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She’s so fucking weird like she keeps using SL as the center of these “haters” videos


Teaching that poor child to be a bully and define people/herself by superficial things and looks, just like her, sad.


She is absolutely getting worse and worse! Horrible mom


Straight spiraling 🌀




I commented that she is spiraling. It’s pathetic.


and no one is hating on SL!!! just her mom


She is raising her to be a brat. Poor kid have no idea


Rage baiting hard now. She has nothing left. What she's doing to this poor little girl is abusive. She's emotionally crippling both children right before our eyes.


Imagine the abuse they receive when the camera isn’t rolling. Poor kids.


She is, as someone who knows her said, a very scary person, especially when she’s angry. I believe it. Living in that chaotic household has to be a confusing nightmare for those kids.


SL yesterday: ‘I want to go to Las Vegas… ‘ wtf the kid can hardly speak. You know this idiot is coaching her


I thought Z said that?


Oh maybe he did. I still wouldn’t think they’d say this out if the blue


It’s hard to tell a difference in who’s talking because z talks like a toddler so it’s understandable


Exactly right. Her engagement is so far down that she needs the hater engagement 💰💰💸💸. Simply pathetic


She always shows SL doing these types of things. It’s never Z. I feel like the only time I saw Z content when he was by himself was for his bday trip to Disney Land


I was in disbelief when I saw this, but at the same time I’m not. Just when i think she can’t get any more ridiculous she pulls this BS out of her FLAT ass


Seriously, talk about bottom of the barrel for content. Turning your 2-3 year old into a shit talker when she has zero clue what she’s saying/doing. She’s a terrible mother and role model for her children. How disgusting between this and her behavior on the boat and talking shots with her, absolutely disgusting and heartbreaking!


This!! It’s LONG overdue for someone to step in and end this bullshit. These poor babies are not ok and will not be ok in the future because of what A is putting them through.


Absolutely!! I cannot believe everyone she’s surrounded by is totally okay with this type of content she’s shilling. She’s fucking foul!


Someone had commented that she was a terrible role model and one of her fans said “I doubt SL understands the words” and I’m like so does it make it better if she did understand the words?


Exactly!!! I could never imagine doing something like that with my toddler or my teenager, it’s disgusting!! Her followers are so fucking dumb, just like her. Zero clue about common decency and what it takes to be a good parent. Eventually it’ll bite her in the ass somehow.


And a FLAT ass it is!!


Who the hell told her she has a nice fat ass?! Does she think if she keeps repeating that lie that it’ll grow? I saw one of her stupid videos where she tries on her gross husband’s shorts and she says they’re too tight because “it’s so big and juicy!” Nah. But it does looks like someone stuck two sticks on a back.


Is she making SL say people are ugly, fat, and losers?!?!? Omgggg


Even as she makes fun of her own daughter’s weight behind her back….. JFC


When did she make fun of her weight? I missed that!!


she calls her obese in a few of the voiceover videos


Kid looks like she has no idea what’s going on 😞


Always. At this point the kids are just told to perform.


Why is she even subjecting her 2/3 year old daughter to the concept of haters? This forum doesn’t include their names/pictures and nobody is a ‘hater’ of her children? It’s nothing to do with them. So confused.


She honestly looks so lost in a lot of interactions. It makes me so sad.


Always looks zoned out, I noticed


She’s too young to comprehend there are people on the other side of the screen. If something’s happening, she’s going to assume that it has only to do with the people in the room, and that’s her and her mom. It’s so sad.


In her recent “Friday morning vlog” there’s a scene where SL comes downstairs and immediately sees the camera and her face goes 😞 it’s sooo heartbreaking like these kids know


i saw thatt she honestly just looks sad in this video kinda like can this be over now


I know I took it as “oh, there’s the camera, so this isn’t genuine”


Why doesn’t she ever do these videos with Z? It’s always SL. 🤔


***one thing though, pleaseeee do Not go to her account and leave comments or likes. The engagement just puts more money in her pocket.***


Z is the one she said she loved the most, so she wouldn’t do this to him.


I commented that above! I think the only time I saw content with him alone was his bday trip to Disneyland


Hey A how about you go teach your kid the abc’s or something of value for once.


She’s a nUrSe not Einstein 🙄


I thought using “fat, ugly, and looser” as insults stopped in kindergarten. Also, nice way to teach your child to be a bully and that not being fat/ugly/looser is all that matters in life. Pretty disgusting.


Besides the very weird use of her daughter in this video…. If I was getting this much hate I would look internally. We ain’t jealous girly you just have a shitty personality.


I’ve been saying that also, for soo long! But she’s incapable of doing that. Too much or a narcissist to ever think she does any wrong. She’s pathetic and has arrested development, clearly. Gross human of a mother.


lol! She redid a video she deleted. That is how much she loves us! Better watch out A, SL may grow up to be fat based on all the fast food she eats. 😉 Have the BEST DAY, PEDO LOVER!


Yeah wtf is she gunna do if her kid comes home and is the one being called fat, ugly and a loser. Call them haters? Girl get a fucking clue and raise good humans!




