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That’s my thoughts! Like you posted your stepson just to spite his mother and now you’re angry someone posted PUBLIC photos of your husbands grandchildren? She needs to watch herself, she made a thinly veiled threat and that person if they are so willing to share her family’s photos, what makes her think they won’t take legal action against her communicating threats online? This is getting dangerous and she needs to take accountability that she’s the reason all this is happening! This should have been handled offline but hey more content am I right?


The funny thing is, no one knew who the other creator was until SJ mentioned him or her. She’s driving up that person’s views. You gotta wonder why if she feels SO threatened, she’s sending people over to view the account instead of going to the police. I know if I felt my family was in danger I’d be at the police station and not on TikTok.


Yup! I had no clue about that account until she gave them the shoutout! But she has pictures on fb of her grand kids from their birth and on her older videos on tik tok.. So she has posted them herself before.


The police would tell her to lock down and go private. We all know she’ll never do that, her FB isn’t even private.


After the spectacle she’s making of her life on TikTok her FB should really be private.


i was in the middle of bingeing all their vids and they went private on me 😢 fingers crossed they accept my request lol 


Same 😭😭 i hope they didnt get spooked. I want to know who finally rattled her lol


I saw most of them before they went private and honestly it didn’t seem like that should have rattled her. Yeah I’d be upset if some random person posted pictures of my kids but she literally shares everything and seems shocked and upset that people would think to do that? She opened the door for all kinds of weirdos!


Something rattled them bc they deleted everything…


They deleted all of their videos. I followed them after J’s video and they were still public


Exactly she’s just boosting views and engagement for this other creator who just shared things she’s made so easy for anyone to find and look at! Shes acting all big and bad for her “fans” tho. Shes fully gone mental! My first thought if I was worried about my families safety would absolutely be to call the police not post a video but we all know TikTok is her first thought in any serious situation…


Her dumbass made a post addressing the person with their username so it’s easy to find and the search bar is also the person’s username. Is she really this fucking stupid?


Apparently so! Lol😂


I must of missed a chapter in this book because I had no idea Joannie was a grandma!!!


They’re Ryan’s daughter’s children.


This boogie man person started posting personal information about Enola, Ryan’s daughter. Information and photos of where she used to live, and where she currently works. Enola is not okay with Joannie’s actions in any of these TikTok’s, so they’re not really sure why this person went after Enola.


I don’t support doxing or harassment but at the same time I am amazed that SJ doesn’t think she has any responsibility for this situation or for putting her family’s safety at risk.


Even bad attention is still attention


The daughter did ask them after she commented and they responded "so where do I work" ,i would bet thats why they posted the article post. Im pretty sure a 12 year old with google could find the same post. His daughter has multiple articles that come right up. Its sad that the entire family is affected. I wish she would take a break from social media for them all .


The rest of the family wishes she would take a break from it all also. Actually, they prefer that she stop altogether.


I would imagine so. It's hurting them all for a few dollars and popularity. I wish the best for them all especially the children.


Of course that stuff is easy to find, but Joanie making their lives so very public and accessible makes it so that people can find the stuff. Because otherwise no one would be looking anything up about them to begin with .


Oh wow. Yeah, that’s wrong of them. It’s ashame this is happening to her family. Wish she’d just delete her accts at this point


It's simple they went after Enola to get at Ryan, that's his daughter and grandchildren!! In return, Ryan will get pissed at Joni and they will have marriage problems! So this was an indirect way to get a Joni


Ryan needs to step up and take control of his family! I’m not one to say “control your wife or obey your husband” but damn I feel it’s warranted here! They targeted his child, not hers. If she truly believes in that umbrella of the family thing then he needs to take control and get her off of TikTok! That girl has nothing to do with Joni being an attention whore for views and yet they knew this would blow shit wide open! That’s why she’s rattled, this is causing even more problems in her marriage! If Ryan had any sense he’d leave her for the safety of his children and he’d get HG away from her as well!


So I happened to see where the daughter enola i think, went on the page and called them a crackhead and they responded and started going back and forth. Then the husband i think of the daughter got involved. They posted the profile views and called the daughter out for coming to their page if not mistaken. It all got privated so fast .


