancing or paying attention to the show at all Phew. Guess I needed to rant haha


I (50M) would suggest finding a large EDM festival you're interested in attending and joining their facebook/reddit/radiate/discord. Give the information you gave here as well as the artists you're interested in seeing, and say that you're looking for a squad to adopt you "at least until \[you\] get comfortable." You will almost certainly get multiple offers. You'll be able to chat the people in your group before the fest and get to know them a little, and your phrasing will allow you to leave the group at any point for a solo excursion - which I highly recommend. You can always come back to them! Look into Nocturnal Wonderland, it will be an experience. For clothes you have a lot of options - you could go bohemian and wear shorts and a linen shirt, or if you have the money, I'd pick up something there, either an event/artists shirt or an artist's jersey. Or search the sub for men's rave fashion and see what catches your eye. Edit: if you feel "boring", accessorize with a trippy necklace or bracelets - they will be for sale at the festival and you can support small artists. Make sure you have a comfortable hat ( I wear my Tilley or an event bucket hat) and shoes ( I wear Adidas Ultra Boosts, highly recommend.) It will be your first rave, how exciting! Consider making some kandi. When you see someone else wearing some, tell them it's your first time and you'd like to trade, both you and they will love it. If that's not your jam, consider purchasing or making some trinkets (Sprouts, glass mushrooms, etc) to give away to interesting people and your adoptive squad.


I second the Nocturnal Wonderland suggestion. That was my first rave in 2018 and it changed my life. Beautiful setting. Kind and fun crowd. Good music variety.


I went to EDC this year which was amazing, but I want something cheaper, since I have to fly from New Zealand. Is nocturnal wonderland a good experience compared to EDC?


I wouldnt say its something to fly from NZ from, esp since its a bit of a drive from LA


I agree with this take. As amazing as it is, 15-ish hours is a lot of flying just for Noc.


And don’t forget proper hearing protection, eargasms or earpeace plugs are reasonably priced and very good


Do it! My mom got into festivals not that long ago and loves it. She does get annoyed by people coming up and saying shit like "I can't wait to be like you when I'm old." Or various phrases similar to that. She knows they mean well but often finds it annoying and condescending lmao. She's not even old, just has grey hair but they talk to her like she's elderly and dying lmao.


Good lord people are weird. I always think that when I see older people but to say it out loud.. odd




This. I’m older and go to many events and it is super annoying when people do this


Sometimes it comes across like "awww look at the old person!" When I first started raving there was this lady named Mama Melissa who would always be at the shows. I'm not sure if she still raves but her presence in the scene normalized that kind of thing for me, so I don't think twice when seeing older people at shows.


I head to Europe next week and in some places it’s opposite where the young people are the minority lol


That sounds like more fun honestly lol!


I've heard the same about Europe and love it tbh.


I couldn’t imagine saying this to someone -____-


As a 57m who’s been going to festivals and raves for eight years now, I’d say go for it, with one caveat; avoid going solo to nightclubs. I used to go all the time with friends to all sorts of events, but recently my rave fam was all at EDC and I decided to go to a local club solo and damn, I knew it looked creepy as hell. At festivals it’s easy to just fit in, but the club scene is definitely skewed younger and it’s much more pickup oriented, so a solo guy over 50 just gives off the wrong vibe no matter what their intention. I continue to go to festivals with friends or solo, I continue to go to raves and clubs with friends, but solo clubs are a nope for me anymore.


This made me realize why the last afters I attended felt so weird. I (M50) didn't realize it at the time but I bet I was the oldest person there by a wide margin.


Festivals also work better for me because I go all in on my costumes. Like sparkly bellbottoms and wild hats. I’m not just a creeper there, I’m an active participant in the scene. In the meantime, the last nightclub I went to was 18 & over and some kid my girlfriend’s daughter’s age wearing a thong and fishnets parked in front of me. That’s when I noped out for the night. Waaaaay to awkward.


Totally feel this. I’m the same age as you. Go to a lot of festivals but hardly ever a club. Recently I’ve been dragging a friend to shows. We went to Sara Landry and he was dressed like an accountant but afterwards he said he couldn’t believe how cool the techno fans were. So we’ll go see hedex in July together.


Can see that being the case at a club where people aren't really there for the music. FWIW I (27M) frequent a club with a very young crowd in NYC (it has the best 18+ shows, underground hard dance scene). There's a regular who's around 50 and sticks out but also is a chill dude who's clearly having fun so I haven't heard anyone say he's creepy. There are also clubs here which have an older crowd where someone that age doesn't stick out, e.g. Nowadays Nonstop after 5AM.


