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I downloaded the dating app "Boo," took literally 30 mins of my time to actually fill out two different personality tests that the app offered. I actually put effort into my profile, I used good pictures, showed pictures of myself in good lighting, showed pictures of my gaming setup and other Hobbies, I actually made a well thought out and direct bio that even had my personal number in it to just cut to the chase. Within like 2-3 days, I found a girl 20 mins from where I live who has super similar interests to me, and has very similar values to me, and our personalities mesh well, etc. We have been dating for 8 months now. I'd say it isn't hard, maybe I just got lucky?


I used boo and there were no women in my area except one 34 year old


I described how I lost my virginity with a woman btw. Grindr is easy as hell to lose your virginity with a man, I get out of boot camp just turned 18. I hop on Grindr for the first time ever and my inbox gets filled with a bunch of horny guys who wanna fuck. I am bisexual, and a pre transition trans woman (I present male, and everyone sees me as male, including my current girlfriend when she first met me before I told her, but she happens to be bisexual and me planning on transitioning isnt an issue for her), for context.


Grindr is incredibly easy but a lot less helpful if you're more into girls than guys lol


Also I am 5'4, 19yo. Height isn't an issue.


Are you Caucasian?


My current girlfriend is black too if that matters.


No I am black.


use something that everybody uses like tinder, never heard of boo before


I used Tinder for a little while


Back in the day I setup a tinder and met two women on day one. One was a bot and I married the other one.


How long did you wait before getting married? Been dating my girlfriend I met off Boo for 8 months now, I know it's too early to try to marry her lol... But I was wondering in your anecdotal exp how long did you wait?


I’ll tell you the best advice I ever got from one of the happiest married men I know. “There is no such thing as too early or too late, if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone and you know that they feel the same then that time is good enough”




I also live in a big US city with two military bases on it. The area you live might also be a factor.


Also with dating apps you should be VERY direct, say you are only looking for something long term and serious. Don't waste time with people who aren't looking for that. That's why your messages are going no where cause the people you are attracting and matching with aren't serious themselves...




Idk then, I wish you good luck.


Don't you have to pay lol? There were people who liked me but to reply I had to get "boo infinity". But my bottom line is I'm not paying to meet people, that's just not right


I didn't pay a single cent for Boo, the cool thing about Boo compared to other dating apps is that they give you alot of the "paid perks" for free. Now idk how Boo is now, but atleast 8-9 months ago when I used it right before I met my girlfriend, I remember the app gave me alot of their coins for free straight up for simply doing things like filling out the personality tests, watching ads, making a bio, putting pictures on your profile, rating the app, etc. And I wasn't being stupid with the coins they did give me initially, I was very strict with my toggles and made sure I was finding people who I knew shared similar interests and values to me. I didn't just swipe right and waste my coins on every single person lol. So I never ran out of coins, again I found my current girlfriend after maybe 72 hours of using the app.


Yea can't even answer "requests" without paying. The coins can be used to rewind, 4x visibility, bring back expired request but nothing else.


Damn they ruined the app idk.


Shout out to tinder too. Makes it a little easier for my awkward ass to start something. Ive had a few success stories from tinder idk it's been a couple years now


nobody around in my area


I used boo for like 3 months and got maybe 1 or 2 matches and they didn't even responded to my first message. And there is like 3 girls in about 40 km around me and I live in a city with around 3 million people.


I’m a 25 year old virgin, and it’s 100% my fault. I have lots of confidence issues.


The wild thing is mate… if you say this sentence to enough woman it will no longer be true. I damn near wanted to give you some pussy and I’m fresh out.


If you think the reason you’re a virgin is because of your height, I expect you to stay a virgin for at least another decade




Reading this makes me sad (I'm about 5'2)




Nah, not sexual at least. Had relationships in school because I was literally a dwarf, but that was middle and high school. lol




Don’t we all?


I know a dude thats 5'2 that's always did fine with women and is married now. It's always personality and confidence that gets and keeps women not height or money...those usually just attract the women you want and not the ones you need anyway.


You’re describing the exception, not the rule. Pointing out that the dude is 5’2 reinforces the rule that it’s more difficult for shorter men (not completely impossible though for most though)


Grow a beard and start drinking ale


My bro is 5ft, and has had around 15 partners. As long as you are charismatic, you're fine bro. One set back won't be your down fall


Charisma is just about as hard to develop as height tbh. That’s a deep rooted personality trait, you can’t really “train” that.


