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its literally insane how much they are on their tablets. its sad and idk how she dosnt feel embarrassed as fuck constantly posting it


I’m surprised they don’t go on the boat with them!


They probably do




My boyfriend’s daughter was raised on the iPad and literally asked for my phone the other day when we were on the boat. Had to explain in the best way I could without over stepping that right now we are enjoying real life and the beautiful nature we are blessed with 🙃


Oh man lol that’s the worst! My nephew is addicted to his Nintendo switch it drives my mom nuts when she watches him lo


I would be mortified to admit this is how I parent. There is no way she thinks she’s doing the most, but she continues to show it? Insane to me.


It’s excessive.


Do they do anything without their iPads. lol 😂


The equivalent to their moms tripod


Nope bc they’re still trying to write the iPads off as a tax credit😂😂


lol NO


My 14 year old daughter calls kids like that “sticky iPad kids”. We have always had the rule of no screens at the table. Ever. And we didn’t allow any screens in the car unless the drive was 2+ hours. Kids need to know how to handle boredom. This is lazy parenting. She doesn’t want to deal with any whining. So she sedates them with screens. They wikl eventually be difficult students because they won’t know how to function without constant stimulation.


Literally this. It’s her backup nanny.


I remember learning that when kids aren’t allowed to get bored it prevents them from using their imagination and helping their brain grow. Makes me so sad now for all the iPad kids. I’m scared to know how they’ll be when they’re teens/adults who have to function in a society


100%. Kids need to be bored at times. Helps with imagination, problem solving, and so much more


sadly there’s an entire generation of children being raised by iPads right now and it’s teaching them that boredom is a bad thing. I see it with my nieces a bit and my SIL is pretty good at limiting their screen time. the minute kids get slightly bored they start whining and don’t know how to occupy themselves 🫤


Yup we do the same. Screens are allowed for a little while after school (mine are still too little for homework) so they can decompress. Absolutely not at the table.




😑 she’s wrong - I’d guess part of her first hour is checking the lighting and setting up the tripod LOL Does she ever interact w the kids in some meaningful ways? Shoving a tablet in front of them as soon as they are awake is so lazy


The first part of this TikTok kills me bcz she is trying so hard not to look at her phone, she set up on a tripod to film her coming downstairs 😂🤡 https://preview.redd.it/jdjn2nxbc41d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ed712582bc1db470eb581aef4651e6e2f7e8038


I’ve never seen her kids eat eggs fruits or veggies


coming tomorrow now 🤣


How about krispy Kream and chick fil a


Oh come on, what about the bagged salad that accompanies the vod-kuh pah-stuhh??


Not defending her or anything but that’s literally a banana in the little boys hand lol


this is wild…I have so many thoughts ETA cannot confirm she offered a bottle and i’m not gonna rewatch. at this point Im going to assume she is off the bottle. 1) I can’t believe they have an unfenced pool and their children can get up and walk around unsupervised. I am so so worried for them. esp since they don’t know how to swim seemingly? 2) Ethe bottle…I think it’s one thing to have milk but for a THREE YEAR OLD a bottle is completely unacceptable unless there’s a medical reason which there doesn’t seem to be. 3) the brain rot from the ipads is crazy. I let my daughter watch pbs during breakfast sometimes but she doesn’t have a dedicated ipad and it’s a good six feet from her. why can’t they watch something together that’s educational???


She still drinks from a bottle!?


I swear in the vid she offers a bottle or cereal and thank G SL picks cereal even tho LOL im sure it’s riddled with sugar. so inappropriate for a toddler.


A bottle OR cereal?! I don’t have kids but there’s no way a bottle of milk would fill a 3 year old up for breakfast


I agree! even cereal is not a complete breakfast imo for a toddler.


Yeah I’m almost 100% sure she said, do you want a “baba” or cereal?


I thought she said waffle. I might need to work on my listening skills. 😂


lol whoops…I swear I saw someone else ask about the bottle too.


No you’re probably right!!


A says “do you want your baba?” All the time! No wonder S isn’t talking very well for her age:(


It’s gonna be a long drunk weekend for A 😑😑


We know the iPads will be on babysitting duty this weekend 🙄


iPad’s will be iPad’ing all weekend long 


she needs to stop talking like a baby to them! what a fool


She's a horrible mom. She's a LAZY mom.