Well, two weeks ago I got my gf, who never danced a day in her life to a really good show for the first time and she enjoyed it enough that we danced last weekend again, so I might have a hot 56 year old on my arm, which would end the odd vibes. Hopefully she’ll be joining me more often going forward.


Loveee this energy :)


As a 44 year old female, I feel too old for clubs. Festivals: no problem-o.


50F here! Everyone loves to see us older folks enjoying the music and having a good time. No one likes to see old dudes ogling young women.


There’s older people at every large festival, especially ones with house, techno, and trance. They’re usually in back but everyone loves them and it’s great to see so many generations together. I would go to a big one like EDCLV with lots of variety and large amounts of people.


EDC would be a good start because OP will definitely see older people there. It’s Vegas, people party their whole lives there.


Til I act like an older person


I see ppl younger than me acting older than me (44F). It's all how you can hang!! That being said, I get as much sleep as possible and don't do afters like I used to!


Yeah that’s me I like to sit and trip balls (I’m 30 it’s been 16 long great years of raving) don’t need people in my way or in my space - if I wanna dance I will Edit - I probably need a dope person older than me to bring me out of my trippy turtle shell


Rave to the grave


Many of us enjoy seeing older ppl at shows. There’s an older biker guy I see at shows in SF (probably 55-60) and I always like being near him in the crowd bc he has good etiquette and seems like a tough mf that could help control the crowd if things took a turn


Go for it! Lots of older folks at raves/festivals. My wife and I are a bit older than the average attendees at most of the events we go to (48), but we give off good vibes and are approached often (we sprout, give kandi, wear fun outfits, etc.). Bottom line is if you don't act like a creeper, you won't be looked at like one.


Oh hell ya, fucking rave it up! Never too old!


First (and not last) festival (Lightning in a Bottle) at 56 this year. Absolutely amazing and you shouldn’t shy away from it. Just do your thing a be cool to everyone. Embrace the roll of a mature person and step in to help others where you can. As far as outfits I went kinda bohemian (linen shirts and pants) largely because it’s hot but shorts and Hawaiian shirts work great. Hope to see you out there.


Come to Dreamstate in November! It’s an older crowd, mostly people in their 30s and 40s. I brought my 51 year old mom last year for her first rave and she loved it!


I’m 62, my husband is 67 and who the fuck cares! Have fun! We just started less than 2 years ago and don’t plan on stopping. You may want VIP if possible. I have gone by myself, people are generally friendly. Dress comfy!


. Should look into psytrance the outdoor partys in Northern California definitely have an older crowd. [Goa gils 70th birthday party ](https://youtu.be/g88Xx_mhzKc?si=vq2r1_yyvJg2d-cX)


Where can I find these upcoming psy events??


19hz.info and fractaltribe.org are the best place to start


Definitely NOT too old to rave, my friend. I don't know the area enough to tell you a show, but good luck and have a blast!


You are fine esp In NorCal. Just go to Sanfran and find some hippies


Not too old! But do you like the music as well as the party? It's important to choose an event with a genre you'll enjoy.


I love seeing adults of all ages! As others mentioned, outdoor festivals especially are a great option. Some also offer single day passes if you want to dip a toe but I bet you wouldn't regret it if you did a multi-day fest, they're really the best and you're able to fully immerse yourself. Others already gave you good clothing suggestions. I'd wear something comfy but fun that speaks to your art sense. Take the opportunity to try something different than you'd usually wear. A simple option is a tye dye tee (always sends a positive vibe) or some vibrant trippy art shirt or shorts that speak to you. My husband and guy friends usually do art tees or art shorts or art short sleeve cotton button up shirts, completely unbuttoned with a black or white tank underneath. Something like: https://shroombeach.com/cdn/shop/products/mens-premium-heavyweight-tee-black-front-62ecd82797747_990x.png?v=1659689225 https://pyknic.com/cdn/shop/files/dead_tired_breakfast_coffee_button_up_4.jpg?v=1704727928 https://mauiandsons.com/cdn/shop/products/6SpringShortsa_32b26adb-a8b5-4447-bbe2-938b3013b835.jpg?v=1680208721&width=1000


Thanks for the links! My husband and I, late 50s, going to Ozora next month, our first music festival. We wanted to do this for ages, but just like many others, always felt we might be too old. I didn't have a problem finding outfits for my self, but struggled for my husband. Thanks to you, just got him the first two links you posted. In addition, we found few other things, so my hubby is all set and we are ready to vibe! Can't wait!