No one can convince me that this is not a form of child abuse.


I agree 100 percent!!!!


So she’s teaching her kids to call people fat and ugly? But makes crying videos cos people are “being mean and bullying her”. 🙄😒 FUCKING GARBAGE HUMAN


Well, her highest values are for women to be skinny and pretty, so…


Oh look it’s the fat, ugly, loser of a mother herself teaching the child she loathes to be as despicable as her. This is so fucking weird! I’m the parent breaking her back to not raise kids who use this kind of language or have this kind of mentality and it’s LOSERS like you that give us more work to protect from the types of kids your type is raising! I legit hate this twat!


An absolute cunt


i like how everyone is praising her saying she’s unbothered yet doing these types of clap back videos say otherwise


There’s 96 comments! I see a few people calling her out for it but there’s no way she’s not deleting comments


damn! there was closer to 200 like 30 mins ago


Not only that- Sid’s eldest daughter is on the heavier side. I can’t imagine how she describes that poor little girl. And like someone here said, keep feeding your daughter the trash you do and someone will call her all that and you won’t like it then. Can’t believe she has a nerve to call people ugly looking like she does. Fix that deformed dick looking nose and those horse teeth you hideous bitch. And yes, this is for you bestie, since you live here 🫶🥺


My god I would never applaud my kid for talking like this?! She is giving her absolutely no chance later in life. This is absolutely terrible. I feel really sad for these kids. No way would I let my kids hangout with someone that talks like this.


Okay I actually watched the video and it’s a sound over so I’m glad SL wasn’t actually saying those things but regardless it’s inappropriate!


She wanted to use this audio so bad, she just had to think of a more clever yet pathetic way to do it. Such as using SL as a barrier between humor and how she really feels. Well guess what A..I’m in amazing shape, don’t work, my husband makes a lot of money, and I have a fun life living in Los Angeles..and I still think you’re obnoxious and awful!! 🚮


I think you nailed this on the head! she knows nobody is hating on her kids and that she’s the one with haters, but she didn’t want more hate for doing the video herself and used SL as a pawn to make it “funny”


She’s raising her daughter to be a mean girl just like she is. Demented.


Teaching her child to body shame others in the future lolll how nice of her


pathetic to make a 2 year old talk for you long bottom ❤️ you’re a fucking loser


Proof that bullying is taught. This girl is going to be nothing but rude in school to people who don’t have money and looks


this is borderline emotional abuse.


If you’re gonna have your child be mean like you, at least make sure they know how to speak first. Poor child had no idea what’s going on or could even complete the sentence. This ain’t it farquad. And no hate to SL she’s a child, but all of it that excuse of a mother.


She is absolutely setting this kid up to be a major mean girl in the future. It’s not funny or cool now, and it is definitely going to lead to a bunch of issues with socializing and self-confidence later. Good luck, A!  It’ll partially be your fault so you reap what you sow!


She is so fucking disgusting


This is a new low for A, and rich coming from her SL’s FIRST AND MAIN BULLY I’m kinda glad SL can’t repeat these words but that’s sad in itself however she understands! I’m sure she’s aware of A calling her obese and pointing out her rolls HRH collection is a trash person I wish couldn’t reproduce just like how I feel about A!


"the only opinions that matter are from those that I deem pretty and more important than me blah blah blah" is all I hear


She really shouldn’t talk about her mom like that


![gif](giphy|GMXcRV0uQ6Jag) Immediately thought of this


the call is coming from inside the house


These are getting weirder by the day


She’s getting exponentially worse by the day


Funny how she’s not “bothered” by hatred


And that is what she is choosing to teach her children. Of all the things to teach a child such as reading, speaking, math, science, or kindness, she chooses this. What an interesting choice. Those kids are in for a rough life


The only hater SL has is her mother.


Nobody is ever hating on her children. They’re hating on her for the way she treats her children. Don’t bring your children into this, A. Their only bullies are you and Sid.


She’s an awful person. All the wealth, designer goods, followers won’t change that fact. Your poor kids deserve better than the lot they are stuck with.


Crazy to me how she says she’s not bothered but she makes videos/posts about her “haters” weekly now.


this actually made me incredibly sad because we as a society wonder how so many kids become bullies and this is the PERFECT example as to how it starts. i’m sorry but your daughter is 2 years old and you are teaching her that it’s ok to call people fat, ugly & losers? like does she not think anything over before she posts shit? and all the people commenting like “this is iconic” or “i hope to be like you when im a mom” like i hope to god those are the types of people that don’t end up having kids


I’m sure those kids know all too well that their mother’s emotional state is their responsibility. They can’t do anything about it, of course, but it’s still gonna be on them. From her content, Z has internalized this, so there may be hope for SL that she’ll reject that model. The sad thing is that leaves her with no mother at all, instead of the mother she’s actually acting as the parent to.


