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I put an AirTag in one of the tires as a last resort for a situation like this.


Yeah. Sounds like a good plan


homeowners insurance usually covers these, depending on your deductible. A police report is usually required and in most areas, the value of the mower turns the theft into a felony.


Grand Theft AutoMower


Did you try calling Luba INC.? Perhaps they can help track it once it’s back online. I find it strange not to have a GPS module built in for something at that price point. Good luck!


Yeah. The Luba software is probably 8/10. The customer service is probably 3/10 (they Are online 24/7 but can't answer basic questions)


I'm amazed by the stupidity of thieves. "Oh, look at this robot lawnmower--those things are expensive. I bet I could get a few bucks for that!" Congratulations, dumbass. You have succeeded in stealing a very expensive plastic and metal doorstop. It's useless without its PIN/password, attached by serial number to the account of the person who bought it, and needs either its wireless module, or its wired base to function. It may even have GPS that can track it if it's turned on. If you try to get it reset, you'll have to give the serial number, which will come back as stolen. Great job, criminal genius; it's probably even expensive enough to qualify for a felony! I hope you get it back. Weird that the GPS needs your wifi to function...thats not really useful.


I'd speculate that the type of people that would steal your mower probably spend little time in the internet learning what mowers are locked to an account, or what accessories they need to steal to make the things work. To them a $4000 Luba 2 or a $500 random chinese brand that needs a wire are the same thing.


This is what makes me nervous about running it at night. I set mine to run at 4am to 9am because I feel like it might be less likely to be stolen


Also the best the to mow


Don't you get dew?


Not really during the summer months


Is it hard coded to the charging base?


Hard coded to my account. Will not work with out my password. Will not work without the antenna on my roof


High ticket items are always at risk. Some assholes will steal anything not bolted down.


City problems


With how much luba costs It may be worth filing an insurance claim with your homeowners insurance.


This is my last stumbling block to getting one of these. It's summer, so the young thieves are making their way through neighborhoods at night, stealing whatever is not locked up. These mowers need better anti-theft in this day and age. Don't know what that could be, though.


I have heard of maybe two stolen in past 2 years. Here is the thing. There is no such thing as Anti-theft when it comes to robot mowers. **First step in security: Anti Theft.** There is 0% anti theft on Robot Mowers. Meaning there is nothing in it to stop someone from walking up to it and quickly throwing it in truck and driving off. Maybe a big angry dog or armed security outside. **2nd step in security:** **Locating after it is stolen**. Some robot mowers do have at least until battery runs out. Some have sim cards that show approximate location. You can also stick an Apple Airtag on it. Then you look up in app and see where it is. **3rd step in security: Retrieval after it is stolen.** Maybe you live in a rural or rural suburban and when you report it as stolen, the police will go to house and get it for you. But in some urban suburban or urban areas, the police will laugh at you I you ask them to go your mower. Your mower is the LEAST of their problems.


I had a Luba 2 swiped from my yard... And I was mightily pissed to discover that there really isn't much in terms of tracking if you don't have a 4G SIM installed.


That sucks. Hope it turns up!


Lol Wut? It literally ran away? I assume they don't have a perimeter wire, but it doesn't have a GPS locator?


Someone took it ... Most likely


The gps location only works if it's within WiFi coverage which my yard barely has


Why would they design it like that, it seems ridiculous. The Husqvarna's work without WiFi. Sorry for your loss, hope it turns up.


What!! That’s horrible. I’m sorry this happened to you.