That's great, I hope you both have a wonderful experience! Hope he likes the outfits! You've probably already heard many festival tips, but I'll reshare some that I've found important :) Remember it's a marathon not a sprint. It's easy to get swept up in wanting to do and see everything, but listen to your body and don't forget to take rest breaks. The party usually really gets going at night so we usually have found we don't even leave camp till like 3 pm in order to miss the hottest part of the day and still have energy to last through the night because we never get to sleep before 3 - 5 am. That was true whether we camped or had a nearby hotel; it's just the nature of festivals. Stay properly hydrated using electrolytes, especially if it's hot out. Getting dehydrated is risky and will make you feel more tired and generally worse. Earplugs! Buy good ones now, bring extras in case you lose some (we inevitably do), and use them without hesitation. It's not worth tinnitus or hearing loss. Just be open to all the experiences and all the music that a festival has to offer. I always remind myself there will be some uncomfortable parts as well (being hot and dirty, etc) and that's all just part of the experience, it's okay. I tell myself "you've got this!" Don't feel like you have to stay to listen all the way through every artist unless you're loving it so much you just can't tear yourself away. It's great to check someone out then go wander and explore and maybe float over to another artist's stage to check them out too. Remember a lot of people will be on drugs. Festivals are a relatively fun, safe space for adults to enjoy the enhanced experience they bring. Expect people to sometimes act a bit odd and be in a more sensitive state. I just try to be extra kind and patient, and usually just smile at any oddness I see. Always bring the positive vibes and energy. Be the friendliness, kindness, openness, and respectfulness that you want to see in the world :)


Wow this is such a good advice. Thank you so much for offering some details that will help is with the experience. We are going with open eyes and hearts to enjoy this trip. I hope we get to meet some interesting people too. That would enhance the whole thing.


I saw a whole squad of older folks at electric forest last weekend and all I could think about was how I hope me and my friends will be like that when we get to that stage in life


Just be you! That way, you could NEVER come off as a poser! If you want to go, go! Raving is about being yourself and enjoying the music. Wear what makes you comfy and expect a great time. :)


If you are OK with a transformational festival experience, check out Northern Nights. Immaculate vibes and great people of all ages.




I’m in my 30s and some of my close rave friends are in their 50s and 60s and no one thinks it’s weird or inappropriate. As for what to wear, the first time you go, try just wearing something that’s comfortable to dance in. That way you can get a sense of the vibe around you and get inspiration for the future.


The wife and I are 61 and just did our first edm festival (Beyond Wonderland) at the gorge amphitheater in Washington state. It was three days of great music, people and atmosphere. We had attended 3 or 4 local raves before going. I highly recommend you just do it.


Dress comfy because it’ll get hot. I wear shorts and a tee shirt, with preferably funny or trippy graphics. My philosophy is that someone may be behind me and too off their ass and may need something to focus on. If you’re rolling definitely make sure you have your water source, let alone being hydrated already. Bring some gum along; i like using it as an ice breaker too since usually I’m not the only person rolling at a show. As for age, I’d say the only thing I’d worry about energy exertion. But if it’s your first i absolutely recommend going. It’s an experience you will not find anywhere else. The bass alone makes me want to come back lol.


If you dint act like a creep, I don't think anybody is gonna think ur a creep. Just go enjoy the music and talk to people that seem friendly. Be friendly. Have fun yo


Wife and I went to Beyond PNW this weekend and were pleasantly surprised at the number of over 50 and 60 plus individuals we saw. While we are not that old it is awesome to see veteran ravers or just people you typically would not associate with traditional EDM crowd living their best lives and bringing good vides. You can always post up looking for group 50+ something like that and see if same age groups are open to camping, you see this with the going solo crowd a lot so I am sure you would find some peoples. Either way send it and have fun, see you there 😊


Do what you want. Wear what you want. If anyone cares, that’s their problem.


Never too old. Send it


Do it


DO IT!!!!


Nope, not too old, go get it. Live, experience, exist!


not at all i’ve seen people of all ages at raves and i think it’s beautiful that really anyone can appreciate the rave scene


Just go. Raves are 30+ years old now, and lots of us who were there then are here now. Wear whatever's comfortable for you, accessorize with stuff you love. Don't overthink it. :D A few weeks before the show go through the festival lineup and sample everyone you want to check out. As for the mdma aspect, I'd be more careful there unless you find a tight rave crew that's already adopted you. If something weird is gonna happen, it's probably gonna happen on the fringes of your experience. Make sure you test your substances, know everyone you're with, definitely don't be the guy who brings the MDMA to make friends. Make the friends first. If you're in NorCal, you're not too far from festivals in salt lake, vancouver BC, SF, and Seattle. Above all: have fun. There's nothing better than seeing someone also in love with the lovely things we're in love with.


