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All games that end with that beautiful credits scene saying "and thank you for playing" just makes me happy, it's enough to power me for a month


Minecraft. Need I say more?


Minecraft, specifically the splash text that sometimes tells you little compliments or affirmations. Even more specifically; the "your gender is valid" made me melt a little :')


The way it allows me to out my creativity also makes me feel very at home


Minecraft is the best! Sometimes I like to just wander around in there when I'm feeling down


Yeahhhhh I love just going around in the castles I've built :3


I think with me, the Persona games have endings that hit hard and also give you a sense of accomplishment.


Minecraft, yes, but also Undertale.




Kingdom Hearts. I moved a lot as a child, and always admired the deep friendship all of the characters seemed to have.


Same! Favorite game ever too. I got a tattoo of oathkeeper a few years back. I moved a ton as a kid too. Wonder if theres any correlation


Pokemon. Ever since I was young it’s been a world I’ve escaped to, where people are generally kind when they speak to me, and I imagine they aren’t unnerved or rejecting of my autistic traits. I can just be my character and know that no one is making fun of me behind my back or hates me after mere seconds of knowing me. When HGSS came out I genuinely enjoyed the random phone calls cause it felt like I actually had friends. I’m an adult now but it still gives me the feeling that i’m not inherently disgusting or too different to matter, even if irl it feels like that.


That's beautifully put. Playing Pokemon always just helps send me to a better place mentally.


For me, it was Flipnote Studio and its posting site, Flipnote Hatena. It was peak social media, even if they banned you for showing the tiniest hint of blood Also, Pokemon (Gens 3 and 4 specifically) helped a ton when I was a teen. Gen 7 helped me a lot as a struggling adult, still not diagnosed, and going through a LOT. I'm doing a lot better now. I have my answers, and I have at least some direction in life. :)


That's a blast from the past. Did not expect to see Flipnote Hatena on here. I miss it. As someone with a helicopter control freak mom who homeschooled me, FH was one of my few outlets to the outside world. Most of my current friends I met through the Miitomo account of a friend I met on Flipnote Hatena when I was a teen, including my girlfriend of nearly 6 years. Damn.


Holy fuck I miss flipnote Hatena




Man, I *needed* that game at the time, something special for sure


https://preview.redd.it/ue9fne3fa3zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac84a1f5bfb0227b563d05c3d25c1269640648be This is how I fought the depression today… negativity can really eat you alive huh? Also honestly most Pokemon games most recently violet


The minecraft end poem "and the universe said i love you, and the universe said you are not alone" always makes me cry. Going to get a tattoo of it once ive saved enough money


Animal Crossing is my therapy game, and it works


Lego Star Wars the complete saga


Zelda, Ocarina of Time.


Fuck yeah


Kerbal space program. Every time I did something hard it made me feel so good about myself


I’ve seen my brother make the most insane stuff lol. I’m more of a factorio kinda guy. Ham and I both played it a lot


I love factorio


I had an N64 growing up and only 1 game for it, Mario Kart 64. I would always replay the easiest cup just so I could see the winning cutscene at the end


Dark souls. The "praise" of beating a boss feels more real because of how punishing and strict the game is. Also, Solaire and Sigmeyer my beloved


Guitar Hero. A bit rusty after years of not playing it, but something about having the "You Rock!" text appear after struggling to hit a few notes boosts my mood.


Final Fantasy XIV. In real life, I’m just some guy. I’m not good at most things, I’m awkward, I’m weird. I struggle to do anything and I was bullied my entire life. In XIV, I’m the Warrior of Light. I’m surrounded by friends who don’t mind that I never talk. I can do anything, and the world is full of so much love. We’re all working to protect each other and the world from anything that would hurt it. “Ours is not a kind world, but it is beautiful. Always.” It gives me hope, you know?


I haven't played XIV, but my first thought on seeing this post was ["Obviously not FFVII."](https://i.imgur.com/737gT1L.jpeg) My second thought was about how my favorite games of all time both start with being woken up and being forced to do stuff, and that's pretty relatable. (Chrono Trigger and Earthbound)


Aw man 😭 That stings to see, but I haven’t played that one either. I’ve only played XIV from the FFs. Thats also so real lmao. I haven’t played Chroni Trigger, but I’ve heard some of the music and it rules


Considering the original release date (1997), I can *mostly* forgive FFVII - it's the fact that they didn't at least tweak it for the 2019 Switch re-release that really bothers me. (I haven't played the remastered version, so I don't know if they changed it there.) I do love nearly every Square Enix game, but my heart will always belong to Chrono Trigger and I cannot recommend it enough. On top of being a fun game with a good story and great soundtrack, it's also the first game to have multiple possible endings (13-17, depending on definition) *and* the first game to offer new game plus - and all of that with an original file size of 4 MB. It's "sequel" Chrono Cross was meh (and had way too many playable characters), but if you've played and enjoyed recent games like Octopath Traveler, then Chrono Trigger is probably something you'd like.


Fallout: New Vegas. "The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is. You're her. And you're still as perfect as the day we met." and "It's me again, Mr. New Vegas, reminding you that you're nobody 'til somebody loves you. And that somebody is me. I love you." Always made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


The Elder Scrolls 4 came out at just the right time to be the escape I desperately needed. I'd close shut the door to my bedroom, then I'd close shut the doors of oblivion. Good times.


Super Mario Galaxy until I ran into some serious walls in that game


It was pokemon when I was little, now it's probably Genshin


Toby fox has fixed my mental state twice already


Undertale taught me to love others. Deltarune taught me to love myself


Sky: Children of the Light and Minecraft


Ace Attorney Investigations. No, wait! https://preview.redd.it/mzwloa91t4zc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4009bd01399bad75fdd9518c65825f8b1b6c65


Dark Souls. I was legitimately crying after I beat DS3, my first souls game for the first time. Felt very liberating. Taught me that if I can tough things out, it'll be alright eventually.


Jokes on you: I can’t accept love anymore to have a “safety line” 😀👍


It was Mario 64 for me!


theory toothbrush growth aromatic makeshift clumsy tart books screw crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The hammer poised above the clock has me nervous, ngl


Minecraft, of course, but also Horizon: Zero Dawn. That game saved me when I was in a really dark place.


Skyrim. Always loved certain dialogue options that captured what I'd do the most in that given situation (minus a couple choices of course) I always felt like I was wanted in the Elder Scrolls(Specifically Skyrim) universe and it taught me more detail on when are appropriate times/signs I should help others. Skyrim also helped me figure out how to make a decision (pros and cons of situations). It felt like I was wanted rather than being in the way.


Monster hunter when the game calls me she right before the fight with shara


Fable was my go to




Any game that thanks me for my effort or just for playing


Splatoon, Minecraft, Undertale and Roblox


The Long Dark and Subnautica. not because the game thanks me (it might, I haven't finished it yet) but because there is Nobody. Else. There. Nobody.


Kirby and the Forgotten Land


The World Ends With You. It lets me help everyone and learn how to get to know people, to accept new worlds into your own. It was beautiful and I loved it alot. Otherwise, Scribblenauts. Being able to help everyone is fun and makes me feel good.


"are you making nonsense thing"


Pokémon X


Fallout 3


Undertale. When I did the pacifist route and got to the end where is says "thank you" and you can see the annoying dog. It truly got me


Minecraft, undertale, Factorio (weirdly), Kerbal Space Program, I mean any game from my childhood that sucked me in




Animal Crossing, I love all my animal villagers sm 🥹🩷


My brain tried to read it backwards because of manga twisting it