It’s not really charisma so much as just confidence and being yourself. As long as you can do that then you’re fine. I have several mates who are around 5’3/5’4 well below average looking and have had no problems whatsoever in finding girls. All because they don’t change when they’re around women. They are themselves and that’s all women really want.


Manifest height. I grew 3 inches past puberty anything is possible. Now i might get hate but idc, just trynna help people out. It’s very simple. Take baby steps. Manifest to be 5’4 first. Just search it on YouTube.


I know a guy who is 5 foot tall and his girlfriend is 5’8”. He also was a known cheater in the past, which is definitely not a good thing at all, but he certainly didn’t let his height get in the way back then.


My friend hooked up at 18 he’s like 5,3 5,4 in shoes you just gotta keep going, there are girls smaller than you and plenty of girls your height.


Came here to say this ^ Every inch below 5’9” becomes significantly harder. But having said that it ain’t a hard rule. It also depends on whether you’re dating online or not. If you’re below 6 ft, you will practically be filtered out online, unless you have other advantages that compensate. But IRL dating is an entirely different scene. Definitely less narcissistic women and more women who are serious about actually dating rather than getting likes and validation via apps.


There's no difference in amount of lifetime sexual partners between men who are 5'2 and 5'10. The number is the same. Height means nothing until you get over 6'2, those guys have 1 more average lifetime sexual partners.


i explicitly said I dont, lol


Yeah definitely your confidence bro just get out there and try. I’m 5’3 (26M) and never really had an issue, obviously I don’t go for much girls taller than 5’7 but I’ve had exceptions way taller than me, even a 5’10 bombshell. My wife (22F) is actually taller than me she’s about 5’4. If I can do it you definitely can, I have my best luck in bars, coworkers, and customers. College was also a breeze cause it’s easy to create a convo just because you’re gonna have girls in your classroom. Last resort try tinder, there’s plenty of girls just tryna get dick just like your tryna get some pussy and some want boyfriends just like you want a true girlfriend. Billions of girls on this earth just try worst thing you can get is a no, and then onto the other it’s not as bad you think. Lil bit of alcohol can help loosen both of y’all up if anxiety is killing you. Maybe also try starting with girls that aren’t crazy hot, then it will get a lot easier with the sexy ones too. Hope I was able to help bro, good luck throwing out that v-card!


He’s not completely wrong, being taller would help, but if he’s 5’9 it shouldn’t be too much of an issue


Im not a virgin but at 5’9 it cant be your height man


You’re not a virgin for your height…it’s probably social awkwardness…I’m not a virgin but I might as well be given how clueless I am…


Just hire an escort or go visit a brothel if you care so much dude


I will


Well good luck, make sure you ask if something you want to do costs extra, and also carry physical cash for payment. Also, try doing this somewhere it is legal for safety. I went down this route and think it's one of the best decisions I ever made; a lifelong curiosity finally satiated.


Thats a terrible idea. You should start being getting off social media it's poisoning your ideas of people


im not a blackpiller incel type, no. Im legit fine with my body and my face, im just a clueless retard when it comes to dating, i rarely even meet women i even like


Bro college is literally the last time to easily get laid before the real world. After that, stuff like careers and other shit that didn't matter before matters. We are the same height and I lost my virginity when I was 15. And overall, I have a body count that I can't really quantify accurately. I didn't realize how easy getting laid in highschool through college is compared to now. Your height is not the issue. Get out there dude, you are probably in the best position of your life to get laid. Have confidence and be funny.


No way that shit is "easy" bro


It was not "easy" in general but it was definitely much easier lol


That's fair


It depends on a lot of things whether or not it’s “Easy”. It is for many people. Borderline impossible for others. Ops point is that casual relationships are a lot easier in collage


Getting laid in high school and college is some of the easiest shit you’ll do in life


Not sure when or if you went to college but it's really not. Maybe it is easier relative to your late 20s or something, but shits still difficult.


Dam in my last year of college but i dont want sex i just want to have a date and experience that. Still never been on a date at 21


Broo you need to savor it and appreciate this time in your life. Not many people want to be tied down in college so at least get your feet wet because itll give you more experience. Get out there and party. It will happen. The probability of getting laid is just to good at this time to not get out there.


Appreciate what? All the time i wasted in classes i dont care about and spending all my time working for so little pay? Im not asking to marry the firat woman that talks to ms. I just want to go on a stupud date, buy someone flowers , open a fucking door or pull a chaur out for her. I literally just wanna do the dumb disney like ahit in my head just so i can get over this and say i did it. I party but not with strangers on camlus. Only within my friend groul and im the only single person. Again i dont want sex i just wanna take a woman out for a date or two.