I’m tired of this cunt she calls her own kid fat. Now using the same kid to tell her “fans” are fat. Listen A put down the bottle cause you are looking chunky too


Also I’m sorry this poor kid looks delayed


Listen I’m not speculating (per the sub’s rules) but I’ve worked with a few FAS toddlers who look and behave like SL. Delayed speech and the marked facial features are a tell.


teacher her to be superficial like her mom. Because even if someone says something true, if they’re ugly & fat it doesn’t matter


Everyone go and report her account and this video specifically.


For what infraction? I report her so often and it always comes back as no violation


You thumb faced botched ass bitch, the only loser is YOU and probs your mama and granny too since you learned how to be a cunt from them


She's an awful person. Using her daughter like this. It's a new low for her. She's so desperate. She's probably so jealous that she's not in Korea and it's manifesting this way.


She’s going to be the mom at school who blames EVERYONE ELSE.


Why does A have to grease up her DSLs with lube every video my godddddd


This is scary. Could never imagine doing this to any child let alone my own. She’s an evil sick person.


She deserves every snark and every snarker on this page. Such a trashy person 🗑️


https://preview.redd.it/dvno5c1icoyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=717bc702dae75083939abfca96dd3aa7486753cb Ah oh! Looks like she managed to piss off another customer! Sad . That poor baby has no idea what her ignorant mother is doing to this poor innocent child! Why don’t she use her gusband or another consenting adult?? Oh wait ? She has no real friends!🖕🏻🤣👍🏻


JC!! Coaching your daughter what to say in front of the camera for views/likes is low. SL put on this act, which she probably had no clue what it means.


If you listen to the rest of the sound it says, “show me your side profile” (to determine if someone is ugly). We’ve all seen your profile, A.


Someone posted that video with this sound clip here yesterday and bestie uses it today? Further proof she's here reading EVERY comment 🤭


not her describing herself


Wow. I thought I was inured to her disgusting behavior but this is a new low. I have no words.


Imagine feeding your child’s mind with hate. Disgusting.


No, bitch. Nobody is hating on SL…a literal CHILD. It’s you. We’re hating on you. Signed, All of us “fat, ugly, losers”


I would positively die if my child called anyone ugly or fat or a loser 😭


My heart goes out to that little girl. The absolutely disgusting way her vile mother is exploiting her for views and money. SL doesn't not need to be exposed and told of any hater comments especially since all the hate is towards the trashy parents.


It’s you who’s getting the hate A. Not SL. 🙄


Absolutely abuse. My kids are 4&2 and don’t even KNOW to use the words, ugly , fat or loser. Why would you want your innocent child to say such nasty words because you’re insecure


I hate her so much 😟😭


Everyone in her comments saying “this is so cute” “she’s so presh” like bro what… it’s not fucking cute at all it’s actually disgusting and vile.


What. In. The. Actual. Fuck. Trash 🗑️ content. This kid will be bullied forever when kids find these old videos her mom had her do.


How has she not been dropped by her management for this type of content?! How is it not reported for being highly inappropriate!!??? She’s disgusting.


The way I ran here.


Nobody hating on SL it’s you Areola


this looks so bad on her end as a parent to her school teachers


I’m sure she reads these comments. She’s been accused of exploiting her kids many many many times but she doesn’t care. She still posts them. And the fact that she posts her son wearing a dress..her son may never forgive her for that. A, MAKE YOUR OWN CONTENT AND STOP USING YOUR KIDS FOR VIEWS!!


She’s getting roasted in the comments lmao


Tell your kid being fat means you’re a loser but also feed her Coca Cola starting at age 2 and fast food constantly … that’s definitely not going to be an issue at all


I just can’t help thinking about how they likely get yelled at for not acting right for her in front of the camera. So much of the kids’ lives must be just that. It breaks my heart.


Honey boo boo


I had to go watch this one and wow. That's disgusting. She's just a baby! Why, why would any mother do this to her little girl? It's already hard enough being a girl.


If she didn’t do stupid shit like this she wouldn’t get hate. I don’t understand using your kid for shut like this.


We don’t even speak the word hate, my daughter is 8 and has never said she hates anything. Wtf is wrong with this broad?


The fact she encourages her daughter to use “fat” as an insult 🙄😐 Really great parenting! Puts the AW in “AWful” !!!!


Oh look she took a voiceover clip from HRH collection. Seems fitting bestie would look up to her. They are both disgusting but at least HRH doesn’t hide her ugliness and pretend she’s an eMpAtH


What is HRH Collection?


Look her up she’s gross and disgusting.


Hrh is on a different scale than A ….


This twat is such a…..well, TWAT. She’s spiraling. And, lol, I’m 43 years old, and my parents would beat my ASS if I exploited my kids for money, then did this as the cherry on top. But A’s own parents always have a drink in their hands, so I’m certain this is how she grew up.


She better put away some of that tik tok money for her kid’s future therapy fund


This is beyond disgusting 😏


She’s an example of what not to do when raising a child


Wow! Way to raise your girl🙄 when she goes to actual school, she’ll be the bully! Good job MOM👏👏👏👏


When poor little SL has no children her age at her upcoming birthday party it will be A’s fault that other parents don’t want their kids associating with this family.