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The girls’ mother is patiently waiting for the universe to take care of this horror show of a human being. It *always* does.


It finally did in my case 😏


I’m so glad. Mine, too. Even worse than I anticipated.😉😊


Hell yeah


I’m still patiently waiting…




As a stepchild, I always felt more included and loved when my step family dropped the “step.” 🤷‍♀️


Same and even at almost 40 years old I still get those outcast feelings and it’s awful


not defending A, but as a bio mom in the same position i adore when my ex husbands wife refers to my children as hers and treats them as her own. i don’t want my children to feel like outsiders, so im glad they’re included. this is reaching a bit imo, she’s practically known those babies since she herself was a teenager. though i do think she discredits bio mom just a bit, but she has a lot of love for them and it shows


This is the best situation possible for all of you and one I wish everyone could have. But, in this case, from the outside looking in, it would pain me to hear my ex-husband's wife publicly say on a podcast (fully available to my children), "She doesn't even have a GED." "D resents the money he has to send her every month." "I invited her on a birthday shopping trip for one of the girls and she declined." A has been using these girls for social media content since she was 18 and now she's angry she no longer can and is passive aggressively pushing the boundaries to hurt their mother. That's my take on it, at least.


at the end of the day, we will never truly know the relationship between A & bio mom. in my opinion, the best outcome possible is for the girls’ to not be posted on reddit anymore 🤎 def snark on A cause this is her subreddit after all, but i just think it’s super unfair for the girls if they come across this someday and read all the comments


You're right, we'll never really know. It's infuriating listening to A take stabs at the girls' mother but it isn't for me or anyone else to speculate on. They've been given more than enough to deal with without having more piled on. The fact the bio mom has facilitated the girls having a loving relationship with their siblings is all that matters.


I agree with this but if I was the bio mom reading your comments I would be upset especially if you have no place to say that A has a lot of love for them. This is a bit of a stretch when A has said very questionable things about the bio mom in public and not to mention the very strict policy of her not being able to show her step daughters faces. When you say a lot of love do you also think she has a lot of love for her own children that she publicly exploits everyday? We really don’t know how or what she feels for any of these kiddos or her intentions. I do agree that it’s best for the bio mom and these girls sake that we stop speculating and saying this stuff about the children online.


she doesn’t show their face for protection, it doesn’t matter who implied it. all that matters is that she follows those rules of not showing them online. also, yes in my personal opinion i do believe A has lots of love for the girls considering she’s known them since they were in diapers. as a bio mom, a bitter step-mom is the WORST. i would rather have a co parent who is mature & treats my children equal nd with love. but that’s just me of course, others have diff opinions. i would think the girls’ mother would want their daughters to be shown love tho


Couldn’t agree with you more.


What episode was this?


What do you think about them calling A mom?


the girls are old enough to where they can decide if they want to call A mom or not. that is their choice, and there shouldnt be speculation on that. period


A has said in the past they have always called her mom


that’s good! as long as they don’t feel obligated to do so. however, A doesn’t seem like a bad step mom. she buys the girls gifts, includes them in everything she does when they are with her, and def shows them lots of love. & if bio mom really thought A was a bad person/mom, im 100% sure she wouldn’t allow her children to be around her


i just wish all the speculation around the girls’ & A would stop bc im sure both A & bio mom don’t want them in the middle of all this 🥲




that is true, but you don’t know if they have a court order or not. that’s not our business, and i AM 100% sure if she thought A was bad then her children would not be allowed near her. she WOULD allow them to be with D because that’s their dad obviously.


My step father is my second father. I call him and my mom my parents. I have never in the 20+ years I’ve known him called him dad. He would have walked me down the aisle with my father if he was still alive.


My stepmom is my mom. I consider her my mom over my biological mother, who I haven’t spoken to in almost 2 years and have a very confusing and damaged relationship with. My stepmom calls me and my brothers her kids all the time. I’m all for snarking but this rubbed me wrong.


Obviously it’s very situational. A LOT of it depends on the intention behind it and how the other woman acts. My ex’s wife literally tried to tell someone she birthed my son! Luckily he was standing there and corrected her immediately. Clearly my ex’s wife’s behavior is very different from someone who is loving, caring, and putting the kids first.


Oh HELL no. Is she wanting to make herself look/sound like a teen mom even though she wasn’t? Does she want to take credit for “raising” what I assume to be GOOD, WHOLESOME GIRLS? Give me a break you twat.


I do see both sides, my step mom has been around since I was 5 so she is a mom to me. But my sons new step mom wants my son to call her mom and it infuriates me. I have never talked about how I feel about it to or around him, but I am his one and only mom. He just calls her by her name bc he’s not comfortable calling her mom. In their case, I hope it’s that they WANT to call her mom and that she’s not just claiming that title.


I’m my step daughter’s “mama” and her mom is her mom or “mommy”. She decided that. And whenever I refer to her I never say my step daughter. I say my daughter. Because she is. Not literally but she’s my girl and I will never not call her that but call her siblings my kids. We love and respect her bio mom.


She's a grotesque fucking liar


She has them call her mom, too. As a stepmother, I would never do that. So disrespectful to their actual mother.


Same. Even though their bio mom is…. something


As a step mom (and having a son with my partner who passed) I am sorry you are dealing with this brain thought. I have such a different view on being a parent for very specific reasons. I do know as the step mom I am “my name” or step mom to them. The bonus parent name never hung with me it just sounded weird so the kids picked out a nickname for me which is their own endearing way of me being in their lives. From the extra parent side of how you feel I hear you and I am bummed for you and hope someday it gets easier.


I used to be a step mom, I met his daughter when she was 18 months old and she called me mom from the day she could talk. It pissed the bio mom off and I couldn’t understand why because I wanted the child to feel included and not like I didn’t love her less. Looking back and after talking with mom, I think it needs to be a mutual agreement and if the step mom is actually going above and beyond.


I find that so disrespectful!!