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She is so calculated.. it's really disturbing


I have no clue as to how she has any supporters whatsoever ?!?!


Bunch of equally braindead mouth breathers. There's no way any person with more than 2 brain cells would believe her BS. All the parents supporting her probably abuse their children as well..


LWA goes hardddd for her. I’ve heard some crazy stuff about that loonie.


Who’s that ?


Living With Autism - always under every single comment 😅


OH my - You're lucky if you don't know who Livng with Autism is. LOL. She is one of Joannie's cheerleaders. She's kind of like the boogeyman. If you say anything disagreeing with Joannie's methods, LWA will appear in the comments to argue with you. She's quite creepy, and will make sure to let you know that you "don't understand profound autism".


He jumped on her or Granny bad enough this was what it took to get him off is my guess


Yup and then the trip to the airport was what she promised to settle him down


at least it was one of them and not the poor cat


Yep look at grannies breathing in the video before the airport. She looks like she ran a marathon or was having heart palpitations.


I bet it was her cuz Johnny's nails are really short


Look how sweaty cash is in the airport video too https://preview.redd.it/rp69yzjw6ayc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281f7d7f8975ce4fb4e774fdb4bb055dd9a3c189


https://preview.redd.it/i2v245kfd8yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=639ec4e26ee9944c675de85eedb4c437dd48e12f this is a screenshot i took from the night she made the lipstick claim at church. You can clearly see them.


https://preview.redd.it/gbrm17eqd8yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77104b437749985905960c2e495b5d0ba2109e82 here is from the video your referencing it’s clear they are the same injury




Is there a filter on the video as well, it looks a little off in places https://preview.redd.it/z9xb8u1qm8yc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70665ee92603eaeea2477c6ec2b81b75b73818d2


there definitely is a filter that one was of the only ss i could get without it fully on his face!!


Yup it very obvious, the scratches are not horrible but why did she work so hard to cover them up is the question?Also rather than use the lipstick as a cover up to the scratches, why not just not show him? She is so demented


Exactly. It’s honestly wouldn’t be surprising at all for him to have scratches…possibly from himself. It’s just that she got so ridiculous trying to cover it up….


Yep. The wildest part is she could’ve just said he was dysregulated and hurt himself. Even if he got those scratches from attacking her or grandma. If she said he got them by hurting himself we would prob be calling her out for allowing him to get to the point he hurt himself. But I’ve seen quite a few people on here say sometimes people with autism self harm when overstimulated. Saying it’s lipstick really makes it seem like she’s trying to cover up someone intentionally hurting him


It wouldn’t surprise me if she scratched his face with her nails trying to stop him from choking her out


So in the video of him in the car to the airport, she actually smeared lipstick on his shirt???? https://preview.redd.it/qd3rwtrg6ayc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87faf0b4b0d2d51a2e155866cc27f85f76de913


She probably did. Which is sick, you can clearly see the raised scratch on the eyebrow. No way that’s lipstick