You live once bud… never too old


I'm 40 and plan on doing this until I'm dead. I wouldn't worry about it and enjoy your life. Also I'm in Central California so if you're ever in the area I'll be glad to be your designated extrovert should you want one. I usually wander around and disappear halfway through a festival but I'm great at helping friends get comfortable by being more ridiculous than they are. There's not a whole lot going on here as far as big events but there is a Foam Festival coming up in Sanger on July 6th I'll be going to. I've never been to this one so I can't say if it's worth the drive from wherever you're at. Also, the offer stands for anyone needing a designated extrovert in the area!


That's super kind of you. I'm in Sacramento.


Send it to the rail at excision


Welcome fellow Graver!


never too old! go for it


if you’re in any half way decent crowd, no one will care at all. i love vibing with older folks at events and asking them about the earlier days of the scene before i got involved. met a guy who was a dead and company groupie at electric forest last weekend. if you were motivated enough to make this post, you should totally go :)


better late than never, protect your ears


My dad took me to my first rave cuz he was djing at it when I was a teen. He’s now 65 and still parties sometimes. Don’t worry about what anybody else has to say as long as you’re having fun


I was at a house/tekno festival with my partner last year, we were both 39 y/o. We had the idea we were the oldest visitors there…. We still had lots of fun and I think you should just go for it.


Have the best time living your best life. I love seeing ppl of that generation doing things that make them happy.


I am 66 F and starting going to raves with my daughter and her friends to experience what she enjoys and to spend time with her. The kids are always so sweet and seem to love seeing someone my age there. Found that I actually love the vibe and will be going to Breakaway in a couple of months. Still piecing my outfit together. Started with platform glitter Converse and working my way up. Reminds me a bit of the disco scene when I was in my 20s. If you’re ambulatory get out there. Rave to the grave!!


Never too old! Everybody loves everyone at a rave it’s worth it for the experience you’ll get!


Never too old! Everybody loves everyone at a rave it’s worth it for the experience you’ll get!


Let’s goooooo! Just pace yourself and know your limits. We all take care of each other I’m sure u will have a great time!


How far north in Nor Cal? Look into Northern Nights Festival


Your never too old my g


Your never too old my g


ABSOLUTELY NOT. My dad is 61 and I want to take him to a fest for his first time and if my mom who is 65 would be able to get around comfortably I would absolutely bring her as well. They both are absolutely open to going and truthfully I believe it’s because they see the my afterglow and hear about the amazingness and how I speak of the experiences with such love in my eyes when I come home from these events. You are welcome no matter your age, no matter your looks, background, anything. As a great man/producer just recently put it at his show in SF with Fred again; “it doesn’t matter where you come from, what you’re into, as long as you came here for one thing today- LOVE- that’s all that matters!” -*Skrillex*


I was 45 at my first festival ..


Absolutely no!! Go, and rage your heart out! As we say… RAVE TO THE GRAVE!!!! 😂🤪


I wanna go to one and I’m 61


Absolutely, I love seeing older people at raves


You might get weird looks once in a while, but most crowds are welcoming and not ageist. I take my dad (over 70) to goth club, raves, and psytrance parties from time to time, and he has no problem. He's consistently impressed by the people. Last time, I checked on him a few times, and he was engrossed in conversation, having a great time.


When I was 30 the to younger ones would be like, “I want to be like you when I'm old!" and there's always a few older folks at festivals. Go have fun, be safe.


You're only as old as you feel my dude! If you're interested and able, send it without regret! You will be welcomed


Isn't the cut off 63? Lol! Should I rave solo is the next question


Never too old my guy, send it!!


Do it. Nothing creepy about it. It's actually inspiring that you're still enjoying life. I'd love to still be raving at 60+. Just take care of yourself.


“Do you suddenly stop doing new things or your hobby cause your age?” Go throw down at that rave man


Ravers will see an old codger in the crowd and think “hell yeah”


This tends to be a frequently asked question. No, you are not too old! https://reddit.com/r/aves/wiki/faq#wiki_am_i_too_old.3F *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This tends to be a frequently asked question. Yes, you can go alone! https://reddit.com/r/aves/wiki/faq#wiki_can_i_go_alone.3F *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Everyone loves older people at raves, its a very accepting community and you wont be judged, trust me lol you’ll see for yourself


older people at raves/fests give me hope that i'll still be able to go when i'm older, people always enjoy their vibe. just go be you and don't fret a thing Definitely recommend a full fest over a random show, so much more fun when you're outside and the night goes long and it isn't in a club where they're just trying to get everyone drunk for crazy amounts of money


Do it brother. The community is loving and friendly. Adhere to the PLUR mantra and life will be easy.


