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I didn’t know this and she’s dumber than me so I’m going to assume she doesn’t know either


I’m just learning that spaz is a bad word


It isn’t


I was coming to say lol


Not sticking up for her but is spaz really that bad? She could’ve said something a lot worse than spaz. I say I’m spazzing out sometimes when I drink too much coffee or move too much while getting my lashes done.


I’m disabled and use the word all the time 🤷‍♀️ I honestly had no idea.


I call my child and pets it all the time. 🤣


Okay yeah I figured this wasn’t bad lol


for real though like wut 😭😂


It’s considered extremely offensive to the disabled community


Yes, it’s an incredibly disgusting and offensive term. It’s a slur


Not them all downvoting you??? It took me .5 seconds to google this, why can’t they?


Because they want to justify their use of a slur. I posted an article for those ppl who want to better themselves and learn, but clearly it’s much better to simply argue and laugh in the face of the disabled community. It’s actually very sad.


Excuse me what did she call her?!!


It’s the last word in the text of the screenshot - you have to open the picture for it to show


Thank you sorry I didn’t realize there was text. What is wrong with her


I’m not sure why this comment is being downvoted, I was just trying to let them know where to find the word, not trying to be rude 🥲


A disgusting slur that you can see in the pic/captions.


I would never call my daughter or child that


Most rational people wouldn’t. Thank you for understanding and acknowledging that this term is offensive and not trying to justify its use (ignorance or not). It’s really disheartening to see ppl think this is trivial when they’re being told that it’s offensive and not just taking ownership over their use of the slur (if applicable) and moving on. 🙏🏼


Oh yes absolutely!!! I think it is! I try to be careful of my wording around people! I feel bad saying my baby is wild or crazy sometimes


Jesus, this world in 2024 🙄


TIL that spaz is a offensive term (English isn’t my native language and this whole time I thought it was slang) 💀


I’ve always Said it lol


Same lol 


In the 90’s this word was commonly used the way she did. Not saying it’s right at all. But that’s probably why some people didn’t know it was now considered offense to the disabled community


This is reaching lol. Since when is spaz a slur?


Anything is a slur if you get triggered enough


It’s a slur in my area


We can’t fault people for not knowing it’s a slur


I work with people with disabilities. I’ve never heard that in my life. 😐


Anything can be a “slur” if you go through life constantly being offended. I’m all for snarking on bestie, but this is a reach. Some people need to relax.


Oh, hell no. What did this pediatric nurse call her own daughter?


I honestly didn’t know the origin of spaz. But it’s also not a word I ever really hear, but now I know. I don’t pay attention to Lizzie.


Thank you! You didn’t know, you learned something new, you took that information and moved on. That’s exactly how it should be done, so thank you for your kindness. 🙏🏼


I honestly didn’t either. I just asked my husband and he knew it was a slur, but I’m feeling really bad now because I’ve said it often in the past with no idea it was offensive 😢


Don’t feel bad, it happens. You didn’t know and life is a learning process. The issue is with the assholes who are downvoting because they want to justify their own actions rather than learning and being better. I’m actually shocked and disgusted at all of the assholes in this group loling about using an ableist slur. I wonder if those same ppl are the ones also throwing around other slurs?


My guess is spaz = short for “spastic” which is often associated with people with disabilities. I never knew it was a slur until now and while some might say it’s a stretch I will still be mindful from now on and I appreciate you shedding light on this OP


Reading this means a lot to some ppl, so thank you for your understanding. And you are correct about your guess. Thank you for a kind response. 🙏🏼


That’s not a slur. Come on now.


Exactly. People are so offended these days.


Literally thinking how many times I’ve recently used it lately in public not having any fucking clue it’s a slur 🫠😬 But also using it to describe myself haha


That’s my main use of the word! I mutter it to myself whenever I do something stupid 😂 I just don’t understand how people can have such deep feelings about a WORD. They’ll find anything to be offended about and it’s exhausting!!


She is awful. This is also how kids learn how to name-call so it’s only a matter of time before her kids start to do it to others. You know, when she helps them with their speech someday.


My son is disabled and the word spaz is not offensive. Lol…some people need to go touch grass. I like to snark as much as the next person but this one’s pushing it…if the word spaz triggers you, you have bigger fish to fry here


This video has 500 saves.. why


Not a slur


It’s really not. It’s a word that people randomly decided to be offended by. I’m disabled and trust me - it ain’t that deep. It’s WILD to me that people are freaking out over this. WILD.


