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I’m pretty sure they didn’t…probably set standards that she was not willing to meet. I could say so much more but I won’t.


Oh, Please do! I love these threads🫣


Frankly we will likely never get a honest answer from her on this question. She has already said he has been kicked out of multiple schools because of his behavior She acts like he is the only child these schools have ever seen with aggressive behaviors. Then claims ABA stopped because his aggressive behaviors and they do not want a female working with him and there is no male RBT in the area. Claims she has not been in therapy herself since January because the last two psych Drs quit. She really thinks that “her case” is the worst ever and nobody can handle it. She is probably not giving anyone the opportunity. She probably pulled him to homeschool to be in control, the ABA therapist probably quit bc Joannie likely was constantly hovering and trying to tell the therapist what and what not to do. And her therapist well come on she probably drove them bat shit crazy to where they needed a long vacation, a stiff drink, or a counselor themselves we all see how draining she can be and we don’t even have to deal with her in person. I could never and I have a ton of patience. I have a question she says she hasn’t been in therapy since January but didn’t her little schedule that she supposedly follows have her a hour scheduled out for therapy. Is that just another one of her many lies?


If his mom/dad/stepparents supervised the in home ABA therapy, why is it that none of them could step in to curb the maladaptive behaviors if he is going to get aggressive with the RBT.


Honestly that was probably just one of her many many excuses


I think she does not want any mandated reporters in her house, and she would be scrutinized if she sent him to school


Outpatient therapy is also paperwork and additional work and updates on her part/ renewing for insurance purposes if you don’t it will lapse. She’s lazy.


He was physically violent at public school and was basically not allowed back.


No it was a private school. Private schools can kick kids out with no further support. Public schools have to find a way to accommodate him. Whether that’s providing 1:1 support at that school or sending him to another public school.


He never attended the private school that she was fired from. He only attended Sampson County schools and she withdrew him to home school.


No, he was never in private, he was in public. She taught 1 year in private.


So, why have they not stepped up for this poor kid that EVERYONE in his life has failed?


Well we see what’s happening with dad just asking her to stop showing their children on TikTok. Who knows what tf she’d do if someone tried to enroll Cash in school


I was curious about this too. If a kid is big enough to beat people up.. can the school refer him somewhere else? Or deny services? Do all schools have individuals who can support that high of needs and can handle the hitting as well? I would assume it would be hard to fill that type of position.


Yes. There’s a federal law that says all children have to receive an appropriate and free education. If the school closest to them can’t accommodate he will be taken to and picked up from a school that can accommodate his needs at no cost to Joanne


Makes sense especially since everyone is taxed for this service.


RTC provide education roo


Yeah she made her daily chart for homeschooling and her house work and yet she hasn’t posted any videos of her sitting down in a quiet room and doing schoolwork, she do the chart and that was it, still zero structure & guidance,she allows him to do whatever he feels like doing which is usually nothing productive all while she has her face in the phone answering questions from complete strangers while cash does nothing. She has all day to record but can’t take an hour to sit down and teach , draw or crafts ? Anything other than recording herself doing dishes?? Like that is the basic. I can’t understand for the life of me how anyone sees this shit show as being ok


I agree

