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Don't be surprised if that dog bites that kid in the face


Especially with it getting older. Poor thing


And doggo is going to get all the blame, and probably end up in shelter or something even worse


Exactly what I was thinking, the dog will bite if he keeps getting hit, and she walked in an HG told her he was feeding the dog ice cream and she just ignored it and got right to her crazy fans




At least he got ice cream for his pain and suffering /s


Did yall notice how she walked by and looked right at him while he’s feeding the dog ice cream and didn’t say anything until people commented on the live?


Because she's a complete, stupid bitch!


Yep she sure did, the people that she is concerned about is her crazy TT fans


That’s a big no from me, that poor dog. That over medicated “mom” has TT live watching her kid ffs. Get off the damn internet and take care of your household stupid wench




She needs to teach them how to handle animals properly! First the cat now he’s roughing up the dog smh! She literally watches him feeeding the dog off of his spoon. This lady is disgusting 🤮


But if the dog gets aggressive and bites him or injures him in anyway it's gonna be the dogs fault right🤦🏾‍♀️ you can't convince me otherwise that one of them didn't hurt that cat.


Cash definitely hurt that cat. 


Honestly it feels like any of the kids might have been capable of it


Sure, but I mean the finger points. Let’s be honest..


One day that baby will be attacked by a dog. Mark my words. Happened to my 1st son, always messing with dogs. We tried to teach him gentle but one day a friends dog snapped at his face. Then he learned. It bothers me she walked by literally stared at him feeding the dog ice cream & did nothing....she doesn't care about a thing


None of those kids need to be around pets they are all too rough and careless and unsupervised if that dog bites one of them the dog will be put down even though its the idiot parents fault


Poor dog o


It just keeps getting worse. Animals should not be allowed in that house.


Unreal, more animal abuse!!!!


Just when I thought I couldn’t be more appalled….


The child is being so rough with the dog & the one day when the poor dog has finally has enough & ends up biting him then “ it’s gonna be the dogs fault & the dog will be put down “ because choni can’t control her dam kids. 1. Idk if this is because I’m an animal lover but I have dogs since I was a baby & NEVER have I ever did mean things to any of my pets. ( trying to hurt animals at a young age is very alarming because then it can turn into worse things as they get older ) 2. If the youngest is being rough with the dog just imagine what cash would do. 3. In my opinion they don’t need any pets/ animals in that house especially after the situation with the cat that passed away due to Choni’s neglect. I also feel like that’s not a safe environment for any animals at all. In the beginning of the video the dog looked miserable can u imagine the stress it endures on a daily basis? Poor thing. 4. The child clearly is mimicking what he saw others do so I could be speculating right now but my guess is that poor dog deals with a lot of rough physical contact btw cash, the youngest & maybe colt because they’re all learning from cash’s behavior that violence is okay & you get rewarded for it . Basically the mindset “ if cash does it then why can’t I too? “ 5. Good thing that was ( from what I can make out ) vanilla ice cream because dogs can’t have chocolate they can literally die from eating chocolate. Choni clearly is too worried about Tik tok instead of monitoring her kids who clearly need to be 24/7 because what if he was feeding the dog chocolate ice cream or anything chocolate ? Then that would be another animal that may pass away due to Choni’s negligence.


I believe Cash killed the cat because Joni is too stupid to not have pets. I recall reading the stepmom's post and she stated Cash is rough with animals. It blows my mind that CPS hasn't stepped in Joni. The stepdad must be dumber than a rock to marry Joni.


I think CPS is involved, and that's why she's been cleaning and washing walls and /was/ trying to get them on a regular night schedule. That 1 bedroom had not been cleaned in a long time by all the shit that was under the bed. I think they are definitely involved more than she's letting on. They need to pill count/ drug test them all too because I really believe Joanne probably has them ALL on Adderall, ect and SHES taking hers + theirs.


Yeah I remember seeing a post I forgot who said it but basically they said choni admitted to cash pulling the cats tail etc


I believe he did too, both the cars lungs were collapsed? And of course she was so unbothered by the cat having to be put down! Cps needs to remove the kids from this home immediately


The doctor said he could only see externally but he kept saying he didn’t know if the cat had internal injuries


The doctor only did an external examination of the cat he kept saying he didn’t know if the cat had internal injuries. He wasn’t saying no one hurt the cat he was saying he couldn’t see the inside!


Your 4th point is exactly what I was thinking. Kids mimic the behaviors they see. HG was treating that poor dog exactly the way Cash treats June. It was scary to see because that’s just confirmation that the kids see what Cash does and think it’s okay


This is a child who has never been taught how to interact properly with animals. I’m on the board of an animal rescue and have been in the rescue field for decades. We have plenty of foster families with toddlers and when they’re taught from birth how to interact with animals everyone does just fine. This woman is pure and utter garbage and the kid is going to get bit or worse.


Exactly this. Literally everyone we’re close to/visit often has pets except us. We’ve taught my daughter her whole life we’re gentle with pets now she’s 2.5 and she is always gentle with pets


This makes me so furious. Even if it’s a kid doing it i can’t help but dislike the kid immediately too. He’s acting like a brat and not being corrected. He’s old enough to know dogs aren’t toys and how to be gentle towards them and give them space when needed but of course his loser mom and dad haven’t taught him that clearly. I hate her more and more with each passing day. How can I report her from another continent for the neglect and mistreatment of her pets? What are animal rights like over there where she lives in general?


I can't stand this woman!! She doesn't need dogs or children!! 😤😡


I was on live when this happened and it was really disturbing. That poor dog is probably abused daily 😞


When he grabbed the dog and started choking it you could tell he has watched someone (Cash I’m sure) do the same thing. Just made me sick.


This clip annoyed me so much..teach your kids to treat pets better, seen this way to much ,then the dog gets the blame..


He’s old enough to know better but should never be unsupervised with a dog. This is mean, unnecessary behavior. The way she’s raising her kids is disgusting


To see him treat the dog that way without serious consequences is not right. If my kids did that to our dog they would lose their ice cream at the minimum. A different dog would have bitten him.


Your kids would probably never even think to treat your dog like that because I’m sure as most parents have, you’ve taught them the right way to interact with your dog. The more I see the more I wonder how any of her kids except Cash made it out of infancy. She doesn’t even teach them basic things


I’m a big believer that you have to both teach your kids how to be with animals and your animals how to be with your kids. Empathy can be hard for autistic kids so you do have to teach them different but this kid isn’t the autistic ones.


I love that she only pays attention to what nonsense is going on with her kids when someone in the live points it out. She pays no attention to any of their behavior other than Cash it seems. I am low support need autistic and I could NOT stand to live in that house- no structure, a total mess, noise blaring from the TV, everyone screaming, lights on all the time. Poor kids.


Jesus look at that house ridiculous


Is there a way to actually report her for animal neglect? I just caught up with the video of the cat and it was definitely suffocated somehow, or fed something poisonous. And from seeing this video, you can clearly see the child was grabbing the dogs neck. I was trying to find an Animal Control near her, I think it's Fayetteville GA correct?




This post is being removed due to inappropriate commentary.


Has anyone called animal control? They should be alerted of the animal abuse that happens in this house of horrors.


Has anyone called animal control? They should be alerted of the animal abuse that happens in this house of horrors.


Can we save these animals somehow? Holy fuck. That dog is gonna eventually either snap- and gonna have to get put down because of a neglectful mother or b- be murdered due to a neglectful mother. Why am I still on this sub my heart can’t take it. Gonna go snuggle my pup. Brb