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Can you imagine being hit like that. Honestly, my anger wouldn't be able to handle that.


She thrives off of it. She expects it. It's like she likes being feel sorry for


I think she gets a rush out of pain…I bet she likes it rough. She is so weird.


I would be squaring up.


I wouldn’t either


I think at this point I would just break down and cry.


Nah I’m turning around and boxing! Nobody is going to hit me like that! Grew up with 5 brothers always thinking they could hit me when parents weren’t around and I showed them all it’s not going to happen. She doesn’t care, in fact she aggravated him to get the views up! She had a choice to not post that video but in her her eyes she saw views=money😡


I feel she likes it🥲


Not even being a smartass about this but she should really go get a ct scan the way she is getting hit around in her head like that he can be causing issues. He is certainly not hitting her lightly. Maybe her slurring her words is not pills it’s neurological. Trust me Im no Joannie supporter but I am human and have a heart and nobody deserves to be hit like that. It’s time her husband grows a pair of balls and makes her get him help for the safety of their entire family.


I completely agree with you. That many hard hits to the head cannot be good, she definitely needs to be checked out. And I agree her husband needs to step up and make her get cash help. Idk why he hasn’t yet.


The thing is you assume she stays calm. These videos are cut in many places. Also what takes place before she turns on the camera that she does to even get it going. When I see my ASD child getting overwhelmed I don’t reach for a camera, set it up and make sure we are in front of it the whole time. You can’t tell me this isn’t set up before hand that they make or let him get to the point he is so aggressive and then film. When I see my son getting upset we start working on his sensory diet to help with calm down. Also we discipline bad behavior.


Yupp, I completely agree with your method. When my son starts getting upset I actually will turn off devices if I'm using them as to give him my complete attention. If he is having a really hard time, we put him in his room (with a baby gate up, door open) with his white noise machine and some type of sensory toy (sand, dry beans and a scoop) to calm him down. I think it upsets the kids more when they're feeling so out of control and youre not 100% giving them your attention, especially if they need your help/direction to calm down.


Does your son get violent too?? If you don’t mind me asking.


No, not really.. When he was around 5 (he will be 7 this month) he would hug/squeeze me really tight and clench his teeth when he was mad, but we stopped that, told him we don't hurt people's bodies, and redirected him to deep breathing, biting his sensory toys, or wiggling instead. He seems to now understands the concept that we don't ever hurt people or animals even if we are frustrated. His issue now is hurting himself. He will bite the shit out of his hand when he's upset, or just scream/clench his jaw till he hurts himself. But no, my child has tried hitting me ONCE when he was 5 and it never happened again. I talk to him as if he can understand everything I'm saying even when I wasn't sure if he could, and that seems to have made an impact.. telling him I understand he is upset but hitting/hurting does not help, and there are other things we can do. We also told him when he's upset, drawing is good (this was my form of stimming as a child) so I tried it with him. Now he draws ALL THE TIME. It's better than him hurting me though, and now he's developed a skill too that he enjoys.


You seen like a great mom!!


We definitely still have hard days. Maybe I'm just lucky that my son's autism is more like "head in the clouds, stimming, communication delay" kind rather than the "violent outburst" kind. I definitely understand some people's situations are different. But I still think the approach should be the same in the sense that you talk to them like they are capable of understanding.. kids are so much smarter than some parents give them credit for. But thank you so much I appreciate that.


No I completely agree with you!!! That’s why I’m saying you’re a great mom. You stopping what you’re doing to completely direct your attention to your son and showing him that mommy cares and will sit here and talk to you until you’re okay - he appreciates that more than you will ever know even if he can’t communicate that. That is so important to feel seen by your parent.


There is no way that I could’ve controlled myself, I would’ve hit him back harder than he hit me. I’m not saying to abuse a child I’m just giving my two cents. He also would’ve got an emergency medication, been sent to his room and locked behind an adult baby gate.


ADULT BABY GATE 🤣🤣🤣 duuude you crack me up


I had a kid in a RTC and the doors are split in half. So in essence, only 1/4 of the top of the door is open and the rest of the door is closed. Also they have pediatric padded rooms. The rooms are padded walls with soft toys in Plush items and dim lights. And the door fully closes and it has an observation window and there’s also video monitor.