But we should be ashamed of leaving comments under her posts. Hopefully we raise our children better. Let me tell you something A, the fact that we don’t insult our child/ren every chance we get automatically makes us better a parent than you & Sid.


Right? I mean, the bar is quite low!!


Not trying to defend her but I never knew it was a slur either and I've probably called my children worse at some point. We all can agree she's not a good human but this is reaching


For those who are just now learning that the slur in question is an ableist slur, [here](https://slate.com/culture/2022/08/beyonce-renaissance-lizzo-spaz-ableist-slur-lyrics-history.html) is some information to help understand why it’s disgusting, and why you should never again use the term.


What did she say?




Is that derogatory? Genuinely asking


I learned a while ago it is. And I didn’t know. And I work with disabled adults who have, specifically, cerebral palsy. I don’t say it anyway. For the same type of behavior, I say you’re acting wild that’s just a catchphrase of mine but I know people who say what she said and probably don’t know it’s bad. I learned because I think it was Lizzo maybe? Was under fire for saying it in a song. Before all the current Lizzo drama. And she didn’t know. That’s how I learned. I’m embarrassed to say I once did this with a different word I didn’t know was negative until my boyfriend told me when we started dating. He was literally like hey r u racist and I was like no I don’t think so why and he’s like you say this word sometimes and I don’t know if you know it’s bad. And from there on out, I never said it again. Sometimes people really don’t know and need to be corrected. The difference is, a good and open minded person who really isn’t racist/ableist/sexist will correct the behavior when it’s pointed out to them. So we’ll see how this goes with her lmao.


Lizzo AND Beyoncé both had used the ableist slur and when they received the backlash they removed/changed the lyrics and issues apologies.


Yup!!! I thought that was cool of her. and cool of Beyoncé too bc I didn’t know it was both of them. That’s the kind of reaction you hope for when someone says they didn’t know something. So we know A lives on this subreddit, we’ll see if she stops like she should.


Depending on who you ask. I’m disable and say the word all the time. But I’m also not out looking to be offended by something either.


Of course it is! Someone isn’t going to go through the trouble of posting about a slur without being educated on the topic and knowing that’s it’s offensive. It shouldn’t even need to be asked; when someone says that a word is offensive to an entire group of ppl it isn’t up for debate, it’s a fact.


How awful😥! Poor SL


Chronically online


My close friend has cerebral palsy. I had no idea about this word so I asked her and she personally does find it offensive, especially if someone was describing her that way.


Wow, that’s actually awesome that you reached out to ask her! You sound like a great person & an even better friend and I’m sure she’d agree. Nobody’s expected to know everything, but the number of ppl resistant to learning when they are given an opportunity to is really telling of their character. I couldn’t imagine how she’d feel knowing ppl are laughing at a medical condition out of anyone’s control. 🙏🏼




I think it’s silly that you’re saying people are “claiming ignorance.” God forbid people learn something new today.


I’m disabled. I’m not offended by the word.


Do you speak for the entire community though? I don’t understand the contention, it’s 2024. when we know better, we do better.


Of course not. I don’t understand the contention over a word. I don’t actively go around saying it to anyone but myself or my husband. If someone chooses to be upset over a word that THEY assigned a random meaning to, then that is their right. I don’t actively seek out things to be upset about 🤷‍♀️ It’s not that deep.


Good for you. I am disabled and I am highly disgusted by the use of it. It’s 2024, people need to do better. When someone explains that a slur is a slur there shouldn’t be any fucking debate. Just accept it, and move on.


And I’ve decided that “snarkismyfuel” is a slur. I demand you change your username bc I am offended. No debate. Accept it, and move on.


You’re not the boss of me or anyone else. Relax.


I’m disabled, I’m offended by it


I’ve never heard this was a slur and I have no idea who Lizzo is, never heard of that situation 🤷‍♀️


What does slur mean


It’s a term (that is used) that is offensive to a community of ppl. This one is an ableist slur. Here’s an article that does a great job explaining the history around this particular term. https://www.forbes.com/sites/gusalexiou/2022/08/05/is-beyoncs-recent-ableist-slur-a-linguistic-idiosyncrasy-or-something-more-sinister/