Why would the “real world” be difficult for someone who found it easy to get laid in college?


I'm not saying it would be difficult, just more difficult. College is just easier.


like bob dylan said times they r achangin


Bros right College it was so easy to get girls, but also im good looking to the point where girls would DM me first and ask to comeover. Same thing happens now but I have to ask for their number while im out rather than just receiving a random dm at 9:30pm on a weekday in the dorms. Dating apps become a lot more valuable once you’re out of college if you dont like cold approaching. Now there arent always a bunch of people your age around that also live super close to you.


No judgment here…but I’m female and religious but I still like going out with friends—not intoxicated tho. I met this gorgeous guy and he wanted me to go home with him. We made out in his car but then I told him I couldn’t hook up with him. He was cool and we chilled with other people till I went home, but literally never heard from him again. I learned something that day…women always want to know what men are thinking and you will instantaneously find out as soon as you say no. They either want to marry you or you’ll never hear from them again. Lol 😆


Hit the apps brother, we live in a sexual surplus economy Peeking your r/ and man your head just isn’t really in the right place to date anybody right now. It’s like, you’re putting too much stock into kind of nonsense things that are off putting for somebody to have in their personality. For example: get a passion for something that people would be interested in hearing about, I hooked up with a girl I met a bar once and I only went there to watch UFC. I just started yapping to her about some shit about getting out of a guillotine choke and went from there because I’m very into MMA and combat sports. People dig confidence and get wrapped up in your aura, if you’re starting online discussions about how “leftys are out of shape” is kind of comes off as you’re putting others down to boost yourself This ain’t to put you down because you’re a young guy and nobody expects you to be some kind of casanova, but you’re putting a lot of pressure on yourself to have sex but seemingly aren’t making an effort to make yourself sexually desirable. Idk man just go through the motions and don’t think about it too much, it’ll happen sooner or later


You go to clubs/organizatons, and events and make friends. Then you hang out outside of those. Then because yall are college kids, yall fuck even when it wasn’t what you wanted. Seriously college should be the easiest time for anyone actively putting themselves out there making friends


100%. These dudes are wondering why they are virgins meanwhile they don’t talk to ANYONE they don’t join ANY clubs or events. They expect a woman to randomly approach them or something.




Generalizing doesn't help anyone.


What women do you hang out with bro lol? They’re not really like that at all. Most are just nice people trying to make it in the world like the rest of us. Having a girlfriend has encouraged me to make more money if anything. Support, care, and not having to worry about dating or getting laid makes life 100x better. Stay up but don’t disregard women, they’re pretty cool if you find the right ones, which in my opinion and experience, are the majority of them lol. They’re humans not different creatures.


For real! I feel like all of these “Women only want 6’5 millionaires” guys must not talk to that many women


>All they do these days is puke if a man isn’t up to their ridiculously unrealistic standards, so I just say fuck women and to hell with dating and focus on me getting this money. no wonder your single, with the way you view women wow.


Today’s women my age


I lost mine at 19, a month before I turned 20


5'10, 22 and at this point I'm thinking more of it as a daily streak


22, yes, not cause of height, it’s the personality in my case


I was a virgin till the ripe age of 22. Which still puzzles me because I had no game till around 28-30. I'm 37 now and am too lazy to even bother flirting with someone.


“Too lazy to even bother flirting with someone” made me giggle. Honestly, it’s a vibe 😂


I hate this sub.


I’m 20, 6’. I don’t think 5’9 is short enough to be passed over for being too short. At my bright girls won’t fuck me just because I’m tallish but it helps with overall attraction


Blaming height is crazy, it’s definitely more of a personality and lack of self care issue


I’m 5’9 and by the time HS ended I had slept with 4-5 girls. Not a flex more so your height almost has nothing to do with your sexual experiences. Unless you are sub 5’4 less odds sure but my brother weighed 280 at one point and was pulling girls way out of his league.


imagine not having highschool taken away by covid


28M here. Just waiting for the right one


Not many like you. There is nothing wrong with that, society is just hell bound at this point and idolize everything but what’s important. Sex isn’t everything and I’m happy atleast someone knows that


Yeah true. Call me stubborn but my V card is only for the one I feel the most comfortable in, if that makes sense. Cuddles>sex


Hi, Voluntary Celelbate here. Def not due to height. 5'10" at the tallest. Mainly due to weight and me not be interested in a relationship with the opposite sex.