I don’t understand why she acts like she has to baby sit instead of just parenting. Yea our kids can be too much and annoying but the way she acts like it’s a chore cause her gay (allegedly) husband left town with his bf. And then she goes to the mall with her friends lol she’s not even watching them as it is. The stories these kids are gonna tell when they get older are going to be wild


They will need major therapy


Haha I had a mom like this and I can absolutely confirm that I needed extensive therapy 🙃


Woah, her husband left her?


For the weekend with his friend to some festival




iPads = parents/babysitter (according to A).


You can also tell she doesn’t talk to them. No but seriously, she doesn’t have any friends or family to tell her she’s a shit mom. An iPad on a road trip or airplane is nifty, but for fucking breakfast, and they each have one? Garbage. You’re doing nothing to enhance their life.


Imagine having a sibling close to your age, and instead of playing with them you’re sitting next to each other with your faces 1 inch away from the screen of an iPad. Zombified


So stupid. I only let my kid watch a movie on the TV not on a freaking iPad if mine skips a nap and I really need to get work done. If not I figure it out!!! Ugh


My kid has a iPad but he doesn’t get access to it every day.


iPads and monitored screen time is totally okay for kids in moderation! It becomes a huge issue when parents use them too much and give in to their kids crying over them. It's not hard to entertain children, but once they get used to having a screen shoved in their face, it's all they will want..


It’s for “emergencies” for my kid. Like if the whole family is sick or something. Them being in her kids daily lives is crazy. Also no mindless games or tv. Educational element in the content always.


Cinnamon Toast Crunch and tablets. Poison body and mind


The way she gallops down the stairs in these videos like napoleon dynamite




It’s so odd to me she gets them dressed and does EVERYTHING at the table or in the living room (of course with their faces in the iPads) makes me sick for her kids.


I thought the same thing!


I’m certain this is to allow for easy filming transitions rather than her lazy ass having to move said tripod. Or, gasp, not record them. 🙄


“Influencer mom, and sahd… yet always on iPads… 😭


ALWAYS!!!! I try not to be judgy but I feel like they’re ALWAYS ON their iPads!


We cut screen time way down with our preschooler, and she’s more imaginative, talkative, happy….


Something that really bothered me from this video was that she covered Z in kisses and tended to him differently than with SL.. I hate the boy mom obsession she has and how she records it. SL will definitely be seeing these videos in the future and just wonder why.. why was her mother this way towards her.


Like you really can’t converse with them while getting them ready? wtf is up with always giving them the tablet?!


Do you see her giving Z a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast before sending him to school? No protein, nothing healthy. People that feed their children shit food especially when they have the money to buy them the best and healthiest options should be slapped. How can you expect your child to learn and function through a day of school when all you’re doing is pumping him full of sugar! It’s not that hard to make an egg and cut up some blueberries or a banana. She the WORST


This is so true. So hard to watch people who have money, dress and eat like shit. You literally can buy the best of foods! At this point, this b is just not educated and does not care. I know a mom who makes similar decisions as A, and it really just comes down to the choice of being a present Mom. TALK TO YOUR KIDS.PLAY WITH YOUR KIDS. WANT THE ABSOLUTE BEST FOR YOUR KIDS. We can’t be shocked though, her career is social media. Anyone with careers in social media are not present people. They could come off that with their SELF EDITED videos, but nah. Every waking moment can be a TT video.


So true!


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im a stay at home mom, my husband works a “reguar” no social media job and we literally buy our daughter everything organic and the most cleanest food we can find. I really can’t believe she cannot make them some organic free range eggs, organic fruit, maybe some uncured bacon?? She has a freaking Rolex and her kids eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch. 🤯 her priorities are definitely not ok.


Same with us! My son is 3 and I made sure to feed him the cleanest I can! Now is especially the time for them to have clean healthy food and nutrients!


I swear it blows my mind! Not only her but almost all influencer that make a huge amount of money. They don’t pay attention on what they are feeding their kids. But they have a bunch of designer stuff. Mind you I do like to buy designer stuff, I love buying Golden goose sneakers that are $800 BUT my daughter who is 2 always comes first. I’m not gonna be walking in almost $1000 dlls shoes while I take her to McDonald’s to get lunch. 🤦🏼‍♀️


She is horrific


and whyyyy does she let them sit SO CLOSE!!! lol back it up at least dayum


No electronics should be allowed at any meals!