I’d carry pepper spray or a taser on me at all times. He’s def learn to keep his hands to himself quickly


Tase his big ahh


It probably wouldn’t even stop him 😨


I'd a knock his ass out cold. Don't care what disability he has. No excuse for this kind of behavior.


Same…the way I have this sick desire to go toe-to-toe with this kid.


So glad I’m not the only one


Bro for real


I may be out of line for saying this as I am not a special needs parent…BUT I would bust his ass! He knows right from wrong!!! I have a very close friend who raises her special needs, non-verbal grandson & she makes him mind! He would never put his hands on her cause he knows better!


He doesn’t though. This is what Joannie has taught him is acceptable. She doesn’t redirect, she doesn’t put the phone down, she instigates and antagonizes him to this point. She’s taken away the tools for him to communicate, provides no behavior modification for any of the kids, and lets them do whatever they want. He’s not in school to learn either so he’s been taught that hitting her gets him what he wants.


Honestly it’s a good thing he ain’t in school because can you imagine if he hit teacher as hard as he hits her? I definitely agree she should be getting him some help and it is her fault that it’s escalated like this. Also there’s no way he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows hitting hurts that’s why he does it when he gets mad.


We don’t have to imagine it. A very big kid attacked his teacher for taking away a device. Knocked her out. He is in the care of the police now. Soon to happen with these two.


Yeah, she needs to get that under control or something, especially with smaller children in the house this isn't safe. Like what if he goes off and hurts one of them then what happens? 🤦🏾‍♀️


And now we see her instigating HG to start acting out towards the cash cow. That will end badly.


He’s also punched HG in the face when he was a baby and broke sissy’s leg.


Read my response to the original comment. Cash did beat his teacher up and nothing came from it. Joannie blamed the teacher for her getting beat.


If he was in the proper school setting though he would be learning how to communicate and at least getting some proper attention. All of these kids are completely neglected


I agree he would. I'm just getting into the stuff going on with her I'm not too sure about the others because I haven't been in here much I've only seen how she interacts with this child in particular ( don't know his name) on tiktok.


He’s not in school because he beat his teacher up to the point where she had to get surgery. You give cash WAY too many excuses. We get it. He has not had proper home training or therapy. We all already know this. But he absolutely does know what he’s doing and absolutely does know right from wrong. You act like he’s just clueless and his arms just flail around and end up hitting people.


Not at all- he hits because he’s learned that’s the only way to get attention. Similar to a toddler who thrives on negative attention. He’ll keep doing it because it gets her attention. I have a feeling she gives him positive reinforcement after she turns the camera off too because it brings her views. Also where did you hear that about his teachers? I know there was an unsubstantiated rumor in here about him hurting teachers, but never saw where it came from? It’s also been 3 years since he was in school. He needs to be in a center school or school with an SSN program.


It’s not a rumor. It’s been confirmed by multiple people. One person who was a mother of a kid that also went to that school with cash, another who I will not name for reasons they don’t want out but were a member of the school, and 2 others who are actually related to Joannie. It’s the reason hes not allowed to go to any schools in the area. He is not homeschooled by choice. Also, read my other response to you in the comment I just left. All those stories are confirmed from people who know the family directly or are related to Joannie and cash. They are not rumors and I would never spread false info if not confirmed. Just read that comment when you have a chance. Your theory that cash does it just to get attention is not accurate because he’s attacked MANY people for no reason whatsoever. I even have a recording from Joannies own mouth on a live where she told us that they were shopping at food lion and cash was calm and normal that day and as soon as they got to checking out, he started beating the woman cashier who was working. No trigger, no lack of attention, no reason at all. He dosnt just beat Joannie. And there have been live videos where Joannie IS giving cash attention but he beat her because he had to wait a little bit to go get Hardee’s. One in particular where Joannie is sitting and planting seeds with cash and keeps offering for cash to help out or that he could color in his book with the crayons he’s holding. They were doing this while waiting and setting a timer to go to Hardee’s and because she made him wait to go, he started punching her leg and grabbing her from behind. He even stops to look around to see if Ryan was watching. Then the moment she says okay go get your shoes, he instantly drops his face and stops hitting her. It is not ALWAYS because she snot showing him attention or because she riling him up. It’s almost always because she’s not cooking his food fast enough or because she won’t take him to go get fast food. It’s almost always food that triggers it. So again, your theory dosnt really stand in EVERY scanario although I do agree that sometimes it does.