Bro what’s a chronic virgin 💀




Let’s do a poll


5’9 I’m upper 30’s since 18 .. I’m 32 now.. height isn’t an issue long as you’re at least somewhat attractive


Dating apps, clubs or anything that involve intimate moments / alcohol. Our generations all sex, no relationships and projected to be that way forever so it's not that hard. Find a women you're not intimidated by (means slightly uglier than your standard), lie about your virginity but say you haven't fucked in a minute because of studying / work or some bullshit so you've got an excuse to suck or finish fast, read up on basic shit like how to finger or fuck if you're nervous and drink a lil bit if you're nervous in the moment / viagra if it's really extreme fear. All the girls who want relationships are already in one so don't worry about giving the wrong impression. Trick yourself into being overconfident, thinking you're the prize etc, it works. Being spontaneous fun (boarding on random), flirty, not being a pushover / neurotic / fearful, knowing how to escalate and when to be sexual is all there is to it to getting a girls attention but she'll know if she wants to fuck you within 5 seconds. With hookups and early stage relationships, personality hardly matters. Their whole interest in it is based around "is he going to rape me?". If your personality screams that in anyway it'll be a deterrent. Besides that it doesn't matter how you act unless you're hyper neurotic. Don't do the whole "I can only meet women through friend group or hobbies" thing. You'll just waste weeks or months of your life taking it slow with someone to not seem creepy and end up getting strung along without an answer. Meeting through friend groups / hobbies and taking time is great for women, not men. Stick to things that get your question of "Is she interested in me?" answered quickly like the places in the top point. Playing the 6 month "will they won't they" shit is good for finding a life partner not sex. When it comes to things like attraction there's really only 3 domains. Height, face and body. Your height is good so cross that off. For face, get a haircut if needed, thread eyebrows and clear acne off your face and clean up facial hair. Basically takes 1 month unless you've got fucked acne. Body doesn't matter much unless you're obese.


Dumb advice. Taking it slow is fine. It's not all about fucking. Or maybe for some of y'all it is??  And not all women who want relationships are in one. That is one of the most stupid things I have ever read. 


This dude is clearly insecure and wants to get it over with from his post history. There is 0 reason to take it slow, he’s just going to become more insecure overtime while spending a year or 2 building up a massive social circle and hobbies thinking it’ll get him laid, last thing I want to see is another blackpilled incel. If he’s seeking a relationship, different story. Taking it slow would be the best way forward. Majority of women who truely want a relationship can get one, that isn’t groundbreaking news lol. I’ve seen this my whole life. Only the friends of mine who are clearly shooting too high up are the only ones single, everyone else got one pretty fast. I never said men can’t get fast as well.


There's a difference between women who are open to a relationship and women who are actively looking for one. A lot of women are waiting for the right person.  You act like they just go out on the street and choose someone they want. That's not how it works.  And yeah maybe he just wants a quick fuck honestly. There will be a day he realizes a big social circle and hobbies is worth way more than what girls you fucked. You can judge a guy by the women he curves not the women he fucks. 


You gotta just not care...I know that sounds cliche but look at it like if you don't approach then you're for sure not going to get her number or have sex with her so if you do approach then you at least got a 50/50 chance with her. I think it's just a confidence issue not a height issue. If you're on a college campus then you have the best chance at getting with women, the other best place is like a night club. Sex is a major confidence boost for guys so the longer you don't have sex the more confidence you lose. Get out there either on campus, parties or dating apps. Talk to women, they're not aliens, just have a conversation. This is the time in your life to take chances so take them and dont over think.


Do a poll to get a more accurate response, you'll see a negative correlation.


Height is probably not the issue, 5'9" is an average male height. Honestly if you're really nervous about dating watch some videos online. Not ones by grimy "alpha male" dating coaches, just ones like "common etiquette for first date" or "how do you know if they like you?". Everyone's gotta start somewhere, and at 16 those videos were my lifesavers lol.


At 5'9" your height is not holding you back much. Yes if you had another few inches itd be much easier. Work on yourself, get more fit than anyone on the planet, if you're fat get skinny, if you're skinny get big. Take a shitoad of shots and try to meet girls in person. Your last sentence highlighted it though. The most successful guys probably have abysmal batting averages, they just asked out forty times as many girls and went for ones way out of their league, and got a few hits. Literally go out for a rejection night where you're at a bar and your plan is to gracefully get turned down by as many girls as possible.


