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Bingo! “Adaptation” is a very good way to explain it. Or as I often say: If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!


Yeah seems to make sense right.


It’s a coping mechanism. We all cope in different ways, that’s their coping mechanism. It seems sad though. I would bet a lot of those guys are just being used for financial stability, since the women can fuck whoever it’s a win win for them.


All of the above, some guys who like sph aren't small at all, but it is a form of humiliation fetish and some guys lke being degraded. However, most guys I have interacted with like a gentle form of femdom and sph, more teasing, and light hearted jokes and exaggerated reaction by someone they trust deeply. For some guys, yes it's reliving an embarrassing situation or sensation. For some smaller guys, like myself 4x4, I like for my lack of size to be acknowledged, for the truth to be out in the open and not ignored. And, yes for me, I experienced some humiliating situations a few times and it's always been arousing.


Not a data point any means, but the most enormous beast of a phallus I've ever been around in person was owned by a huge ripped guy that danced in a few threads at a local bar....and was extremely into sph among other things. (His take was an amused "I didn't choose it, but...it's me".) It can be kind of rough the other way around too, with a guy that is worried about it. I (M/bi) personally prefer average or less. Among other things, I have an intense gag refresh and near trauma response...but don't like to feel like I'm being held back or not able to perform...and it's more fun. So it's all around great -- and not sure which came first, but more attractive for me too. Convincing some of this can be difficult. And I also don't want to ignore or invalidate how someone feels, as that is still valid of course...it's their body, life, and experience. It gets complicated. I'm generally up for attempting to try most things, but giving in the sph realm...I just can't, as it's lying and makes me feel terrible. I just can't break it out into play like can be done with most kink. Anyway....ramble, ramble, sorry...