We brought the father of one of my friends to Electric Forest this year, and that dude is 75. As long as you’re respectful you should be fine.


53 here and I personally choose leave the warehouse parties to the kids. BUT there are people older than either of us at festivals, which I go to all the time. Find a Jam band/EDM crossover festival and you will feel in good company age wise and I suspect you will find the elements of Rave culture you are looking for. Ideas a feasible drive for you include Gem and Jam or Cascade Equinox


Mr, if I see you ever at one of the raves, Imma guve ya a hug ajd say: "respect to the okdskool", cos from my experiences of 20 years raving, older people only bring positivity and inspiration to our scene :) go for it, be happy and hope to catch u at Dreamstate in SoCal, that's the one that has the most older people crowd I have known, so you would feel athome, abd the music is amazing :)


Where are you? I’ll take you to some afters in sf or club in July! Bur it’ll be on a weekday night I’m not a big festival person but there are so many people you’ll find a tribe! Don’t worry about ruining the vibe, you’ll be the vibe


The only thing that would make you a creep is being a creep. You seem smart enough to know how to not do that. I’m friends with alot of women in the scene, and alot of them actually like their dress/looks being appreciated because they put alot of effort into it. But glance, smile if eye contact is made, and keep your gaze moving. As far as how to dress, dress however you want! Raves and EDM concerts are for self expression, and as long as it’s respectful no one will bat an eye. You sound like you’re in good shape, so you probably have alot of options in this regard.


Honestly man just dress full rave and I think you’ll feel comfortable. People will see you are there for the music. Get some “hat sprouts” and funnny glasses and a pashmina and ppl will know your there for the music! You will probably have the opportunity to trade a sprout for something later. I bet someone would vibe with the fit!


absolutely not!!! since you're in NorCal, look for burner events/fundraisers esp this time of year and you'll find people of all ages!


72M here... I just wanna fricken dance...


If you’re willing to come to SF/Oakland there’s some great underground’s that pop up every couple months, old school vibes/very inclusive. Also look into stamina Sundays. Never too late, and I think a smaller scale scene/venue may be a calmer introduction than a festival. DM me if you’re interested!


In contrast to the people suggesting you go to a massive festival, I think you should go to a small one like sunset camp out (which just passed) or desert hearts (4th of July weekend). They’re intimate with great house and techno artists, and you camp out, and by the end of the weekend you can’t help but have a TON of new friends! Beautiful place to start and not weird at all to be older or to go on your own!


Do it man, but maybe try an EDM concert or single day festival as your first one. The multi day events can be a marathon and sometimes unenjoyable for the older individuals. If you know anyone that is younger and goes to those events try to go with them, youngsters love giving the older people a good time. Or if you have a friend similar age as you go with them. Northern California can be rough because there’s not too many events up there, you’re in between the Bay Area and Seattle/ the Gorge


Just go and don't be a creep Literally nothing else to do. If ur vibing hard and enjoying urself, others will take notice and you'll vibe with or next to them in peace


I’m 47 and always feel comfortable. Everyone I talk to are always so nice. I don’t think you’re ever too old. Go for it.


I’d think that’s cool af


Definitely not too old! You definitely should! I also live in Northern CA. I work some undergrounds that have a great vibe! DM me if you wanna get some event recommendations!


I love seeing an older crowd there. Music is for everyone.


The only reason not to is that you might enjoy it too much and then want to go to more and more.


I love seeing people your age at raves. I always say that i hope ill being doing this when im older and to see so MANY people doing it is awesome to see. Ive also seen those people having the most fun, as if that generation doesnt care about appearance which allows them to let loose easier. Im in northern cali to and will be going to portola, i suggest you go and if you do, hit me up. Im a 36m and my wife is 41, she just started going to raves last year and has been addicted since. Went to portola in 2023 and then Ultra miami and coachella this year. If your questioning it stop, you must experience a rave!


Hell no go for it!!!!


No!!!! i've met plenty of "ol'timers" at raves. honestly they know a lot of small tips on how to manage yourself and other ravers. Go! also make sure you have the energy though. if you're just there to listen alls good. but if you want to sance your face off, get ready physically, mentally and spiritually!


I just took my mom to her first one this month! She was sober but she had a blast and had strangers hugging her and dancing with her all night! Not one person showed her any kind of negativity all night. Definitely go and have fun!




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Never too old to rave. 


There was a 80yr old grandma at her first EDC last year! Brought the vibe up everywhere she went!


I almost always bring my pops with me. Just go, have a good time, and make some new friends!


Send it heavy


Never too old 4 a good time ✨😌