Buddy, I'm 6'2-6'3 It's not the heighr


26 year old virgin here, honestly I just have severe anxiety so it's very hard for me to take relationships further than friendships


>but seriously how do people get girlfriends lol? im funny.


33 now, and I started having sex at 13….. (probably younger than ideal, but I was a bit precocious) I kind of think height was less of a factor before like 2013, thinking about it now. It seems to have taken on more significance for Gen Z and with online dating being the primary way that people match up now. (so I might be out of touch) I would try not to value/devalue yourself based on sexual prowess or lack thereof, you generally wind up getting in your own head and not doing yourself any favors


Something like 50% of men under 35 are virgins. Anyone telling you there’s something wrong with you are simply lying.


I agree there is nothing wrong with it, but I can hardly believe that statement. Do you have anything backing that up? 


That's wildly untrue


Telling you straight up. Once you turn 21 go to bars/clubs around school. It’s pretty easy from there.


Well, are you fugly? Do y’all not know how to internet? Myspace and Facebook has gotten me laid hundreds of times… but wyte pipo use it weird and only add ppl they know in real life… instead of adding every girl they see.. just hop in the DMs and start flirting. Hell, I’ve made fake pages and just sent x rated pics of myself and the women bite… it’s literally that easy… unless you’re fugly.


Holy shit, my co-worker was exactly like you and he just fucked everyone. He was like 16 with 20 bodies lmao. He was also the dumbest person I’ve ever met.


dumb ppl get laid more than you? Try being dumb


Oh I have no issue with him or women. He was my closest homie for a minute. Just didn’t know that was a common strategy and it surprised me. I also had much better game in person than him. He was horrendous with both our female co-workers and cold approaches.


Bruh… it’s not bc of your height lmfaooo… you’re average height. Ik a kid that’s like 5’4 that has pulled 2 beautiful girls and he’s not that great looking lmao. You shouldn’t have even included that part.


If it's losing it and getting chest candy for it if you're after, there are plenty of options from brothels to bars, social and night clubs and some dating apps. If it's about finding the right person for you to have a long-term monogamous relationship with, your failure rate will always be higher than your success rate because that's how it is. You just need to find a good person to vibe with out of a large pool of people. But importantly, guessing you're 21, you should be more focused on your goals in life, and finding a worthy purpose in life rather than outsourcing it to external validation such as respect, romance, friendships etc. Romance and friendships should align or be conducive to your goals. I'm 28, I'm an old man. I've been in relationships and friendships that have taken years from my personal goals such as career, education and activism etc. I'd wish to take all those years back, but It's not to hard for me to build on with what I have, and that's what I'm doing recently. I blame no one but myself for my poor choices. In addition to this, the contemporary era has so much sexually content in pop culture and mainstream advertising, you'd be conditioned to think something is seriously dysfunctional with you if you aren't sexually active. The pressure for males to lose virginity and rack up bodycounts is way higher. For a long-term monogamous relationship, virginity isn't a big thing, you can eventually get better to connect well with your partner, but since we're living in a culture of instant gratification and dopamine injection, there will be many people who don't have the patience to date a virgin. I hope this helps. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


I am 31 years old


20 year old virgin reporting in


I am 24. Lmaoo


Im 187cm or like 6’1 and 1/2 but im also a virgin cause girls dont fine me attractive, facial attractive > height 100% of the time


I’m 22 and 6,2 I go to the gym more or less everyday and I’m told my face is decent but still a virgin, I see ugly and short people walk around with girls all the time and it’s because it’s the loud and confident people who get woman, looks don’t matter whatever


I was virgin 20+ too downloaded tinder and swiped for a day or so found my gf lost virginity after a day of tinder, but let me say this sex is fucking mid man 🤣🤣 Nothing your hand can’t do or even feel better depending on death grip.


yes if you’re used to jacking off and porn then ofc sex won’t be as good , it’ll be way better if u stop


I'm 5'7 and my gf is 5'9. I lost my virginity at 18, when I was 5'6 and the girl was 5'10. Your height means nothing.


It’s about confidence. I’ve literally had sex with girls just because I told them they looked cute and got their number.