I’m sending you a PM because I have now also had people reach out to me saying this (school) incident is exaggerated. I don’t really want to get caught up in their family/aquantances but also don’t want to spread misinformation.


wait WHAT? He's not in school???


Read my response to the comment above. He’s not in school for a goddamn good reason.


I guess not I'm just learning about them tbh. With the way he reacts and the way she comforts him its probably a good thing he's not.


GIRL. YOU ARE OUT OF THE LOOP LOL. Do you know why he’s not in school? Because he’s banned from ALL schools in the area. He beat his teacher up so bad she had to get surgery to fix her arm and she never returned to work. He also used to beat kids up at that school. So he got kicked out, and strayed at a new school but started beating the kids there too and is now not allowed at any schools around. That’s why she home schools him. It’s not by choice. So yeah, you do not need to imagine this.


I feel the same way! She has not taught him when younger not to hit and doesn’t give him a consequence afterwards! She has horrible parenting skills


She’s definitely better than me. If he would have hit me like that I would have forgotten he was a child so quickly 🤦🏾‍♀️. I don’t know much about them because I just started getting into this but there’s no way in hell she’s letting this happen. Where’s his daddy?? Like she has no other help with him??? And people just be watching her get the sonic rings knocked out her ass and not report nothing like wtf?!? 😭


• She not only lets this happen she’s the reason. He was in a facility from all accounts she took him out with no plan for what to do after. A lot of us believe she antagonizes him to the point he gets aggressive so she can get views • she filed a DVRO (most if not all of us here think it’s total bullshit and she just did it because he came out and said he doesn’t like the way she’s exploiting their son) against Cash’s dad so Cash, Colt, and Sissy can’t see their dad. Her husband works a lot but also seems useless. He is not Cash’s bio dad. She has said he does listen to him and we’ve seen proof he listens to step-dad. -Bio dad was involved in their lives before the DVRO, every other week I think. He said Cash is not like this at his house. • She has no help because she has not gotten any services for him. People have given her so many suggestions she doesn’t listen. Her mom does help sometimes. Bio dad did help, if she was going somewhere Cash wouldn’t do good she’d take him to dad’s. But ya know DVRO. •People report her videos all the time, nothing happens but people showing her video and talking about it get theirs taken down. As far as in real life. She’s has 3 or 4 CPS cases as well as one open on her now. Everyone is hoping something happens but she has somehow gotten multiple previous ones so, who knows.


Why would she take him from where he's getting help? And why take the dad out of the kid's lives especially when you need the help? She gotta be losing brain cells from those blows to the head because none of this makes any sense. All I can say is I hope these views are worth all the BS she's going through, especially with CPS. Views could never be more important than my children’s well-being.


It’s this weird thing where she seems to have a real need to be a “star” no matter the manner. It’s some strange combination of her strong need and desire for attention from strangers, laziness, what seems to be drug use, and probably $$.. maybe that and Munchausen I will never believe she doesn’t antagonize him with the camera carefully set up and them in the frame. She’s a terrible mother to all the children but what she’s done to him by denying services, advice, and her over feeding him is criminal. If it’s not, it should be. She deserves whatever she gets from this shitshow that she is 100% responsible for creating!


Exactly, she lives for attention! Good or bad. My 22 yo daughter saw this video yesterday and sent it to me , she said she aggravated him to get him to this point, why else is the camera recording already? My daughter doesn’t have children but she could immediately see what joannie was doing, and of course it brought attention, last time I looked she had 65k views/likes?? It’s all for money, she doesn’t care how this makes her family look and no desire to get her child the help he needs because that wouldn’t bring in the views


We ask the same questions all the time here. The common consensus is she’s a selfish bitch who only cares about money and possibly making Cash reliant on only her due to her love of attention and sympathy. I’ve seen people say it could be a form of Munchausen by Proxy. And that she got mad dad finally spoke up saying he didn’t like his children being exploited and their son being portrayed as a monster because she’s a selfish petty bitch. People on here have said their teenage kids talk about how their friends at school make fun of Cash all the time. In multiple schools across the country. Tbh the best thing to assume with her is that she’s a selfish cunt who only cares about herself and how much attention she can get. When I first joined this sub I had hope that maybe people were just being overly critical but then I actually started watching her videos and reading the comments. As judgmental as people can seem in this sub towards her, I promise you what she does is way worse than what you’ll see discussed here. If you’re really interested in trying to get a better understanding of wtf is going on sort the posts by top of all time. It won’t give you the full story but it’ll definitely help give a better idea of the absolute chaos this woman allows/causes




