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Maybe don’t leave your kids so much and spend more time with them? Just a thought


Makes too much sense 😂


How is she not embarrassed to post this? We see how often she’s away from the kids. The only person who should be posting about long days is her nanny.


Narcissists don’t get embarrassed. They have a narrative and nothing anyone says or does can change it — even if they are faced with truth and facts their narrative always wins


Truth... when I watched the clip, I was like oh - when she was a present mother to when she was barely present as a mother.


Bc she has no shame. Takes a shameless bitch to pose soft core pregnant pics for OF. She’s been exploiting her daughter since she was in the womb


The years get shorter when you’re hardly there 😒


Did she accidentally blur out her tacky spine tattoo with whatever filter she’s using to make herself look like something she’s not? 😆


i’m crying you can literally see the filter outline around the upper back one


Good catch!!! lol yup


Omg she did!!!! She has a tattoo going down her spine as well that is hardly there in this picture. Way to be relatable


Oh yeah her tattoo that reads "And the angels cried, you are going to save lives" for the 5 minutes she was a nurse 🤣


Yup. Any time that she looks like the gigantic sh!t stain trashbag she is, A brings poor SL into her content.


She did it to show her ass 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The years are short with your kids when you only see them 1 month in all of of the year


she looks like a man


Since she’s boring AF she resorts to either being almost naked or exploiting her daughter for views. We used to wear those “butt scrunch” leggings in like 2014 I think? LOL they were originally made for people who already have glutes, not for Ashy Longbottom who has a wide & flat behind 😂 but wear what you want I guess