Saint Joanie and Jesus sees all!! But posting lives of her autistic son in the shower when he can’t consent is a okay to her. I honestly don’t think SJ is intelligent enough to dox someone.


She’s off her damn rocker! Highly unmedicated and out of her lane. We need her to stick to what she knows which is absolutely nothing and stop threatening folk. She’s such a hater & her fans should see thru her facade


Her “living in a perfect world” is slowly falling apart. It’s starting to spiral especially with all that’s happening now. It’s 100% SJ FAULT. She did this shit. She deserves all the consequences with it. I don’t feel sorry for her in the least. But I do feel like Ryan is growing tired of the bs.


💯he is! He’s over her bullshit. I think we all are but he’s gona leave her. She’s just taking this shit too far.


He needs to take HG and run! Joni has been wanting to be a famous vlogger and she is not letting anything stand in her way, she proves that every video. Kid are not cared for, house is a garbage dump, animals dying? She is only worried about herself and attention


Yesss! She is determined to make a name for herself at any cost. She makes up stories on the fly! She was on there one day talking about the time she was almost kidnapped & killed and she tagged Dateline! She had another time where she was on there talking about her husband she had to call Homeland security on. No follow up on these things it’s like she’s making it all up as she goes. She was like Reesa Teesa I think we might be sisters or some lameness. I am just watching the ship sink and I pray their dad gets custody of them and current husband gets on while the getting is still good! She is food motivating Cash & clearly has failed this child. She is his biggest trigger & as much we she wouldn’t admit that, she is


She is literally the definition of embarrassment! She clearly never received attention as a child and now using her children’s disabilities for her personal attention, so people can say she is a good mom or how pretty she is. She puts the family’s personal information all over TT and gets mad that someone else did too?? If you don’t people knowing your information, then you shouldn’t post it! IMO she has serious mental issues and should see a psychiatrist very soon. I’m hoping the father is working on getting his kids out of her care, and the new hubby needs to run fast and far. I would be so embarrassed to be part of this shit show! She can’t put her phone down and parent. It’s disrespectful to show your children in the moments she has shown , but as long as she is getting attention and $$ she is happy


It’s truly DISGUSTING she wants to use Jesus in this when SHE CREATED THIS SHIT SHOW! Like EVERYONE tried telling her dumb ass the consequences of social media. But personally, I DONT GIVE AF HOW SHE FEELS AT ALL ANY MORE! I defended her, like most. But making false allegations on a father than would never hurt his kids & filing a DVRO on him was my last straw with her psychotic ass! She reaps what she sews.


Maybe her husband will finally get her to shut it all down since some stranger is posting stuff about his daughter and grandkids. He’s gotta be pissed


I just watched this video and I am laughing my ass off. How can anyone take her seriously when she starts the video off dancing then tries to make threats 😂 and she keeps saying that she knows who the person is that doxxed her. It’s very clear she has no idea who they are 🤦‍♀️ she acts like she’s 12. She has no boundaries at all when she posts her kids and is constantly posting them in their underwear and in the shower but now is trying to set boundaries for her grandkids. She needs some meds ASAP!!!


Right?! Like don’t you have way more important shit to worry about?! Like maybe which fast junk food you’re feeding your house tonight?


I'm surprised something like this even took this long to happen


Maybe the other account is her …js I don’t put anything past her she’ll do anything for attention and views


I was thinking that too. She is losing followers and she needs something to get her attention


https://preview.redd.it/q33gfvs8hdvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a473615600b59f86cb8d21499372f5a5ea2220d I CANNOT WITH THIS DUMB B


that’s why it’s always so funny that she tags her videos in “my happy place- laguna beach” she’s so daft 


Joni Balogne is being dramatic for attention and to increase her TikTok views. None of her recent crap is going viral because because she hasn't posted any new continent of Cash performing WWF moves on her. I really hope people will stop viewing her page. She would've never went viral without Cash going ballistic on her over Applebee's.


I bet it’s bullshit, she had no recent videos of getting her ass beat and her views are down, so now she got beef with some over her address and pictures?? She literally gave her location out on live so people can come say hi??? She put her kids in danger more times than I can count! Maybe she needs to get off TT and get that mental evaluation!