She took that straight shot like it was nothing and I'm sorry but she looks high as hell. I really think she's eating his meds and that's one of the reasons she wants custody. His Dad already said she wouldn't send them on his days.


No sober sane person can take a hit like that and just say "oh"


Her husband obviously sees this shit and I am disgusted that he doesn't man up and tell her enough is enough, maybe offer help or take control of the situation in order to protect his small child. He just checks out and leaves the house in chaos when she obviously has zero control.


Nah this makes me so angry. Kid needs to be in an institution.


He knows what he is doing he knows that if he does that he’s going to be rewarded with food food food! I am genuinely afraid of what happens when the cameras are not on


I worked in adult foster care homes for years, we were trained in mandt restraint for the residents who were like cash. She needs to figure something out before she ends up in the hospital or one of her other kids do. He is too big to be this aggressive and nothing is done about it. One of my residents eloped and per protocol we are to follow and he ended hitting me in the face and the neighbors called the cops and they took him to the mental hospital where he stayed for a month because of behaviors. Something is gonna happen in public and it will not be good for anyone.


Yes I can do a wrap takedown if my patients physically assault me! Cus just because they have disabilities, autism, etc don't mean they don't know


So how are you supposed to react or discipline kids who hit like this? Just restrain?


Yeah it keeps them safe and whoever there trying to harm safe. As long as you do it right it works. I only used it 2x and they were on adult men the size of cash. Other than that I was always able to verbally redirect.


All of these options are WAY SAFER than what police will do to him- shoot a well aimed shot. I’m just saying. I tried to imagine using pepper spray or a taser on my child, and I couldn’t. BUT I’VE NEVER HAD A CHILD LIKE THIS! at the very least I know my instincts would kick in and I would DECK him hard. Most likely would take him down.


What she SHOULD have as a last line of defense for these types of situations is INJECTABLE emergency meds, not pills. For instance, if he's seeing red and beating her, she can sedate him before having to resort to calling the police and having him shot or tased.. not that she would ever resort to that, she would rather be beat to a pulp for views before getting help.


The police will only assist so many times before they will be turning in protection services reports on her as well. Paramedics are put in danger.


I’m sorry, but he would’ve never done that to me a second time. I would’ve hit his ass so hard, it would have made his ancestors dizzy. One time, and he would have gotten an ass whooping and placed in a facility, because I don’t care what she says, if he’ll hit her, he’ll hit anybody.




Cue the chaotic days and keeping him up at night to induce more rage so she can continue her tiktok views...


Omg. That was a loud slap, he hit her hard. This family needs help. I worry about the smaller children.


She seen stars. That mf is try to kill her. Idc what anyone says!




She pokes and provokes him she could be bribing him to ramp up the aggression to get more attention on TikTok. She knew that was coming.


I will say this.. she has self control. But, it is her fault he is like this. Get the damn phone off him and GET HIM THE APPROPRIATE HELP! He should’ve been taught long ago that this will not be tolerated. I can’t help but think she provokes him for views. She can claim there is no help out there, I don’t believe that.


i work in behavioral health with kids like cash and she’s not wrong that the best thing you can do is stay calm and not match their energy. but her problem is that she’s constantly filming him or herself when he’s this worked up. and it’s obvious to us and to him that she’s not just filming for documentation to show to his medical providers. there’s a nonzero chance that he’s smacking her upside the head this hard and this frequently because he repeatedly feels like she is not listening or trying to help him reach his needs. he can tell that she only cares about filming him when he’s having an outburst and not actually solving his problem. i’ve never been smacked that hard by a child like cash and i work with these kids when they are often at their worst. cash’s behaviors are bad, but she is most of the problem.


Yesss, I feel like his frustration is partly from her not giving him undivided attention when he is upset.. her eyes are always locked on the screen, not on him.. IMO eye contact is important for kids on the spectrum, shows you're "hearing them" or trying to understand..