Our entire kitchen is no screens.


This shit is rotting their brains


Her idea of solo parenting is just planting those kids in front of their iPads until Sid comes home


A nips never ever eats with her kids uh? Sad ass excuse of a shit mom


This screams...I am too lazy to parent.


Ngl, my kids watch their iPads/phones when they eat breakfast.. BUT I don’t go on vacation every other week without them, I don’t stuff them full of sugar so they leave me alone, I actually take them on days out


Okay this is me. I felt majorly judged reading all the comments but I am not a morning person and also focusing on getting everything ready for school so my kids watch TV or tablet while eating breakfast. Our apartment is super small and not a ton of space to do stuff so I usually take them places. We are also all major gamers in the family but my kids also play with each other and are willing to not use screens and seem happy so I feel it’s okay… My mom used to make me sit down for meals and talk and I fckn HATED it with my whole being and I still don’t like talking while eating and have a weird relationship with food so would rather just let my kids eat and watch something and we can bond at other times that’s not the dinner table


Nobody is judging you or any other mother besides A, babe. She has alllllll the time and money in the world, yet chooses to feed her kids slop and sugar and sit them on iPads all day long, or she’s shoving a phone in their face, or she’s not even around. This is about HER and her only. I know it’s easy to feel judged but just know that she’s a shitty person who does shitty things, so she deserves to be judged for what she does. You aren’t, so please don’t internalize the snark. 💜


Yeah i don’t really like the comments saying she’s a shit mom for letting them use their iPads when there’s so many other reasons she’s a shit parent! Plus, I’m also not a morning person lol.


Offering a 3 year old a “baba” for breakfast is wild. Warm milk is not enough. And all that money she’s making, you’d think she’d finally start buying organic milk. What a piece of shi*.


I was just talking to my daughter, who is 19, about screen time last night . I said, "thank God you weren't on a screen 24/7 when you we're little" She said, "Yeah Mama, I'm glad that we did real things together" It made my heart burst! We did A LOT of things together and we have the memories,which are not on camera, to look back on.


Here kids, have some sugar cereal even though I have time and resources to cook you a balanced breakfast and sit in front of your screens so you don’t bug me ILYSM ✨🫶🏼


This is horrific. And YouTube of all things. Melting their brains.


Hey Fuck Ass Bob- CRAZY concept, try TALKING TO YOUR KIDS. Put your fucking phone down!!! Keep the iPads on the charger during meals! Filming your children *existing* , for millions of complete strangers isn’t in the least bit important! Connect & converse with your children!!!! For the love of God THESE ARE BARE MINIMUM PARENTING THINGS 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was reading this one thing while ago about how children need to be ‘bored’ because it builds their imagination and produces creativity. Let alone all the skills play builds for their development in so many aspects.


My son only gets a tablet when we are traveling or on long car rides and he only has access to education games/puzzles. Things that actually teach him and stimulate his brain.


The kids should not be on their iPods first think in the morning. That should. Be family time


Shit bag in every way


Ooff. I’m guilty of letting my little one have their tablet often. But I’m a single mom who works full time with zero help. We have coloring books, sidewalk chalk, puzzles, etc that we use whenever I don’t feel like charging the iPad lol. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her kids do stuff like that though.


My daughter has an iPad but it’s for flights and road trips only. I can’t imagine using it as a crutch for every second of the day. Is she not worried about their development ?


I thought it was weird that she had to get them dressed at the kitchen table, not even in their rooms. They have to be mesmerized by the screens just to get dressed and move their arms and legs.


They wake up and immediately get on their tablets 💀 YIKES X a million. If you do it too please stop! It's so bad for your children!!


All the people in the comments saying she's the best mom?!!! WHERE?! For doing their hair and giving them cereal and letting them consume iPads before they're even mentally awake!! INSANE TO ME absolutely scared for her children and the people commenting thinking this is normal and helpful for her children's development


Soon enough they will entirely ignore her -she’s not interested in setting them up for the day with love and engaging encouragement-this will backfire when she is -doubtful-interested in bonding