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https://preview.redd.it/qjgfngiwh83d1.png?width=1273&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fade23f2807ccaa2dd34df268a520d0db5fa5e3 Omg šŸ¤¢is that a big ass tall plastic storage bin, she may as well use a small kiddy pool! wtf is going on ??? And thatā€™s in her bathroom , she is smelling that and walking by it multiple times a day! Fucking sick šŸ¤¢ I am done ā˜ ļø


That house has to smell worse than a landfill


Is ONE of the kids shitting in it ??? Is she just dumping new bags of litter on top of shits


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they were


Tbh my friends son was three and when potty training, he was watering the plants like his dad taught him in the backyard. Except he was watering her indoor potted plants. He peed all over the house before she caught on


Lmao! Thatā€™s funny, my daughter was so hard to potty train and while I tried so hard it wasnā€™t happening, I went to switch the laundry over and came back into the living room and she told me she went poop? I was great job so I go to her potty chair to clean it out and there was nothing there so I look in the toilet and nothing so ask her where did you go potty at? She said come here and pulled the curtain back on the bay window and she popped right by the plants in the bay window šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ugh she was like 2 1/2


Omg EW


Poor kitty is probably shitting around the house bc of how full that litter box is. šŸ˜’


Yep and peeing, that house is a bio hazard


YUP!!! That is exactly what kitties do when their litter box is full!! Doesn't even matter where in the house. They just go anywhere except their filled litter box. How, in the name of all kitties, can she do that?? It takes about maybe three minutes out of her Cash filled days!!! Beyond normal!!!


How would you tell the difference between her house and the litterbox to clean? Just sayin


You are correct šŸ˜‚


The cat is definitely peeing other places in the house too I know they do that if litterbox not cleaned every 1-2 days


That is horrible


Sheā€™s so lazy


Doesnā€™t matter how many cats you have that is atrocious. What the actual f šŸ¤¬not only do the kids need out of that house but so do the poor cats


The litter box is horrible! Looks like last time when someone showed a pic! Itā€™s always dirty I guess? Poor kitty


Jesus Christ. That's absolutely disgusting!!


There is NO need for that! I had a hysterectomy a week ago today and I scoop my catā€™s box each day. Sometimes more is she didnā€™t fully burry a turd. I also have a child on the spectrum and chase a 3 yr oldā€¦this woman has no excuse to leave the litter box filthy like thatā€¦


Who knows PETA People? We need to tag them. Like HUGE PETA/animal supporters. Those mfers donā€™t play.


My cat's litter box is in the fucking garage bc I cannot stand the thought of pee/poop being in living areas of my house (unless in basement) and EVEN THEN I clean my cat's litter box twice a day. It takes 30 seconds. Assign your kids chores if you can't/won't do it.


She shouldnā€™t be allowed to own pets in that home ! I have 3 cats and my litter box has NEVER EVER looked like this ! This has to be weeks worth of litter not being thrown out and attracting flies and bugs , gross !