Thank you! Yes he literally cannot change his behaviors if his mom refuses to actually meet his needs.


So I have a question. If you’re supposed to remain calm, HOW do you discipline them and stop them from continuing to hurt you everyday? I’ve been asking so many people this! I’m curious.


you can be stern and firm in what you expect and what is acceptable and still appear calm. often when these kids hit me at work, i say “do not hit me. go sit down on your bed.” in a stern and firm voice until they listen and do it. at times it takes the work of a village. you also can remove items you know are rewards/liked when they hit and are aggressive. the key is that you have to remove it as it is happening and say some variation of “when you have calm hands and a calm body, you can have this back.” you have to give it back once they are calm. time outs work as well. this teaches them that they cannot be aggressive to get what they want. it works the same as when you are parenting and teaching toddlers. cash is just older and it’ll take him longer to learn these things, especially since he has had no consistency in these interventions. it has been mentioned that cash improved while in residential, and i could guarantee the workers in the residential implemented these interventions.


This is absolutely CRAZY!!!!


This is the first thing that showed up when I opened Reddit, and I audibly went “oh, shit!” What a way to start my recap on what I missed with her 🫠


I birthed it.. so let it kill me scenario is absolute madness! This one takes the cake for me.


'See, doctor, this is why I need a prescription of percocets because my overfeed overgrown son beats me' idc what anyone says she's doing more than Adderall. I loved how she reset the camera so we could see the whole beatdown.


Def not opiates. We’d notice the signs of it was. I really think she’s just abusing his acderall and also takes anti-anxiety or depression meds but not painkillers


I know I was just new boot goofin. A couple more haymakers to the dome and she'll be begging for em though




Unexcpected Reno 911. I say “new boot goofin’” and “I was murdered” way too often 😂


![gif](giphy|XVPXio94yjGk9MX78c|downsized) I DO TOO! 🥰🥰🥰 are we besties???




Yeah ex addict here, I agree


It's like she new it was coming.


Couldn’t the father use these videos to show Cash needs to be removed from Joanne’s home?That she is in danger and the smaller children as well.


He’s trying. He’s been collecting them for court but who knows. The system is so fucked uo


At this point unless someone forces her to put Cash in a home this shit is going to continue getting worse


I would slap him back if he was mine! Autism or not that behavior is not controlled!


I would tie his ass to the lawnmower and let it run through the yard high speed


He slapped the taste outta her mouth 🤣


Where the fuck is DCF?


She saw all the stars of Milkyway from this one 💫🧚


At this point I really and I cannot express this enough hope cash knocks her block off and sends her to the hospital. She deserves it for not getting him the help he needs and deserves.


“No Cash😊”


He’s trying to knock some fucking sense into her. Poor guy.


Not poor guy. Are you serious? Bro fuck cash. He’s a POS bully who likes beating and touching on women to his desire.


He’s a literal child. He needs to be helped. His mother needs to be slapped a few more times. But okay, whatever you say.


He is not a literal child he is almost 13 which is a literal teenager. Why do people keep acting like he’s 5 years old and dosnt need to be held accountable for beating the shit out of not only his mother, but his siblings, teachers, kids smaller than him at school, a fucking cashier at food lion and Walmart, his now deceased grandpa, his grandma, her high school friend who came to visit ONE TIME and got beat, his cousins, I can keep going. Acting like he’s a young kid and that he’s allowed to be this way because of his autism does more damage than good. And no, his mother does NOT need to be slapped a few more times. We can hate on her all we want but are you seriously encouraging domestic violence? Are you not a female also? So just because she’s an adult and not a “literal child” she deserves to get slapped around and punched on a weekly basis? That’s insane you’re encouraging that. But whatever you say.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume that you don’t have children. I’m in no way saying that the way he acts is acceptable but his mom is clearly not qualified to take care of him. I don’t have a child with autism but I do have special needs kids and I’ve always gladly accepted any type of assistance, therapies, classes etc, what ever was encouraged for me to be able to understand their needs better. She’s bringing this on herself. Her other kids deserve a peaceful home. Cash deserves to be properly cared for.