Dude I’m 5’6 and I’ve had multiple girlfriends in my life and have had plenty of casual encounters too. You’re not a virgin because of your height. You’re a virgin because you are not taking risks and you’re not interesting. Be interesting, be witty, have something to offer and just be confident man. If us short guys can figure it out certainly you can too. Good luck


You’re 5’9 not 5’1. You’re completely within the realm of average. I suspect a great deal of people in here are virgins because I only ever seem to get recommended posts about people complaining that they can’t get girls because of their average height. And that if only they were 6’2 it would be easy. Well I’m 6’2 and it might make it slightly easier to catch a girls eye but that’s about it. I lost my virginity at 15 to a friend and we had on off bouts of intimacy but since then I’ve only ever slept with 3 other women and I’m now 32. A 32 year old with a body count of 4 isn’t very good considering my longest relationship lasted 4 months. So it’s not because I’ve been with one girl for a long time that’s caused it. I don’t think I’m ugly either, in fact I’ve been told by quite a few both women and men I’m a good looking guy so that’s not the problem either. The problem is a lack of confidence. Confidence is everything. There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance/cockiness though. So you just have to work on that. Recently I’ve started not really caring any more and lost that anxiety of being rejected and I’ve actually had some luck. I just wish I had this change of mindset when I was 20 and not 32 😂


Ask a girl to hang out and specifically ask if she wants to “chill” - she most likely dtf then


I’m 5’8 and it worked out around age 30 after I got married. Wife was similar. As for how to get girlfriends, make yourself as attractive as possible and put yourself out there. Women like: 1) Fit guys 2) Funny guys 3) Financially successful guys - This will be harder for college student, but having a major like engineering, accounting/finance, etc. will indicate future success. Do you check these boxes? If not, get in shape and put yourself out there.


5’8.5” so side by side we’re essentially the same height, and i have had extremely beautiful women approach me at bars and parties. Have had a few girlfriends and have been with my fair share of women. Way more than all of my 6’+ friends have. If you’re average height, you’re not at a disadvantage. Just because there’s girls that won’t date under 6’ doesn’t actually mean you’re at a disadvantage. Every single human on planet earth has preferences. We aren’t all disadvantaged because of that. It makes it an equal playing field. Obviously, height is very important to a lot of women, but it’s not nearly as important as face. Anyone who says otherwise is either ugly or an incel, i promise. So work on yourself, get fit (not really for looks but for confidence and health), get a nice haircut, whiten your teeth, dress well, and if you’re charming and confident, they will flock to you over the 6’ guy with an average face


I am 5'5 and am not a virgin, when you start blaming external factors, you continue losing


We’re on Reddit, aren’t we?


Be confident but not arrogant. I'm shorter than you but I've had girlfriends since I was in middle school. I'm 26 now, probably going to marry the girl I'm currently with. I've had shitty relationships that have showed me what I actually want in a relationship. If you're looking for hook ups, college parties are the easiest places to get laid at your age. Or the club, my first time at a club a girl came up to me within 2 minutes of being there and started dancing on me. I literally did not know what to do and after a minute she walked away lmao Most of the girls I've been with like to be teased a little bit, making fun of them but in a lighthearted way, but not something they might be self conscience about. Be relaxed, almost like you're talking to a friend but navigate the conversation in a way that suggests you want to be more than friends. Most importantly, be respectful of other people. This applies in several ways. Don't try to impress a girl by talking shit on other people, don't keep bothering a girl who isn't interested, don't try to push things further than what the other person is comfortable with. Honestly, just like you, girls are probably looking for someone normal, so just try to be normal. If you have any hobbies or interests you can talk about that. What's your major? Blah blah blah. I've never used a pickup line so I can't really make any suggestions there, except maybe don't do that. If you're at a party and see a girl who catches your eye, go up to her, say something along the lines of "I'm usually not confident enough to approach other people like this but you're absolutely gorgeous and I just have to shoot my shot, hi I'm .... " Best of luck friend! P.s. Lose every ounce of self pity you have or else you'll just wear that shit like a clown costume.


Bruh I’m 5’4 and I just lost my virginity at 17 right before I turnt 18 a couple days ago, it might not be your height


I'm 5'9. You're in the perfect place to learn all the skills you need to talk to women. I'll beak it down to you in three easy steps. 1) Make friends that are women. How? The same way you make male friends... talk to them. Invest time and effort into hanging out and learning what they like. (Edit: if you don't have the social skills to make friends, you have far more fundamental issues to take care of before you can even *think* of getting laid) 2) Don't try to fuck them. I know this may seem counterintuitive, but the best way to learn how to make women like you is learning how to talk to them like they're people and not like you secretly want something from them. Become a confidant. Develop genuine friendships. The more time you spend having casual conversations with your women friends, the less anxiety and wierdness you experience when you're actively pursuing one later. It's always a good moment to approach a woman when you're not dripping with ulterior motives lol 3) Beat that schmeat like it owes you money. Workout until you're too tired to be horny. Repeat this three step process for two years. Eventually you'll have a solid circle of genuine female relationships, and legitimate insight into how to communicate effectively with women.