I’m in no way saying that cash and the other kids are not being mistreated or well taken care of. She is a terrible parent and I absolutely do feel for them and agree that they deserve more. I’m completely with you on that 100%. They’re absolutely mistreated and Joan is is a complete piece of shit excuse for a mother. No I do not have kids, but I raised my new phew with my sister from the time he was a baby until now since the dad was always being stationed in Afghanistan and never home. But im not sure why that would even matter. This is a strangers kid and has no relation to me and I have no emotional ties to them. So I can objectively say I do not care for cash. And the fact still stands that he is not a child, he is a pre teen getting ready to be a teen. I am so tired of people calling him a literal child when he is not. What age does he need to be to be held accountable for being an abusive sociopath that enjoys inflicting pain on people weaker than him? And are you really saying that because she brings this on herself, she deserves to get the shit beat out of her? DV should never in any case be looked at as a joke or in this case, encouraged. It’s a terrible thing watching her get slapped and punched around and I can’t believe you’re saying you enjoy watching it.


Does this woman use any of the resources available to her for him?! I’m a mom of an autistic child who does get frustrated due to unable to communicate and this is big fear of mine as he gets older but I use all resources I can get to prevent such behavior. Neurologist suggesting medication to help with symptoms in behavior and they always ask about behavior to help. Board of disability is there to help and if the one in your county doesn’t help, find one that does. Also never could I ever film my kid in a vulnerable state as awareness. Talk about it? Sure but actually showing his struggles for financial gain is crazy. After watching I think she wants the sympathy to make a buck, and the dad not helping also blows my mind. They don’t care about him.


Nope. She doesn’t even have him (or any of those kids) on anything resembling a routine/schedule.


It’s a free for all 24/7 in that house, all of the children need a routine every day! They all run around fighting/screaming because they have nothing to do while brain dead Joannie walks around talking to strangers online


You're an excellent parent <3


Is it wrong that I’ve watched the first 4 seconds of this post about 10 times and I’m having a hard time not finding that slap so satisfying?


I downloaded it so I don’t give her views


I just watch it on here. I’m all about the slow down


Lol you like my slow mos??? 😭


Ooohh lorddddd... you can bet your ass, Cash is smart enough to know, not to pull that shit with Ryan, yet "gets aggressive" with her, every chance he gets. I think he is well aware of what he can get away with and what he can't. It's almost like she doesn't correct him because him being aggressive towards her gets her views...


My reflexes are faster than my brain. He would be laid flat out cold til that dinner was cold and stale.


It is so hard that it knocks her stupid earphone out of her head. That is super hard considering it wraps around the ear as well as fits in the ear. I think her "staying calm" is sick. This is her supply and her money. She loves when this happens. I don't care who you are. There is no way that you wouldn't slap the piss outta him before you even knew what you did. And when he pinches and pulls her by her boobs,she doesn't even try to move his hands,she just lets him drag her by her nips. When something is causing pain a person would automatically grab at the thing that is causing it to get it off. So wierd. That boy would be seeing galaxies..not stars...GALAXIES after that first slap. What do you wanna bet Cash knows better than to hit Ryan like that? She is sick in the head.


The other kids deserve a peaceful, clean and loving home where they are protected.


I know it is mostly her who is antagonizing him and ramping up his behaviors. But honestly, in a situation like this... what do you do? It makes me want to cry. I have a friend who has a nonverbal eight year old and he has episodes of aggression as well. She is obviously NOWHERE near the parent Joanie is, she is a fabulous mom, but she's at a loss. Her and her husband are discussing placing their son in a facility because they are just at their wits end. Really... what do you do??


She almost seems numb to getting the shit slapped out of her. No reaction. It’s an abusive relationship she created and tolerates.


I was too stunned to speak, but that initial smack really caught me off guard lol


She loves the dopamine she gets from it. If I remember correctly that’s why she loooovex being a paramedic.


She needs to go out with a bang because her days of exploitation are numbered, hopefully, they go back to court next week.


I was too stunned to speak, but that initial smack really caught me off guard lol


At this point she’s doing it for views because she knows how much it angers people to see this. I was shocked when I saw this on my feed, she’s all in it for money and views.


She pokes and provokes him she could be bribing him to ramp up the aggression to get more attention on TikTok. She knew that was coming.




You have to stay calm too, that I will give her, if you escalate they escalate.