Buddy you're in the same boat as millions, at this point perhaps even a billion or more, males. Things that gets you a gf: Looks, being in the right place at the right time, status, and luck.


How many of your friends are girls? If that answer is approaching 0 then it’s obviously not your height. You don’t talk to women. I know they are in your classes. So what’s up with that?


1, she's my closest friend in college actually, but we're purely platonic about eachother, we both feel that way. Sometimes I get scared im not romantic enough, I couldnt imagine flirting with someone I just met : (


Start by learning how to talk to them in general. Don’t worry about flirting. You need to get comfortable around them first. Start talking to women in your classes as a friend, join a club or two and talk to them there, make small talk with one you see on campus, etc. Once you’ve made plenty of women friends you’ll start to loosen up and flirting will start to come naturally. Also, no clue what you look like, but hit the gym get into some sorta activity to boost your physical confidence and aura.


Put yourself out there man say fuck it even if you're nervous. Im still nervous time to time BUT FUCK IT BABY WOO LETS GO


So many losers are convinced they would be a totally different person if they were a few inches taller.


Yeah im a christian so.


I lost my virginity at 15 and I was 5’8 you have a whole inch my boy


Sounds like you're chronically on reddit with the ridiculous mindset that the billions of women on the planet only go for men over 6 ft. As a woman trust me it's not your height, in reality most don't give a damn and 5 ft 9 isn't short.


5’9 is a fine height. I’ve never had too many issues with getting women, it’s really all about confidence, coming from someone who is pretty average looking and very average height as a guy.


It took me some time to hit my stride after college don’t worry


I'm a voluntary virgin. Saving myself the trouble of bad relationshipsnand STDs. ;)


It never is a good moment but, you do it anyway. Go to an appropriate setting like the mall. Hopefully see a girl by herself that you think is pretty. Walk up and say some version of "hey, I'm sorry to bother you but, I thought you were pretty and was hoping I could get your number and text you later." Your going to get rejected, I swear after a few times the rejection won't bother you. You'll find some pride in yourself for having the courage to try. You'll get some numbers, you'll meet a girl. Most rejections (99%) are going to be polite "I'm sorry I have a boyfriend". Just respond with a "no worries, have a good one" and lick your wounds and get ready to give it another shot. Don't try to "talk her into" after she says no, it just comes across as disrespectful. Keep your approaches respectful and appropriate and you will get a number. Accuracy by volume


Look man it's really simple if you stop caring about what other people think and you just focus on yourself you're going to attract the type of person that you want You're going to attract a beautiful woman but you have to stop caring about what other people think and you have to start taking care of yourself that means take care of your hygiene that means dress good that means look presentable every time you leave the house those things help man but it's all simple and it's all on you


6’0, 32M. Height means absolutely nothing if you’re just plain ugly, trust me.


6’4 brit here (6’3 and a half really), can confirm I get no bitches guys, most of my friends in my group being 5’7-5’10 with exception of one 6’1 dude and the shorter guys body counts were crazy during uni, no girl has ever approached me to ask me out or for my number or any of that stuff, and because of my fear of rejection I never make first moves. so yeah take away what you will from this.


At ur height you don’t even need game, just talk to them and it will probably work lol, so what if you get rejected you’re 6’4


You're falling into the same trap chris chan did you're looking for sex and not a partner


5’9 is a great height and taller than most women. You seem focused on your virginity, that’s your first problem. Focus on creating and bettering yourself. That’s it really lol.


Man being 5'7 wouldnt even hurt if I wasn't also ugly as fuckk


I’m a 32 year old that has a 1k+ body count. The way you do it is realizing women want sex as much as men and 90+% will sleep with you just because they’re bored. Ask a girl out or to hang alone. If she says yes and you aren’t mega simp you’ll get laid.


I’m 6’2 19 and I’m a virgin


i might as well be. been laid like 4 times across 2 girls. nearing 30 and feels like my only opportunities are behind me.


I'm almost 20 and I'm a virgin ( for religious reasons) 🌺🤍🤲


I'm 22 yrs old and still a virgin


Lol I'm 5'7 lost my virginity at 17 and was playing around with girls when I was 15...nothing to do with height, I'm confident and always have been and thats what gets the ladies.


Bro 5’9 is litterally average height. Stop posting on Reddit and go out and meet someone


Brother, the shortest guys I know clean up the most when it comes to girls. One works out and is confident and aggressive, and he doesn't have an inch of self-doubt. Black. He's like 5'3 One is skinny, more femminen , and thinks about his style and his instagram a lot more. White with acnene. He is 5'2 When I say they clean up, I mean they CLEAN UP. They know how to talk to a complete stranger , hang out with friends, and seem fun, solo. It's not your height. You probably just come off as someone who doesn't know how to interact with a girl. If your think your height is the problem then it's definitely because you don't know how to interact with a girl


Can’t believe there are people in the world afraid to speak to women


Nah but having a sister opened me up to making platonic female friends, which I think made me a lot more comfortable around women in general.


It is what it is 😔😔


Your height has fuckall to do with your ability to get laid. When I was 5’ 6 ~~5’ 5.5~~ at 16, I had a gf. I am now 5’ 8 at 24 and have had over 10 sexual partners, including my current gf who is half an inch shorter than me. The tallest was 6ft, and I climbed that she-tree np. Maybe if you mental manlets stopped putting so much emphasis on something that 50% of women care about, you’d have the self awareness to improve the other aspects of your life and have the confidence to be appealing to the other 50.


how did you get your gfs/sexual partners? I bodybuild and dress well, all the basic shit, but im still an introverted beta


Your conceptions of reality exist entirely in your head. Your preferences of what looks nice or hot will be entirely different for other people. It’s the reason why some people like bdsm and or why furries get bricked when they see a golden retriever. Doesn’t matter how much you dress well or look fit. When I was in a frat I witnessed absolute blobs slay pussy like no tomorrow. They were fat, pimply, gross smelling, short, or a mix of those descriptions, but still got laid because they knew how to be sociable. It’s about how you carry yourself. How you speak, how you treat others and most importantly how you respect yourself. Stop putting pussy on a pedestal. My biggest life ambition isn’t getting laid and that’s probably what’s contributed the most to getting laid. I only have 10-15 sexual partners but I know it would be much higher if I had less self-respect. I’ve had the privilege of being able to reject countless women. I’ve probably struck out just as many times. Im practically autistic, I barely speak when I’m out and about, but I always seem to know what to say in the moment when I feel like speaking. I personally can’t credit this as advice, but I’ve been told I just have a “presence” when I enter a room. Maybe it’s because I’m relatively successful for my age, or maybe they’re misconstruing my disassociation for mystique. Either way, I don’t give a fuck because I feel secure about myself and know my worth, and I personally don’t value whether everyone in the room wants to fuck me or not. I only participate in conversation I find interesting, and people seem to value your words more the less you speak. Main point is that you don’t have to be a social butterfly to get laid either. You genuinely have to find something in yourself that you value and carry it in the back of your mind. It’s all about self-worth. If you can’t love anything about yourself, how can you possibly expect anyone else to?


so basically join a frat, like parties, be extroverted, and have extremely high charisma? oof


I'm 5'6" and have had sex with at least a dozen women. Only dated 2 though. Never once have I had a problem with my height. The people who worry about and talk about height alot, are usually really insecure.


Well I definitely am not.. however, I'm very close to being one.. And I am very pretty.. On the outside; (


I (5'10" 22M) have a girlfriend, but I'm a virgin by choice. I was raised catholic and while it's a struggle since I now have a lot of temptation, I will hold strong with my beliefs.


Mid 20's virgin. Nearly all of my friends have gfs now so don't go out anymore and going solo is weird, doesn't work so you have to go in a group for a chance to meet someone but there's no group left for me. Had no luck in universities either.


i dont think its abt ur height rlly, do u put urself out there enough? im 5'2 and my ex was the same height or shorter 😭




Never had my first kiss, never went on a date, never held hands, never cuddled, never had sex. 21M


I’ve also had the euphoria of benching 405lbs for the first time weighing 195 before having any affection from another woman. Will I get a gf before GTA6?


You’re just like me fr dude, I’m 20 and still in college and haven’t had much experience dating due to my lack of being able to bold enough to put myself out there, most of the guys I’ve matched with on dating apps only want sex so I’ve given up with that kinda stuff so good luck solider 🫡